Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction
Shayla's Story 3: Into The Virtual World
By: Gema J. Gall
Disclaimer: Do I have to? Oh well..Yu-Gi-Oh! ain't mine, although you'd think after 250+ pages of fan work that would change. I do own Shayla, for those of you who have been hiding in a cave this entire time and didn't know that. I don't own Drake and Lara, they belong to Ryu.dang, can't remember the rest of his new name, well, erm, the former E-100 Alpha. Any "special guests" will be announced as they come.
Shayla was awoken the next morning by a lurch that threw her out of bed. Surprised, she stood up, only to be knocked off her feet again as the entire airship quaked.
"What the heck is going on?!" she exclaimed as she staggered out of her room and into the hall. She didn't make it much farther than that before she was thrown off of her feet again.
Frustrated, she didn't try to stand up again this time, figuring she had best wait out the turbulence on the ground. She could hear footsteps racing down other halls as the duelists frantically tried to figure out what was going on.
After a moment she heard Kaiba's voice over the PA. He was barking orders in the control room to try and stabilize the ship, as well as find out what was going on. He didn't seem to be broadcasting his conversation through the ship, so Shayla guessed someone must have hit the intercom button in the turbulence.
"What is going on?!" demanded Kaiba. "What is the meaning of this?!"
"Something is forcing us off of course," stammered one of the pilots.
"What do you mean off of course!?" growled Seto.
"Our systems have been over-ridden! We're being re-directed!" exclaimed another.
"The direct us back on course!" snapped Kaiba.
"I can't! We've been hacked..We're locked out!" he stammered.
"Can't you just unlock it then?" asked Mokuba.
"What is going on?" moaned Shayla, listening to all of this. She had a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach. And after the start of the finals, she wasn't sure if she could handle any more surprises.
"What gives?!" came a new voice as a door was heard opening. Shayla recognized the speaker as Joe. "You know some of us like to sleep in the morning."
"We're being pulled off course!" said a pilot.
"What do you mean?" asked Yu-Gi. Shayla guessed most of the group had to be in the control room right now.
"Hack your way back into our systems!" ordered Kaiba.
"I'm trying!" he stammered.
"Hey, what's that?" asked Duke, referring to something he saw out the front window.
"That is our intended destination," said Seto.
"That is the very first headquarters of Kaiba Corp.," added Mokuba.
"It looks like a pile of rusted scrap metal," retorted Joe.
"I built that to commemorate my succession to Kaiba Corp. It represents the triumph of new over old," said Kaiba.
"Some start of a company," muttered Drake. Shayla could tell he had to be close to the receiver, because he was so quit she never would have heard him otherwise.
"I don't get it," said Téa, to the group.
"Kaiba Corp. wasn't always a game company. Before, under our step-father, they used to make machines and weapons for war. But Seto changed all that," answered Mokuba.
"That's enough, Mokuba," snapped Kaiba, in the harshest tone Shayla had ever heard him take with his little brother.
"I think we hit a sore spot," muttered Joe. That was when another jolt shook the ship. Shayla was grateful she hadn't bothered to stand up, because it sounded like those in the control room were knocked to the ground again.
"I am really getting sick of this," groaned Lara.
"You haven't gotten us back on course yet?!" growled Seto.
"Nothing I've tried has worked!" he protested.
"We're being forced to descend!" reported another.
"Where? There's nothing here but water!" exclaimed Tristan.
"What's that?!" exclaimed Yu-Gi as he pointed to something in the ocean.
"Greetings, Seto," said a new voice.
"What is this?!" demanded Seto.
"He's hacked into our communications system!"
"Who are you? What do you want?!" demanded Kaiba to the transmission.
"Always with the orders, right Seto?" taunted the speaker. Shayla guessed, by the tone of his voice, that he was still quite young, maybe no older than Serenity or Mokuba.
"What gives?" asked Joe.
"You are now all my prisoners and will be landing on my base shortly," answered the boy.
"What do you want?!" snapped Kaiba, anger flaring.
The boy laughed as the airship continued to descend. Shayla could feel her ears popping slightly.
"Can't even control his own ship," Drake mutter, again very quietly, but still close enough for the PA to pick him up.
"You have some nerve!" yelled Joe.
The boy ignored him. "I have waited a long time for this, Seto. Now, if you and your friends will kindly step off of the ship when it lands.."
"Yeah, right," said Duke, sarcastically.
"If you have a problem with me, you will deal with me. Leave the others out of this!" growled Kaiba.
Shayla shook her head. "I never know what to think of him, there he is being almost noble again...and in a minute he'll be a jerk..."
"It won't work that way, Seto. All of you are coming, or else," said the boy.
There was a lurch as the airship came to a halt. It had landed on some sort of submarine. A second later came the sound of gunshot as the boy ordered open fire on the ship. Shayla hadn't been expecting this. She screamed and curled into a tight ball. The PA proved she wasn't the only one screaming, though. A bit of plaster fell from the wall above her, showing how close some of those shots actually were.
"I can't handle any more surprises!" groaned Shayla, shaking.
"Are you convinced?" taunted the boy.
"What do you want with us?!" demanded Kaiba.
"Again with the orders, Seto? That will be revealed in time," he answered. "Now, I want ever duelist off of the ship. Now. You have three minutes or we will open fire again."
"Every duelist?!" exclaimed Shayla, although it came out as more of a squeak.
"Who are you?!" demanded Yu-Gi, his voice sounding like it did every time he dueled.
"Call me Noah," Noah answered, then ended the transmission.
The control room broke into frenzied discussion as they decided what they were going to do. In the end they realized they had no choice and the group filed out of the control room, which ended what Shayla heard.
"They want every duelist..." she thought. "This is not good. I should be with my friends..but.. They opened fire..Oh gosh, someone is going to die..."
It was quite for several minutes before Shayla heard gunshots again. She didn't know why, but she feared the worst. Actually, the shots were warning shots to keep the crew on the airship.
The next silence was even longer. This time it was broken by the sound of hurried footsteps in the halls. Shayla tried to place the stride, but it was unfamiliar. That wasn't doing anything to calm her nerves, which were working themselves into knots for the uncounted time since she entered Battle City.
"Hey! I found one!" yelled the newcomer. Shayla jumped. They had to be talking about her.
"Come on dearie, Noah wants you," said one as they approached.
"Leave me alone!" yelled Shayla as she sprang to her feet, hoping to run into her room and lock the door.
She was too slow. Noah's men were on her in a moment. One grabbed both her arms and shoved them behind her back, before proceeding to drag her off of the ship.
"Let me go!" she yelled as she fought back.
"Sorry, just business," he said. Then he turned to his partner. "See if you can find the missing duelists."
"Right," agreed the second as he ran off.
After going down two halls and a stairs, Shayla was drug off of the ship. They were in the hold of a type of submarine. The walls were metallic and bare. The whole place seemed to be deserted except for the duelists.
"Shayla!" called the group when they saw her.
The man let her go and shoved her into the middle of them. Shayla grabbed an arm to keep herself from falling. It turned out to be Duke's arm. But she didn't let go after she had steadied herself. She continued to hold on, because her nerves were far from steady. Duke looked a bit uncomfortable about the pressure she was putting on, but did not shove her off.
"Are you okay?" asked Téa. Shayla shook her head, not trust her mouth to answer.
Seto glared briefly at Duke, feeling a twinge of jealousy that Shayla was on him. Then he shook his head to remind himself that he wanted to forget his feelings towards the blind girl.
"This is so stupid," muttered Joe. "When I get my hands on that little punk."
"I think it is a bit more serious than that," said Yu-Gi.
"Guys, we have to remain optimistic. I am sure we can negotiate our way out of this," said Drake.
"We are all going to die," moaned Shayla.
"So much for being optimistic," said Duke.
"I'm afraid too," said Serenity.
"I won't let anything happen to you," said Joe, putting an arm around her.
One of Noah's men appeared on one of the airship's upper level open passages. "Noah, we found three more duelists, but they are completely unconscious. The only ones unaccounted for are the Ishtars, and they are nowhere to be found."
"At least Ishizu is safe," thought Shayla. That didn't stop her from shaking, though.
"Now we can begin," said Noah's voice over a speaker.
"I grow tired of these games," said Kaiba, to the surrounding area. "Show yourself Noah!"
Noah wasn't the one who showed himself. Instead, five men wearing business suits appeared at the far end of the field.
"Who are they?" asked Duke.
"It can't be!" gasped Mokuba. "Gamesly, Crum, Johnson, Nesbit, and Lector, also known as the Big 5. They used to work for Kaiba Corp. until Seto fired them."
"Hey! Aren't those the creeps who tried to trap us all in the virtual world?" asked Joe.
"The very same," said Seto, glaring at his former employees with hatred. "But when we beat the Mythic Dragon, we sealed you in the virtual world."
"That you did, Mr. Kaiba," said Johnson.
"But with Noah's help, we will escape," added Nesbit.
"I fail to see how," glared Kaiba.
"We have been trapped in the virtual world so long that we can no longer get back to our own bodies," said Crum.
"So, we are going to take yours," finished Lector.
"What?!" gasped the group.
"You're joking, right?" asked Lara.
"No, my dear, we are being quit serious," said Gamesly.
"How is it even possible for you to be here?" asked Mokuba.
"What you are seeing is no more than a hologram created by Noah," answered Lector.
"I've dealt with you once, I'll do it again!" snapped Seto. "I don't treat traitors kindly."
"Oh! They were the ones that were trying to make the deals with Industrial Illusions?" asked Téa.
"We've severed all ties with them," said Drake, coldly. "That was a mistake."
"Erm...sorry," said Téa.
"What kind of game are you playing?!" demanded Yu-Gi.
"A game you are very familiar with," answered Crum as the world began to blur around them.
"What is going on?!" cried Serenity.
Shayla had entered the virtual world once before. Then it was like drifting off to sleep and waking up somewhere else. This time it was like falling from a skyscraper.
"W-where are we?" asked Joe as the area came into focus. They were standing in the middle of a prehistoric jungle.
"How did we get here?" asked Tristan.
"We didn't go anywhere," said Kaiba. "We are still in the same room."
"What are you talking about?" asked Duke.
"This is a virtual reality stimulator," he answered. "And a poor one at that. I was designing better technology when Noah was still in diapers."
"Look out!" cried Téa as a dinosaur loomed into view. It started walking towards the group. Everyone one huddled in the back of the clearing, everyone except Kaiba.
"Get out of there!" cried Yu-Gi.
Kaiba smirked.
The dinosaur slashed at him. Someone screamed.
Its claws went right through Seto like they were a ghost.
"None of this is real," said Kaiba. "And I will not be intimidated."
"Wow!" exclaimed Téa as she walked over to a flower. Her hands went right through it.
"It was realer last time," said Joe.
"Yeah.hey, Kaiba, did you change your clothes?" asked Téa as she looked up.
"That's not me," answered Kaiba. Téa jerked her head between the two identical Kaibas, then backpedaled in shock towards the group.
"What is going on here?" demanded Drake.
"A demonstration," echoed one of the voices of the Big 5.
"But why are there two of him?" asked Lara.
"I used to create virtual copies of myself all the time to duel against," answered Seto.
"Why?" asked Tristan.
"Who better?" answered Kaiba with a smirk.
"Now what's that?!" exclaimed Serenity as another monster walked into view.
"In this duel Seto Kaiba will be dueling Total Defense Shogun," came the voice again.
"I don't like this," groaned Shayla, who had let to release her death-grip on Duke.
"Each duelist must first select his deck-master," continued the Big 5. "Seto Kaiba has chosen the Blue-Eyes White Dragon. Total Defense Shogun, since he has taken on the form of a monster, will be acting as his own deck- master."
"Deck-master?" asked Yu-Gi.
"Total Defense Shogun will start the duel by moving himself to the field. Now it is Kaiba's turn," as they narrated the holograms did the actions. "He summons Lord of Dragons, then activates Flute of Summoning Dragon to bring his other two Blue-Eyes to the field. Then he will bring his deck- master to the field and use Polymerization to create the Blue-Eye Ultimate Dragon." The hologram Kaiba pointed and the Ultimate Dragon attacked. "But he seems to have forgotten one thing. Total Defense Shogun will use his deck-master's special ability. That reflexes the incoming attack, destroying the Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon. And since his deck-master was destroyed, Seto Kaiba has lost the duel." The virtual players broke to data. "And that is what will happen to the real one, too!" This was followed by maniacal laughter.
"New rules... we can handle this, right Lara?" asked Drake. She nodded
"And don't forget, when you lose, we gain possession of your body," continued the Big 5. "Then we will finally leave the virtual world in your bodies while your minds stay imprisoned here, forever!"
"They can't do that, can they. It isn't possible!" cried Shayla.
"We won't lose!" snapped Yu-Gi.
"Crushing you five again will be too easy," said Kaiba, smirking.
"Then play our game!" With that the virtual world dissolved again and Shayla felt herself falling as the entire place reconfigured itself according to Noah's whim. They were trapped in his world and the only way out was to duel.
Shayla's Story 3: Into The Virtual World
By: Gema J. Gall
Disclaimer: Do I have to? Oh well..Yu-Gi-Oh! ain't mine, although you'd think after 250+ pages of fan work that would change. I do own Shayla, for those of you who have been hiding in a cave this entire time and didn't know that. I don't own Drake and Lara, they belong to Ryu.dang, can't remember the rest of his new name, well, erm, the former E-100 Alpha. Any "special guests" will be announced as they come.
Shayla was awoken the next morning by a lurch that threw her out of bed. Surprised, she stood up, only to be knocked off her feet again as the entire airship quaked.
"What the heck is going on?!" she exclaimed as she staggered out of her room and into the hall. She didn't make it much farther than that before she was thrown off of her feet again.
Frustrated, she didn't try to stand up again this time, figuring she had best wait out the turbulence on the ground. She could hear footsteps racing down other halls as the duelists frantically tried to figure out what was going on.
After a moment she heard Kaiba's voice over the PA. He was barking orders in the control room to try and stabilize the ship, as well as find out what was going on. He didn't seem to be broadcasting his conversation through the ship, so Shayla guessed someone must have hit the intercom button in the turbulence.
"What is going on?!" demanded Kaiba. "What is the meaning of this?!"
"Something is forcing us off of course," stammered one of the pilots.
"What do you mean off of course!?" growled Seto.
"Our systems have been over-ridden! We're being re-directed!" exclaimed another.
"The direct us back on course!" snapped Kaiba.
"I can't! We've been hacked..We're locked out!" he stammered.
"Can't you just unlock it then?" asked Mokuba.
"What is going on?" moaned Shayla, listening to all of this. She had a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach. And after the start of the finals, she wasn't sure if she could handle any more surprises.
"What gives?!" came a new voice as a door was heard opening. Shayla recognized the speaker as Joe. "You know some of us like to sleep in the morning."
"We're being pulled off course!" said a pilot.
"What do you mean?" asked Yu-Gi. Shayla guessed most of the group had to be in the control room right now.
"Hack your way back into our systems!" ordered Kaiba.
"I'm trying!" he stammered.
"Hey, what's that?" asked Duke, referring to something he saw out the front window.
"That is our intended destination," said Seto.
"That is the very first headquarters of Kaiba Corp.," added Mokuba.
"It looks like a pile of rusted scrap metal," retorted Joe.
"I built that to commemorate my succession to Kaiba Corp. It represents the triumph of new over old," said Kaiba.
"Some start of a company," muttered Drake. Shayla could tell he had to be close to the receiver, because he was so quit she never would have heard him otherwise.
"I don't get it," said Téa, to the group.
"Kaiba Corp. wasn't always a game company. Before, under our step-father, they used to make machines and weapons for war. But Seto changed all that," answered Mokuba.
"That's enough, Mokuba," snapped Kaiba, in the harshest tone Shayla had ever heard him take with his little brother.
"I think we hit a sore spot," muttered Joe. That was when another jolt shook the ship. Shayla was grateful she hadn't bothered to stand up, because it sounded like those in the control room were knocked to the ground again.
"I am really getting sick of this," groaned Lara.
"You haven't gotten us back on course yet?!" growled Seto.
"Nothing I've tried has worked!" he protested.
"We're being forced to descend!" reported another.
"Where? There's nothing here but water!" exclaimed Tristan.
"What's that?!" exclaimed Yu-Gi as he pointed to something in the ocean.
"Greetings, Seto," said a new voice.
"What is this?!" demanded Seto.
"He's hacked into our communications system!"
"Who are you? What do you want?!" demanded Kaiba to the transmission.
"Always with the orders, right Seto?" taunted the speaker. Shayla guessed, by the tone of his voice, that he was still quite young, maybe no older than Serenity or Mokuba.
"What gives?" asked Joe.
"You are now all my prisoners and will be landing on my base shortly," answered the boy.
"What do you want?!" snapped Kaiba, anger flaring.
The boy laughed as the airship continued to descend. Shayla could feel her ears popping slightly.
"Can't even control his own ship," Drake mutter, again very quietly, but still close enough for the PA to pick him up.
"You have some nerve!" yelled Joe.
The boy ignored him. "I have waited a long time for this, Seto. Now, if you and your friends will kindly step off of the ship when it lands.."
"Yeah, right," said Duke, sarcastically.
"If you have a problem with me, you will deal with me. Leave the others out of this!" growled Kaiba.
Shayla shook her head. "I never know what to think of him, there he is being almost noble again...and in a minute he'll be a jerk..."
"It won't work that way, Seto. All of you are coming, or else," said the boy.
There was a lurch as the airship came to a halt. It had landed on some sort of submarine. A second later came the sound of gunshot as the boy ordered open fire on the ship. Shayla hadn't been expecting this. She screamed and curled into a tight ball. The PA proved she wasn't the only one screaming, though. A bit of plaster fell from the wall above her, showing how close some of those shots actually were.
"I can't handle any more surprises!" groaned Shayla, shaking.
"Are you convinced?" taunted the boy.
"What do you want with us?!" demanded Kaiba.
"Again with the orders, Seto? That will be revealed in time," he answered. "Now, I want ever duelist off of the ship. Now. You have three minutes or we will open fire again."
"Every duelist?!" exclaimed Shayla, although it came out as more of a squeak.
"Who are you?!" demanded Yu-Gi, his voice sounding like it did every time he dueled.
"Call me Noah," Noah answered, then ended the transmission.
The control room broke into frenzied discussion as they decided what they were going to do. In the end they realized they had no choice and the group filed out of the control room, which ended what Shayla heard.
"They want every duelist..." she thought. "This is not good. I should be with my friends..but.. They opened fire..Oh gosh, someone is going to die..."
It was quite for several minutes before Shayla heard gunshots again. She didn't know why, but she feared the worst. Actually, the shots were warning shots to keep the crew on the airship.
The next silence was even longer. This time it was broken by the sound of hurried footsteps in the halls. Shayla tried to place the stride, but it was unfamiliar. That wasn't doing anything to calm her nerves, which were working themselves into knots for the uncounted time since she entered Battle City.
"Hey! I found one!" yelled the newcomer. Shayla jumped. They had to be talking about her.
"Come on dearie, Noah wants you," said one as they approached.
"Leave me alone!" yelled Shayla as she sprang to her feet, hoping to run into her room and lock the door.
She was too slow. Noah's men were on her in a moment. One grabbed both her arms and shoved them behind her back, before proceeding to drag her off of the ship.
"Let me go!" she yelled as she fought back.
"Sorry, just business," he said. Then he turned to his partner. "See if you can find the missing duelists."
"Right," agreed the second as he ran off.
After going down two halls and a stairs, Shayla was drug off of the ship. They were in the hold of a type of submarine. The walls were metallic and bare. The whole place seemed to be deserted except for the duelists.
"Shayla!" called the group when they saw her.
The man let her go and shoved her into the middle of them. Shayla grabbed an arm to keep herself from falling. It turned out to be Duke's arm. But she didn't let go after she had steadied herself. She continued to hold on, because her nerves were far from steady. Duke looked a bit uncomfortable about the pressure she was putting on, but did not shove her off.
"Are you okay?" asked Téa. Shayla shook her head, not trust her mouth to answer.
Seto glared briefly at Duke, feeling a twinge of jealousy that Shayla was on him. Then he shook his head to remind himself that he wanted to forget his feelings towards the blind girl.
"This is so stupid," muttered Joe. "When I get my hands on that little punk."
"I think it is a bit more serious than that," said Yu-Gi.
"Guys, we have to remain optimistic. I am sure we can negotiate our way out of this," said Drake.
"We are all going to die," moaned Shayla.
"So much for being optimistic," said Duke.
"I'm afraid too," said Serenity.
"I won't let anything happen to you," said Joe, putting an arm around her.
One of Noah's men appeared on one of the airship's upper level open passages. "Noah, we found three more duelists, but they are completely unconscious. The only ones unaccounted for are the Ishtars, and they are nowhere to be found."
"At least Ishizu is safe," thought Shayla. That didn't stop her from shaking, though.
"Now we can begin," said Noah's voice over a speaker.
"I grow tired of these games," said Kaiba, to the surrounding area. "Show yourself Noah!"
Noah wasn't the one who showed himself. Instead, five men wearing business suits appeared at the far end of the field.
"Who are they?" asked Duke.
"It can't be!" gasped Mokuba. "Gamesly, Crum, Johnson, Nesbit, and Lector, also known as the Big 5. They used to work for Kaiba Corp. until Seto fired them."
"Hey! Aren't those the creeps who tried to trap us all in the virtual world?" asked Joe.
"The very same," said Seto, glaring at his former employees with hatred. "But when we beat the Mythic Dragon, we sealed you in the virtual world."
"That you did, Mr. Kaiba," said Johnson.
"But with Noah's help, we will escape," added Nesbit.
"I fail to see how," glared Kaiba.
"We have been trapped in the virtual world so long that we can no longer get back to our own bodies," said Crum.
"So, we are going to take yours," finished Lector.
"What?!" gasped the group.
"You're joking, right?" asked Lara.
"No, my dear, we are being quit serious," said Gamesly.
"How is it even possible for you to be here?" asked Mokuba.
"What you are seeing is no more than a hologram created by Noah," answered Lector.
"I've dealt with you once, I'll do it again!" snapped Seto. "I don't treat traitors kindly."
"Oh! They were the ones that were trying to make the deals with Industrial Illusions?" asked Téa.
"We've severed all ties with them," said Drake, coldly. "That was a mistake."
"Erm...sorry," said Téa.
"What kind of game are you playing?!" demanded Yu-Gi.
"A game you are very familiar with," answered Crum as the world began to blur around them.
"What is going on?!" cried Serenity.
Shayla had entered the virtual world once before. Then it was like drifting off to sleep and waking up somewhere else. This time it was like falling from a skyscraper.
"W-where are we?" asked Joe as the area came into focus. They were standing in the middle of a prehistoric jungle.
"How did we get here?" asked Tristan.
"We didn't go anywhere," said Kaiba. "We are still in the same room."
"What are you talking about?" asked Duke.
"This is a virtual reality stimulator," he answered. "And a poor one at that. I was designing better technology when Noah was still in diapers."
"Look out!" cried Téa as a dinosaur loomed into view. It started walking towards the group. Everyone one huddled in the back of the clearing, everyone except Kaiba.
"Get out of there!" cried Yu-Gi.
Kaiba smirked.
The dinosaur slashed at him. Someone screamed.
Its claws went right through Seto like they were a ghost.
"None of this is real," said Kaiba. "And I will not be intimidated."
"Wow!" exclaimed Téa as she walked over to a flower. Her hands went right through it.
"It was realer last time," said Joe.
"Yeah.hey, Kaiba, did you change your clothes?" asked Téa as she looked up.
"That's not me," answered Kaiba. Téa jerked her head between the two identical Kaibas, then backpedaled in shock towards the group.
"What is going on here?" demanded Drake.
"A demonstration," echoed one of the voices of the Big 5.
"But why are there two of him?" asked Lara.
"I used to create virtual copies of myself all the time to duel against," answered Seto.
"Why?" asked Tristan.
"Who better?" answered Kaiba with a smirk.
"Now what's that?!" exclaimed Serenity as another monster walked into view.
"In this duel Seto Kaiba will be dueling Total Defense Shogun," came the voice again.
"I don't like this," groaned Shayla, who had let to release her death-grip on Duke.
"Each duelist must first select his deck-master," continued the Big 5. "Seto Kaiba has chosen the Blue-Eyes White Dragon. Total Defense Shogun, since he has taken on the form of a monster, will be acting as his own deck- master."
"Deck-master?" asked Yu-Gi.
"Total Defense Shogun will start the duel by moving himself to the field. Now it is Kaiba's turn," as they narrated the holograms did the actions. "He summons Lord of Dragons, then activates Flute of Summoning Dragon to bring his other two Blue-Eyes to the field. Then he will bring his deck- master to the field and use Polymerization to create the Blue-Eye Ultimate Dragon." The hologram Kaiba pointed and the Ultimate Dragon attacked. "But he seems to have forgotten one thing. Total Defense Shogun will use his deck-master's special ability. That reflexes the incoming attack, destroying the Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon. And since his deck-master was destroyed, Seto Kaiba has lost the duel." The virtual players broke to data. "And that is what will happen to the real one, too!" This was followed by maniacal laughter.
"New rules... we can handle this, right Lara?" asked Drake. She nodded
"And don't forget, when you lose, we gain possession of your body," continued the Big 5. "Then we will finally leave the virtual world in your bodies while your minds stay imprisoned here, forever!"
"They can't do that, can they. It isn't possible!" cried Shayla.
"We won't lose!" snapped Yu-Gi.
"Crushing you five again will be too easy," said Kaiba, smirking.
"Then play our game!" With that the virtual world dissolved again and Shayla felt herself falling as the entire place reconfigured itself according to Noah's whim. They were trapped in his world and the only way out was to duel.