Author has written 60 stories for Yami no Matsuei, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, Sherlock Holmes, Sherlock Holmes, Inception, A-Team, and Great Mouse Detective. Profile updated January 2nd, 2012 , with forays back to Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang. Of the others, Yami no Matsuei is the only fandom I will definitely not go back to. I write most genres/categories, but the characterizations and pairings are almost entirely strong male friendships ("bromance," you might say if, unlike me, you like that word) to borderline slash to outright slash. Information for all readers: I'm afraid I'm not up to much writing these days, but the new Sherlock Holmes movie, with all its Moriarty goodness, has rekindled some writing drive (never lost inspiration, only motivation). Please do not consider any WIPs to be abandoned, despite their long hiatus. I won't apologize for being a selfish, lazy cow who writes what she wants, when she wants, but I will say sorry for any disappointment said personality defect may have caused. Please [continue] to read, and, if it suits you, review my stories. |