Author has written 2 stories for Star Wars.
09/08/2018 - Identities of a Lost Soul is now complete!
Wow, what a journey. Thank you everyone who has read, followed, favourited - and especially reviewed. It means a lot. I have some ideas for future fics - I would love to know what you think!
[Potential Future Projects]
I don't know if I will write more fanfiction. I have Ideas(tm), and my heart is in the KotOR world, especially IoaLS (Identities of a lost soul). But I also promised myself I'd try my hand at original fiction. So... I'm not sure at this stage.
I'll see where momentum takes me. RL can get hectic, too, and at times I've allowed IoaLS to overtake RL.
But I do have plot bunnies, which I shall list below because I can. I would love to hear if there is any interest for any of them.
No Title / Sequel to Identities of a lost soul: (Sci-Fi/Angst):
The sequel to IoaLS. Will I ever write this? I have Ideas(tm). But the prospect of another saga seems daunting. Yet... I'm very invested in my characters. I want to write some of those reunions, and the struggles to come. I would see a sequel as an actual finale to Revan's story - not just the next stepping stone that was the game of KotOR 2 - which so very dearly lacked a sequel. (Because SWtoR wasn't it. Revan & co should have had their victory.)
Loosely based on the events of KotOR 2, and following the path of Revan, Meetra, and their allies, as they rally to stand firm against the growing threat of the Sith triumvirate - and the darker danger that lurks in the Unknown Reaches.
Forged in the Shadows: (KotOR AU, male!Revan - Sci-Fi/Adventure):
This is a plot bunny I've been thinking about recently. KotOR AU, novel length (not IoaLS-length), and a Korriban-based retelling because I love Korriban.
Main characters: Revan, Yuthura Ban, Dustil Onasi, Bastila Shan. Ship likely to be either Revan/Yuthura or Revan/Bastila. Or both.
Trask Ulgo's sacrifice didn't hold Darth Bandon for long. In the end, the only reason Bandon spared the life of soldier Calix Gant was an idle curiosity at the spark of untamed Force in a fully grown Republic grunt. Before Calix knew it, he was imprisoned and shipped off to Korriban to be shaped into one of Darth Malak’s Dark Jedi – and is forced to navigate a new life of Sith politics, the demands of his seductive new mistress, and the incessant dreams of a beautiful woman who keeps insisting he is nothing more than a ghost in her mind.
Bloodlines: (IoaLS compliant - Sci-Fi/Angst):
Prequel to IoaLS, to follow four characters – Nayama Da-Boda, Zhar Lestin, Zarka Kun (OC) and Ulic Qel-Droma
A series of scenes that follows four Force-sensitive souls touched by love and the Force alike, as they live and fight their way through Exar Kun's war.
Flashbacks of a Lost Soul: (IoaLS compliant - Sci-Fi/Angst):
A chronological ordering of all flashbacks in IoaLS detailing Revan's life up until the Endar Spire - including approx 50% new cutscenes from various characters.
No Title/Dustil cut-scenes: (IoaLS compliant - Sci-Fi/Angst):
Main characters: Dustil Onasi, Carth Onasi, Mekel Kadoni, Selene, Uthar Wynn, Mission Vao.
A series of cut-scenes from the life of Dustil Onasi, culminating to just after the events in IoaLS.
No Title: (post-KotOR2 oneshot, Romance):
NOT IoaLS-compliant.
If I ever try my hand at a romance-heavy KotOR oneshot, this would be it. Canon-compliant, apart from a female Revan, but our protaganist is not Revan - it is the woman whose memories were used to mindwipe Revan. Takes place after KotOR 2 - when Revan and the Exile have disappeared into the Unknown Regions. The main reason for this fic would be to give Carth Onasi a happy ending - because his canon ending with a female Revan who disappears and leaves him waiting forever is truly tragic, and still gets to me even after all these years because I am a sap.
This would be a oneshot on Citadel Station.
Main characters: Lara(OC), Carth Onasi, Dustil Onasi, Mission Vao, Bastila Shan, Revan.
For Lara, leaving Deralia for the second time in thirty-five years was hard enough. Finding out that her illegally-obtained holocron had been used to reprogram a Sith Lord made her wish she’d never left home. Oneshot. Post-Kotor2.
Ex of a Sith Lord: (KotOR 2 Parody):
Sequel to Face of a Sith Lord, but from the POV of Jaime Surik. I'd have to play through KotOR 2 again to get this one right.
Main characters: Meetra Jaime Surik, Revan aka "Jasper", Alek Bronn (Malak), Kreia & the K2 cast, and maybe cameos from some of the K1 cast too.
Jaime Surik has always felt that luck had a tendency to find her.
Well. Bad luck, that is.
Just when she finally accepts a life without the Force, it comes flooding back in the shape of a cryptic old woman who won't stop talking about Jaime's infamous ex and how he's going to fix the galaxy. Now, Jaime finds herself on the run from Sith Lords, the Exchange, bounty hunters, and just about everyone else in the galaxy - apart from her ragtag crew, who are all magically developing signs of Force-sensitivity and looking to her for the sort of leadership she eschewed years ago. If that wasn't bad enough, it seems every time Jaime sidesteps into a cantina that same jackal-headed ex from her past is there - insisting he's no more than a farmboy named Jasper.
I follow some fics, and try to review what I read. I get a kick out of receiving reviews, so assume it's the same for other writers.
In general, I only add completed fics to my favourites list. Any exceptions to this are ones I rate very highly.
From 2004, but left here for posterity. Odd how much is still relevant.
What are you supposed to write in these things anyway?
Um, I like coffee, single-malt whiskey, coffee, motorsport, coffee, and sunshine.
I dislike automatic cars, the smell of wet dog, running out of coffee, and never having enough time to write.
My days are spent advising people to reboot their computers. Yay for IT support.
One of these days I hope to finish my first attempt at fanfiction. I blame it all on that stupid game.