I saw "Good Omens" and started reading the book, which made me wonder how the Doctor would handle someone like Crowley. So, I made a demon OC and threw him into Doctor Who. Hope you all enjoy it! I've got a bunch more chapters written out, but not typed up, so it might be a little bit before more chapters are posted for this. Let me know what you think ;)

Do you know that story? The story about the first man and woman getting tempted to eat an apple against God's commands? I think everyone knows it, religious or not. Do you remember the serpent though? The sneaky snake that got the job done? Yeah, I am… was that guy. Hand picked by the Dark Lord himself to get the job done right. Though, it wasn't hard, especially when the big man in the clouds started the temptation for me by pointing it out and telling them not to eat it. To this day, I still don't quite understand what he was thinking.

But that's beside the point. I'm not here to blabber on about religion. All you need to know is that I am a demon, a fallen angel, and Heaven and Hell existed in my world. That's right. My world. I'm not currently there at the moment. You see, I'm a bit of a trouble-maker if being a fallen angel didn't give you an idea of that already. Here's the thing though, I was… lazy. Yeah, I'll admit it. I was. I got bored terribly easy and as a demon of Hell, that meant causing trouble, particularly on Earth.

It was fun. I didn't even have to do anything sometimes. I once caused a very heated divorce just by using my abilities to flick on a light switch. That being said, I eventually pissed someone off with my skirting around jobs and lazing about on Earth. I didn't realize I was being monitored until the fateful night I ended up helping an angel with some unimportant task. So unimportant, I don't quite remember what it was. It was the worst offense a demon could make and as such, they exiled me.

Doesn't sound so bad, right? Where's a demon to go though, when neither Heave nor Hell would take them? Earth, obviously, except the Dark Lord is a cheeky fellow (Not really. He's as terrifying to me as to any other mortal or immortal being.) Thing is, he sent me to Earth all right, except there were some flaws. For one thing, I was dropped off at civilization's beginning, all sleeping in caves and wearing furs. The other thing? It wasn't my Earth.

There was no Heaven or Hell here; I could sense it. No angels or demons. Just me and whatever primitive human beings were living in the next cave over. I was literally cut off from everything. And if I know one thing, the Dark Lord doesn't forgive a mistake like mine. I was stuck, never to return. Do you know how hard that is?

No, don't answer that. You're human. You're stuck here anyway, and you enjoy it.

It wasn't a lack of social contact if I'm honest. I'm a demon, and a lazy on at that. Humans were more interesting than my kind. The issue was, how boring everything was. I was an immortal being who could only feel emotions and pain. Sleeping and eating weren't necessary, but soon became a luxury I enjoyed. And you'd be surprised how many times I "died" for someone who never aged. It was honestly a chore, and as the centuries passed, I only became more and more grateful for the tiny advances humans made that prevented me from being stabbed with a stake by someone who thought I was a vampire.

I still did my job though, causing trouble. Most of my powers had been taken from me, but I still had my wings (which could be hidden when needed) and my transfiguration, among other things. I hardly minded because this Earth was different than mine. There were creatures walking among the humans that I'd never witnessed before. That, and I often sensed my own presence during different time periods. Such as during this world's first moon landing. The dome-shaped heads of grey aliens hissing at me were curious, yet I could feel my own presence in America somewhere while I was situated in Europe. By the time I convinced myself to search the Americas for whatever had interested me, the presence was long gone (I wasn't one to mess with paradoxes, despite my trouble-making nature) and I was in for a different sort of trouble.

I had come across a large, empty crater in the middle of a desert in Utah. I was confused about what drew me to it at first, but as I neared the feeling of hatred and anger made me crack a smile. This is what I feed on. Though, my joy didn't last long. Humans had secured me before I'd taken more than a step into the crater. I could have evaded if I wanted to, but I was too curious. What could have landed in this miserable place with more hatred than humanly possible? I wanted to meet the creature more than I cared about the idiot humans leading me into an underground bunker.

They stepped me into an office and I gave the man in charge a glance. Would've been ours, I idly noted, having gotten into the habit of judging humans as later Heaven or Hell-dwellers of we were back on my Earth.

"We found him by the crater, sir."

"Did you now? That crater is miles away from any civilization. Why were you there?"

I blinked slowly, not the least bit intimidated by the man, nor his armed guards. I couldn't "die," after all, and I'd long since gotten used to most pain.

"Lost, maybe."

The man raised a brow, but I continued.

"Let me see it. Whatever was in the crater," I stated more than asked.

"What for? I don't even know who you are."

"It's interesting," I shrugged. "And I don't know you either."

He smirked. "I like him. Straight forward, blunt. I'm Van Statten." He held out a hand, gesturing for me to respond with my name.

"Ornias," I answered after a moment and Van Statten hummed.

"Well, I suppose I could let you see it, but don't go thinking you can just walk out of here afterward." He stepped forward. "Work for me."

"No," I said bluntly, turning and heading to the door, stopping only because my hands were cuffed behind my back meant I couldn't open it.

Oh, and the guards. I supposed they were "stopping" me too.

"Hm, shame," Van Statten hummed, leading me out. "I guess we'll just erase your memories and leave you back out there in the desert then."

I didn't answer, not caring since I knew it wouldn't change anything. Their devices don't work on me anyway. We went into an elevator and I listened idly as the man blabbered on and on about what he'd found.

"Found it just a few weeks ago. Took them a while to get it out before it was being sold on a private auction. First person who touched it burst into flames. Doesn't speak though, and we've tried everything."

Torture. Sounds fun. Do that long enough to something that full of hate and anger, and you'll be number one on its list when it gets out. My lip twisted u in a smirk as we entered another room, large and full of equipment. A giant metal door stood at one end and Van Statten led me to it, punching in a code.

"Feel free to have a look. You won't remember it anyway."

The door was opened, and I stepped inside, not bothered when it closed behind me. The room was dark, but I could see clearly and stepped towards the pepper-pot-like creature, excitement running through me. The hate and fury in the air was thick and thrilling, allowing my eyes to shift to gold as I deeply inhaled.

"Oh, you're just gorgeous, aren't you?" I purred, circling it and leaning closer. "Even in that metal shell, I can taste it. You're made of the stuff, aren't you? Hatred, fury, anger."

There was a soft whir as the lens of the eyestalk focused and shifted.

"Mm, my Lord would love you. I'm curious, and it's been far too long since I've been curious. Let me tell you. Humans are so boring, so fickle, so weak. You though, you're strong, aren't you? So, tell me. Show me. What does hatred look like under all that armor? What do I call someone worthy to be a brother to a demon like me? Hm?"

I was millimeters from the creature, my wrists easily sliding out of the useless cuffs as I brought a hand up and touched the metal shell. It burned, glowing bright red in the dark, but I didn't even wince as my hand was fried; too busy looking into the soul of what was in front of me.

"I… am… a Dalek," it responded, voice broken and robotic, but sending a trill of excitement down my spine.

"Dalek," I breathed, sharp canines glinting in the light as the door was opened and Van Statten charged in.

"What did it say?" He demanded, having not heard either of us whispering to one another. "Speak! Talk again! I demand you speak!"

The Dalek was silent though, slipping back into its dormant state, and Van Statten turned to me.

"What did it say? Tell me."

I laughed a loud, barking laugh. "Tell you? You have no command over me. Just throw me out like you planned, Van Statten. You'll get no answers from me."

A vein throbbed in his temple before he paused, spotting my hand that was already healing.

"Sir?" A guard holding me questioned.

"Get him to the scanning room," Van Statten demanded, eyes narrowed. "He's not human, and I will get answers."

I scoffed, knowing he wouldn't as I was walked out. I could have left too, but a little human torture was well worth the time they allowed me to be with the Dalek. I hadn't tasted anything so good since back on my world with Adam and Eve. I wasn't about to let my chance slip away so soon. I'll be here for when it gets out. I want to watch and see what a creature of pure hatred can do.

Something had changed. I felt the shift in the air a few moments ago. Someone or something had riled up the Dalek. Curious still, the Dalek was afraid. I had to wonder, what could scare something practically made of hatred? Again, my curiosity was peaked. Then, an uncanny visitor. I recognized the skittish male—an employee of Van Statten's—but the girl held an uncanny resemblance to someone. Was it the nose? Eyes? It wasn't often I noticed a human, picking one out of the billions. Then, it clicked.

Christmas in the early twenty-first century—when the shop manikins came to life. I recalled—albeit barely—pulling the head off one in search of what was controlling it. The consciousness had fled out of it at my touch, but I had inadvertently saved a blonde woman. Said woman—whose name I could barely remember started with a "J" (Jesse? Jazzy?)—had assumed I'd saved her intentionally and dragged me back to her flat for tea. I still don't know why I allowed her to pull me along, but I could see the resemblance now, between her and the young woman in front of me—currently fighting with the male beside her.

"You're letting them torture a human! How is that okay!"

"H-He's not human! He has healing capabilities way beyond our comprehension! He's immortal! I-I swear!"

The blonde hesitated but was quick to find her spine and argue. "So? You're torturing people just because you don't understand them? That's not right!" She moved closer, grabbing one of the restraints around my wrists. "Help me get him out."

The man was reluctant, but a glare from the blonde had him looking around. Her gaze turned to me then.

"I'm Rose Tyler. Do you happen to know how to release these restraints?"

I raised a brow. "Yes, but why would I do that?"

She blinked, pausing in her confusion. "Y-You like being tortured?"

"Not particularly."

"Then, shouldn't you want out?"

"Oh, I could get out at any time."

"Then, why are you still here!"

I hummed, sitting up on the table and placing my chin in my hand. "There's something interesting next door. Have you seen it?"

She shook her head. "No. I wanted to help you first."

I chuckled, hopping off the table and to the door. "Silly humans. I'll never understand your sense of comradery."

She went to say something, only for her eyes to widen in realization. "H-How did you get off the table? The restraints—"

"I told you." I looked at her from over my shoulder with a smirk. "I could have left whenever I wanted."

She bounded after me as I stepped out into the room where my torturer was. He spotted me in seconds—having just left the Dalek's room—furious.

"What are you—Get back in there! Now!"

"Or what?" I questioned, not at all threatened as he picked up a cattle prod.

"Or we'll find out how many volts it takes to kill you."

Rose covered her mouth, crying out when the man rushed forward. I sighed though, not in the mood to deal with the man. With a flicker of speed, I grabbed him by his throat and hoisted him in the air.

"You should know by now, you can't kill me. Not for long, anyway. Or are you really that thick?"

He choked and gagged, clawing at my hand as a wicked smile curved over my features.

"No, not thick. You're scared. How sweet. You were always so confident when I was chained up. Would it frighten you further to know that I could have escaped at any time? Every second you spent in that room, I could have just reached up and plucked your soul right from your body. You lot don't even know what I am, what I'm capable of," I purred, lowering the silently sobbing man so his blue face was eye-level when my eyes flashed gold. "You don't know what true torture looks like."

"S-Stop. Stop it," Rose said, stepping forward and touching my arm; the first non-violent human contact I'd had since ending up in this world. "You're killing him."

Kind of the point, I mused, but she too was curious. To be able to push past the feeling of power—my aura, if you will—and touch me with the intension of stopping me. Oh, I am finding a lot of interesting things lately, aren't I? I dropped the man to the ground uncaringly. Still alive, but only just.

"Rose Tyler," I hummed, tasting the name on my lips and wrinkling my nose slightly. "You're definitely one of theirs."

She blinked as I approached the controls for the door leading to the Dalek. "One of who's?"

Heaven's. All innocent light and peaceful morals. "Don't torture the torturer," she says. She's lucky I'm more interested in my metal alien friend, or I'd have snapped his neck just to see the look on her face. A black mark marring the whiteness of her life. The door easily opened after a quick touch, and we slipped in; myself immediately gaining the creature's attention with a quick refocus of its blue eyestalk.

"Hello, my wonderful hateful friend," I hummed, sauntering up to it and running a finger around its dome; the burning of said digit too mild to bother me. "There's a nosy human who's come to see us."

Rose took a step forward, but the male who followed us in stopped her.

"He's the only one who's been able to touch it without dying."

Rose nodded slowly, standing just out of reach. "Hello," she greeted.

Oh, so innocent.

"Are you in pain? My name's Rose Tyler. I've got a friend, he can help. He's called the Doctor. What's your name?"

"Doctor" is what caught its attention, I noted, leaning on its dome and watching the blonde who was edging nearer.

"Yes," the Dalek responded surprisingly.


"I am in pain. They torture us, but they still fear us. Do you fear us?"

Nice to feel included. I looked to Rose as she eyed us both, licking my lips and tasting the emotions in the air. Interesting.


She's telling the truth.

"I am dying," the Dalek said, making me push off it with a frown.

Already? I haven't had this much fun in eons, and it's going to just go and die on me?

"No, we can help," Rose declared confidently.

"I welcome death," the Dalek replied. "But I am glad that before I die I have met a human who was not afraid."

"Isn't there anything I can do?"

"My race is dead, and I shall die alone."

Rose reached out then as the male human shouted or her to stop. Her hand whipped back as soon as she touched the Dalek, burnt lightly. The Dalek itself though thrummed with power.

"Genetic material extrapolated. Initiate cellular reconstruction!"

Alarms blared as the two humans made a run for it. I hung back, waving a hand and sending the chains holding the Dalek to the ground. Its eyestalk whipped to me though, and I felt a hint of fear from it.

"Leave me! Leave! You are incompatible! You are a danger greater than the Daleks! Anomaly! Anomaly!"

I huffed, strolling to the door. "Fine then, geez. Can't take an interest in anything, can I? Perhaps this Doctor person you're so frightened of will be interesting." I stepped through the door with a wave of my hand, rather annoyed when a large group of armed soldiers waited for me on the other side.

"H-How did it open the door?"

"Who cares! Shoot it!"

"No!" Rose called out desperately. "He's harmless!"

"Oh, I'm hardly harmless," I hummed, sending the room into darkness as gunshots went off.

The lights flickered on as the gold in my eyes faded and I dropped the body-less arm I was holding to join the other corpses in the room. A small pout marred my face though, for two reasons. Reason one, Rose Tyler and the male were gone, so I didn't get to see their faces at the carnage. Reason two, my outfit was bloody now. Not that their sorry excuse for boxers is worth being called an "outfit."

"I need clothes," I grumbled, searching myself before finding what I was looking for; pulling out a black feather from behind my ear that hadn't been there until now. "Let's see," I hummed, stepping over the corpses and out into the hall. "Was it saliva or blood for the pocket dimension?"

I ran the end of the feather over my tongue and let it fall to the floor. Kneeling down, I reached towards it and my hand phased through it into the space beyond. It took a bit of fumbling about, but I soon found a pair of pants and put them on. The feather turned to ash with a snap of my fingers and the blood on my skin had already vanished as well after a simple wave of my hand. Feeling moderately better—Should I have bothered with a shirt? Nah. Don't think I have enough spare ones if it gets bloody—I resumed my walk upstairs in search of a way out or another interesting encounter. I was in no rush though. It was the humans who were in need of time. I had all the time in the world.

Rose didn't know what else to do but run. She felt terrible for leaving that guy behind, but she had no chance of stopping those soldiers and Adam had already tugged her away before she could witness his fate. I didn't even find out his name. Unfortunately, that wasn't her first priority at the moment. The bulkheads were closing and if she and Adam didn't run fast enough, they would be trapped on the other side with the creature killing everyone. She'd sworn it had looked at her though and couldn't help but wonder why. She then remembered that she had the Doctor on the phone and spoke up.

"Doctor, do you know what happened to the other guy? The one we helped escape?"

"No, but cameras keep going out in sequence. That could be him. Did you get a good look at him? Van Statten just says he's a fast healer."

"He looks human, but he said he's not. It's weird though. Just being near him is odd."

"Odd how?"

"I don't know, but it's like… like you could forget he's there, but also like you're being watched." She shook her head. "I don't know, but he's not entirely dangerous. He listened to me when I told him to not kill someone."

"Could have just been a whim. How close are you?"

"We're nearly there. Give us two seconds," she said, her and Adam running towards the bulkhead.

"I'm sorry," the Doctor breathed, and Rose resisted a curse as the metal sheet began to close.

"Adam made it there first, sliding under it and reaching for her as she struggled to catch up.

"Come on!"

Just as she reached it though, the door closed, leaving her with her forehead pressed to the metal holding back tears.

"Rose, where are you? Rose, did you make it?" The Doctor's frantic voice echoed in her ear.

"Sorry, I was a bit slow," she apologized, seeing the Dalek roll around the corner. "See you then, Doctor. It wasn't your fault. Remember that, okay? It wasn't your fault." Because I know you'll blame yourself. "And do you know what? I wouldn't have missed it for the world." She hung up as the Dalek raised its weapon, closing her eyes in preparation.


The weapon fired. She'd heard it. So, why didn't she feel anything?"

"My, my. Bit hasty, don't you think?"

Rose's gaze snapped up, only for her jaw to fall open at the sight of two large black feathered wings uncurling from around the man she'd helped. Ornias sighed, bringing the left wing towards his hand and lightly caressing a scorched section of it as it began to heal.

"You even made me pull these out. I haven't done that in ages. Though, I suppose I didn't have to. You were going to miss her anyway."


"I am armed. I will kill. It is my purpose," the Dalek said.

"And what a lovely purpose that is," Ornias replied, wings sinking back into his shoulders as he rolled his neck. "But you were going to try and kill someone interesting, and I can't have that."

"What…" Rose stepped around Ornias, eyeing him warily as his yellow slit eyes trailed after her as well. "Why did you save me? What are you? A-And it was going to not kill me?"

"Seems so, judging by the trajectory," he hummed, blinking his abnormal eyes back into their previous brown color. "And since the Dalek is dying, I figured your Doctor person would be interesting to meet. You are therefore needed to see him."

"Y-You saved me out of curiosity?"

He shrugged. "I'm interested in very few things this world has to offer. My life revolves around my whims. This is one of them."

"I feel your fear," the Dalek said, drawing their attention back to it and Rose bristled.

"What do you expect?"

"Daleks do no fear. Must not fear." It fired another couple of wayward shots, missing them both. "You gave me life. What else have you given me? I am contaminated!"

"Thought you were a bit off," Ornias purred. "Less anger and hate now. You're practically at their level. How boring."

Rose smacked his arm, glaring at him to keep his mouth shut, though he just raised a brow as the Dalek looked to the camera it had rebooted.

"Open the bulkhead or Rose Tyler dies."

"You're alive!" The Doctor practically cheered over the intercom.

"Can't get rid of me."

"I thought you were dead."

Rose pointed at the man beside her. "He saved me."

Ornias scoffed. "Don't praise me. I did it for my own benefit."

"Open the bulkhead!" The Dalek wailed again.

"Don't do it!" Rose argued.

"What use are emotions if you will not save the woman you love?"

Rose flushed at Ornias' raised brow aimed her way, but the bulkhead opened and they were let through and into the top floor.

"I'm begging you. Don't kill them. You didn't kill me," Rose pleaded to the Dalek.

"But why not? Why are you alive? My function is to kill. What am I? What am I?"

"Existential crisis?" Ornias let out a huff. "Just when I thought things were getting good."

Rose shot him a look. "You want it to kill people?"

"You don't know what I am," he mused, picking at something dark under his fingernails. "I feed off chaos like this. A bad guy turning good? Makes me way less interested."

"Who are you then? I don't even know what to call you."

"Ornias," he replied, smirking at her as his eyes flashed gold briefly. "And you wouldn't believe me if I told you."

Rose planned on arguing that point, but the lift had reached its destination.

"Don't move! Don't do anything!" She warned Van Statten as the Dalek rolled towards him. "It's beginning to question itself."

"Van Statten. You tortured us. Why?" The Dalek demanded, its gun pressed into the sweating man's temple.

"I wanted to help you. I just, I don't know. I was trying to help. I thought if we could get through to you if we could mend you—I wanted you better. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry! I swear, I just wanted you to talk!"

"Then, hear me talk now. Exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate!"

Rose again, stopped it. "Don't do it! Don't kill him! You don't have to do this anymore. There must be something else, not just killing. What else is there? What do you want?"

"I want… freedom."

I hung back, unnoticed by Rose as she and the Dalek rolled off. Van Statten knew though, still pressed against the wall in fear as my cold golden eyes slid over to his.

"I-I really didn't mean it," he pressed, shaking as I moved towards him. "Y-You were the only one able to get it to talk, that's all!"

"Hm, you see, there's something you don't know about me, Van Statten. I can tell when someone lies. I can taste the darkness in someone's heart and yours if full of bullshit." I smirked as the room darkened and I approached him like a predator stalking its prey, shifting forms into a more comfortable one. "And I'm not under any obligation to listen to Rose Tyler. I'll let you live though. Oh, but is it really living when you've been driven mad by the sight of a demon's power?"

A long claw tapped his forehead and that was all it took for him to fall to the ground, soiling himself and sobbing out apologies that fell on deaf ears.

"No, I suppose it doesn't."

Once he was dealt with, I strolled out after Rose and the Dalek back in my human form. Haven't had this much fun in ages. Even before my banishment. Humans are so funny. I cracked a small smile, running a hand through my tousled auburn hair as I spotted a third figure near where the Dalek self-imploded. Ooh, curious. Look at him. The perfect mix. Anger, guilt, and morning mixed with righteousness, light, morals. He would be hard to judge. A savior and a devil. I do believe I've found my next project. This… Doctor.

"Our gazes met and we both eyed one another in silent judgment until Rose caught sight of me, heading over with a frown.

"Where did you disappear to?" She questioned before her eyes widened. "You didn't. Van Statten. Is he—D-Did you—"

I held up my hands. "He's alive. I didn't kill him if that's what you're asking."

She let out a sigh of relief as the Doctor stepped forward.

"Care to introduce us?"

"Oh, this is, uh… Ornias. He's… well, I don't know what he is."

The Doctor raised a brow and I smiled innocently, only for him to pull out a stick of some kind and waved it over me. It sparked when he did, and he looked at whatever readings it gave him with a small frown. Just to mess with him, I used a hint of my power to pop up behind his shoulder and look at the instrument curiously.

"Did it tell you anything good?"

If he was surprised or bothered, he didn't show it through anything other than the slight stiffening of his shoulders.

"No. It refused to scan."

I hummed, shifting past him and tucking my hands in my pockets. "Well, that's not surprising. Most instruments can't scan me anyway. EKGs, MRIs, you name it."

"That's odd," he mused.

"Not really," I chirped, smirking when I caught the frustration in his gaze.

"Yeah, um, if you two are done?" Rose commented. "I'd really like to get out of here."

The Doctor nodded and started to head off with her, only for me to easily pop up at his side.

"Stop following us."

"Why? Can't I come?" I asked curiously.

"No. Go home."


"Then, go find somewhere," he grumbled.

"With what money?" I pressed, mostly just to bother him. I could easily get a hotel if I wanted to. But why would I do that when I've found someone interesting?

"Oh, come on, Doctor," Rose added. "He was tortured! The least we could do is give him a lift."

"No," he argued, and I moved in front of them, walking backward.

"How about this? We'll make a deal."

His eyes narrowed. "What kind of a deal"

"Take me with you, and for every interesting thing you show me, I'll give you a taste of what I can do."

"Why should I trust you?"

"You shouldn't," I said honestly. "But I can taste it, the curiosity. You want to know more about me, and I want to know more about you. So, a trade for a trade."

He stopped walking, folding his arms over his chest. "I want rules."

"Whatever you'd like."

"You give up one fact, I give up one fact. No extra questions or trying to get me talking more."

I held up my palms. "Fair enough."

He poked me in the chest. "And no killing or maiming or anything like that. Nothing that could permanently hurt people or even temporarily hurt people."

"A chore, but all right," I gave in. If he keeps me entertained for long enough, it'll be worth it. "Anything else?"

His eyes narrowed. "The ability to add rules as needed."

"Well, that's a bit unfair, don't you think?" I raised a brow, but he didn't budge.

"I don't know anything about you or your abilities. If I find something out that needs a rule, then I want to be able to add that. Take it or leave it."

"Hm," I smirked, holding out a hand. "All right. Deal."

He cracked a smile as well, reaching out and taking my hand only to yelp, and pull it away as a dark, snake-like band wrapped around his wrist. "What the hell did you do? What is this?"

I lifted my own hand, showing him an identical band. "Fact number one, for showing me such an interesting thing like a Dalek; you make deals with me, and I'm forced to follow them."

"What?" Rose gaped, looking between us in worry.

I flexed my fingers as I looked over the mark. "Or, well, if I choose to break them, it won't be pleasant. Won't be as effective as it would in my world, and yes." I grinned at the Doctor. "I'll give you that tidbit for free."

He frowned, but we continued walking. "This band does nothing to me?"

I shook my head. "Nope. Just shows you made a deal. It would, though, if it was like my usual contracts. I'm not allowed to do those anymore though, so no worries."

He hummed as we entered a room like a museum—a blue police at one end. He smiled at the slight and I eyed it curiously as he pat the side.

"A little piece of home. Better than nothing," he said, giving me a free tidbit as well.

Has no home.

"Is that the end of it, the Time War?" Rose asked, adding another piece to the puzzle.

Ooh, a soldier. One who lost everything in a war with the Daleks, no doubt.

"I'm the only one left. I win. How about that?" He beamed, though a quick run of my tongue over my lips confirmed the bitterness he was feeling.

"The Dalek survived. Maybe some of your people did too."

"I'd know, in here." The Doctor tapped his head. "Feels like there's no one."

Oh, he's making this too easy. Telepathy too?

"Well then, good thing I'm not going anywhere."


"And now we've got Ornias too."

His eyes narrowed at me as I wiggled my fingers in a wave. "Yeah."

The young male from before rushed in then, in a panic.

"We'd better get out. Van Statten's disappeared. They're closing down the base. Goddard says they're going to fill it full of cement like it never existed."

"Why is he talking to us?" I asked the Doctor. "I've seen chickens with more confidence."

That earned a chuckle as the kid—Adam—spoke with Rose.

"Better hurry up then," the Doctor brushed him off. "Next flight to Heathrow leaves at fifteen hundred hours."

"Adam was saying that all his life he wanted to see the stars," Rose said pointedly.

"Tell him to go and stand outside, then."

"He's all on his own, Doctor, and he did help."

The Doctor glared. "He left you down there."

"So did you," Rose countered as I eyed them like a good tennis match. "And you've got Ornias."

"What are you talking about?" Adam asked. "We've got to leave."

"Plus, he's a bit pretty," the Doctor added with a wrinkle of his nose.

"And Ornias isn't?"

"I am?" I purred, running a hand through my hair with a proud flick. Perks of being a demon.

"On your own head," the Doctor gave in, opening the blue box and nodding at me. "In you get."

"What are you doing?" Adam questioned as I slipped past the Doctor. "She said cement. She wasn't joking. We're going to get sealed in!"

I ignored the rest of his mutterings once inside the box. The inside was ginormous and as the ship groaned uneasily, my head spun.

"Fact two," I spoke up, catching the Doctor's attention as I held the railing to keep on my feet. "I can taste emotions."

"What? Seriously?" Rose commented, only to see my struggling. "Hold on. Are you all right?"

I grinned, giddy from the pressure of the ship. "Oh, yes. We're adjusting, is all."

"We?" She questioned as the Doctor stepped over.

"Adjusting? Adjusting how?"

I chuckled lightly. "Oh, it won't quite make sense to you, or would it? She thinks it would, but is that breaking our deal? No, course not."

He frowned. "Are you… talking to her?"

"In a way," I replied, finally starting to get my feet under me. "I'm not of this world and she knows that. We had to adjust, otherwise, I might not have been able to even set foot here."

"You're kidding," Rose muttered, only to get distracted as Adam stumbled in.

"Are you hurting her?" The Doctor asked, and I slowly shook my head.

"No, no. It's like… like coming across a mind that's overwhelmingly powerful, smothering." I snapped my fingers. "God! It's like God or the Devil, whomever you prefer."

His brows furrowed. "My ship is… God?"

"No, just overwhelming. Now, put two overwhelming things together and they clash. Instead of clashing, we adjusted. I told you it wouldn't quite make sense. Either way, we're good now. Or, well, mostly good. She's struggling with some translation thing and I'm struggling with my presence, but we're working through it. Oh." I paused, looking up only t frown. "Oh, don't tell me that. That's no fun."

"What?" The Doctor asked, making me sigh.

"She grows to like me. Nobody does that, and for good reason."

He raised a brow but shrugged as he moved to the console controls. "Well, maybe I'll grow to like you too."

"Don't you dare."