Undeniably Unbelievable
By Kiamii
Note: Because I bet over half of my readers figured out by now that I'm a total DC/CC fan! I've followed it for five-six years so far and I still love it. Hope the title kept you amused.
Chapter One "Adoption"
There was always something peculiar about the world of mysteries... Some just happen to discover the answer in a literal sense. At the home of Satou Miwako was one such person. The neighborhood was quite nice and relaxing, a place where a few kids ran their bikes down the street. The house itself was beautiful and petite. There were three bedrooms and two bathrooms even though Miwako lived alone... Or did anyways... But that's besides the point. Satou Miwako was a woman in her mid-twenties with short brown hair and medium blue (almost purple like) eyes. She was an energetic tomboy and was currently in charge of one special guest.
One Edogawa Conan. Or more importantly... Kudo Shinichi.
The story was actually simple, yet complex. Miwako had no idea that by helping out with the police officers in Tropical land, she'd find someone who would no doubtedly change her entire life. She had gone to investigate what the loud thunk was and had found, to her immense surprise, an stirring 6-year-old little boy. He was drug down in adult clothing and she could do nothing but kneel down. When the boy had looked at her with wide eyes, she offered a warm smile.
"Hello there. Don't be scared, I'm Officer Miwako. Do you know what happened to yourself?" Miwako asked.
"I... got hit..." The boy said and he suddenly paled and looked down at his arms and legs. Miwako eyed him curiously and dazedly as he grew even more whiter. He started freaking out and Miwako felt a little helpless.
"What's going on!? I'm TINY!" The boy screamed. Miwako looked at him blankly, utterly lost. Weren't all six-year-olds that small? Mind you... This kid was probably smaller than most of them. Maybe he was five? No...
"Can you tell me your name?" She asked politely.
"I'm Kudo Shinichi..." He said and she stared at him. Wasn't that the name of the teenage boy who solved all those cases? But this was a little kid.
"What do you remember?" She inquired sharply. It seemed Shinichi was too dazed for he automatically answered before thinking.
"I remember spying on these two guys in black when one hit me on the head and... he... slipped a drug into my mouth!!" The boy tried to stand up but ended up falling. Miwako placed her hands on his shoulder.
"So you're saying this drug shrunk you?" She asked incredulously, yet she believed it. It all sounded so sureal but the kid's loss of childish emotions and familiar face (even though it was younger) gave her proof smack dab in the face...
Miwako sighed as she sipped her cup of coffee. After that seemed like forever ago when it was actually last night. She had taken Shinichi back to her house on a spur of the moment and found herself quizzing the boy about everything. He was able to deduce nearly everything about her, which totally gave her more solid proof. She then had a half-cooked idea that he should stay with her until they could uncover this organization or whoever those two guys were. Of course, last night she set Shinichi up in her biggest guestroom and they modified it a bit after gathering what they could at the moment from the Kudo residence. Miwako was sincerely impressed by the sheer amount of books there and had helped Shinichi gather up some of his belongings.
"I don't think we should keep your real identity known. Maybe a disguise," She remembered saying. They had then thought it over before deciding on the name Satou Conan, son of Satou Miwako. Even more in depth with the cover story was since Miwako had no other relatives, she could pass him off as her son without anyone noticing. She luckily hadn't joined the Police Force until four years ago either. Therefore Miwako willingly made up an explanation for Conan saying how she had been drugged one night and woke up in a bed the next. She then gave birth to Conan and for his own protection, sent him off to live with some friends. Conan was now returned to her because he was now old enough to. Conan found the history impressive and Miwako was pleased with herself. Now to remember it... So that was that and now Miwako completely forgot that she had work today. So far she was ready and debating what to do with Conan.
"I can stay here you know, Satou-san." Conan pointed out as he sipped his milk.
"No... That's way too bizarre to see a 6-year-old home alone even if you are mentally 17. And please... call me Miwako-san in private... Mom in public I guess." Miwako felt so out of it when she said mom. Conan blushed and she did too. Glad to know she wasn't the only one.
"Maybe I could go with you then?" Conan asked. Miwako thought about it and nodded thoughtfully.
"I've seen plenty of officers bring in a kid or two. Besides, I need to grab a birth certificate today. While I'm at it, it's a good thing I have a lot of money from my parents and work. We're going shopping after work."
"I can pay you know," Conan protested. Miwako smiled at the little boy.
"You are now my adopted son, so it would feel right to pay for you. If you want anything extra, you can use your money from your real parents then. Alright?"
"Good, now its a good thing we brought some of your old kid clothes here for now. Go get dressed." Miwako laughed as she spotted Conan still in the red plaid pajamas. As Conan did so, she smiled to herself. Maybe taking care of a kid (a scarily intelligent mentally 17-year-old one) wouldn't be so bad...
Miwako took hold of Conan's hand as they walked into headquarters. She walked to the elevator and luckily no one was inside. She pressed her level and let go of Conan's hand. Conan leaned against the wall and was looking at her impassively.
"Thanks for all this Miwako-san... er... Mom." Conan mumbled with a blush upon his cheeks. He reacted in surprise as Miwako picked him up and seated him on her hip. She winked at him and Conan blinked at her.
"I have a few people that I feel I should shock. So just play the shy little boy, `kay?" Miwako said and Conan nodded. The door opened and Miwako stepped out with Conan's arms wound around her neck. She smiled at him which was returned before she walked to her office. In the process, many officers stared open-mouth at her.
"Good morning Sa- Who is this!?" Takagi stammered and this seemed to be on everyone's mind. Miwako's smile widened even more so and she rustled Conan a little as she looked at the 6-year-old (in appearance at least) who turned slightly red in the cheeks.
"This is my son, Satou Conan!" Miwako introduced and Conan realized she was enjoying this chance to gloat. Earlier last night as Miwako propose her idea, she secretly told Conan she couldn't have kids, so she seemed to be happy about her ideal arrangement and Conan was grateful for what she was doing. Also, by living with Miwako he was able to research via the fact that she was a cop. She also knew his secret and though she told him she'd treat him like a normal 6-year-old most of the time, she would talk to him privately like he was 17 still. She called him Shinichi privately as well. Right now, Takagi looked like he was about to have a heart attack.
"S-Son!?" He asked. Miwako nodded and set Conan down on his feet. Conan, taking the role she told him to, grabbed onto the hem of her skirt and hid behind her legs like he had once seen a little boy do in front of him at a case. Takagi looked at Conan for a moment and knelt down. Conan could see the man was both extremely anxious and amazed.
"Hi there. I'm Wataru Takagi. How old are you Conan?" He inquired politely and Conan looked at him before looking up at Miwako who winked.
"I'm six!" Conan said with an innocent blink. Takagi looked at Conan in shock before smiling gently at Conan and standing back up. Considering Miwako was in her twenties and had been in the police force when she was twenty two, that meant that she was sixteen when she had conan. Wow...
"So where's his father?" Takagi asked.
"Who knows," Miwako said with a shrug, "I don't remember that night at all, but I woke up to find months later, myself giving birth to Conan. I sent him to my friends to live with and just last night he decided he wanted to come live with me." Takagi looked relieved to know that Miwako hadn't suddenly turned out to be married. He smiled at her and she smiled back before excusing herself. As they left Takagi's presence, Miwako whispered a good job to Conan who smiled back. Miwako was naturally a likable woman and he had a feeling he wouldn't mind being her 'son' as much as he thought he might have been. That thought was halted as they came across a female officer with a chipper face staring at Conan with wonder.
"Miwako!! You never told me you had a little boy!? Whose the daddy?" Shizukusa Yumi squealed as she knelt down and wound her arms around Conan, effectively squishing him. Miwako tried to get her to stop, but she was so into her squealing about Conan being cute that she didn't hear a word she said until she was done. She picked up Conan and continued smiling at the blushing boy before turning to Miwako who sighed.
"Jeez," She said with an irritated frown, "You almost suffocated him, Yumi. Yes he is my son. His name is Satou Conan and unfortunately, or fortunately, I don't know who his father is seeing as how my drink had been spiked that night years ago." She said. Everything was a lie. She hoped she could pull this off...
"Awah! He looks like that one man... The guy who writes those famous mystery novels. Kudo Yusaku! Could it have been him!?" Yumi asked as she finally put the bright-red faced Conan down. Conan, instinctively already, grabbed Miwako's hand and Miwako smiled at Conan.
"Stupid! Of course that can't be him no matter the similarity between the looks. Kudo Yusaku is married, has a 17-year-old son, and is way too old." Miwako scolded and Yumi grinned sheepishly before looking back down at Conan.
"Hey Hey, how old are you Conan-kun?" She asked with a smile.
"Six..." Conan said with his still red face. Yumi looked at Miwako with a stunned expression.
"You've had a kid that long and you NEVER told me!? I'm hurt Miwako!!" She cried aloud and Miwako huffed her annoyance.
"I was trying to keep him safe, Yumi." Miwako told her and Yumi pouted before bidding them goodbye.
"She's... really hyper." Conan said, a little off balance after that meeting. Miwako laughed and pulled him to her office where she picked him up and sat him on her lap as she began to start her paperwork and secretly filling in a birth certificate she had managed to get ahold of this morning on the way there. Conan gave her his real birthday and helped her fill in the two guardians who had been taking care of him which were his birth parents. Miwako sternly whispered that she would be needing to tell them about all this and he agreed. She soon finished and told Conan to stay there while she ran to file it away in the documents section. Who knew she'd find herself doing this sort of thing!? Miwako sighed...
Ninzaburo Shiratori was in a very apprehensive mood. Earlier he was perfectly fine but had found Takagi surrounded by a lot of their co-workers all asking something about Miwako. Takagi's voice was muffled slightly and Shirtatori only heard the word "son" before he walked off to her office. As he entered the area where she took up, he found a 6-year-old little boy sitting in her chair with one of Miwako's binders in his hand, looking through it. Shiratori stared at the kid before taking it from the kid quickly. Why on earth was a little kid reading a police file on a criminal!?
"What are you doing here kid?" He asked irritated. Who was this boy and why was he here? The boy gave him an odd look before he took a breath and suddenly smiled at him.
"I'm here with my mom! Who are you?" Conan said with a childish voice that it took Shiratori by surprise. Mom? Could it be...?
"I'm Ninzaburo Shiratori. And you are?" He said with a quirked eyebrow.
"Satou Conan." The boy introduced and Shiratori was stunned into silence. Satou...? Wasn't that -
"Oh hello Shiratori-kun. What are you doing over here?" Miwako's voice entered the area and Shiratori turned around to face the girl he crushed on. He tinged pink in the cheeks.
"Hi mom! This man was just saying hi." Conan said with an innocent look. Miwako walked over to Conan and easily picked him up.
"As I was returning a few papers I ran into a friend and superior of mine. So Inspector Megure wants to meet you, which means we're going to lunch. Does that sound alright with you Conan?" Miwako asked her son. Conan put on a happy look and cheered. Shiratori was dumbfounded.
"So this is your son?" He asked.
"Yeah," she nodded, "He recently returned under my care last night. I have to go. I'll see you in a bit, Shiratori-Kun..."
"A-Alright..." The baffled man said as she carried her son out of the room. What just happened?
"So what was Officer Shiratori doing over there anyways?" Miwako asked Conan who dropped the childish act and simply leaned against her a little in her arms.
"I got curious," Conan admitted, "and was looking through one of the police files. He saw me."
"Jeez, you need to work on the kid act when it comes to keeping yourself entertained. Other than that, you certainly know how to pull on the little boy charms." Miwako teased. Conan's cheeks turned bright red and he glared a little at his new mother.
"Relax Shinichi," Miwako whispered, "I think you were pretty good."
"My real mom is an actor..." Conan mumbled. Miwako nodded in understanding and continued to carry him to the restaurant she agreed to meet Inspector Megure. Conan wondered how this would take place. He knew Megure as Shinichi... This ought to be interesting.
Author's Note: I don't know everything about Satou and her life. I only know Matsuda died, her father was killed, and she is a tomboy. So I modified her history to my own advantage year wise and other things. So love it? Hate it? I know Conan isn't exactly a child so I'm toning it down to the best of my abilities. No one had ever done a Satou one. I might do another character whenever. Detective Conan was the base for all my stories except for a select few. Ring Child was my original merge so no Detective Conan in that one. Awah. Don't kill me!
EDITED: I had the wrong info. So her first name was Miwako this whole time!? I feel stupid. Well I'll get started on Chapter Two right away as a sign of apology. Hopefully it's all fixed.