Poll: If you could only chose one, which of these Canon characters would you like to see survive the most by the end of IEAD? (This is just for fun guys, the ending is already planned, I just wanna see what y'all think) Vote Now!
Author has written 14 stories for Yu Yu Hakusho, Naruto, Inuyasha, Harry Potter, My Hero Academia/僕のヒーローアカデミア, and Avengers. Greeting fellow Nerds, Authors, and Lurkers alike. My pen name is something like "Void Flower" but being 13 at the time I'm not sure if fell in the right lines or not, but 16 years later it's still my pen name and I don't really have the heart to change it at this point. So some of you might of noticed I recently deleted a couple of my earlier stories; they have been swallowed by the hole of shame as I wrote them so many years ago and the blatant lack of writing skill and story/character progression makes me want to bury my head in a ditch somewhere. So those couple that are gone won't be coming back and I think that's probably for the best. RIP stories I wrote when I was a preteen. Please take note of the "Published Date" on a few of my fics, a couple of them are old. Very old. I know they aren't the best, and come off pretty amateur and undeveloped; but I wrote these fics when I was very young and I can't seem to bring myself to delete a few of them even though they'd probably be better off that way. So I'm back from my year-long hiatus and its been a bit rough y'all; but i'm happy to be here with some actual extra time to write. My current job isn't like my old one as I had predicted, my commute is long and arduous and the job itself leaves no spare time to even check my emails most days. So that leaves all my time, for the most part, to later at night. once again I assure you nothing is abandoned, most of these fics have unpublished chapters that I hem and haw over in my google docs. My Beta is still with me, bless her heart: Wistfuldaydream Kanna! Kanna! Whats going on with my story? When will you update? ~o.o~ Cracking Glass: This story is my first attempt at both the Harry Potter and the Avengers fandoms. I really enjoyed writing it but I do regret that I don't currently have the time to give the idea the attention I think it deserves. Therefore I've produced this one-shot with a fast-paced feel to it. I'm not exactly... happy with it. But i'm not exactly unhappy with it either. I just think the relationships needed more time and attention to develop properly. At some point I'm going to take it down and rewrite it i'm sure. It feels like a worm crawling around in the back of my head that keeps telling me its not as good as it could be. This fic was not Beta-ed. ~O.o~ A Million Candles Burning: This is the sequel to Cracking Glass, I am about 40k words into it. It is currently incomplete. Parts One through Four have been posted. There is now a Part Five(Unposted); because apparently I have no sense of moderation and this fic just keeps getting longer. I expect by the time I'm done with Five it should be at the close. There will probably be a short Part Six, as a teaser/epilogue that will lead into a sequel i'm toying with an idea for. It probably won't go up any time soon as I already have a lot on my plate Fiction-wise and I really need to finish SS and IEAD (Although I think IEAD is gunna at least have another 100k words before it's ready to be finished.) Thanks to my wonderful Beta: Wistfuldaydream who has kept me going with suggestions and comments on this one. ~o.O~ Sliding Sideways: (Special Note: I'm having some difficulty picking this one back up, I do know where I want it to end, and it is so very close to that, but for whatever reason i'm having difficulty getting it over with and finishing the damn thing. I swear it's not forgotten, it's just that everytime i open up the google doc and start writing for this fic i end up hating what i wrote and delete it. I'll figure it out sooner or later.) I am about nine chapters into the next ten installments as of 03/29/17 Thanks to everyone who has stuck with me during the making of this fic, I know the updates have slowed down a lot and I have to admit it's because I've been so distracted by other ideas. I did go back to reread this fic, and as far as an introduction piece to get myself back into writing its not bad. However, it needs a rewrite. Like, it badly needs a rewrite. I plan on actually finishing it before rewriting it, but i'm super unhappy with how... well... Un-Beta-ed this fic is. Sliding Sideways is almost complete, I hope all of you who have been with me this long will stick it out just a little bit longer until it comes to an end. Thank you so much to all my loyal readers and reviewers. There is a Sequel in the works for Sliding Sideways, once it's over please keep your eyes peeled for Dust Clears. The rough outline for this story is ready, but it probably wont be anywhere near as long as SS, just think of it as a loose ends kind of fic. ~O.o~ Two Halves: This is kind of dark three part story that revolves around Kikyou from Inuyasha, and Kakuzu from Naruto. It's of course a crossover fic and it plays into the Sliding Sideways story line. It's set just after the founding of the Great Nations. Part One and Two are up, and part Three is currently at about 35% complete. Since its the main body of the story i'm hoping to get it to settle around 10 to 12k words before I post it. I'm not focusing heavily on it right now since I have two other on going stories that are more pressing, but I just wanted y'all to know I haven't forgotten about it. ~o.O~ It Ends At Dawn: Chapter 46 is complete it will be published Sunday 6/10/18. Chapter 47 is 90% complete in its rough draft write up. This story is being Beta-ed by the wonderful, fabulous and magnificent: wistfuldaydream This story now has just over 120k words, and with everything that I still need to happen I imagine there is probably going to be another 100k before i can even start to consider the ending. That being said, I do actually know how this is going to go down so I promise I'm not flying blind here. I realize updates have gotten a bit sporadic and I hope you will all forgive me the periodically long waits between chapters sometimes. Please Remember I do have a life outside of Fanfiction and this is just a fun hobby for me. I promise I haven't abandoned anything, even if it has been ages since i've updated. As of Chapter 40, we are now back on track for the main story arc. There will be some nods toward canon at this point but don't expect too much else. This is where things get really messy guys. Nanami and that moral grey area are about to get a little shadier. Thanks to all my reviewers on this fic, y'all have all had some really interesting things to say and a lot of it has kept me going with prompts and things to consider. ~O.o~ (It totally blows my mind that I have a section for fanart here. Wow, really, Thank You so much to all these wonderful artists who took the time to read my fic and bring it to life.) Fan Art For IEAD: (Just remove the spaces) "Nanami" by wistfuldaydream LINK: www. deviant art. com / art / Nanami - 644422481 "Nanami" by DahliaFay LINK: dahliafay . deviantart . com / art / Nanami - 646686141 "It Ends at Dawn Fanart" by La'RaeXandXNinjas LINK: laraexandxninjas . deviantart . com/ art / It-Ends-at-Dawn-fanart - 652616569 "It Ends at Dawn" by Dahliareads LINK: dahliadoodle . tumblr . com / tagged / it-ends-at-dawn ~o.O~ Gōrudenshīru: So, I vaguely remember where I was going with this story when I posted it six years ago- but honestly it's not on my main list of to-do's right now. I might continue it later on but right now it's just gunna sit there till I figure out what to do with it. I apologize to those of you who have been asking about it. I hope you enjoy reading my stories, or maybe you'll find something you like by another author on my favorites list. Please feel free to PM me if you have any questions or suggestions for my writing. I'm always open to a good prompt as well. Cheers -Kanna Updated 06/09/2018 |