Reviews for Through Golden Eyes
CyberQueen1826 chapter 4 . 9/1
Ghaaaaaaaaah! Why couldn't the real reveal be like this.
CyberQueen1826 chapter 3 . 9/1
Wow, absolutely amazing.
I was reading this chapter and thought: If this was a Merlin tribute video on YouTube it would be the best thing since this show aired. I could hear music with it; such as 'Your Guardian Angel' by The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, and 'Homecoming' by Two Steps from Hell.

Also, you captured their relationship perfectly. The type of pure and devoted relationship that makes us fans say: Heterosexual my ass! :D
Guest chapter 6 . 4/6
Oh my gosh that was amazing! You are a magnificent author!
Guest chapter 6 . 7/7/2019
How dare you make me cry... I don’t think I’ve read a fic where Merlin dies first in age. I always expected him to live longer and this certainly shocked me to tears! And I don’t appreciate my heart breaking! jk I loved this very much! But honestly dying of old age (when characters are originally young) is something that always gets me. Like I’m afraid of that! And this made me so sad! It’s also whenever they’re death is peaceful, like this one... that always gets me too... thank you! This was beautiful! XXX
bb chapter 6 . 4/7/2019
that was the best fic i ever read so pure i cant
vv chapter 1 . 4/7/2019
omg Arthur you asshole fucking prick HE SAVED YOU FROM EVERY SINGLE ATTACK BITCH ugh i hate arthur being a dick about merlin being the reason all the things happen to Camelot like it doesnt even make sense illogicAL dick
LaughUrHeartOut chapter 2 . 2/19/2019
I like the touch you added with the (1) AU. Nice.
LaughUrHeartOut chapter 1 . 2/19/2019
Guest chapter 6 . 10/9/2018
The epilogue was beautiful but agonizing to read. But that's personal. I dislike thinking about aging and mortality that comes with being old. w great job
tremaCEE chapter 6 . 4/22/2018
This is a beautiful, captivating story. I have never seen Merlin & Arthur's friendship depicted in such an intense manner. The revelation, the understanding, the acceptance...everything was well written.

By the way, what happened to Morgana? Did Arthur find out about her? Did she die? Did she run away? I guess we may or may not know.
XYZArtemis chapter 6 . 12/22/2017
So sad! But so well done, too! Lovely story :)
YokaiAngel chapter 6 . 12/3/2017
Childofthefandom chapter 6 . 11/12/2017
There are no words to express how utterly beautiful and enchanting this story is. You have somehow woven together words in a way that is breathtaking and stunning, forming a story that is as great as a professionals would have been. Your dedication to your readers is quite obvious, and very admirable. The way you have painstakingly researched information down to the last trivial piece is incredibly good of you, and something that most other writers deem unimportant. I am sure you can tell that I have greatly enjoyed this magnificent story, as anybody with some semblance of a brain would, and I am very thankful to have stumbled upon it, as it has been a while since I have read such a fine piece of literature. Thank you for taking the time out of your day to write such a beautiful piece without the motivation of profit, as many writers would not do the same. I absolutely adore your writing style, as it is incredibly beautiful, and quite unique, as I have never seen another quite like it. I do hope that you one day plan to become a writer, as your talent is incredible, and I would very much enjoy having a chance to read an original work of yours. However, if you don’t plan on becoming one, I completely understand, as I know all too well that sometimes, our greatest passions must not become our profession, as we would only lose our love for it. I am the same way, as to become a professional musician would only cause my greatest love to become despised by myself, as it would only ever be a source of anxiety and panic attacks with every audition and performance. Thank you for putting your writing out for the world to see, and for being brave enough to bare your soul to the world with this stunning creation, as I know how cruel people can be, and while I hope that nobody has been envious enough of your writing to insult it, I am well aware that with writing as good as yours, it is likely that some would be jealous. Please don’t pay them any mind, for they are only bitter that it is you who has been granted such a beautiful gift and not them. Believe me when I say this: your writing is something that cannot be described by mere words. It is a rare and beautiful style that you have developed, and if you do choose to become a writer, there is no doubt in my mind that you will be wildly successful, likely one of the greatest of our time. In the meantime, I can only hope that would continue to write more stories, whether they are original pieces or fanfiction, as I would absolutely love to read them.

Crystalzap chapter 6 . 10/20/2017
interesting take on the Crystal Caves ep :)
Larien Jenova chapter 6 . 10/10/2017
This was absolutely amazing.
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