Author has written 63 stories for Sherlock Holmes, Real Adventures of Jonny Quest, Sherlock Holmes, Back to the Future, Alice in Wonderland, Sleepy Hollow, Ironman, Labyrinth, Sherlock, Classic Jonny Quest, Merlin, Phineas and Ferb, Andy Griffith Show, White Collar, Adventures of Tintin, Supernatural, Star Trek: 2009, StarTrek: The Original Series, Dresden Files, and Doctor Who. Rin Hey, guys! I've finally managed to focus on my original work. I just wanted you all to know, so you'll know why you might not be getting as many updates from me from now on. All the characters from my favorite books/movies/shows are still a piece of my heart--and all the readers of my fics are too. Thank you so much for all your advice and encouragement so far! About me: I always like knowing a little about a writer I like, so here you go...the nerdy details about me, for anyone who might want to know. My name is Rin. My favorite characters are the Doctor (Doctor Who), McCoy from Star Trek (I'm in love), and Merlin from the BBC show; my favorite shows are Doctor Who, Merlin, Supernatural, and a black-and-white version of Sherlock Holmes from the 1950s that nobody's ever heard of; my favorite movies are The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, The Greatest Showman, and The Scarlet Pimpernel (I can't decide between the one with Anthony Andrews or the one with Leslie Howard, so I just say both); and my favorite books are anything Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, The Little Paris Bookshop by Nina George, and Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell by Susanna Clarke. My favorite fanfiction-related thing to write is Merlin, and sometimes I still write for it or other fandoms if I get stuck in my current original work and need some inspiration. For my regular readers-- Seasons one through four: After season four: Season five and beyond: Sometime soon after The Kindness of Strangers (5x10), Morgana and Mordred unite. Soon after this, Aithusa also joins them. Five to ten years after Merlin’s magic was revealed, Arthur made him official court sorcerer and advisor. (While his status changed, though, he still did some of the work for Arthur he actually enjoyed, like speech writing and that he had his magic to help. He just left the bulk of the work to a new manservant.) When Gaius died, he also became court physician. Twenty or so years after Arthur’s coronation, Camlann occurred. (He was in his forties; Merlin was as well, but due to the ageing spell he used so that no one but Arthur and Gwen would know about his immortality, he looked about eighty.) Like in the show, due to Merlin's immortality, he lives on until the story picks up in The Voice in the Dream. (See story list below.) Hope that helps! Tumblr: WANDERING STARS (my main personal blog) SUNDORWINE (Merlin blog) SEVENTEEN STAIRS (Sherlock Holmes blog) FREE WILL, ROCK SALT, PIE (Supernatural blog) |
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