![]() Author has written 25 stories for Pokémon, Digimon, Yu-Gi-Oh, Kingdom Hearts, Sailor Moon X-overs, Anime X-overs, Bible, and Misc. Games. I am a Christian. Please no profanity in reviews to me. I don't swear in my fics, and I'd appreciate it if that same courtesy was returned. Don't expect many updates on these fan fics. I have come a long way as a writer and realize that these are from a time when my talent was still developing. I have been focusing all my attention in my original stories and am actively trying to get them published. Notice: I've had a fall-out with a co-author and am now being harassed and threatened by him on and off this site. But I'm not backing down, my fics will stay my fics and will progress as I see fit. So if anyone happens to see any of Blue-Eyes White Knight-BEWK's (or any of his side accounts that he has made solely for harassing me) spam, false accusations, or libel, remember it is just that. Because of this I've disabled anonymous reviews. Sorry about the inconvenience. Gender: Female Age: 31 Area: America Hobbies: Reading, Writing, and Anime Status: Graduated / Major: Creative Writing / Minor: Political Science Fiction, Fantasy, Fairy Tales, and Folklore are my favorite literary genres and Shoujo is my favorite anime/manga genre. I've seen, read, and played a lot of anime; Anima, .hack//AI Busters, .hack//Another Birth, .hack//Dusk aka .hack//The Legend of the Twilight Bracelet, .hack//Liminality, .hack//Sign, A Thousand Years of Snow aka Millennium Snow, Absolute Boyfriend, Ah! My Goddess, Akagami no Shirayukihime, Alice 19th, Alice in the Country of Hearts, Angelic Layer, Angels' Tails, Animal Academy, Ark Angels, Avatar; The Last Airbender, Azumanga Daioh, Barajou no Kiss, Beast Master, Beauty Pop, Bizenghast, Black Bird, Bleach, BODY, Bottle Fairy, Brave Story, Bride of the Water god, Buso Renkin, Captive Hearts, Card Captor Sakura, Chibi Vampire Karin, Chronicles of the Cursed Sword, Chr(o)no Crusade, Clamp School Defenders aka Duklyon, Clamp School Paranormal Investigators, Claymore, Crescent Moon, Cyber Idol Mink, Dakishimete Noir, Dark Angel, Dark Moon Diary, Date Warp, Death; At Death's Door, Death Note, Deltora Quest, Detective Conan/Case Closed, Digimon 1-4 and X-Evolution, DNAngel, Dokuhime, Dorothy of Oz, Dragon Half, Dragon Warrior 1-3, Dragon Warrior Monster, Dragonia, The Dreaming, Dream Saga, Eien No Aseria; The Spirit Of Eternity Sword, El Hazard (and sequels), Emma, Escaflowne, Faeries' Landing, Fairy Cube, Fate/Stay Night, Final Fantasy (5-7, Advent Children, Dirge of Cerebrus, and Last Order), Flame of Recca, From Far Away, Fruits Basket, Full Metal Alchemist, Full Moon Wo Sagashite, Fushigi Yugi, Fushigi Yugi Genbu Kaiden, Gakuen Alice, Get Backers, Girl Got Game, Gokudo, Great Detectives Poirot and Marple, Great Teacher Onizuka, Hanasuki Hime, Haruka Beond the Streams of Time, Haunted Junction, Hayate the Combat Butler, Heaven's Will, Hetalia, Hibiki's Magic, Hikaru No Go, Himegimi no Tsukurikata, Howl's Moving Castle, Inu-Yasha, Jackie Chan Adventures, Jade of Bango, Kagihimi Monogatari Eikyuu Alice Rondo, Kamichama Karin, Kingdom Hearts (and sequels), Kobato, Koorihime Kitan, Kurohime, Laputa; Castle in the Sky, Legal Drug, Legend of Basara, Legend of Chun Hyang, Legend of the Dark Crystal; The Gathim War, Legend of Zelda, Library Wars, Lilim Kiss, Lunar 1-2, Magic Kaitou, Magic Knights Rayearth, Magic Users' Club, Magical Diary, Mamotte Shugogetten, Man of Many Faces, Marchen Awakens Romance (MAR), Marmalade Boy, Megatokyo, Monster Rancher, Moonlight Meow, My-HiME, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, My Neighbor Totoro, Naruto, Natsume Book of Friends, Nausicaa of the Valley of Wind, Nishi No Yoki Majo aka Good Witch of the West, One Piece, Onihime VS, Only One Wish, Otomen, Ouran High School Host Club, Pandora Hearts, Papillon, Phoenix Wright; Ace Attorney, Pick of the Litter, Pokemon, Ponyo, Porco Rosso, Pretear, Princess Mononoke, Princess Tutu, Rasetsu, Rave Master, Read or Die, Record of the Fallen Vampire, Red Moon, Return to Labyrinth, Revolutionary Girl Utena, Rozen Maiden, Sailor Moon, Saint Beast (and sequels), Saint Dragon Girl, Saint Luminous Mission High School, Saint Tail, Saiunkoku Monogatari, Sakura Hime, Sasami Magical Girls' Club, Scrapped Princess, The Secret World of Arrietty, Seraphim Call, Shaolin Sisters, Shaolin Sisters Reborn, Shirahime-Syo, Shirley, Shrine of the Morning Mist, Shugo Chara, Skip Beat, Slayers, Songs to Make You Smile, Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic Adventures 2, Spice and Wolf, Spirited Away, Spy Goddess, Steam Detectives, Stepping on Roses, Sugar Princess, Suikoden III, Tail of the Moon, Tenchi Muyo OVAs, This is Otakudom, Thundercats, Tokimeki Memorial: Girl's Side, Tokyo Mew Mew, Tokyo Mew Mew A La Mode, Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle, Tsubasa Those With Wings, Two Flowers for the Dragon, Uta-No Prince-sama, Vampire Game, Vampire Kisses Blood Relatives, Vampire Knight, Venus Versus Virus, Video Girl AI, Wicked Lovely, Wish, Witch Hunter Robin, X-Note, xXxHolic, Yellow Dragon ga Arawareta!, Yo-Jin-Bo: The Bodyguards, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Yume Kira Dream Shoppe, Yurara, Yu Yu Hakusho, Zodiac PI, and Zombie Loan. I love Seto Kaiba and no one loves him more than me. I plan on seeing or reading (or playing); .hack//Roots, Air, All Purpose Cat Girl Nuku Nuku, Angelique (and sequels), Angel's Feather, Arc the Lad, Battle Revolution: Bakugan, Bakuman, Blue Dragon, Clamp no Kiseki, Cosmic Baton Girl Comet-San, Crystal Dragon, Dai Mahou Touge, Daphne in the Brilliant Blue, Denshin Mamotte Shugogetten, Digimon Savers and Xros Wars, Disgaea, Dragonaut; The Resonance, Dragon Quest Dai No Daibouken and Emblem of Loto and Warriors of Eden, Earl and Fairy, El Cazador De La Bruja, Fairy Musketeer Akazukin, Fairy Tail, Final Fantasy (1-3, 8-10, Legend of the Crystals, and Unlimited), Full Metal Panic, Fushigi Boshi No Futago Hime, Ghost Hunt, Ghost Stories, Guardian Hearts, Haibane Renmei, Half Fairy, Hanare Toride No Yonna, Hime-chan's Ribbon, Himiko-Den, Jewel Pet, Juline, Kaitou Tenshi Twin Angel, Kajika, Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne, Kirarin Revolution, Koihime Musou, Kokoro Library, Kyouran Kazoku Nikki, Legend of Lemnear, Legend of Mana, Legend of Sirius, Legend of the Forest, Little Witch's Diary, Lord of Lords Ryu Knight, Lost Universe, Magical Canon, Magical Illusions, Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha (and sequels), Mahou Shoujo Tai, Mai the Psychic Girl, Martian Successor Nadesico, Matantei Loki Ragnarok, Melancholic Princess, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Melody of Oblivion, My-Otome, My-Otome Zwei, Nabari no Ou, Nadia of the Blue Water, Nanatsuiro Drops, Negima?!, Night Wizard, Nijuu Mensou no Musume, Ojamajo Doremi (and sequels), Onegai My Melody, Onegai Teacher, Onegai Twins, Only Yesterday, Outlaw Star, Pita Ten, Pom Poko, Powerpuff Girls Z, Pretty Cure (and sequels), Prism Ark, Psychic Academy, Quiz Magic Academy, Ragnarok the Animation, RahXephon, Rakugo Tennyo Oyui, Record of the Lodoss War, Ronin Warriors, Saber Marionette J (and sequels), Saint October, Saint Seiya/Knights of the Zodiac, Saiyuki (and sequels), s-CRY-ed, Secret of Cerulean Sand, Seirei No Moribito, Serial Experiments Lain, Seto no Hanayome, Seven of Seven, Shakugan No Shana, Shingetsutan Tsukihime, Shining Hearts, Shining Tear X Wind, Shion no Ou, Shoujo Tenshi Milcute, Sister Princess, Sister Princess RePure, Sisters of Wellber, Silent Mobius, The Snow Queen, Sorcerer Hunters, Spiral, Star Ocean EX, Starry Sky, Sugar Sugar Rune, Super Doll Licca-Chan, Suteki Tantei Labyrinth, Tales of Earthsea, Tears to Tiara, Telepathy Shoujo Ran, Tenchi In Tokyo, Tenchi Muyo GXP, Tenchi Universe, Tenjou Tenge, Tenkuu Senki Shurato, Tokyo Underground, Tristia of the Deep Blue Sea, Tsukuyomi Moon Phase, Twelve Kingdoms, Umi Monogatari, UtaKata, Violinist of Hamelin, Whispers of the Heart, Windaria, Wolf's Rain, Yume Tsukai, and Yumeria. And I want to marry Seto Kaiba. And these are other series I've downloaded that I don't know if I'll watch/read after all, but decided to list them here anyways: The Big O, Black Cat, Cherry no Mama, Demon Diary, Fantastic Children, Fire Emblem, Hunter x Hunter, Itsumo Misora, Jing King of Bandits, Kage Kara Maromu, Kurau Phantom Memory, Little Snow Fairy Sugar, Love Hina, Mahou no Star Magical Emi, Nerima Daikon Brothers, Otome Wa Onee-Sama Ni Koi Shiteru, Princess Princess, Requiem from the Darkness, Rune Soldier, Rurouni Kenshin, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, Tokimeki Tonight, Twin Angel, When Cicadas Cry, Yume no Yume, and Zatch Bell. By the way, how does 'Gema J. Kaiba' sound? I detest yaoi/yuri, hentai, extreme violence, profanity, god-moders, and canon-destroying Sues, Stus, and FanWorks. I also have a hard time watching Mechas. I have seen and/or read these following series and stopped reading/watching them because of one reason or another (meaning I don't like them, usually for lack of plot or extreme violence, hentai, and/or profanity): After School Nightmare, Ayashi No Ceres, Banner/Crest of the Stars, Black Butler, Chobits, Chokotto Sister, Chromartie High School, Clamp School Detectives, Code Geass, Dance in the Vampire Bund, Descendants of Darkness, Digi Charat, Doors of Chaos, Dragon Drive, Dragon Knights, Fatal Hearts, The Gentlemen's Alliance, Heaven's Will, Hell Girl, Kaichou wa Maid-sama, Last Fantasy, Mahou Sensei Negima, Miyuki-chan in Wonderland, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Neopets, Phantom Dream, Phantsy Degree (PhD), Phoenix Yamato, Pretty Rhythm Aurora Dream, Princess Debut, Puella Magi Madoka Magika, RG Veda, Rosario Vampire, Sand Chronicles, Shadow Star, Shaman King, Spell Checkers, Spirited Heart, Tales of Symphonia, Those Who Hunt Elves, Tokyo Babylon, Trigun, Vampire Princess Miyu, and Yu-Gi-Oh! GX (and other crap spin offs). Did I mention I love Seto Kaiba? WARNING: In case of Rapture these fics will not be updated. Gema's favorite quotes: "It's quite accurate you know; how difficult the light of the sun can be when you've sat in darkness." -- Markus, "Resurrection" "Did you know that darkness and light are brothers? ... One can't live without the other." -- Patamon, Digimon Frontier "From brightest light is born in the darkest shadows." -- Alice 19th "Meanwhile, Keith kicked out Tedd strongly." -- Janime "Please, can I have my book back?" -- Yomiko, Read or Die "It is not weak to value life!" -- Raiden, Mortal Kombat 2 "Persons attempting to find a motive in this narrative will be prosecuted; Persons attempting to find a moral in it will be banished; Persons attempting to find a plot in it will be shot. BY ORDER OF THE AUTHOR." -- Mark Twain, The Adventures of Huck Finn "Books are heavy because they contain entire worlds inside." -- Cornelia Funke, Inkheart "I will eviscerate you in fiction; every pimple, every character flaw. I was naked for a day; you will be naked for eternity." -- Geoffrey Chaucer, A Knight's Tale "Don't say I'm out of touch, with this rampant chaos your reality. I know well what lies beyond my sleeping refuge, the nightmare I built my own world to escape." -- "Imaginary", Evanescence "All dreams are but another reality. Don't forget." -- Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire "Imagination is more important than Knowledge. Knowledge is limited; Imagination encircles the Earth." -- Albert Einstein "I am the Great Pretender, willing to dream forever. Oh, I'll just float away and let the waves keep pulling me in. I'll just hang out here and watch the world pass over my head." -- "Great Pretender", Yu-Gi-Oh! Movie Soundtrack "I have such happy dreams, So fraught with joy and love! For to another world it seems I nightly do remove... Then wake me not, my sisters dear, whene’er I sleep again: My waking hours are cold and drear—In sleep I know not pain." -- "Description of My Dreams," R.E.S. "All that you see or seem, is but a dream within a dream." -- Edgar Allen Poe "They who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night." -- Edgar Allen Poe "'Coz if you don't dream big what's the use of dreaming? If you don't have faith there's nothing worth believing. It takes one look to make the stars worth reaching for--So reach out for something more!" -- David Cook, "Dream Big" "We live as we dream; alone." -- Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness "All dreams come with wings." -- ? "Everyone deserves a chance to fly." -- Elphaba, Wicked "Life Sucks. Then You Dream." -- Yumeria "Keep dreaming or die." -- Wendy, Read or Die "In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends." -- Martin Luther King, Jr. "Seto Kaiba; Lord of Blue-Eyes, Pharaoh of my Heart." -- Gema J. Gall |