Author has written 9 stories for Card Captor Sakura, Bleach, Naruto, Pokémon, Dragon Age, Attack on Titan/進撃の巨人, and Tsubasa Chronicle.
Meh, I'm Penpal and I like writing, boom. I have nothing to say since my life is boring, yet strangely busy.
My updates are extremely erratic and mostly rely on three things:
a) My willingness to update.
b) My muse and her schedule.
c) How busy I am.
Also, I cannot control which story my muse decides to talk about so to those that have me on their alert can see a new chapter or new story, so please don't be surprised. I promise not to disappoint.
I hate leaving stories unfinished, but I cannot multitask with them. Unless specifically said in the summary, stories are not abandoned or on hiatus. These, however, are not permanent statuses and can be changed if enough readers show interest in them.
Currently Active Stories:
Musing Atheist: Starts canon but deviates into an AU. Yet again, Epic.
Synopsis: An atheist is murdered in a school shooting and is brought to Soul Society through orthodox means but to an unorthodox life. It is mostly a war in the inside, beliefs against reality, as she grows up to accommodate what she has learned with the life she has been presented with. A story mostly focused on growth and how people change based on the cards they have been dealt with.
The Vessel: Crossover between Shingeki no Kyojin and an AU Naruto-verse. Most definitely Epic.
Synopsis: Sakura wakes up in a forest and remembers nothing except who and what she is. Alone and unable to communicate with anyone, she starts her new life in a strange world where large, humanoid creatures feast on humans for apparently no reason that always interfere with her happiness. And just as she accommodates, her old life starts interfering with her new one.
Beautiful art for The Vessel done by the wonderful lucife56 can be found here and MoonLightSadness10 here! Do check it out and send your love to this and all of the beautiful artworks!
Bridge Between Worlds: Crossover between Avatar and Dragon Age: Inquisition. Epic because I can't do short stories it seems.
Synopsis: An Avatar born and raised in privilege gets her first true taste of responsibility. Given a mission to try to save the world, Jin seeks to get used to Thedas and also solve its problems, all while finding out she can't just punch and kick these problems away.
Dead -
Broken Promise: AU and Time-Traveling and Epic in length.
Synopsis: Aizen won the Winter War when Ulquiorra sealed Ichigo away when he was more Hollow than Shinigami. He was locked in the nothingness for six months, which was enough for Aizen to consume Karakura Town and create his Ouken. However, Ichigo will not give in so easily and with the help of two strange twins and a place called the Crossroads, he will use his time-traveling powers to defeat Aizen and fix the strange timeline that has gone awry.
Chakra Strings: AU Naruto-verse.
Synopsis: Hagoromo always plans for contingencies, and it so happens that Kaguya winning was always one of them. Transporting his two sons to an alternate world to beat Kaguya was the best Plan B anyone had ever come up with. Sending Naruto and Sasuke to defeat Kaguya... Not so much.
Global Shinobi: AU and Epic in length. Posted on 8-11-13. Future update: not any time soon. I still need to plan this story.
Synopsis: Naruto gets tired of Konoha's perception of him and decides he wants to see the world to become stronger. A generally unwilling Jiraiya takes Naruto under his wing and travels the world with him, learning about the world and himself in the process as well. His travels are not exactly safe, though, so from a young age Naruto will have to learn how to defend himself lest he dies before achieving his new goal: to become the strongest shinobi in the world.
Veritas In Iuventute: Pokémon.
Synopsis: A college student is granted her life long wish of becoming a Pokémon Trainer. Whoever told her that having her own Pokémon journey would leave her unscathed is a complete liar.
Upcoming Stories (Titles Subject to Change) ((Not really)):
E Tempore: Naruto fic. Time-Traveling and Epic in Length. NaruSaku (?)
Synopsis: This wasn't supposed to happen, the symbols were supposed to be a joke at most. Now he's ten and a loser again, just when he was starting to enjoy his life. But, maybe in this run he could save everyone and have an even happier life, right? Oh, poor Naruto, you're so wrong.
Angels and Witches: BayonettaxBleach crossover, but posted as Bleach fic. AU and Epic in length. Undecided pairings.
Synopsis: Just when they thought Aizen was enough, he forms an alliance with Heaven, Paradise bent on some mysterious goal. Soul Society is forced to make an alliance with Hell, but allies have to like each other to work together, as hard as it might be.
Bond: Pokemon fic. Epic in legnth. OC-centric.
Synopsis: War is a horrible thing, yet the most indiscriminate that will ever be. It kills friend and foe alike, man or woman, regardless of age or social standing. This is the sad truth of war, but let it not be said that I went against nature itself to save Haycin, my dear milotic, from the clutches of death.
If you think, "Hey, Penpal is actually good not that shitty, I kinda want to read more," now you're more than welcome to read the crap I came up with myself! Featuring more instances where everything could go wrong and characters you give no fucks about (for now, hopefully), these are projects that I work with for fun, so instead of writing fanfiction about fake characters and fake plots, I now write my own fiction about fake characters and fake plots. For free!
Don't feel obligated, at all... In fact, I don't blame you
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