"Brave New World" By Luke's Dragon
Okay this takes place very soon after my last BWG fic "Damnation" ends, now you don't have to have read it, or "A Hopeless Case" but don't moan about a few developments in BWG's Character without reading them…kay? As mentioned in the Author notes of that, I felt "Damnation" had come to the end of what I set out to do with it, and that would have been all, apart from I had an idea I'd been toying around with. BWG in a series III setting. Didn't much like series 3, no Matt, Gatomon or Blackwargreymon. Rika was okay-ish and Guilmon had his moments but apart from that I wasn't impressed. And then came Beelzamon, fine on the surface he seems to be a poor BWG clone, but he has a motorbike and is the coolest of a fairly poor bunch. Heh heh, any guesses about BWG's latest challenge. Any events of Series III are probably going to go out the window, but hey 'fairy snuff' as my brother would say. The characters however (with any luck) will stay in character for the fic.
'Kay so that's background info, lets go go go!
Digimon and all characters are not mine, blah blah blah real owners are Toei, Saban and all the rest.
Also the author claims no responsibility for injuries sustained trying to copy BWG or any of the other characters in this fic, they are fictional, you are (probably) not so don't do any crazy stuff, and if you do, don't blame me. ;-)
Chapter I – A Storm Brewing
"I close my eyes, oh God I think I'm falling out of the sky I close my eyes, heaven help me"
~ Madonna 'Like a Prayer'
And so after all my wanderings I find myself in what seems like my home, but is so very different, the air seems heavier, the days just a little warmer and the nights shorter. Most creatures would not be able to detect these subtle changes but I have always been perceptive to such things. Where am I? I would have sworn this was the Digital World but something seems to be very wrong, no one I have spoken to knows anything about the group calling themselves the Digi-Destined, no one has heard of Okaiwa or his evil plans to destroy both worlds. They look at me as if I was a fool to even ask about such things. The closest I got to any sort of information was someone saying 'why would you want to know about that old story?' Old Story? I do not understand, as far as I am aware I was only in the human world for a matter of hours and yet it seems as if years have passed. Or perhaps everything I have done all the tears I have shed, all the feelings I have felt even the battles I fought were never real, just some story made up about a dark warrior who saw the light. I am so confused, but I will find out the truth, if there is one thing I am good at, it is searching for answers. Oh and destroying anyone who crosses my path of course.
But of course I try not to do that nowadays, sometimes of course there is no other option, many Digimon are irrational and lack any sense of self preservation. I'm an eight-foot tall, black armored Mega level Digimon that should be enough. But still little upstart champions feel the need to attack me, spouting some rubbish about 'uploading my data' whatever that is supposed to mean. Then I have no option but to blast them into a pile of Digi-dust. Huh, I suppose old habits really do die hard, I can't shake that old familiar feeling that I should be searching out my next adversary. Strange but I can see him in my head sometimes, a pitiful little creature sat feeling sorry for himself, but with great power locked within. Maybe it's destiny, and I sure know about that, but I think I'm going to have to fight him sooner rather than later. All I need now is to know who he is, and where he is.
I suppose my quest isn't over yet, not by a long shot.
Somewhere else in the Digital World a group of kids, not dissimilar from the ones Blackwargreymon was searching for were following a proud tradition of kids in the Digital World, quite simply getting horrendously lost and feeling hungry. Attempting to track down and defeat the Deva's and Digimon Sovereign was not going according to plan, so far all they had found was a desert. There was sand, sand dunes and the occasional pile of sand, punctuated by the occasional sandcastle when one of the members of the group had gotten fed up with sand. There was however no sign of any evil lords castles, evil lords or snack bars of any degree of evilness. The group was at a loss as to there next move so resorted to another time honored technique, arguing amongst themselves.
"I'm hungry Takatomon" The red dinosaur Digimon hadn't eaten for at least an hour, his last meal hadn't been a success, sand, despite being a part of the word sandwich was no use with out the 'wich' part.
"I know Guilmon, but we haven't got any food, someone forgot to pack any" The goggle headed youth referred to as Takatomon glared at a girl who returned the stare with far more venom than he could manage, sensibly he turned his head to break the stare.
"It's not my fault goggle head, I'm not your mom you know"
"Yeah you just act like it" Wisely however he muttered this under his breath.
"Guys calm down, we won't get anywhere arguing all day" The most sensible member of the group tried in vain to attempt to pacify his comrades
"She stated it"
"Henry, she called me a baby"
Henry didn't ask for much in life, he had his Digimon, who never listened to him, his sister, who never listened to him and his friends, whom… What had he done to deserve this?
"I don't care who started it, Rika stop calling Takato a baby and Takato, stop being a baby. Lets keep going"
Takato was not happy as he trudged along behind the others, no one listened to him, and no one understood him. All he had ever wanted was his own Digimon, not to be with these idiots wandering around aimlessly trying to rescue some bizarre little white freaky thing. Proper Digimon Tamers had real adventures, like the ones on TV. Tai would have never let people boss him around and his partner never moaned about food rather than back him up. It was just unfair.
What I need right now, thought Takato is a group like on TV, where everyone gets along and listens to the leader. It's a well-known fact; the boy with cool headgear and a dinosaur is always the leader. I'd also like some food and to have a love interest…Did I just say that last part? I must have sunstroke.
What I need, thought Guilmon is a wich
What I need, thought Rika is a sharp pointy stick
What we need, thought Henry is a group with a brain between them
What I need, thought Terriermon, is a vacation a long way from here
…Ouch…ow my head hurts. I dunno know quite where I am, or who I am for that matter. All I know is my head hurts like hell on a bad day, and I want to kick the ass of whoever I see next. Damn Devas and damn me for trusting them, I shoulda guessed ultimate power would come with a price. Still, it was worth it if I can finally accomplish my goal. I am a Mega level now, and no one is gonna stop me. Not those punk kids, not the Devas, not the sovereign and certainly not…whatever that creature is.
"Hell Blaster!"
Ah…Yes…His data is mine, such a weakling was hardly worth my while, but it all counts, I must have more, more power, and that means more killing of the weak. Heh heh heh, my head feels better too, and I think it's time I started having some fun, so lets go cause some trouble…I am here and I am ready to make my own story, no one is gonna stop me- No one!