All glory goes to hummergrey! More about her next chapter! Read her stories too!

Orn= one day for them (but our equivalent of 13 days) (they live for hundreds of thousands of years so there concept of time is different)

Astrosecond = half an earth second (their equivalent of a second)

[Centuries ago on a temporary Autobot base in the galaxy...]

-Elita's POV-

With one last kiss, Optimus rolled off of me and closed his chassis plates along with mine. I nuzzled my head against his chassis feeling the frantic pulsing of his spark, mine even faster as a result of our spark merge. Tonight was intense and passionate, more than usual which surprised both of us, but the after effect of our love was...bliss.

I love him with all my spark. We've been sparkmates for almost a vorn, and would be celebrating our first vorn anniversary soon, and this night had erased any and all boundaries in our intimacy. I looked up to see his proud smile knowing that both of us were immensely pleasured. Slowly kissing any part of him accessible to me, I focused on sending strong signals of my love through our spark bond.

"Do you have to go to Dengier Four?" I mock-whined. We embraced even closer in our tent.

He pecked me again, "Yes. I'm sorry, but it will only be a few orns. And then I can spend time with you for a while during the transport to the next Decepticon base."

"I hate when you leave," whispering, I clutched onto his arm armor as if that could keep him here forever.

"And I don't enjoy being away from you either, my love, but I am still Prime," he brushed his lips against my digits, "Believe me, if I weren't the last Prime, I'd give up all this chaos to be with you everyday, all the time. Go back to being a bridge welder and expand our family," he continued sliding his digits within my chassis plates to feel the warmth of my spark.

"One day," I murmured, "But tonight..." I continued suggestively.

Catching the change in my tone, he shifted his weight over me once more and pressed his lips to mine.

I watched Chromia and Ironhide embrace before he loaded aboard the transport. Many other couple were also saying their farewells before the troops went on the scouting mission on Dengier Four.

After Optimus and the other left, I began to toy with some battle plans I would brief the rest of my femme army on later. I was still the Femme Commander after all. I stretched, noticing one of my abdomen cables was not strung properly. I called over the CMO, Ratchet, who had hung back from this recent endeavor.

"Sure," he agreed when I told him of my discomfort. His digits turned into tiny tools as he repaired the loose connection. Also tightening some others, he suddenly stopped. "Elita, would you please open your chassis plates for me?"

I jolted, shocked by his unexpected proposal.

He rolled his optics, "No, no, not like that. I just wanted to check your spark,"

"Is everything okay?"

"Yes, just something showed up on my readings,"

I was embarrassed at first to expose myself out in the open until I noticed that it was 90% femmes here as of now and the remaining mechs were either in recharge or a medic.

A moment later, he stepped back and grinned, "Elita," he began, "You're expecting a sparkling."

I felt as if everything around me had paused. My database computed very slowly until the words gained meaning. A warmth flooded through my systems and I couldn't help but hug Ratchet. Like a youngling (and very unlike a Femme Commander) I sprang up and down in excitement. Though Optimus 's signal was very dim now, I sent a flood of love through it, hoping he'd notice.

"Would you like for me to tell Optimus?" Ratchet asked,

"No, I want it to be a surprise! And Ratchet, will you be my transferring medic for when it's time?"

He nodded then giving him a peck on the cheek plate, left.

I strode away to my private tent and looked inside my chassis, still almost unbelieving it. Sure enough though, in my recently barren sparkling chamber, a very tiny and faint spark held residence there. I had never thought that my chamber would ever hold a small little life inside of it, but now it did. Learning something was in there made my chassis feeling like it held an extra thousand pounds, but I would happily carry the weight of my lover's child.

My happiness subsided for half an astrosecond when I remembered that Optimus and I were both commanders in the heat of a war and that we had thought about sparklings for after the battles had ended, but I suppose that somethings can't be planned.

I registered Chromia, my closest friend, passing by. I invited her in because since this was a new temp-base, she hadn't come in yet.

"Ah, so here's the new place of business," she teased pervertedly as she jumped onto my berth. "Hm, this berth still feels limber. Ironhide and I have already gone through two berths, I'm getting a new one for when they comes back...industrial strength this time."

"How did you possibly break two? We've been here about five orns!"

"The first one way his fault! He..." she giggled and relaxed her pose as she remembered, "Well, you probably don't want to know in detail... so never mind, just know that it was his fault. The second one was me, I forgot to turn off my cannons. When I overloaded: Whoopsie,"

Elita shook her head sadly, "Anyways, I have a little announcement, but you can't tell anyone! As of now, not even Ironhide!"

Chromia leaned forward, "Yeeeah?"

"I'm with a sparkling!" I blurted.

Almost shattering my sound receptors with her excited squeal, she gave me friendly pecks on the cheek plates and congratulations. "When are you due for transfer?"

I calculated the time. The sparkling must have formed last night, so... "Half an orn after they come back! It's so soon! Only three orns from now! I can't wait to tell Optimus!"

One orn passed as I began to become restless for my mech to come home. He had contacted me, but the connection cut short before I could muster the courage to tell him over the link.

Chromia left me for a while to contact Ironhide privately, but in my loneliness, I began to think. I was starting to feel my little sparkling next to my spark. I could feel its pulses out of time with mine. Some of the pulses would skip, then pick up. Hundreds of possibilities taking place. Was it alright? Was there something wrong with me? Was I giving it enough energy for it to live?

I almost sprinted to Ratchet and had him check the sparkling twice.

"It's fine, do you want to know the gender?"

"Good, and no. What's with it's pulses?"

"Nothing. It's a developing spark, sometimes they have unnatural beats. It's normal, don't worry."

A loud giggle echoed in the temp-med bay as Chromia laughed in the next door room. The CMO grunted, "Hm, by the way Ironhide has been talking to Chromia lately, I'd bet that they'd be the next to create a sparkling," he gasped, "I almost forgot, I've made a shell for the sparkling, would you like to see it?"

I nearly said yes, but then I remembered that it would reveal the gender of the sparkling, "No."

"Oo, my sexy-mech, I can't wait for you to come back. I just want to see your big,-," Chromia purred.

I slammed the wall with my fist the same time as Ratchet, "Hey! I don't want to hear this!"

"I was going to say 'your big smile'!" she laughed. "Bye baby, I love you too," she said, closing her connection with Hide. The blue femme followed me outside, "He said that everyone is fine. Optimus can't wait to see you again. He's entirely excited to see you now, can't wait to see his reaction when you tell him about the spa-" she cut short. Her optics unfocused. There was a faint clicking as one of her weapons targeting systems popped up.

"Chromia! What's wr-"


An explosion rocked us both backwards, Chromia began to fire instantly at the far off Decepticons ambushing the base. I sent a distress signal to my Femme troop. They sprang from their tents and the real clash began. I brought out my largest rifle and shot the green mech coming towards me easily in the chest, he only to be offlined an astrosecond later by Chromia next to me. There were not many, but it was easy to understand that this was an elite force as two of my femmes were offlined by the hand of one larger mech.

Unsubspacing two swords, I slashed the arms off one and kicked his legs out from under him. I ran back as with a final attempt, he shot at me, scraping my armor. Chromia and I became distanced.

"Elita! No!" Chromia yelled. Her optics unfocused again, far, very far in the mountains. She lunged at me-

But it was too late. Before she even was able to get herself off the ground, a giant plasma capsule, literally white hot, blasted my chassis armor and flew out my back, another lodged into my arm, but was almost forgotten.


I screamed in agony. Every instant of those two astroseconds of the weapon fire hitting me replayed over and over: the bullet pierced my front armor, then something shattered behind my chassis plate, my spark felt inflamed as connections broke free and finally the capsule left my body, but left a slag load of damage. My last clear register was my energon spraying out of the back of my body. Warning signals clouded my vision though I was entirely aware of the fact. Sensors on my left side were all on fire, the right side, ice cold.

Chromia somehow guided my fall, but by then I totally blacked out. I laid in a pool of my own energon while my body convulsed. Fuzzy sounds reached me.

"MEDIC!" Chromia screamed. What felt like an eternity later, Ratchet worked his tools through my body. Through slow blinks, I saw more medics crowding around me. Why were there so many? I strained to open my optics wider to see, Chromia had a truly horrifying expression for the beholder. Someone was going to offline soon. Ratchet's was...scary. I had never seen a mech so fallen into hopelessness and...

My sparkling.

I screeched trying to get to my sparkling chamber, but other hands held me down. I thrashed until something sharp pierced my side. My body went numb and I could hear their words better.

"-spark spires-"

"Pit faced, slagger! - fragged - aft! Fragging -'Con! -lita!" Chromia swore to no one in particular.

It was silent for a moment until I heard the words I'd never forget:

"The sparkling is lost,"

In my frenzy, I send a burst of energy at Optimus and he somehow answered from all the distance away, ::Elita! What's wrong!:: Optimus

Either the medication or my despair offlined me.