![]() Author has written 12 stories for Katekyo Hitman Reborn!, Kuroko no Basuke/黒子のバスケ, Magi/マギ, Harry Potter, and Tokyo Ghoul/東京喰種トーキョーグール. Hello all! I'm Saggezza, 20, (mostly) French and currently a NEET whose every older relative is positively bristling with unsolicited advice as to what job/course of studies she ought to choose. As such, escapism is presently pretty much my way of life. To complete a Naruto-style introduction: my likes are chocolate and reading anything I can get my hands on, my dislikes are insects and fruit of any kind, and my dream for the future...well, ideally, to become the head scriptwriter of a massively popular anime series entirely of my own devising. That is, of course, never going to happen, but there you have it. I am a major SLASH shipper and writer. Most of my currently published works contain slash. I'm not exclusively a fujoshi, though, as I do have a deep apppreciation for several het pairings. I've acquired an AO3 account, on which I've posted a good few of the fics presently on this website: therefore, please be aware that Aglio_Saggezza is me. I'm neither plagiarizing myself nor stealing my own fics. Just for fun, here's my UkeSeme quiz result: You are a Chibi Seme. You are the seme in disguise. Able to fit in and get along with uke and seme alike, you are able to get close to the uke on their level before exerting your dominance. This makes you at times manipulative and able to fool others about your true seme nature. Because of your harmless appearance, it takes the flamboyant Flaming Uke to match wits and really bring out your aggressive side to expose you for the seme that you are. Most compatible with: Flaming Uke, Badass Uke My list of OTPs, just because. HP: mostly crossover pairings, as I dislike pretty much every male in the HP universe save for Harry. As for het pairings...HP/LL or HP/HG, I guess. I cannot stand Snarry. KHR: All27, naturally, as well as 1827, R27, 8027, 0027, G27, 10027, 6927...Need I go on? ES21: HiruSena, ShinSena, all/Sena. D.G-M: Yuu/Alma is my ultimate OTP and watching Hallow's episode 7 made me cry rivers of tears. Otherwise, I ship Lucky and Road/Lavi, Allen/Link, Krory/Eliade, Cross/Nea and Mana/Nea. FMA: Elricest all the way. Ed/Ling and Greed/Ling are also nice. Otherwise, Roy/Al, even though it's far too rare for my taste. Al doesn't get enough love! Nanatsu no Taizai: BanKing, even though their ship name is stupid! King/Diane is also horrendously adorable, though, as is Escanor/Merlin. But I dislike Melizabeth, as I think Elizabeth kind of killed Meliodas's appeal as a character, even though I rather like her in and of herself. PJO/HoO: Percico. PERCICO. Seriously, Percico. I don't hate Percabeth, but all the same Percico is No. 1 in my heart. Otherwise, I also distantly ship SolAngelo (cute, but not on Percico's level of feels in my opinion) and Reyna/Nico (what? Just because Nico loved Percy doesn't mean he's 100% gay, he could be bi or pan!). I hate Jasico with the passion of a thousand burning suns. KnB: AkaKuro, though AoKuro and KuroMomo are very close seconds. I also rather like MuraKuro, KiKuro and KagaKuro. Magi: SinJa, SoloShe and JuHaku are my OTPs. Otherwise, AliHaku, HakuMor and EnAli (triste over on AO3 made me love it, totally recommend). |