![]() Author has written 17 stories for Harry Potter, Transformers/Beast Wars, Transformers, Kingdom Hearts, One Piece, Detective Conan/Case Closed, How to Train Your Dragon, Prince of Tennis, and Naruto. I do not own Harry Potter or Prince of Tennis. These wonderful creations are solely the property of their imaginative authors. I do not own Transformers either. Hasbro does and they don't like sharing. In light of a PM that I received recently I felt it prudent to post this: WARNING! Any and all stories written and submitted by this author may contain the element of romance. Whether this romance is of the heterosexual or homosexual variety remains entirely up to the characters themselves as the author firmly believes herself to be an equal opportunity writer. At this time the author feels it prudent to warn that she will make no further apologies or warnings for following the whims of her characters as they draw her attention to the plot bunnies currently munching on their hair. With that said, she also requests that before complaints are submitted in regards to any and all pairings that may appear in the future that all potential complainees (is this a word? Oh well, it is one now) refer to this WARNING! first. In conclusion, the author also feels that a stricter warning is not necessary as she will never post smut. The author still blushes while reading what others have written and is of the most firm opinion that she would likely faint (or be the first person in the world to die of a nosebleed) while in the attempt to create said writing. Thank you for your time! This has been an announcement sponsored by the Equal Opportunity Plot Bunnies or the EOPB. Reasons why I haven't updated: Reason 1: I really, really meant to but I was kidnapped (okay, so I went with them willingly) by aliens and was away from any form of internet access. Reason 2: I found that sleep was far better for my health. Not to mention my hearing after my brother found out why I was only getting three hours of sleep a night. Reason 3: Would you believe me if I told you my little brother ate the newest chapter? Reason 4: My brain was being held hostage by space barnacles. Reason 5: I had uncooperative characters who were finally threatened into obedience... The beatings will continue until morale improves... (For some reason my mother insists that the reason isn't complete without that little quote from her sticker hanging over her desk at work.) Reason 6: In the interests of world peace I was given a court order to maintain a distance of at least five feet from my computer. Reason 7: I'll let you know as soon as I find an excuse that you might actually believe. Reason 8: Please don't hurt me! I was in hiding from the plot bunnies! They were threatening to take over my brain. Reason 9: I was busy making appointments with the vets for my plot bunnies. I have enough trouble without them spawning. Reason 10: My brain was eaten by zombie plot-bunnies. Reason 11: (Work In Progress) 13 February 2011 So I really can't say thank you enough for everyone being so patient with me getting my act together. I'm doing a lot more writing than I was before but I want to get a bit more done before I try tackling Experiences again. There's a few (annoying) plot holes that I need to plug and I think I need a bit more work with writing before I can get to work on those. But hopefully it won't be too much longer. -Ithilas "Writing gives you the illusion of control, and then you realize it's just an illusion, that people are going to bring their own stuff into it." - David Sedaris |