Author has written 26 stories for Misc. Movies, Once Upon a Time in Mexico, Yu-Gi-Oh, Secret Window, Gladiator, Star Wars, From Hell, Constantine, Pirates of the Caribbean, Van Helsing, Shanghai Noon/Night, Batman Begins/Dark Knight, Red Eye, Wallace and Gromit, Nightmare Before Christmas, Book of Amber, Kim Possible, Megas XLR, Road to Eldorado, Harry Potter, Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes, Vikings, and Silmarillion. Long, long ago, in a galaxy far, far away, I wrote some fanfiction and posted it on this site. I am now at a period in my life when nothing is certain and everything is in constant flux. My addiction to RPs has taken priority over my own writings, and when I do have a chance to write my own non-fanfiction projects continue to eat up my spare time and energy. I would dearly love to go back and finish the many unfinished stories I have uploaded onto this site, but I fear this may not happen. My writing style has changed dramatically since I began writing for this site and to finish many of these stories I would have to rewrite from the beginning in order to create a flow and good continuity. In addition when I look over my notes for how a story was supposed to continue or end I find my ideas were often ridiculously idiotic. So, to that end, I'm posting a status notice for my stories: A Series of Dark and Stormy Nights: On hiatus, will hopefully someday be completed when I remember the brilliant end I was going to write for this. No Rest for Salvation AND To Save the Soul: Intended endings are overly dramatic, angsty, emo, and pre-teen-ish. Due to several complaints I am working on short summaries that will tie up these stories in case anyone would like to know how I planned to finish them originally. Too Late: I'm tempted to just delete this one but three story alerts registered to it tell me I should wait until I'm in a better frame of mind to deal with it. All other stories have been re-edited into a one-shot format if they were not already and will not be continued unless I am majorly convinced otherwise. I will most likely continue to occasionally post songfics, ficlets, and other small single-chapter stories as the muse takes me, but the likelihood of my writing any long muti-chapter epic is slim to none. Thank you so much to all you wonderful people who been so supportive with your reviews and favorite-ing! I give you all bunches of imaginary cookies and thank you again and again for making me feel special every time I get that wonderful little notice e-mail from . You have made my life better with each and every review, alert, and favorite-ing. |