Author has written 15 stories for Beauty and the Beast, Dark Shadows, Shrek, Enchanted, and Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Hi! I'm a middle aged mom who started writing fanfic about a decade ago, when my daughter was three years old. At that time she was obsessed with princesses, so of course I showed her all the Disney princess movies. "Beauty and the Beast" became her favorite, and she went through a phase of watching it literally every day for about three months. Since I like it too (my husband and I saw it in the movie theater on one of our first dates, so it's always had a special place in my heart), I would often sit and watch with her. Watching it so many times, I began to see more and more aspects to it, things that intrigued me and that I wanted to explore. So I began writing fanfic. It's been a wonderful outlet for me and fulfills my creative urge. I love the slogan of ("Unleash your imagination and free your soul") because I really do feel that way. When I'm writing, and I can see the scene happening in my mind, and the words are flowing out...there's nothing like it in the world. Of course, not every chapter is like that! With any story, there are always many times when I'm struggling to figure out how to write a chapter, but it's just NOT coming out, or when I have a scene written but it just doesn't work, and I sit there rewriting and making huge changes and trying to force it into shape. But it's all part of the process. I've feel that I've learned so much by writing fanfic. I also beta-read for a lot of other writers in the "Beauty and the Beast" section. Thanks so much to everyone who's reviewed me - it's such a wonderful feeling to get that "Review Alert" and know that someone liked my story enough to write a comment about it. I truly appreciate it! For any "Beauty and the Beast" fans: I'm on a really fun BATB forum called "Bittersweet & Strange," which can be found here: http:///bittersweet_strange If the link doesn't work, type z6.invisionfree . com / bittersweet_strange (but without the spaces! This site sometimes removes anything that looks like a URL, so I added spaces to make sure it shows up.) Feel free to stop by - it's a wonderful place for BATB fans! One last thing: my daughter is now a teenager and writes fanfic of her own! Her screen name is EnglishCivilWar. Check her out! :) |
Acy Yua (5) BookRose (5) C.T. 127 (0) civilwarrose (25) Demonica Mills (0) Dutch FF-lover (9) Emily Laughs (2) EnglishCivilWar (12) Gabby D (87) | Gadfly (6) GoldenJezebel (39) greensearcher (10) JDPhoenix (186) Kreeblim Sabs (0) LaFemmeDarla (4) lebardetriste (2) Lulai (4) LumBabsFan (20) mad margaret (8) | Maleficent Angel (9) Mandy of the Amoeba (108) Marianne Greenleaf (77) Mollyscribbles (22) NeitherSparky (23) ograndebatata (21) Rabid Wookiee Y (11) Serengeti Dawn (4) shortstef (3) StarWitch (5) |
Community: | Tales as Old as Time |
Focus: | Movies Beauty and the Beast |