AN/ A thousand apologizes for the long silence! A thousand! I had a case
of writer's block with this fic. I know what I want to do down the line,
but getting there has yet to form in my mind..well, here's to chipping away
at writer's block. Sorry for the delay again! And, as always, please read,
review, and enjoy! (
Mewtwo sighed and looked up at the night sky. The stars were shine brightly. Nonetheless, he was very unease. He had volunteered to help Celitwo just because he knew what it was like to be ostracized for being a clone. He hadn't thought through how he would actually teach her to use her time controlling abilities. Those were even outside his realm of comprehension.
He glanced down where the two other clones were sleeping. They seemed so peaceful, so innocent, so happy. He knew that Celitwo had been hurt in the past before, but to Jiratwo, the harsh reality of the world was unknown. Mewtwo wanted to protect them from the hardships he had gone through. That was a strange feeling for him, because he never knew what it was like to have sincere friends like this who knew what it was like to 'walk in his shoes.'
He glanced up at the waning moon again. The moon seemed so much like him, all it did was reflect, it came out with the shadows. It could only show its face when the world slept. That was how it was for him too, and now for these other two clones.
Celitwo moaned slightly, then woke up. Her dreams had been clouded, nonetheless, they were far from happy. She always seemed on edge, and even her sleep reflected that. Her eyes darted around nervously, and she saw Mewtwo awake and staring into space.
{Is everything okay?} she asked as she walked over.
{Yes,} he answered, though he sounded distracted.
{What are you thinking about?} Celitwo asked.
Mewtwo paused and looked at her. In all honesty, she had been on his thoughts the most, not that he'd ever admit that. {Just wondering about our place in this world and what our lives are worth.}
{You spend a lot of time alone thinking, don't you?} asked Celitwo. Mewtwo looked at her surprised. That was completely true.
{Do you like being alone?} asked Celitwo. For a moment she feared he would answer yes and leave them.
Mewtwo took a long time in answering. {I have always been alone, it seems. That is just how things are.}
{But do you like it that way?}
Mewtwo again had to think about the answer. That was the way things had always been for him. It was safe that way, he didn't have to trust anyone. But there were times when loneliness would press in around him like a weight. {No..I guess not.}
Celitwo smiled. It felt like a burden had been lifted from her. She hated it when she was asked to leave those she cared about, like when she left Dr. Maple. She looked back at Mewtwo, whose mind had again wondered. {What else is bothering you?}
He looked at her and gave a small sigh. {I wonder how I am going to teach you to not manipulate time.}
Celitwo seemed surprised by this answer. She hadn't been too concerned with that. {We'll figure something out.} Mewtwo nodded, but he still seemed concerned. {Do not worry, you're not alone any more.}
Celitwo was surprised to see a small smile flicker across his face when she said that. But it vanished so fast she wasn't sure if it had really been there, or if it was her imagination. It seemed to her that he almost always had a Barrier up. Not a shield to repel attacks, but more to repel anyone and anything from getting close to him. She knew what it was like to go through pain, but she also knew that the three of them were safe together. So why did he still try to keep them out? That she had no answer to.
{Are you tired?} he asked.
{Not really.}
{I guess now is as good a time as any to start your training then.}
Celitwo seemed surprised by this, and her wings vibrated slightly. {Yes...}
{Do you remember what you were thinking when you froze time?} asked Mewtwo.
{I was afraid,} she answered. The look on his face told her that wasn't what he was asking. {All I wanted was for the attacks to stop.}
Mewtwo thought that through a moment. If he had been thinking along those lines, his subconscious would have thrown up a Barrier. This was going to be harder than he thought. {It appears that much of your psychic powers are still locked inside your subconscious. Our first task then should be putting you in control of them, instead of waiting for them to randomly come out.}
{That...makes sense,} agreed Celitwo, hesitantly.
{Come this way,} said Mewtwo as he lead her away from the still sleeping Jiratwo.
He began to coach her on how to bring out her basic psychic powers. But her hesitation was the greatest hindrance they encountered. Morning was beginning and they had barely accomplished anything. Mewtwo was certainly no closer to unlocking her time-manipulating powers than before. Celitwo was getting frustrated with herself. They were both tired from a sleepless night.
Jiratwo awoke, full of light, life, and energy. She giggled and flew around with child-like eagerness, truly happy to be alive. Mewtwo sighed. Things never were going to be the same.
AN/ Okay, sorry for the short chapter after the long silence! I'm apologizing still!!! Don't lynch me! If you do, you'll never get updates!!! Hopefully writer's block will fade by the next chapter. And, as always, please read, review, and enjoy! (
Mewtwo sighed and looked up at the night sky. The stars were shine brightly. Nonetheless, he was very unease. He had volunteered to help Celitwo just because he knew what it was like to be ostracized for being a clone. He hadn't thought through how he would actually teach her to use her time controlling abilities. Those were even outside his realm of comprehension.
He glanced down where the two other clones were sleeping. They seemed so peaceful, so innocent, so happy. He knew that Celitwo had been hurt in the past before, but to Jiratwo, the harsh reality of the world was unknown. Mewtwo wanted to protect them from the hardships he had gone through. That was a strange feeling for him, because he never knew what it was like to have sincere friends like this who knew what it was like to 'walk in his shoes.'
He glanced up at the waning moon again. The moon seemed so much like him, all it did was reflect, it came out with the shadows. It could only show its face when the world slept. That was how it was for him too, and now for these other two clones.
Celitwo moaned slightly, then woke up. Her dreams had been clouded, nonetheless, they were far from happy. She always seemed on edge, and even her sleep reflected that. Her eyes darted around nervously, and she saw Mewtwo awake and staring into space.
{Is everything okay?} she asked as she walked over.
{Yes,} he answered, though he sounded distracted.
{What are you thinking about?} Celitwo asked.
Mewtwo paused and looked at her. In all honesty, she had been on his thoughts the most, not that he'd ever admit that. {Just wondering about our place in this world and what our lives are worth.}
{You spend a lot of time alone thinking, don't you?} asked Celitwo. Mewtwo looked at her surprised. That was completely true.
{Do you like being alone?} asked Celitwo. For a moment she feared he would answer yes and leave them.
Mewtwo took a long time in answering. {I have always been alone, it seems. That is just how things are.}
{But do you like it that way?}
Mewtwo again had to think about the answer. That was the way things had always been for him. It was safe that way, he didn't have to trust anyone. But there were times when loneliness would press in around him like a weight. {No..I guess not.}
Celitwo smiled. It felt like a burden had been lifted from her. She hated it when she was asked to leave those she cared about, like when she left Dr. Maple. She looked back at Mewtwo, whose mind had again wondered. {What else is bothering you?}
He looked at her and gave a small sigh. {I wonder how I am going to teach you to not manipulate time.}
Celitwo seemed surprised by this answer. She hadn't been too concerned with that. {We'll figure something out.} Mewtwo nodded, but he still seemed concerned. {Do not worry, you're not alone any more.}
Celitwo was surprised to see a small smile flicker across his face when she said that. But it vanished so fast she wasn't sure if it had really been there, or if it was her imagination. It seemed to her that he almost always had a Barrier up. Not a shield to repel attacks, but more to repel anyone and anything from getting close to him. She knew what it was like to go through pain, but she also knew that the three of them were safe together. So why did he still try to keep them out? That she had no answer to.
{Are you tired?} he asked.
{Not really.}
{I guess now is as good a time as any to start your training then.}
Celitwo seemed surprised by this, and her wings vibrated slightly. {Yes...}
{Do you remember what you were thinking when you froze time?} asked Mewtwo.
{I was afraid,} she answered. The look on his face told her that wasn't what he was asking. {All I wanted was for the attacks to stop.}
Mewtwo thought that through a moment. If he had been thinking along those lines, his subconscious would have thrown up a Barrier. This was going to be harder than he thought. {It appears that much of your psychic powers are still locked inside your subconscious. Our first task then should be putting you in control of them, instead of waiting for them to randomly come out.}
{That...makes sense,} agreed Celitwo, hesitantly.
{Come this way,} said Mewtwo as he lead her away from the still sleeping Jiratwo.
He began to coach her on how to bring out her basic psychic powers. But her hesitation was the greatest hindrance they encountered. Morning was beginning and they had barely accomplished anything. Mewtwo was certainly no closer to unlocking her time-manipulating powers than before. Celitwo was getting frustrated with herself. They were both tired from a sleepless night.
Jiratwo awoke, full of light, life, and energy. She giggled and flew around with child-like eagerness, truly happy to be alive. Mewtwo sighed. Things never were going to be the same.
AN/ Okay, sorry for the short chapter after the long silence! I'm apologizing still!!! Don't lynch me! If you do, you'll never get updates!!! Hopefully writer's block will fade by the next chapter. And, as always, please read, review, and enjoy! (