I Do Not Own Vampire Knight!
A/N Thank You to my beta Loveless Raine...Who also provided the fanart!
Let's Go!
Chapter One:The Silence Of Omission
Five Years Later
He stood very still, the leaves whispering softly in his ears as the slight night wind rustled through the tree like ghosts playing night tag among them. He stood high in its boughs, eyes closed, the night shadows pulled closely around his body, shielding his presence. Not that they would notice him as they bungled their way through the forest. Even this far away he could hear them. And in the last five years his senses had sharpened so dramatically, he could see them with his eyes closed as if they were fireflies playing at midnight. Awareness opened his synapses, filling him with tense excitement and he steeled himself against the sudden rush of adrenaline.
Patience, he cautioned himself. They are coming to you.
Like a herd of bulls. They weren't even taking the time to move secretly, instead depending on their numbers.
Fucking idiots
He timed it just right, using every sense at his disposal, dropping from the branch at the first trembling of the earth just before his position. He dropped right in the center amidst them, his ten inch blades already in his hands. A slender blade of death took the first level E through the heart and crystalline dust burst over the group. The one behind it tried to halt its mindless rush and only succeeded in delaying its own death by mere seconds as he waded in on a murderous tide. His foot right foot snapped backwards, hitting the Level E just behind him turning to engage. The hidden dagger in his boot reduced it to ash immediately. He was already twisting to take on another one.
He was moving so fluidly, so quickly they were having trouble getting a bead on him as they tried to attack him singly. In a matter of minutes he'd cut their numbers by half. That's when they remembered they were currently working in a 'group' and converged on him all at once.
He sensed the change in their battle plan and realized that his eyes were still closed. Swaying to the side, he dodged swiping claws and opened them. Only to stumble as a wave of dizziness tilted the forest around him. He reeled to the side, narrowly evading another set and then yelped in surprise as a strong grip tangled in his shirt and ripped him away from the fray, sending him flying a few meters away.
He cursed luridly as he skidded across grass and over fallen branches. He looked over to see a slender, silver haired shadow of himself take his place. He forgot his anger for a moment as he watched the graceful figure dispatch more of the level E's with minimum sweat. But only for a moment. He huffed under his breath, bracing his feet against the ground as he prepared to rejoin the battle. A large foot, followed by an equally large leg stomped into the ground just in front of his face. He rolled his eyes up. And up. He gave the dark skinned man effectively blocking his way a look that would have scoured skin. The big man wasn't the least affected by it. He laughed and crossed his arms, enjoying the show as a broad shouldered blonde joined the slender shadow. The remaining level E's stopped abruptly, snarling as their feet stuck to the ground, ice slithering up their legs.
Zero growled deep in his throat, flipping to his feet. The blades retracted until they were once again a part of his body. He brushed grass off his clothes and then affected the same pose as Sean, waiting for the right moment to ream his brother properly. The entire time he watched, the vertigo worked on his sight though he gave not outward sign of it. It was just tiredness he told himself. Maybe he should just go straight home and get sleep. But not before he told his brother just what he thought of his interference.
So he watched in heated silence as the duo finished mopping up the rest of the level E's, Ichiru's long katana shattering frozen organs and limbs as he moved among them with innate vampire grace, his blonde counterpart mirroring him superbly. They worked good as a team, he mused to himself. The ground was soon covered by frozen ashes, surrounding the two men in black. And suddenly Ichiru was in his face, his own more furious than a monsoon in September. Zero was just as angry.
"What in the hell was that?" He gritted out, a forward step bringing him closer.
"That. Is. My. Fucking. Line!" Ichiru looked as if a nuclear warhead was exploding in his head. "Just what in the hell did you think you were doing?"
"Killing E's apparently."
"Or 'apparently' about to be killed by them yourself! Idiot!" Ichiru took deep breaths to calm himself, to stop himself from screaming, "Why were you out here anyway? Aren't you supposed to be at headquarters? Or that's where we left you earlier this evening."
Zero frowned at him. "Do I look like your son? I go where I want."
"No, you look like my president! You know the one who is supposed to be leading us?"
"And what the hell is a leader who can't lead from the front lines?" Zero snarled. "I didn't sign up just to sit behind a desk when all of my hunters are out here risking their lives."
Ichiru waved towards the sea of ashes. "You call that a risk? I could have taken care of that all by myself."
He snorted rudely. "And yet you're here berating me for taking them on myself."
Ichiru gave Aidou and Sean a covert look that had them sliding away into the shadows. He waited until he could no longer feel Aidou's aura before he started speaking again. "But we know that you aren't in top form. For whatever reason in the last couple of months you've had these spells. And you insist on ignoring them and taking even more risks."
"I don't know what you're talking about." Zero turned to walk away, really, really not wanting to broach that particular subject. "I'm just tired and out of shape. That's what sitting behind a desk does to you. Ow!" He turned back, rubbing his hand where his brother had whacked him. "What the fuck!"
"Because you're acting like an idiot so I might as well treat you like one." Ichiru smirked at him. "What is going on with you? How many times has this happened that I haven't noticed. Or Kaname?"
He'd been stalking forward, intent on paying his brother back for his little stunt. His mate's name stopped him as if Aidou had frozen his feet to the ground.
"Does he know that you are out here?" Ichiru slammed the nail in his coffin with nonchalant aplomb. "He doesn't does he?"
"Of course he doesn't." He scrubbed tense fingers through his hair at the thought. His senses weren't the only thing that'd improved over the years. His mastery of the bond had as well. He'd learned to control it almost as well as Kaname could. He'd closed off his side the second the report was slid across his desk. Though it wasn't closed completely. His pureblood wouldn't be able to pinpoint his location exactly or what he was doing, but he would get impressions of his well being. That alone made him want to make his forbidden foray well worth it. "I'm leaving and if I just happen to run into another patch of E's don't interfere."
"How could I not? You're asking the impossible. I'm not going to sit here while you get yourself killed by being prideful." Ichiru followed, as relentless as a rattlesnake. "We need to find out what's going on with you. And get it fixed."
"I told you! I'm fine! Now just go the fuck away!"
"So fine that Kaname asked me to keep an eye on you?"
He let out a sound of frustration and anger at Ichiru's blatant extortion. "Kaname is a possessive, irrational pureblood who can't not let his kingly duties spill over into his personal life. If I followed everything he wanted for me, I'd be dressed in a french maid's outfit and serving him as his only subject."
Ichiru laughed, a sharp bark and raised his hands in supplication. "What? It's true!"
And his pureblood had only gotten worse in the ensuing years, even going so far as to place guards on him at his work place. To think vampires at the Association! That'd been an interesting conversation!
…You're not putting vampire sentries at the Association!"
"And just what is it that you object to? Vampires guarding you? Or vampires at the Association? They'll get used to it. After all it was part of the treaty. And you are royal consort to the King of Vampires."
"Damn it! That's why I didn't want to accept the post!"
Kaname ambushed him from behind, snaring him in long arms. He tipped his head back and nibbled playfully at his throat. "But you did accept the post and me, so now you have to deal with it….
He'd given in, much to his consternation and ended up with two vampire enforcers following him to work every night. He'd given them the slip tonight so Kaname most likely did now that something was up. That made him even more tired. He shook his head in exasperation. "I'm going home."
Ichiru watched him go, saddened at the slump of his brother's shoulders, his figure blurring out of sight, happy that he wasn't in his situation. Then his own back tensed as he remembered just what situation he was in.
"You're not going to follow him?" He didn't turn as the deceptively genial voice waltzed out of the darkness caressing the length of his spine. It felt as if the sun shined on him, the alluring heat dispersing the coolness of the night. He knew if he turned the image of would assault his eyes as if he were looking directly into the sun. It was just that bright. That hot.
"I think Sean has that covered. But good luck to him keeping up." His honed senses fluttered as the sunlight behind him moved closer. He sheathed the blade with the practiced ease and took two steps forward. "I'm going ahead, maybe I'll find more level E's."
"So I'm to assume that you're not going to drink tonight either."
As the voice heated him, despite the ice he knew was curling in Aidou's blood, he was reminded just why he wouldn't be drinking from the noble tonight. Every time he did it was like losing a piece of himself, every drop of blood just making it worse. "Is that why you tracked me down tonight?" He queried in a voice that he hoped was firm but suspected that he didn't succeed at all. "I'm fine. When I need to drink, I'll come find you."
"It's almost been a month."
"I'm fine." His voice was curt, angry. He didn't want to feed from the noble. It was as if, with every drop, the fledgling bond between them opened just a little bit more, like a rose unfurling. He was almost desperate to stop it.
"Are you?" Aidou pressed. "Or are you going to wait until you're almost mindless with hunger?"
Finally he turned, scowling at the noble. As he thought it would, the vision of Aidou seared his eyes.
The noble had matured greatly in the last five years that's they'd been in this symbiotic relationship. Aidou had grown at least six inches, his body filling out and into a muscular physique that would draw anyones eyes. His shoulders seemed to span Ichiru's reach and his waist was trim heading the way into legs so long he felt as if he could build a highway on them. He'd let his hair grow out so that his shining blond topknot brushed those very same delectable shoulders. His face was sharp planes and angles as if some sculptor had gone in and designed a mortal face from Godly materials. His blue eyes gleamed like sapphires even in the dusk of the night. All in all the blonde was way too sexy for his existence and tortured Ichiru with it every chance that he got. Even in the dark of the forest he seemed to shine like the sun at high noon. It was enough to make a blind man shield his eyes. And Ichiru wasn't blind. Far from it in fact, his vampire senses honed to their most definite. He ignored his urge to squint and look away again.
Aidou stared back at him, well aware of the effect he had on the second twin. "Feeding is much better when you're in your right mind."
As if. The last time that he'd tried that, he'd felt the bond opening between them like a living thing. A ravenous thing that would eat them whole and alive. He hadn't done that since and avoided drinking from Aidou until the noble's blatant effect on him was buffered by the mindless.
"How do you know? You've never drank from anyone." It was a taunt. Plain and simple.
And it had absolutely no bite. His eyes widened as Aidou's sharpened with interest, turning almost black.
"Is that an invitation? Because if it is I accept wholeheartedly."
"Baka!" He turned away, unable to withstand the shining glory that was Aidou. "I'm going back first!" He took a powerful leap, grabbing onto the branch furthest from him, using his momentum to propel himself to the next. He fled through the forest, with no idea what he was running from.
He alighted on the balcony and immediately felt the seething, ferocious aura moving towards him.
Of course Kaname would know that he was home.
But he was more than ready. He had a bone to pick with the pureblood. His brands throbbed in symphony with his thoughts. Kaname hadn't drunk from him in many days and he was feeling the lack. Something was off with his pureblood. He hadn't fed in forever and he watched Zero almost clinically as if he were waiting for some type of reaction. And they hadn't made love in days. Now that the adrenaline had worn off, he was feeling the leftover effects. His weary body sagged slightly as he hung his jacket. He looked at the bed longingly. He was tired. But he didn't want to go to sleep alone. He wanted to drift off to slumber wrapped in Kaname's arms. Hell, more than that. He wanted to drift off to sleep after having his mate buried, hard and deep inside of him. A wish it seemed his mate wasn't inclined to grant. He glowered at the door as Kaname's ferocious aura oozed between the seams. In the mood he was in, it didn't impress him much. For some reason his mate was holding back. He wanted to know why, but no matter how he dipped into that perplexing, mysterious mind, he'd found nothing. It made him twitchy, and unsure. He wanted to know what his mate was hiding.
Kaname entered the room, silent like a grim reaper, dressed in all black limbs moving smoothly in black slacks, shirt conforming the the pleasant contours of his chest. The look in his sable eyes was just as scary as they latched onto Zero immediately where he stood next to the window, moonlight illuminating his lithe frame. That was until the rage simmered down to slight irritation as Zero watched in frustration. Kaname deliberately tamped down his anger, masking it with artificial calm as he sat down on a settee across the room, chestnut hair waving around his expansive shoulders. He slouched too nonchalantly for Zero's tastes. His mating marks throbbed again as those dark eyes dripped down his form like warm honey.
"I trust you had a good night?" Kaname crossed his arms casually, warmth the only inflection in his voice.
Zero stared at him for a full minute, stymied by the cool front presented when he could feel the boiling cauldron just underneath his pureblood's skin. And as they were both competent at controlling it, the bond remained semi closed between them. His senses reeled at the double faceted feelings resonating through the bond. He knew his mate was angry and yet he refused to give that anger an outlet. He was used to Kaname's emotions bleeding over when he was with him. This Kaname confused him. This Kaname tiptoed around like he was made from fragile glass. As if he would shatter in the wake of strong emotions. He opened his mouth to demand an answer and yet that wasn't what spilled from his throat.
"I did." He turned away stripping off his outer shirt, wondering at his own hesitation.
He frowned as he tossed his clothes in the laundry. What was stopping him from confronting his mate head on? The sense of uneasiness, he decided. Sometimes when his pureblood kept secrets, he really didn't want to know about it, the unveiling of them alway leaving him at a disadvantage.
"Oh, you did. Chasing knots of Level E's when you were supposed to be at the Association's Headquarters."
Zero froze at the slight bite in Kaname's tone, looked over his shoulder and smirked slightly. The tension between them was tighter than a wire and he knew his mate was wound so tight it would only take a little to push him to the breaking point.
"Did you think I was going to sit behind a desk for my entire stint as the President?" He asked it casually, just matching his mate's tone. He shed his pants and grabbed his robe from the closet, feeling Kaname's eyes sharpen on his back. He slipped it over his shoulders, ignoring his mate's acute regard. "I don't remember agreeing to that."
"One of these days, Zero, you're going to find yourself tied to that bed behind locked doors."
The threat, made in that oh so bland voice while the furious tempest struck at the link that connected them was menacing. As if he cared. Kaname's brand of torture was what he was craving right now. He turned in a swift movement of flashing skin and silky cloth sitting on the edge of the bed facing his errant mate.
"You've made that threat so many times, I don't believe it anymore." He waved it off dismissively. And watched as black on black eyes flared deep red. Kaname's entire body tensed as his thoughts were broadcast through the half closed bond. His mate stood slowly, the action dangerously deliberate. He glided forward until he was standing a hair away. Zero lifted his face in invitation. His marks burned as the smooth silk of fingertips brushed the high blade of his cheek. His lids half veiled his eyes as strains of sensual music washed over him. It took him a moment to recognize it as Kaname's heartbeat he was so distracted by his mate's nearness. Sinful lips followed and he sighed into the soft kiss that graced his lips. Too soft in his opinion.
He reached up, grasping a strong wrist as Kaname made to withdraw.
"Stay," He whispered. He really wanted to fall asleep tangled with his mate.
He felt the instant second thought before Kaname made up his mind, straightening to his full height with one last reluctant kiss.
"You're tired and I'm still meeting with the foreign vampire dignitaries. You should get some rest. Tomorrow will be very tiring."
He blinked. He'd forgotten about the gathering of nobles from all over the world in their annual meeting and tribute of Kaname, the High Vampire King. He groaned. "I don't see why I have to attend," He griped softly, not letting go.
"Because you are my consort. And you know all of the vampires love looking at you."
"Yeah, like a science experiment." He finally allowed himself to release his pureblood, but he sure as hell wasn't happy about it. He glared at Kaname collapsing onto the bed. "Fine, go. I'll be sleep."
A faint smile touched the temping lips that he still wanted pressed against his. "I'll be up shortly."
"They should all just got to sleep." He rolled over, presenting Kaname with his back. He listened for the sound of his mate leaving, but of course he heard nothing. Kaname moved like a shadow. He resisted the urge to open the bond fully and eavesdrop, tossing on the bed until he dropped into a fitful sleep, still wondering what was going on with his King.
Hello! Me Again! So this is the first chapter of the sequel! I know that you will have questions….remember there's always a method to my madness Muahahahaha!
I hope that you enjoy this story as much as you did the first!
Until Next Time….