Reviews for The Night Within My Eyes
Anon chapter 32 . 9/2/2012
Tell the truth: when you saw Riku actually cut his hair after KHII, you flipped out, didn't you?
Taeniaea chapter 32 . 3/27/2011
cool story
a reader of KH and SH fanfics chapter 32 . 8/7/2010
Cool story, i haven't read many Riku-centric fics, but this one is good.

i just finished reading your story(which u wrote about 4 years ago so hopefully it still means something to you to get more reveiws). I read it in one day, the plot line certainly kept me enthralled.

I just want to mention that Riku staying with Yuko and not heading home in the end (for a year), though probably one of the best (and some what selfless) courses of action for Riku to chose, left me feeling a sort of pang in my heart for his sacrifice and what his friends will feel because of it. this is the point where i remind my self they are fictional charaters i am writing about o_o' But i supose that feeling with and for the characters in a story is a key to a wounderful one, where you are not just watching and listening but living and being the story.

Hopefuly my comments and feelings weren't a waste of your time,

Keep writing,


Arcadia Moonspark chapter 2 . 7/14/2010
Kiexa chapter 6 . 6/6/2010
I had to review... since you practically begged me to three chapters ago. :)

I'm really enjoying this story. Honestly, I've never read post stuff. Most post-KH2 stories really suck, but this caught my eye after I started reading Between the Lines, because Kingdom Hearts is my main fandom (e.i., pretty much my only fandom). I also tend to flee stories that involve OC's because I serious a serious hate for Mary Sues. This looks really good, though.

You're in your thirties? Haha, minus the well-developed writing style and characters and stuff I probably never would have guessed. That's actually kind of awesome. :)

Anyway, as per your request, hello. I'm reading. :)

rainrushingwindowpain chapter 8 . 5/5/2010
I'm really liking the chapters I've red so far. I can see that this will be one of the few fanfictions on this site that I will thoroughly enjoy, and I won't have to stop reading midway through.

By the way, I'm glad that you're older because I think it changes the way you write stories. Especially love stories, seeing as you didn't have Riku like her right away as I've seen some stories do (Unfortunately I dislike those kinds of stories, but that seems to be the majority of the fanfics on here hahah). It looks like their relationship will grow gradually and that makes it all the more fun to read. It's very fun to read when people suddenly realize they like one another.

I think it's funny how Yuko seems to be the only one who has found it weird and is actually bothered by the fact that there are a bunch of talking (and large o.o) animals. I would be extremely shocked too if I were to see something like that.

Although I sort of dislike Kairi (and the irritating way that others write her in their stories) I'm actually glad you added her into yours. The way you write her makes her seem a lot more bearable, and in a way she adds to the story. I especially like how Riku feels a bit sad when he sees her and Sora so happy together. It is very sad to be single and see others so happy together, isn't it?

Again, I think your age makes you a better writer as you have a lot more experience in life, and it seems like you successfully integrated it in to your writing. I wish I could have more patience for writing (I have written, or rather "started" writing some stories but I don't think I would ever post mines up on Fanfiction though heheh). I'm more of an artist, and I discovered I get a lot of inspiration for drawings when I read. Maybe when I finish reading this I will draw a bit of fanart for you and post it up on DeviantArt (I'm sure you've heard of it). :]

Thank you for such great writing! Please excuse me while I go and read more chapters!
wolfsrainrules chapter 32 . 12/24/2009
OMG! I wish i had gotten to this sooner! (Although, w/ some of thoes cliff-hangers, I'm REALLY glad i didnt have to wait lol)This is deff. one of my fave Riku/oc stories. Amazing/adorable/awesome job!
kei-v3 chapter 31 . 10/24/2009
And THANK YOU for not writing smut for the fic. And as much as I hate the main pairing, like Kairi said, they're cute!
kei-v3 chapter 32 . 10/24/2009
I can't believe I read this. I've avoided Riku or Sora with OC as the main pairing (or main rivals, for that matter) for so long. Huh. Must be because I like your writing. And because sometimes, I pured myself to KH world and somehow made it worked out between me and Riku, which of course, failed.

Anyway. Nice plot, though I think it was rather short. (not that I want more, mind you. I still biased by my RikuSora OTP. huh.) Just one world? (okay, it was three worlds, but still.) Love the ending where Leon, Yuffie, and Cid showed up, though. And it was so well written I couldn't bring myself to hate it, no way! Yuko has suffered in her own way, and finally she got her happiness, but, but... (okay, that's my RikuSora-LOVE-Forever fangirl talking. Sorry.)

I find it so review-worthy, though, so I reviewed it. :D Besides, it doesn't do justice if a fic this well-written only got 274 reviews.

And, of course, I love Vince and Zell! Haha, and Reno! ...and Cera, too, she's cool! But that's maybe because I didn't worship Reno like I did Riku. :D Nice job!
xXA-dreamers-lieXx chapter 32 . 8/22/2009
Truely this story has to be one of my mosted loved stories to read. The plot was amazing! It fit perfictly into the story of the game, and in truth at first I thought it was a game. You are an amazingly talented write and I hope you continue to write. I would love to readed more of your stories, really I would. I just absolutely loved reading this. Everything about it made me feel like I was really there. I loved this and I hope to get the time to read more soon.

~Sincerely and love

crazykeyblader chapter 2 . 6/19/2009
AGCourtney chapter 32 . 3/17/2009
That story was absolutely amazing!
Kairi0403 chapter 2 . 2/3/2009
the grammar nazi? that is really funny since someone in my school paper wrote an opinion article about being a grammar nazi today lol
CHIBI-CRAZY chapter 6 . 12/28/2008
Awsome story! I love it so far, and I just started it a few hours ago,(Im a slow reader...). Try checking out my story, I just started it, but people say that I'm doing a great job so far!
Tehn chapter 2 . 11/29/2008
New person here! Riku is a dream so far! Gosh, he deserves someone after being alone so long. Your diligence in suppressing your Grammar Nazi while writing Donald and Goofy is worthy of the highest praise! I enjoy reading this.

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