Author has written 14 stories for Pokémon, Lilo & Stitch, Stargate: SG-1, Stargate: Atlantis, Star Wars, Left 4 Dead, Doctor Who, Kingdom Hearts, Red vs. Blue, Legend of Korra, and Ultimate Spider-Man. Name: DemonicK (the K is silent) UPDATES: =Important= Anonymous reviews are still under moderation before being posted, because no longer offers the option of just turning them off, and I am exasperated with the spam and discourteous reviews I have received. Helpful reminder: con-crit is A-OK. Politely inquiring about possible updates is also fine. Harassing me for updates is not. -19 October 2016- Nearly a year since the last update... things are a bit better; I've got an actual paying job now, instead of just being in a vocational program! I haven't exactly been doing as much writing as I'd like, but as always, the stuff's still on my back burner, not forgotten. One of these days... :DemonicK (For your viewing pleasure, have a reference picture of the title character of Ultimate Spider-Girl, out of costume— links don't seem to want to work for me right now, so just remove the spaces at the beginning: h t t p : / / /art/Peyton-Parker-Ultimate-Spider-Girl-468757891) |
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