Reviews for Hearts in Chaos
Guest chapter 47 . 2/9
I love it soooooooo much
Myahle chapter 47 . 7/24/2019
Just finished my re-read of this wonderful story! Still one of my favorites - and I love being able to pick new details each time.
chaosmoon75 chapter 11 . 4/14/2018
I have just binge read up to this chapter in the last couple of hours. If it weren't the early hours of the morning I would probably keep reading. I am enjoying the way this story is written. I am pulled in to the point that I don't feel I'm reading anymore, but watching the action unfold. Very well told. Thank you!
0erbayunFang chapter 47 . 11/6/2016
That was heart-wrenchingly beautiful. I absolutely adored the story. I cried when Serah died. I'm gonna check out your other stories, so look for my reviews there in time. Keep writing!

CarelessCloud chapter 47 . 3/9/2016
Story was wonderful, minor errors here and there, but still made me fond of this.
XxShyxX chapter 47 . 3/5/2016
Great story
Sierra Rose Amalia chapter 23 . 8/27/2015
Rune Fencer chapter 47 . 2/10/2015

I spent two days reading this in its entirety and I just have to say:


This was amazing. Completely and utterly amazing. 3!
NeuroticBanana chapter 47 . 9/20/2014
Wonderful, wonderful story! :) I thoroughly enjoyed every bit of it! You are an excellent writer and I will be eagerly watching whatever else you write. It's sad to see this lovely little story come to an end, but all good things have to come to an end. It was wonderful though and I'm happy everyone got to have a happy little ending. Caius and Lightning really are well matched, I know some people say she's asexual, but really I think she's perfectly matched with pretty much only Caius. Besides, strong emotions like hate can easily walk hand in hand with the equally strong emotion of love. And that's what I feel about these two they have more in common than they know and feel intensely toward each other which can easily transition into a positive intensity. I think you captured that well, so great job! Oh and I totally follow you on tumblr now. :)
i chapter 47 . 9/20/2014
That was AN AMAZING ending...
Thank you, Genesis, from the depths of my heart that you shared this beautiful story with us. It was a journey, we shared with you everything you loved and cared about pictured by those two people, Caius Ballad and Lightning Farron. I have not many words to say, but I know you wont just stop there and there will be much more to give us, as this story blessed us with many, many merits.
The ending was different in constraction from the previous chapter, Noel's fate is comforting, yet a bit gloom, as far as Yeul isn't here with him, but no one knows what the future may bring. Caius and Light will protect now the world together and in peace, healing up their wounds in the love they share. It was an amazing ending that deserved them all, and - without going far away, just listening to my heart - it honored the story of the FFXIII Trilogy.
I don't care what the people say about it, its story and its characters mean a lot to me and I am not judging every "game" as a "game", you know. It was an experience and saying this I'm absolutely accepting it's every flaw as a game, by the way, but they are meaningless though. I gained much more than it myself. I think some people will realize it upon time. The same experience was granted to me by this story and I have no words to thank you about it.
Your next story will be posted in two weeks. That's really good! I cannot wait, and surely, I'll be one of the many who will watch along all its way... :)
This isn't goodbye, an other journey begins!
Oerba Yun Lightning chapter 47 . 9/20/2014
I'm so torn, I'm happy we got a happy yet slightly sad ending but I'm sad it's ending. Also playing is that I didn't like XIII-2 at all and don't like CaiusxLightning but loved this story ARGH conflicting emotions.
Commissar Admiral Kordoshky chapter 47 . 9/20/2014
jhoang6 chapter 47 . 9/19/2014
Perfect ending :) So glad I followed through the entire story as well as rereading when waiting for your releases xD
crimson dragonX chapter 47 . 9/19/2014
It really was a great story! I am sad to see it go! :( But it was a great ride! Is your Lighting Returns story going to be another Lighting/Caius one?
NeuroticBanana chapter 46 . 9/13/2014
Well what a pleasant little surprise this was! It's crazy how fast you've been updating! Well great chapter. The time lapse was fairly well done. I liked the little interludes with Caius and Light. It was good to see Snow happy again, even if it was with someone like Senna. At least he found happiness. And, yay! Fang and Vanille woke up! I'm sure Hope was super happy about that. I'll be very interested in how you explain things/wrap up things with them. It's a shame there's only one chapter to go since there could be so much more now that those two are involved. But I suppose that's what your future stories are for. Oh and are we ever gonna find out what Serah left for Noel? Will he even remember her?!
Anyway, it was an awesome read. And I totally look forward to the last chapter! :)
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