Author has written 3 stories for Inuyasha, and Yu Yu Hakusho. OK I AM SO SORRY ABOUT THIS BUT IT READS ONE CHAPPY MORE THAN IS REALLY THERE ON ICE DEMON! I AHVE NO IDEA WHY. I WHEN I WENT TO EDIT IT ONLY SHOWS FOUR CHAPTERS! SO? SORRY!I don't know why you're reading this but oh well. My short Bio is here for you who are curious. My lil sis is also on F.F. she's goddess of love and beauty and is writing a really good fic so I recommend you read it. hair: (complicated) It's layered the bottom layer is red and then I have red/orange and golden highlights, rest of hair is a brownish blonde color. (It looks good it's just hard to explain!) Working on and updated: Ice Demon (7/07 Chapter 3) fav pairings: Hiei/Kag(fav. for this xover) I can't stand Inu/Kag!!! Only cause they're to many of them and I don't think he's good enough for her especially since he already chose Kikyo. fav anime: YYH I also LOVE YYH/HP/IY xovers, with a Hiei/Kag pairing though I have only found 1 of those. If you have a Hiei/Kag, Logan/Kag, or a Veg/Kag fic let me know and I will read it and review!! |