Reviews for Clockwork
draignathair chapter 1 . 1/28/2011
Basically, I just agree with Trudirose : ) I loved the beginning for its insight into Cogsworth's character and the effects of the enchantment on his life; it felt both sad and somehow very right to me. Although I felt the ending was a little weak, perhaps because it's taken pretty directly from the film and that is not as interesting, the rest of the story more than made up for that.
Rose Emeraldfay chapter 1 . 11/5/2010
I love this! Anyone who likes cogsworth will simply adore this! I like it.
samus18 chapter 1 . 9/11/2010
Jeez, this made me cry. Especially the part about Cogsworth wanting to end his life when the last rose petal fell. Poor guy. It always made me sad that the castle's subjects also got punished just 'cause the Prince/Beast was that way.

This is wonderfully written. I love Cogsworth's point of view. ) Thanks so much for sharing this.
E.I.W chapter 1 . 6/11/2009
it was a good read :)
Mr. Van De Kamp chapter 1 . 2/21/2007
Cogsworth is my favourite Dinsey character.

This was really, very good.

Great character work.


anigurl28 chapter 1 . 4/5/2006
i like it. i like the way cogsworth and Lumiere was personified. plus it's a nice back story as to what they were doing before the old man came in.

good work.
epalladino chapter 1 . 4/4/2006
Very interesting way to look at the moment right before Maurice's arrival. I think you have Cogsworth down pat. This is exactly how he would think and act. However, since he is somewhat of a coward in someways, I wonder if he would ever have actually thrown himself under the wheels of a cart. He would like to think so, but maybe, in the long run, he wouldn't be able to do it.

I liked the ending: if there's one thing that someone like Cogsworth fears, it's change.

P.S. Your grammar and spelling are almost perfect except for one teeny quibble: "devote woman"-devote is a verb, not an adjective. You either meant 'devoted woman' (as in devoted to people) or 'devout woman' (as in religious devotion). Other than that I was very impressed with your lack of errors.

Thanks for posting, Beth Palladino
shortstef chapter 1 . 4/1/2006
Ooh I really liked that, it was in character, it was poignant and u got the relationship between Cogsworth and Lumiere spot on! Well done!
LumBabsFan chapter 1 . 4/1/2006
Oh. My. God. Can we just keep you here in this section for all eternity? LOL Ok, seriously, I'm wonderfully stunned. First of all, although Lumiere and Babette are my faves to work with, Cogsworth is one of the best characters to explore with a story and can be so much fun to write. It's sad to see so few stories about him. This was SO well written and explored. And as a Pyro (Lumi) writer, I must say you also did my man great justice there in his few moments, and even nice to see Babette (the duster) get a mention (AWESOME line on Cogs' part there btw!). All in all, I do hope to see more work from you here, and definitely will be faving this story. Wonderful job!
TrudiRose chapter 1 . 4/1/2006
This may be the single best opening line of any story in this category: "The most frightening moment of Cogsworth's life, even more frightening than when he was turned into a clock, was the day that he had forgotten what he used to look like." Fantastic - it grabbed me immediately. Excellent characterization here, and I love the way you really explore the horror of slowly being turned into an inanimate object. I also had to laugh at this line: "Cogsworth couldn't imagine what a candlestick and a feather duster could do together that would be worth the effort and, being a gentleman (even if he was a clock), he didn't spend too much time thinking on it. He was fairly certain that the answer would probably sicken him." LOL! Excellent, very well-written one-shot. I'm Faving it!