A/N: This took ages! But I'm back! Sorry guys!
Turns out, getting teeth extracted equals improved work ethic. Who knew?
This chapter is thanks to:
TheAngelicPyro – Who gave me the idea of a freaking out Deku when he finds out that Hisoka's blind! Another idea from you is understanding Deku! It will be featured in later chapters!
Iniziodellastella – The creator of the 'explosive' Hisoka and Bakugo interaction! More colliding personalities to come!
As always, if you have something you want to see, I'll do my best to add it into the story! Otherwise, Omake at the end of the chapter… when the plot finally gets there. I've got quite the to-do list so don't worry! I haven't forgotten any of you!
Part 7 – Aizawa Shota, the lazy marshmallow-slug
Of all the things I expected during my first day of school, having a marshmallow-slug that had all the energy of a dead rock as my homeroom teacher certainly wasn't on the list.
I slid my foot across the smooth plastic-coated floor just to double check but nope. Marshmallow-slug-man was still very much there. On the wooden floor that was protected by a coating of plastic so thick that it was almost squishy. Almost. Thankfully, the floor wasn't entirely wood. Just the top layer. The rest was concrete. A good thing considering we were in the sixth story with two more stories above our heads. Wooden structures wouldn't have been able to hold that up.
If you'd told me that this would happen half an hour ago, I'd have laughed in your face. Well. Someone was definitely laughing at me right now, I was sure of it.
Thirty minutes prior
"Have a nice day, Ojou-sama." Ichiro said with a deep bow handing me my bag as I clambered out of the car.
"Thanks." I replied rather jittery as my heart pounded rapidly in my chest. It was a mix of nervousness, a little fear, anxiety and the swirling unknown. The reason?
I had arrived twenty minutes later than I intended because of traffic and I didn't know where my classroom was.
Since U.A was huge and there were four buildings each who knows how many stories tall, I had a lot of ground to cover and not enough time to cover it in. The student handbook apparently did come with a map but it was about as useful to me as a broken compass right now. Wasn't like I could read the thing.
I'd called Tenya but since he hadn't called me back, I was on my own. Mentally crossing every finger that I had, I started off through the gates and into U.A.
Arriving at the main building was the easy bit. It was a relatively straight path to follow made of brick that carried vibrations quite nicely. When I got to the building proper however, I was met with a different problem.
There were three doors.
And I didn't know which was which since going by the vibrations, they all led down halls that went to different places.
I was so screwed.
All the other students trotted through the doors without a care. Some of them holding pieces of paper that fluttered in the wind. They had maps and could read them. Ugh.
Digging out my phone, I called Tenya again. He was on speed dial five.
Five rings later, and thank all that was holy, Tenya picked up.
"Hisoka-san?" He asked sounding slightly different through the phone. It's true what they said about your other senses becoming heightened if you lose one. I'd say that my most heightened sense was touch because of how heavily I relied on it and my quirk to 'see' the world but I'd like to think that my hearing had improved too. People always sounded muffled or… static-y when I heard them through the phone. Well, it could be heightened hearing or it could be due to the fact that my phone was a pitiful Nokia-brick like thing that could only make and receive calls. No texting for me. There just wasn't that big of a tech market out there for the blind. There was a massive market of tech for people with all kinds of quirks but for the disabled? Not so much.
"Yo. I'm outside, which class am I in?" I ask because really, they should have known better than to send a blind girl a letter. My parents had only given it to me via Akira-cchi. They hadn't offered to read it to me and I hadn't asked. What could I say? We were all equally childish and petty.
"I will come and escort you immediately! Please remain where you are Hisoka-san!" Tenya said the phone line carrying his strong voice across without the slightest hint of trouble.
"I'm not going anywhere." I promise because I wasn't. I liked my independence but I liked not being lost more. I could swallow my pride. For a little while at least. I was so going to increase my range and learn how to navigate this damned place.
For now, I'd stay put or else Tenya might just start broadcasting 'lost child' announcements throughout the school. His heart would've been in the right place but it would still be humiliation hell. The fact that Present Mic was a teacher here would've just made things about a thousand times worse. So yeah. I was staying put.
I shuffled off to the side so I wasn't blocking the entrance to the school. People passed by me without a second look. It was the first day of school. Everyone was either excited or had somewhere to be.
It took Tenya ten minutes to come running out of the building and I'd felt him coming three stories up. Mainly because that was the extent of my range. Yeah. I needed a lot more practice.
"HISOKA-SAN! GOOD MORNING!" Tenya roars powerwalking through the doors and I wave. Tenya had a very distinctive walk. Very easy to recognize.
"Morning. So… which class am I in exactly?"
"You are in class 1-A seat number nine! I too am in that class!" Tenya says and I can tell that he's excited as all hell. Everyone was nervous about going to a new school, dream school or not. In all honesty, I was jumping for joy too. Someone I knew and knew well for that matter. In the same class as my best friend at Hero School? Heck yeah. I raised a fist with a grin.
"Sweetness." I drawl and Tenya bumps his fist against mine. He was grinning wide too. He's standing straight, well, even straighter than usual, and proud. He's wearing his uniform like a badge of honor and in a sense it was. This was the school to get into. And we'd gotten in. With flying colors. Heck yeah. "Lead the way hero-in-training."
"Right this way!" Tenya says and its pure giddiness that prompts him to almost run through the doors. He cuts through the air threatening to stir up a storm of it with how much giddy energy he wants to get out. But Tenya was a good rule-abiding student. So he doesn't run in the hallways.
We end up on the third floor. I count the number of classrooms from the stairs we just went up so I could navigate my way back. I note the bathrooms too. Couldn't forget the bathrooms. Those were kinda important. I'll figure the rest out later. I don't think the cafeteria would be hard to find. Just follow the crowd of hungry teenagers. Should work.
Five classrooms. Tenya slides open the large door. They have massive doors here. The classroom wasn't empty. There were fourteen other students already there sort of awkwardly trying to make friends. Ah, first days of school. Who didn't hate them?
"Good morning everyone!" Tenya says and that makes the room fall silent.
"Y-Yo." A guy says rather awkwardly. He's muscular but that's nothing new. What's interesting is that his hair is stiff. Not stiff like hair is stiff. Stiff like rock. It clumps together in rock-like spikes and going by the air flow, those spikes are pretty solid. I wondered if his quirk was projectile launching his hair. Like some sort of porcupine.
"Morning." I say with a wave when the silence gets awkward. "Do we have a seating plan or anything?"
"Huh? Wasn't it in the letter?" A girl asks confused. She's got long hair but not much in the way of defining features. Rock-hair was easy enough to identify. Her voice was upbeat, cheerful. Didn't really give me much to work off of. Just… your average girl. I wondered what her quirk was.
"I apologize Hisoka-san! I neglected to inform you of the seating plan!" Tenya said honestly sorry and I waved him off.
"It's cool. Am I at the back again?" I don't really mind. It's what's always happened. Put the blind girl in the seat were most students can't see the board. Made sense.
"Not at all! You are in seat number nine Hisoka-san! Second row, second from the right!" Tenya informs me pointing out the desk with a swipe of the hand. I go and put my bag under the desk.
"Uh… are you…" A guy asks awkwardly and shuffles. He's got a tail. Very easily identifiable.
"Blind as a bat." I say and wave a hand in front of my face. "Minami Hisoka. Nice to meet you."
"Ojiro Mashirao. Likewise." Tail-guy says and that breaks the ice a little. The braver curious students start migrating my way. It happened every year. Find out that there's a blind kid in the class and everyone had questions.
"Kirishima Eijiro, the written exam must have been tough eh?" It's the rock-hair guy. He meant it as a light hearted joke. Not as something degrading so I grin.
"Yeah, ever try doing Trigonometry in your head?" I ask and everyone shudders at my suffering.
"You've had it tough." A girl says sympathetically. She's the one with no real distinguishing features. I went with the hair. It's long and done in a single braid. "Hagakure Toru. So-"
What she was about to ask got cut off because the door was thrown open. Rather violently at that. A boy stalked through. His hair spiked too, but it was more of a poof-ball spike. It just… stuck straight out. Like the poor kid had stuck his finger into an electric socket.
There's awkward silence again. The boy scoffs a laugh, saunters up to his seat, dumps his bag, and flops down. He then leans back and rather brazenly kicks both feet up onto his desk.
I suddenly remember him. Explode-boy. Tenya of course wasn't just going to sit by when shown such behavior. He strode forwards immediately. I wasn't too bothered. Tenya could more than handle himself. Also, this was nothing new for him. Might as well expose the class to the full brunt of Tenya's personality early on.
The door slides open but everyone kind of ignores it.
"Don't put your feet on the desk!" Tenya scolds. The kid at the door sort of stands there frozen. Kid seems kinda familiar. More poofy hair.
"Ah?" Explode-boy says all arrogance. Tenya wasn't the least bit intimidated.
"Don't you think that's rude to the U.A upperclassmen and the people who made the desk?!" Tenya demands and I shake my head. Tenya's heart was in the right place, it truly was. It's just that… sometimes he went about it rather awkwardly.
"Hell no!" Explode-boy scoffs "What middle school did you go to, you side character?!"
Side character? Okay, now I was kinda obliged to back Tenya up.
"I went to Somei private school. I'm Iida Tenya."
"Somei? So you're a fucking elite, huh?!" Explode-boy scoffs and I pad over. "Looks like I'll have fun crushing you!"
"Hey Explode-boy! Your personality could use some work."
There's dead silence.
"What was that you blind fuck?!" Explode-boy… well, explodes. He leans over and I lean right back.
"What?! Didn't you hear me?! Your personality sucks!" I shout back with a grin.
"Fuck you!"
"No thank you!"
Explode-boy splutters a little at that. Bet he'd never had anyone say that to him before.
"Ya wanna take this outside ah?!" He says and we're almost nose-to-nose. There's tiny explosions going off in his palms. They disrupt the air and the flames flare before vanishing into nothing.
"Bring it on Explode-boy!"
"Hisoka-san!" Tenya scolds and I settle back on my heels with a huff.
"Keh." Explode-boy grumbles and we both kind of back off. Still, it's kind of fun to meet someone with that type of personality. For me anyway. I think that anyone who didn't give as good as they got would get steamrolled.
"Minami Hisoka." I say extending a hand to him.
"Bakugo Katsuki." He says and slaps his hand into mine. He doesn't try to crush my hand. We shake on it and I grin. Oh this guy was fun. This guy's hands were also sweaty. Really sweating. Like, dripping in the stuff.
I was polite and don't rub it off. See? I could be civilized.
We're both grinning. If nothing else, we'll have fun yelling threats at each other.
There was a little 'eep' that came from the door. I remember the poor guy that must have witnessed it all. Definitely not what you'd expect from a hero school I imagine.
That little sound reminded everyone that there was someone at the door. Thus, everyone stared.
"Uh… um!" The poor guy at the door says all jittery. It's Mutter-boy. Knew he seemed familiar. The tiny vibrations coming from his trembling was rather distinctive.
Tenya strode forwards immediately. Mutter-boy had really impressed him. Impressed me too.
"I am from Somei private academy!" Tenya says striding towards Mutter-boy and the poor kid was terrified. He was quite literally shaking. "My name is-'
"I heard!" Mutter boy blurted out in panic throwing his hands into the air. It's a 'stop' motion. Guess Tenya really scared the poor guy. Tenya stops mid-stride. I flutter my fingers just to check. Yup. Tenya's stopped with one foot in the air. "I-I'm Midoriya. Nice to meet you, Iida-kun."
Tenya assumes his respectful 'formal' pose. He stands like one of those tin soldiers. Arms pressed tightly against his side, heels together.
"Midoriya-kun. You realized there was something more to that practical exam didn't you?" Tenya says his hands cutting through the air as he speaks. Mutter-boy is still shaking in his boots. "I had no idea. I misjudged you! I hate to admit it, but you're better than me!"
Well, no one speaks truth like Tenya that's for sure.
Poor Midoriya was speechless. A girl trots down the hall and peeks through the door. I pause and shuffle my feet. She wasn't the only one coming down the hall but…
Was that some sort of quirk? Did that space-suit hero get a new costume? I tapped my foot on the ground just to check. Nope. Very long. Very… soft? Whatever it was, it didn't carry vibrations well. And it was kinda inching along on the ground. Like a caterpillar. The hell?
"Ah! It's you, the curly-hair kid! The plain looking one!" The girl says happily and what a burn that was. Her hair's in a bob and when she waves, her fingertips go through the air a little weirdly. Probably some kind of quirk. "I'm glad I found you! You made it! Just like Present Mic said you would! That punch you used to take down the giant robot was awesome!"
"I-It's n-not like that!" Midoriya splutters, ducks his head, and tries to hide. Was this kid really that awkward? Apparently, yes. "uh… it's… it's, that's to say, its really thanks to you. Uh, speaking on my behalf I…"
Poor guy.
"Huh? How did you know about that?" The girl asks and Midoriya dissolves into a spluttering puddle. I wasn't paying much attention. The weird caterpillar-guy was right at the door now. I move forwards to nudge Tenya.
"This sounds crazy, but is there a giant caterpillar outside the classroom door or something?" I ask just to be sure because… what?
"Eh?" Tenya splutters and everyone that heard my comment cranes their head probably for a look.
There's silence. I'm… I'm going to guess that I was right.
"If you're looking for friends, do it somewhere else." The caterpillar says. Actually, it doesn't have those little stubby caterpillar legs. Slug? But it's too… poofy? Marshmallow slug. From inside the marshmallow slug there's movement. I can't really tell because it doesn't carry vibrations well. The air flows and sinks into the surface of it too. "This is the department of heroics."
There's some kind of sucking sound. I am so confused right now. The hell?
At least the voice is quite distinctively male. Even if the air does pick up the fact that this guy has at least one clump of long hair.
The marshmallow slug goes from lying prone on the ground to standing. He's tall.
Everyone's silent by this point.
There's the sound of the zipper and finally a solid footstep. Vibrations become crisper. Not a slug. Just a tall guy stepping out of what I think is a sleeping bag. A very thick, soft sleeping bag.
"It took eight seconds for you to fall silent. Time is limited. You kids aren't rational enough." He says and his voice is so utterly lifeless. He holds the sleeping bag like a shed skin. "I'm your homeroom teacher. Aizawa Shouta. Pleased to meet you."
My homeroom teacher is a marshmallow slug. A marshmallow slug with just about zero will to live. From the way he slouches to the way he talks.
No one quite knows what to say.
Yeah. How did my life get to this point exactly?
But fine, a lifeless mess of a teacher. I could deal with that. It's hero school. That's gotta make up for a ton of stuff right?
Aizawa-sensei takes out a piece of cloth from his sleeping bag. I wind a bit of air around it to check it out. Oh, it's probably the school's tracksuit. Wait. Wait a minute.
"It's kind of sudden, but put this on and get to the PE grounds."
Oh come on. Really? I grumble. But everyone scrambles for action digging out their track suits. I do the same. What was this? Some sort of bizarre initiation ceremony?
I follow the girls to the locker rooms. Said locker rooms aren't actually in the main building. They're in the gymnasium. Next to the girl's bathrooms. Easy to distinguish between the boys and girls bathrooms. I just had to go into the one that didn't have urinals. Haven't had it fail yet.
We did a quick round of introductions in the locker rooms. There were six other girls in the class as it turns out. That meant the boys outnumbered us.
Every girl was changed in under three minutes. I made a firm mental note of my locker. Last row top right. Wouldn't want to accidentally run off with someone else's clothes. That's the bad thing about uniforms. Hard to tell what belonged to who.
We all get gathered to the dusty PE fields. There's no grass. Just hard packed dirt. Good for me.
We're all standing in a sort of loose disorganized group and Aizawa-sensei definitely wastes no time.
"Right. So, first off. I'm going to give you all a quirk assessment test."
"A quirk assessment test?!" The students all complained and I blinked. Why? Just… why. How would they even test that? A show and tell?
"What about the entrance ceremony? The orientation?" Uraraka said distressed. She's the girl with the weird fingertips. Well, not weird as in deformed. Weird as in the air kind of just acted weirdly across her fingertips. It's hard to describe. Like it got all swirly and tried to go upwards. Which, you know, unless there was wind pushing it along shouldn't be happening. I pegged it to some quirk of hers.
"If you're going to become a hero, you don't have time for such leisurely events." Aizawa-sensei drawled and I felt tired just listening to him. His slouching posture didn't make things much better. His clothes were even baggy although I'd really like to know why he was wearing metal for a scarf. It's probably not pure metal but it's smooth enough for the air to glide right off it. It's too flexible to be glass. "U.A's selling point is how much freedom it gives its students. That freedom also applies to the teachers."
There were uneasy mutterings amongst the class. So basically, a carte blanche do what ever the hell you want. There had to be some limit to that.
"You kids have been doing these since middle school too right? Physical fitness tests where you weren't allowed to use your quirks." Aizawa-sensei said holding up a smart phone. I'm guessing that there's something displayed on the screen. "The country still uses averages taken from results from students not using their quirks. It's not rational. Well, the ministry of education is procrastinating. Bakugo. You finished at the top of the practical exam right? In middle school, what was your best result for the soft ball throw?"
"Sixty seven." Bakugo says a little sullenly.
"Then try it with your quirk." Aizawa-sensei says tossing Bakugo a ball. It spins through the air and I wonder how I'm going to use my quirk to help me. I could us the air to give it a bit of a boost but it wouldn't last long. Fire wasn't going to help me at all. I'd just set the thing on fire and then my own hand. Water… nope. So I was left with my default. Earth. Maybe I could punt it with a pillar of earth or something. Like drop-kicking it.
"As long as you don't exit the circle. Anything you do is fine. Don't hold back."
Wait. Circle? What circle? Crap. I tap my foot on the ground. Nope. The lines must be just painted on. Damn it. Something to ask Aizawa-sensei about when it was my turn to throw. I take note of which direction Bakugo faces. Because that is probably important too. Who knew what other lines there might be on the ground.
"You got it." Bakugo say and stretches. He winds back his arm and then throws his entire body forwards. "DIE!"
The ball explodes from his hand and the air whips into a storm. The flames don't flash this time. They balloon and then streak, almost like they were chasing the ball. Some people throw their arms up in front of their faces to protect their eyes. I don't really bother and just shut them. It's habit to leave them open. A sort of reminder that I actually had eyes. Even if they didn't work.
"Know your own maximum first." Aizawa-sensei said and I felt the ball thud into the ground. With quite a bit of force too. Gravity. Something beeped. "That is the most rational way to form the foundation of a hero."
He showed us his smart phone again. There was an instant uproar. I leaned over to ask Tenya what was on the screen but a guy next to me provided that information.
"Seven hundred and five meters? Are you serious?" He asked spluttering and I had to admit. What? That was… that was far. How did the kid avoid blasting his own hand off? This might be a world full of super powers but come on, physics still works here. Or it was supposed to.
"What's this! It looks fun!" Ashido said bouncing up and down. She had… little horns? Antennae? Something on top of her head. They were kinda cute. Fit her personality.
"We can use our quirks?! Nice! As expected of the department of heroics!" A boy agreed. He had large chunky elbows that were almost perfectly circular. Everyone was gearing up to go. I was kinda excited too. A fitness test where I actually got to do stuff? Hell yeah.
"It looks fun huh?" Aizawa-sensei said rather darkly and that killed the good mood let me tell you." Will you have an attitude like that the whole time? What happened to becoming heroes? All right then… In that case, new rule. The student who ranks last in total points will be judged hopeless. And instantly expelled."
"What?!" I spluttered and I wasn't the only one. Everyone was in shock.
"We're free to do what we want about the circumstances of our students." Aizawa-sensei declares finally moving his hair from his face. I swallow as he grins. "Welcome! To the department of heroics!"
Oh. Oh you're on.
"The last place gets expelled? This is our first day! But even if it weren't, that's just too unreasonable!" Uraraka protests
"Natural disasters. Large-scale accidents. Selfish villans. All kinds of calamities can happen when we least expect them. Japan is covered with unfairness. Heroes are the ones who reverse those situations. If you were planning on chatting with your friends at the local McDonalds after school, well, that's too bad. From now on and for the next three years, all you can expect from your life at U.A is one hardship after another! Go beyond. Plus ultra." Aizawa-sense cocks his finger at us in a little taunt. "Overcome it with all you've got!"
"You're on." I mutter and roll my shoulders. Tenya pulls out a little bottle of juice and starts to chug. Looks like I wasn't the only one fueling up. Everyone is doing their own little stretches too. The heart rates are going so high that I can even feel them buzzing through my feet. Oh yeah. Everyone was invested alright.
"Now then. The demonstration is over. Let's begin!" Aizawa-sensei declares "First up. Fifty meter dash."
A camera robot was brought out and everyone kind of lined up in two lines. Tenya went first, I trailed behind him. Tenya was a good marker of where the track was. I just had to stand behind his starting position and then go in a straight line until I'd gone past the camera robot.
"On your mark! Go!" The robot squeaked. It sounded cute.
Tenya took off like a shot and blasted us all with a gust of wind. His footsteps were heavy and fast and the camera beeped when he finished. Good to know. Listen for the beep.
"Three point two seconds." The camera robot said and Tenya skids to a stop. The camera beeps again. Asui, the frog-girl had bounced past the finish line. Tenya had the advantage in this race. Somewhere around four seconds should get me in a pretty decent position. I stepped up and shuffled the starting plate away. It was one of those crouching runner-starts that's supposed to help you burst forwards. It wasn't going to help me.
I dug my toes into the ground. Solid earth. Good. I coiled and gripped the earth tightly ready to send it shooting forwards.
"On your mark!" The robot said and tail-guy took his runner's stance next to me. "GO!"
With a swipe of my hands two pillars of earth burst from the ground. Right beneath my feet at an angle. I didn't fight the momentum and went shooting forwards head-first. I bring my arms up in front of my face, then swing them backwards curling the air around my arms to give me that extra boost needed to soar cross the finish line. The camera beeped.
"Three point three eight seconds."
I move my arms upwards slightly like I'm treading water. The air gently cradles me and I don't break any ankles.
"Well done Hisoka-san!" Tenya praises as the tail guy bounces past. He'd been using his tail to push himself forwards and gain momentum.
"Five point three seconds!" The camera said and I hum in satisfaction. Not last. Not by a long shot.
"Oi, Minami-san! Fix it." Aizawa-sensei says utterly bored and I remember the two earth pillars. Oh yeah. They kinda needed the starting spot didn't they? I pushed downwards and to the side. The pillars of earth sank back into the ground. Uraraka gives me a thumbs up and takes her position.
I get to relax for a bit as everyone else runs. Most quirks don't really help with running so they're not used. Bakugo just flat out blasts his way across the finish line. Another boy shoots… something out of his stomach. It's not solid, because it doesn't exactly make the air scatter around it, but it's got force behind it since he goes flying. I had no clue. But other than those two, the run was done rather ordinarily.
"Alright. Second test. Grip strength. Pass these around." Aizawa-sensei says pointing to a box that he'd dragged out from a storage room. The things inside got passed around and I felt along mine. It's… kinda like a handle? With a screen? And buttons?
"Tenya-kun." I sigh because nope, I wasn't figuring this one out myself. Tenya is more than happy to help me adjust it. He does his first and then resets it for me. I grip the thing and squeeze hard as I can.
"Well done Hisoka-san! You achieved forty eight kilos!" Tenya says with loud applause. Not really the best. But hey, I wasn't expecting to top this particular test.
"Five hundred and fourty kilos?! What are you? A gorilla?!" One of the boys marveled. Tall guy. With what seemed like wings instead of arms. That had hands. I don't know but he towered over the rest of the class. I'm not surprised.
Our machines were then taken away and Aizawa-sensei sets up the next test.
"Standing long-jump." He declares bored as could be. I go first because this one was easy. I wriggle my toes in the dirt and aim for the other end of the sand pit.
"Ready. GO!" The robot squeaks. I use the same trick as my fifty meter run. This time, I just use one larger pillar of earth to send me catapulting forwards. I twirl the air down my arms and that carries me all the way to the other side with ease. I land on solid ground with a grin. I'd overshot and landed about two meters after the end of the sand pit but that was a good thing. Better to go too far than to go too short.
Most students don't do well on the long jump. The only other two that make it all the way across are Bakugo and the stomach-propeller guy. Okay, he didn't have a propeller on his stomach but I don't know what's causing him to shoot backwards like that. It kind of makes the air go all wonky but it's not solid. It's not wind either because that would really mess up the air flow. Some sort of energy? I don't know. I'll have to ask. Eventually.
"Next. Repeated side-steps." Aizawa-sensei said and… now I was in trouble. I couldn't see the lines, but I had to step on the lines for it to count.
I trail after Tenya. We split into five groups. Looked like they had five sets of lines on the ground. More camera robots are brought out to record us.
Tenya starts and immediately kicks up dust. I memorize where he places his feet and push at the ground causing two little dents in a straight line behind Tenya. Hopefully, they line up with the lines on the ground and aren't crooked. I'm going off of how Tenya's positioning himself and he could be slightly twisted.
Tenya's thirty seconds are up rather quickly and the camera robot beeps.
"Fifty six!" It says and that wasn't bad. Almost two per second.
"Do these line up?" I ask Tenya pointing to the dents in the ground and Tenya scrutinizes them for a moment.
"They do indeed Hisoka-san!" He says "But there is another line in between the outer two!"
Hadn't know that.
"Thanks." I say and stomp hard on the ground. The dents turn into two rivets in the ground. Very obvious now. I press down again and another shallower rivet is pressed down the middle "Close enough?"
"Extremely precise!" Tenya praises and I take it.
"Ready! Go!" The robot says and I start hopping from one rivet to the other like some awkward bunny. Couldn't really think up of a way for my quirk to help me with this.
The thirty seconds ends and I get a score of forty nine. Ugh.
I'll have to make up for it in the ball throw then.
I'm careful not to go first. A good half of the class goes before I step up to the plate. Gotta make sure which direction I'm supposed to be throwing the ball in. The last thing I need is to get a negative score.
Since the ball seems to record distance at place of impact, I don't punt it with earth. That would probably give me a score of zero.
I toss the ball a little in my hand and nod. Should work. If I timed it right…
"When you're ready." Aizawa-sensei says. So enthusiastic this guy. I lob it high in the air like I'm serving a tennis ball. One hand tracks the air and the positing of the ball and the other draws back.
Then, I push.
Air is gas. It still took up space. So if I grabbed a load of it and made it move that had force. There was the sound of a sharp crack as the surrounding gas rushed to fill the sudden vacuum. The ball tore through the air and out of range. I wait.
Aizawa-sensei beeps. Well, he doesn't beep but his phone does. He doesn't bother show it to me. Smart man.
"Five hundred and two meters." He tells me and I huff. Damn. Not even close to a kilometer. Maybe I'd set my bar a little too high. Just a little.
Uraraka blew everyone's records out of the water. She somehow got infinity. The hell.
"What did you do? Send it to outer space?" I ask confused because she hadn't thrown it that hard and it had sort of floated.
"Ahaha, well my quirk lets me remove the gravitational pull on an object so… probably?" Uraraka says cheerfully and I whistle. Yeah, that'd do it. And yeah, the ball was in space now. Holy shit.
Midoriya steps up and he's shaking. Looks like the pressure was getting to him.
"If it continues like this, Midoriya-kun will be in trouble." Tenya says with genuine concern.
"His scores that bad?" I ask and Tenya nods.
"Course they are! He's a fucking quirkless nerd!" Bakugo scoffs and I blinked. Quirkless? Uh… no?
"Quirkless?" Tenya repeats puzzeled as well "Didn't you see what he did at the entrance exam?"
"Hah?!" Bakugo demands but then stops talking.
Midoriya takes a deep breath, steps back, and throws.
He freezes when the ball sort of… flops.
Aizawa-sensei's phone beeps. I take note of where the ball is. It's… not very far away.
Midoriya choked and brought his hands up. He's really shaking now.
"I… I was definitely trying to use it just now…" He whimpered but I wasn't paying attention. I was kind of more focused on Aizawa-sensei. Mainly, his hair and metal scarf were suddenly defying gravity. What? Was that his quirk?
"I erased your quirk." Aizawa-sensei said and ohh that was not a happy voice. His metal scarf flutters in the air as he pulls at it. It's… kinda cool, but also… Midoriya was gonna die. "That entrance exam was definitely not rational enough. Even a kid like you was accepted."
"You… erased my quirk?" Midoriya asked numbly. That was a thing? Was it permanent? Holy hell that was one powerful quirk. Then Midoria gasps like he's come to some kind of realization. "Those goggles! I see. You can erase other people's quirks with your quirk just by looking at them. The eraser hero. Eraser Head!"
Who? Also… Eraser head? That… that sounded like a bad insult.
"Eraser?" Kirishima asked and everyone sort of shrugged.
"I've never heard of him."
"He's an underground hero." Someone whispers. I can't really distinguish who. We're all really tightly clumped at this point. Safety in numbers. Aizawa-sensei was scary. And I couldn't even see his face. I'm betting that if I could, I'd be a lot more scared.
"From what I can tell, you can't control your quirk can you?" Aizawa-sensei demands and Midoriya gulps. "Do you intend to become incapacitated again and have someone save you?"
"Th-That's not-" Midoriya protests but… the scarf shoots out. Aizawa-sensei hasn't moved, his hands are in his pockets and… it's like the scarf has a will of its own. The hell? The scarf wraps around Midoriya and reels him in like a fish on a hook.
"Whatever your intention, I'm saying that's what those around you will be forced to do." Aizawa-sensei scolds "In the past, there was an oppressively passionate hero who saved over a thousand people by himself and created a legend. Even if you have the same courage, you'll just end up turning into a useless doll after saving one person. Midoriya Izuku. With your power, you can't become a hero."
That had my hackles rising. I shake it off. Getting offended on Midoriya's behalf wasn't exactly helpful for anybody involved. Plus, it was up to Midoriya to make Aizawa-sensei eat his words. Not me arguing about it.
The scarf floats off of Midoriya and returns to its natural state. Aizawa-sensei's hair also stops floating. Well. That was… weird and unpleasant.
And there's a weird buff guy peeking around the corner of the gymnasium.
It takes me a second to process that. Oh… okay? Weird. What was he? Some sort of secondary judge? He's solid. Heavy and I would've said that he was part of the building or a statute if he wasn't, you know, person-shaped and moving slightly. Everyone needed to breathe.
"I've returned your quirk." Aizawa-sensei says blandly "You can have a second go at the ball throw. Hurry up and get it over with."
Midoriya trudges his way to take up his position once again. You had to feel bad for the kid.
"He's gonna get expelled for sure." Bakugo declares. I'm tempted to throw a rock at him. Aizawa-sensei pulls out something from his pocket. Then he holds it in the air, squeezes it, and, ah, eye drops. Wait… eye drops? Did his quirk dry out his eyes? That really diminished the whole 'cool factor' of it all.
Midoriya lives up to the name of Mutter-boy when he stands there for a good minute must… muttering. The vibrations are tiny and I have no idea what he's saying. Then he seems to come to a snap decision.
I'm not the only one that's holding my breath. In fact, I think for a moment there, no one breathes. The air is still.
Midoriya steps back, sharp, sure. His arm cuts through the air. His teeth are grit hard. He throws himself forwards and throws.
The ball shoots from his hand like it was jet propelled. The air swirls and storms.
Midoriya takes a steadying step.
The vibrations go up and throughout his body. I gasp.
"Holy shit. His finger's crushed." I whisper because it was true. The bone had shattered.
There's a moment of shocked silence. He's trembling. The tiny movements providing more than enough vibrations for me to know that yeah, his finger was thoroughly broken.
Midoriya straightens, clenches that broken finger into a fist, and turns to Aizawa-sensei.
"Sensei. I can still move!" He declares but dear lord he was shaking in pain.
Aizawa-sensei's phone beeps. It sounds loud.
I can't help but laugh a little. Kid had balls. I could see why Tenya admired him now. It's well-earned too.
The class exploded into chatter.
One guy literally exploded. Three guesses who and if you get the first one wrong you're an idiot.
Bakugo charges forwards with a roar and what the hell kind of reaction was that?
"HEY! Tell me what's going on Deku you bastard!" Bakugo roars charging at Midoriya hand extended and oh boy this ain't good. But suddenly Aizawa-sensei's scarf shoots forwards and wraps around Bakugo stopping him in his tracks.
Midoriya peeks over his arms.
"What… the hell…" Bakugo groans and I kind of want to ask too. How the hell did that scarf even work?
"They're weapons for capture made of carbon fiber woven together with metal wire made of a special alloy." Aizawa-sensei says dryly. Well, that explained why the air skipped right over the surface of it. It was metal. Technically. "Geez. Don't keep making me use my quirk over and over again. I've got dry eyes damn it!"
Well… that… that sucks. That really sucks.
Aizawa-sensei huffs. The scarf retreats and his hair flops back down.
"We're wasting time. Whoever's next, get ready." He snaps and even Bakugo shuffles back into place. Not peacefully, but he keeps his mouth shut.
"Is your finger okay?!" Uraraka asks concerned and Midoriya immediately turns into a stuttering mess. Can't talk to girls huh.
"Y-Yeah!" He says frantically and I scoff.
"Yeah? That finger's broken buddy." I say dryly and Midoriya jumps and splutters.
"H-How did you know? Is it your quirk?" He asks and he's… suddenly excited? He's bouncing. Talk about a fast mood change.
"Broken?! That's bad! You have to get to the nurse's office!" Uraraka says frantically. Tenya nods.
"Uraraka-san is correct! Wounds should be treated post haste!"
"I-It's fine… I… I want to finish this test!" Midoriya splutters backing away like he's afraid we'll pick him up and carry him off. Well, if he's dedicated enough to break a few bones for this, might as well let him stay.
"That's all well and good, but what're you gonna do about that finger? It's gotta hurt." I say pointing to the said finger and Midoriya awkwardly waves.
"Uh… I thought I'd just… uh…" He splutters. This kid seriously. He was kind of an idiot but I gotta hand it to him. He had stubbornness to spare.
"Thought you'd what? Break it even more banging it around the place?" I ask with a scoff "Come on show me your hand."
Midoriya cautiously extends his hand. I move the air over his broken finger just to get a feel of how big it was. Then I pull a chunk of the earth out from the ground. It pops out and flies into my hand. Midoriya makes a noise of surprise. I don't pay that much attention. The earth is easy enough to change shape like this. I make it into a hollow tube.
"Tell me if it hurts." I warn him and slide the tube over the broken finger. Midoriya flinches but I'd expected that. I carefully tighten the tube until I'm fairly sure it won't slip off. "That should save you some pain at least."
"Oh, you have an elemental quirk! Is it just earth? Or is it for anything solid? How does it work? Uh…" Midoriya asks his questions coming out like a flood until he realizes that he doesn't know my name.
"Minami Hisoka. Quirk's called The Avatar." I say with a pleased grin. I always got a kick out of telling people the name of my quirk. Most quirks weren't that creatively named. Mainly because kids came up with them with the odd adult intervention. You could change the name of your quirk easily enough and most kids changed it four or five times before they found one they stuck to. I never needed to change mine. It was an awesome name.
Tenya's quirk wasn't named anywhere near as awesome as mine. Engine. Seriously. Fitting for his personality and quirk but… so disappointing.
"T-The… Avatar?" Midoriya asks totally stumped and I sigh. The downside to the name? No one ever got my references. Ever. I still hadn't gotten an opportunity to make a Melon Lord joke either which was all kinds of sad. Toph I have failed you.
"Four elements. It's a cool name." I say with a grumble.
"I disagree Hisoka-san! Considering how everyone needs an explanation, I'd say that it's a confusing name!" Tenya informs me promptly and I huff at him.
"Better than Engine!"
"It's a family tradition!"
"Do you two… know each other?" Uraraka asked awkwardly and Tenya and I stop the ribbing. I grin.
"We're friends from middle school. What about you guys? Same exam group right?"
"Y-Yes!" Midoriya squeaks and Uraraka nods rapidly. Someone sucks in breath to say something but Aizawa-sensei's voice cuts through all the chatter.
"Alright! That's everyone! Time for sit-ups! Partner up!" Aizawa-sensei said easily and I slung an arm around Tenya's shoulders.
"Then I'll go with you!" Uraraka says happily right in poor Midoriya's face. The poor boy stuttered out a few nonsensical words before being dragged away. I shake my head. Poor kid. Also, hilarious.
I had it easy with the sit ups. I just flat out made the ground push me up. It was fun and I got a bit dizzy. I scored high though so I counted that as success.
Why this place made one's ability to touch their toes a fitness requirement I'll never know but Tenya sucked at it. Flexible my friend was not.
To make up for that lack, he literally left us all in the dust during the long-distance run. He probably set a few school records while he was at it too.
I didn't bother trying to keep up with Tenya. Maybe when I actually figured out how to fly and not just hover.
I was actually the last to start because when Aizawa-sensei blew the whistle, I just… didn't move. Everyone else ran for it. I could have run but why run when you can skate.
Well, maybe skate was too fancy a term for it. More like slide if I was being perfectly honest with myself.
It's a kicked-up thin slab of earth that I stand on and then move forwards. My arms move back and forth like I'm running and that provides all the momentum I need. My toes dig into the slab of rock so there's absolutely no chance of me flying off and it's also quite handy for steering around the odd classmate.
I start out admittedly slower and gradually increase speed as I gain confidence. No need to have a wipe-out.
I don't catch up to Tenya but I slide in at a solid third place. The downside to it all was that my arms are now aching. Fatigue was starting to kick in. The one downside to a quirk like mine. Also, the only time I was ever really jealous of Tenya's quirk. Give him a fan and a few bottles of orange juice and he'll be good to go again. It's gonna take me at least an hour to get rid of all the fatigue and no amount of food or well, anything was going to help me.
Thank god that I didn't have muscle pains though. That would have majorly sucked.
Since I finished relatively early, I got to flop down next to Tenya and shake out my arms. It didn't help but a girl could dream right?
Tenya is an angel and shares some of his orange juice. Bless this boy. Truly.
Midoriya surprisingly doesn't come last. But he is the only kid that literally collapses to the ground as soon as they cross the finish line. The one in last place is a midget with… weird bubbly hair? I don't know.
"You still alive there!" I ask jokingly nudging Midoriya with my foot. He groans. I snort but leave him to sprawl on the ground. He probably couldn't handle standing anyway.
Aizawa-sensei is at least semi-nice in that he gives us all another five minutes to recover and chug water.
Then we all gather for the moment of truth. I wasn't worried but my heart was still pounding. Just… the anticipation of it.
"Okay, I'll quickly tell you the results." Aizawa-sensei says in a drawl like he's the one dead off his feet "The total is simply the marks you got from each test. It's a waste of time to explain verbally so I'll show you the results all at once."
He lifts out his phone again and something beeped.
Going by how everyone's heads moved, I'm guessing some screen or something popped up. Midoriya starts shaking.
"So… did I pass?" I whisper to Tenya more as a joke than a real question.
"Of course Hisoka-san! You did very well! Sixth place!" He says cheerfully and I huff.
"Damn. I was aiming for top five. So close." I complain even when honestly, I shouldn't have anything to complain about. But just… so close. Ugh. I don't even want to ask if they're showing the actual scores. If I lost by one or two points I'd just be mad.
"Kuh." Midoriya gasps out from beside me and I suddenly have a bad feeling. Before I can pluck up the courage to ask, Aizawa-sensei drops a bombshell.
"By the way I was lying about the expulsion." He says blandly like it wasn't even interesting. I sputter. "It was a rational deception to draw out the upper limits of your quirks."
Now he sounds proud. And I'm pretty sure that he's grinning. I feel the air flow over teeth and into an open mouth. Oh yeah, he was grinning alright.
Was it rude to throw a rock at your teacher's face on your first day?
"WHAT?!" Tenya shouts and hey, what do you know, I'm not the only one pissed. Good to know. I love feeling normal.
"Of course it's a lie…" Yaoyorozu says rather awkwardly. She's the girl the with ponytail. The high one. Asui is the one that had it done low. "It should've been obvious if you just thought it through."
Then I really stopped to think about it and… yeah, expelling someone on the first day just because they came in last would get the parents all up in arms no doubt. Being expelled from a hero school for any reason was basically a death sentence. Good luck getting into any other school after that.
But with the reveal, the tension completely vanished.
"With that, we're done here." Aizawa-sensei said as the quiet chattering started up now that there wasn't a big scary threat looming over our heads. "There are handouts with the curriculum and such in the classroom, so when you get back, look them over. Midoriya, have the old lady fix you in the nurse's office. Tomorrow will be packed with even more rigorous tests. Prepare yourself."
He handed Midoriya a note that was probably his hall pass and slouched off. Old lady in the nurse's office? Then again, it was Aizawa-sensei, I probably should't be surprised. At all. Actually, I'll bet that he's going to find his sleeping bag again and perfect his impression of a dead slug. A dead marshmallow slug.
We hustled back to the locker rooms to change and there wasn't that much talking. We were all too tired.
I turned out to be right about Aizawa-sensei. By the time we all got back to the classroom, he was snoozing away in a corner all wrapped up.
In a truly magnificent display of self-control, I didn't kick him.
We spent the rest of the day doing the awkward milling about and reading through the documents provided. Mine was about five times as thick as everyone else's. Not because I got more information, but because mine was on braille paper. Braille paper was more like thin cardboard than paper. I was going frustratingly slow.
Japanese had three writing systems. That was all used together. At once. In the same sentence. If that wasn't hard enough, the Japanese braille, tenji, was like braille in any part of the world. Organized in a grid of two by three. It's fine when you had a language system like English or… well, any other alphabet system that wasn't damned Kanji. But Japan did have Kanji. And it sucked. The system, Kantenji, was a two by four grid and each element or 'part' of the kanji had a corresponding arrangement. Then you sort of had to… build the Kanji in your head. Despite never having seen a single kanji character before.
Also Kanji was basically Chinese so it could be an entire language all on its own and just… it sucked. It truly, truly sucked.
I excelled in English not just because of my past life. Also another reason why I stuck to audio books. Reading took about a hundred times more brain power when you couldn't actually read with your eyes. And when you had to juggle three writing systems at once while you did it.
But I was stubborn and I wasn't desperate enough to get Tenya to read it out to me. Yet. I was only on page three.
The day dragged. So when the bell for the end of school finally rang, I shoved the papers in my bag with a sigh of relief.
"Thank god." I groan eager to get out of here and away from the braille. Who needed braille? Who?
This idiot that's who.
We catch up to Midoriya on our way out.
"How's the finger?" I ask and Midoriya shows it off.
"All healed thanks to Recovery Girl!" He says bouncing with… excitement? Who knew, the kid was all over the place I swear.
"I was really taken in by Aizawa-sensei." Tenya complains as we walk "I even thought 'This is the best of the best' and things like that. I didn't think a teacher would encourage us with a lie."
"Well, now that I think about it, I swear most of the stuff that Yakino-sensei taught us in Society Studies was just made up on the spot so…" I joke with a laugh and Tenya huffs.
"Hisoka-san! The study of one's society is an important-"
"Subject that should be paid attention to yeah, yeah." I grumble cutting him off "But it sucks. Majorly. You're not the one that has to actually pronounce the stupid words like utilitarianism, consequentialism, and stupid abstract expressionalsim. All you had to do was write the damned words."
"Eh? Pronounce?" Midoriya blurts out surprised and I remember that he came in after the class figured out that I was blind. I waved a hand in front of my face.
"These suckers don't work. So I get stuck doing all my exams orally."
"You're blind?! Oh- that was rude! I'm sorry! I didn't know! Well, I should have noticed! I'm sorry!" Midoriya starts babbling apologies immediately and I snort.
"You can stop flailing now Mutter-boy." I say snickering as Midoriya's arms wave in the air frantically. He stops.
"M-Mutter-boy?" He asks weakly and I nod grinning.
"You made a very muttering impression." I say laughing at my own admittedly nonsensical pun.
"Hiiii!" Uraraka calls from behind us and I stop because she's running full pelt our way. "Going to the station?! Wait for meeee!"
"Uraraka-san?!" Midoriya splutters and immediately steps back like he's trying to hide.
"You're the infinity-girl." Tenya says in greeting and I snicker.
"Infinity girl. Sounds like a hero name."
Uraraka isn't fazed. She steps right up and bounces a little on her toes. The air shifts.
"I'm Uraraka Ochako!" She introduces "Uh… you're Minami Hisoka-san."
"And… Iida Tenya-kun."
Tenya nods.
"And… Midoriya Deku, right?" She asks all bright and not full of malice but Midoriya splutters.
"D-Deku?!" He wails and I arch an eyebrow. He hate his name that much? It wasn't that bad of a name.
"Huh? But during the fitness test, the Bakugo guy said…" Uraraka said and I blinked.
"Oh yeah. He was yelling that wasn't he." I muse and snort "Guy's quirk is as explosive as his hair."
Midoriya chokes at that comment.
"Uh… Um… my real name is Izuku… b-but Deku is what Kacchan calls me to m-make fun of me…" Midoriya splutters and… Kacchan? Wow. That'll piss Explode-boy off.
"An insult?" Tenya asked in sympathy.
"Oh! I'm so sorry!" Uraraka says but giggles a little "But 'Deku' sounds like the Japanese word for 'you can do it' so I kinda like it!"
More power to her because my first thought had been an English word. Deku. Deck you. You know, punch in the face.
"I'm Deku!" Midoriya says immediately going rigid and Tenya splutters.
"Midoriya-kun?! You're accepting it too easily! Wasn't it an insult?!" He asks waving his hands and I laugh.
"Ah don't be so rigid Tenya-kun. It'll be good for him." I say through laughter because this kid. "Isn't it better that an insult gets turned into a compliment? But never mind that, I can't wait to call Bakugo Kacchan."
"You'll seriously die!" Midoriya wails and I just laugh. Nah. Guy would probably shout and swear but I won't die. Plus, I've got confidence that if nothing else, we could probably get to a draw.
"It'll be great! Live life on the edge!" I declare thrusting a fist in the air as Tenya groans.
"Hisoka-san." He sighs but Uraraka laughs with me.
"Risk is the spice of life! Go for it!" She says and we dissolve into laughter as Midoriya whimpers.
School was going to be great. I just knew it.
A/N : Experimenting with a 'flashback' type of format. Not sure that I like it all that much so probably not going to use it ever again. Thoughts?