Midoriya smiled as he talked with his friends, while everyone was excited for the next episode, the need to get to it as soon as possible had vanished. Around him his friends were discussing his quirk and other information they had gotten in the last few episodes. Midoriya smiled as he made himself a plate of relatively healthy, but snacky foods.

"Hey Midoriya." Kaminari spoke next to him, he was making his own plate of food.

"How was your training with All Might?"

Midoriya shivered a little at the question. Kaminari went on.

"I mean obviously from what we saw it wasn't fun, but did you do anything else?"

Done with making his plate Midoriya began walking back to his seat, with Kaminari beside him.

"We didn't really do much else then what you saw. I called it my ten months of hell for a reason."

Ashido hearing what they were talking about popped in.

"But did you do hand to hand training, martial arts, any fight training?" Midoriya shook his head as he sat down in his seat.

"I really didn't do any other training. At that point in time there would have been no point in it. If my vessel wasn't ready then I wouldn't be able to get the quirk. I didn't have the time to spend on something that I could do after I received the quirk. The last episode was titled correctly, Roaring Muscles, I only had time to focus on building muscle and stamina." Kaminari sighed.

"I guess I see your point, I just think it would be so cool to get one-on-one hand-to-hand combat training from All Might!" Midoriya smiled and nodded.

"Sorry to disappoint."

It wasn't to long before everyone was seated and ready for the next episode. Embra didn't waste time to start it, everyone was quick to quiet down.

Episode 4: Start Line

The scene opens up on UA, students can be seen making their way to the entrance exam.

U.A. High School's hero course. A training school for those whose goal is to acquire the necessary qualifications needed for pro heroes.

The camera panes over the students as they walk to the building.

Among similar courses across the country, theirs is the most popular and most competitive, and their acceptance rate is less than one in three hundred every year.

The students once again couldn't help but feel proud at being reminded how hard it is to get in.

The scene cuts to All Might doing a hero pose.

The hero who refused a National Honor Award—The number one hero, All Might.

The screen pauses on him in his hero pose, the image looks like he is in a comic strip with the words All Might in bold beneath him.

"You refused a National Honor Award?" Lunch-Rush asked. All Might nodded.

"I'm just doing my job as a hero, and as the symbol of peace, I don't need to be given an award for that."

"Still, to turn down such an award is a big deal." Midnight said. All Might rubbed the back of his neck.

"I understand that but receiving an award just for doing my job is not something I could accept. If I received that award, then all other heroes should as well, after all, they're doing the same thing as me."

He truly is a selfless hero. The other teachers thought.

The image cuts to Endeavor, flams emitting from his face, he frowns the whole time.

The hero who resolved the most incidents in history—

Endeavor makes a fist and he gets his own comic strip image, his name beneath him.

The Fiery Hero, Endeavor.

Todoroki glared at the image of his father on the screen. He was going to surpass him, he knew it would be hard, but he was going to do it, and he was going to do it without using his father's quirk.

Best Jeanist is shown, running his fingers along his immaculate hair.

The winner of the Best Jeanist award eight years in a row—

Best Jeanist gets his own comic strip with his name written in bold above him.

Best Jeanist.

"Well I'd hope he would win that award, considering what it is and what his hero name is." Jiro said. The others couldn't help but agree.

The U.A. gate is shown, slowly zooming in on the logo.

Graduating from U.A. is a requirement for becoming a great hero.

Midoriya is shown standing nervously in front of the U.A. gate.

And so, I also tackled the U.A. entrance exam.

Midoriya begins walking forward.

I will take… the first step toward my dream of becoming a hero!

They excitedly cheered for Midoriya, they couldn't wait to see how his exam went.

*Opening Plays*

"This opening is still awesome!" Hagakure said dancing in her seat. The others couldn't help but agree, nodding to the beat themselves. Midoriya smiled as the intro played.

"So, the first time you used your quirk really was at the entrance exam then?" Iida asked him. Midoriya nodded sheepishly. Asui perked up from behind him.

"It will be really cool to see you use your quirk for the first time, but I'm assuming you're going to end up breaking some bones like every other time you use it, right." Midoriya laughed nervously.

"Hahaha… I mean, I can't really help-" He was interrupted by a gasp from Yaoyorozu who pointed at the screen. On screen Midoriya was throwing a punch, the camera alternating from his and All Might's fist.

"That makes so much more sense now with the information from last episode!" The others were quick to agree, the symbolism was much easier to understand now.

Upbeat music begins to play. The camera panes over several large areas that look like miniature condensed city's. The words "U.A. High School Hero Course Entrance Exam Location" flash on screen.

Sounds of amazement are heard as the camera shows a birds eye view over the front entrance of one of the arena. "Battle Center B" flashes on screen.

"Here we go!" Sero said pumping his fist in the air.

People can be heard talking.

What is this?

It's like a city!

Midoriya is shown standing at the back of the crowd in front of the battle center door.

They have more than one of these on the school grounds?

U.A.'s amazing!

Midoriya is shown shaking terribly, he looks really nervous.

"You look so nervous!" Ashido says. "You should have more confidence in yourself, all that training wasn't for nothing!" Koda nodded in agreement giving him a thumbs up.

There is a flashback to Present Mic explaining the rules.

As it says in the application requirements, you listeners will be conducting ten-minute mock urban battles after this!

The villains appear on the screen.

Three different types of faux villains are stationed in each battle center. You earn points for each of them based on their level of difficulty.

Present Mic is shown in a video game animation fighting villains and earning points.

Your goal, dear listeners, is to use your Quirks to earn points by immobilizing the faux villains.

"Earn the points to win the game!" Kaminari exclaims.

The camera cuts back to Midoriya. He swallows and looks nervous, but his shaking has stopped.

Mock battles…

Midoriya looks around at his competitors, among them Shoji and Aoyama can be seen.

"Is that moi?" Aoyama asks.

"You guys were at that battle center as well?" Mineta asked Shoji. He nodded.

"I believe it was me, Aoyama, Uraraka, and Iida who were at that grounds with him."

How can everyone be so confident?

Uraraka can be seen in the crowd as the camera panes over further.

They even have equipment to go with their Quirks…

Gran sighed. "He has no confidence in himself at all, that is something that you really need to work on with him." He said addressing the other teachers. They were quick to take note of it.

The camera suddenly zeros in on Uraraka in the crowd. She can be seen patting her chest

Oh, it's the person I met at the school gates! The nice person! She was assigned to the same battle center, huh?

Midoriya begins making his way toward her nervous, and very stiff and awkward in his movements.

Oh yeah, I have to thank her for earlier.

The others laughed at his awkward movements, Midoriya blushed.

A hand is suddenly put on Midoriya's shoulder, he turns around and becomes frightened to see Iida standing there with a frown on his face.

He's here, too?

Iida frowned, he didn't mean to scare him.

Iida looks up and the camera zooms in on Uraraka. She is doing some breathing exercises.

That girl appears to be trying to focus.

Iida's frown deepens.

What are you doing here? Are you taking the entrance exam to interfere with everyone else?

Midoriya backs away panicked, the camera is from the perspective of others in the crowd.

N-N-No, of course not…

Iida's frown grew. "I apologize for my actions Midoriya, I was to quick to judge you, and wrongly accused you of having fowl intentions." Midoriya waved his hands in front of him in protest.

"No, no! You were right, I shouldn't have tried to distract people."

A random person can be heard talking.

That guy's the one who was about to trip in front of the school gates, right?

Midoriya winced, everyone saw that?

Aoyama is shown smiling with a hand on his chin. Everyone in the crowd is smiling as they watch Midoriya. One guy points to him and talks.

The one who winced after being called out.

At the very least, we have one less rival to worry about, huh?

The camera suddenly zooms out, everyone besides Midoriya and Iida is black, only their mouths and eyes showing up. Behind them the screen is yellow and red. The word "Lucky" appears above them all glittery.

Lucky for us.

"They were to quick to dismiss one of their fellow competitors." Cementoss said. The others nodded.

"You should never underestimate an opponent." Ectoplasm agreed.

Midoriya frowns at the ground.

I feel like the others think they lucked out because I'm here…

"Well, you're not wrong." Tokoyami said.

There is a sudden close up of Present Mics face.

Okay, start!

"That was a bit sudden." Yaoyorozu commented.

Everyone looks up at the commentator's tower confused.

What's wrong? There are no countdowns in real fights!

Present Mic is shown standing on top of the tower waving his arm in a circle.

Run, run! The die has been cast, you know!

The camera shifts to a surprised looking Midoriya, but everyone from earlier is gone.

Huh? Huh?

"Midoriya go!" Many of his classmates yelled.

Midoriya turns around and gasps to see everyone is already running into the battle center.


Midoriya stares a second before running as quick as he can to try and catch up. He yells.

I… I'm behind already!

Many of the teachers sighed. He was still learning.

The title card is shown with the words "Episode 4: Start Line" written on it.

Midoriya nodded, an appropriate title.

The video is shown from Midoriya's point of view as he runs, the camera bobs up and down. The other people from Midoriya's group are already way ahead.

I'm behind.

"You're so far behind already!" Kirishima exclaims. Midoriya laughed a little out of embarrassment.

Midoriya is shown running panicked, gritting his teeth.

Calm down, calm down. It's fine. It's fine! I have All Might with me.

"Wait did you tell him that you were going to teach at U.A.?" Hizashi asked. All Might shook his head.

"I didn't want him thinking that I helped him in anyway, I wanted him to know he got in all on his own."

The scene shifts to back on Dagoba Municipal Beach Park from earlier that day.

Midoriya is shown swallowing the hair, he cringes and shivers really hard as he does so.

Everyone cringed as they watched Midoriya swallow the hair, that didn't seem like a pleasant experience.

All Might can be heard.

All right! You swallowed the hair, right?

Midoriya looks down at his hands.

I don't feel any different, though…

All Might throws his hands apart and laughs.

Of course not! What do you think the stomach does?

"So once he digests the hair he'll have Your quirk?" Thirteen asked. All Might nodded.

"Then the power is all his."

All Might looks over to a large clock that stands above the beach. It reads 6:15

Well, you'll feel something in two or three hours.

I'm so nervous… I need to hurry back, take a shower, and eat breakfast.

Midoriya put his back pack on and was ready to go, All Might looks at him silently before speaking.

You have become a proper vessel, but it was one that was made in a hurry.

"That's the truth." Aizawa muttered.

Midoriya looks at All Might, eyes wide and mouth open.

You didn't even get to take it for a test drive… Prepare yourself for the physical repercussions it'll have on your body.

"That's all you gave him? Be prepared? You should have at least told him he would most likely break something when he used the power!" Recovery Girl scolded. All Might sighed.

"Yes, looking back I wish I had said something more."


The camera zooms in on All Might from behind.

I don't have time to explain in detail, so I'll just tell you this.

All Might turns to Midoriya.

The camera shifts to Midoriya running again, fun music begins to play.

When you use my Quirk, One For All, Squeeze your buttocks

This got a few laughs.

and yell this inside your heart—S—

All Might is suddenly interrupted by a wall being smashed, Midoriya reels back surprised.

Many reeled back with him.

A robot is shown to have caused it.

One point!

The robots eye zooms in on Midoriya.

Target acquired. I'll kill you!

The robot begins charging at Midoriya.

"Alright, go get it!" Kirishima cheered. Midoriya just looked down knowing that's not exactly how this went.

It's coming! It's coming! It's coming!

Midoriya is shown shaking in his shoes, frozen. He has tears in his eyes and looks terrified.

Why can't I move? Idiot why?!

"I don't get it, why can't you move? You normally run straight into danger with a smile on your face." Midoriya just shrugged at Ojiro's question not knowing the answer himself.

The robot is about to attack Midoriya, he shuts his eyes to brace for the impact.

Many of the teachers sigh at seeing this.

"He is more than willing to run out to save someone else, in fact he can't help but do so, however when it comes to doing something for himself, he can't make himself do anything." Thirteen observed.

Suddenly, it is blown apart by a beam of light.

Thanks for distracting it.

Midoriya looks over in shock to see Aoyama.

"Aoyama! You saved him!"

Aoyama smiled at this.

A laser?

Merci! We made a good team. But I don't think we'll meet again.

"Hey!" Uraraka yelled. "You do to see him again!"

"Yes well, I may have judged him a little to quickly…" Aoyama gave in.

Aoyama salutes him before running off.


Midoriya relaxes a bit as he leaves.

We won't meet again?

"Go you idiot, the timer didn't stop!" Bakugou growled.

Present Mic is suddenly heard.

Six minutes and two seconds left!

Midoriya jolts up in shock and starts running.

Oh no! Oh no! Oh no!

"At the rate you're going, how did you possibly get all the points you needed to pass?" Sato asked. Midoriya laughed slightly.

"You'll see…"

The camera shifts to angle after angle, but all the robots shown are already broken.

Points… I need points fast!

"Many of the robots are already gone!" Ashido says worriedly. Shoji nodded.

"We needed to get enough points to." Ashido sighed heavily pushing back into her chair.

"I know that, but from this perspective I can't help but cheer Midoriya on!" Everyone agreed with that.

Midoriya runs out of an alleyway only to real back in shock. In front of him are fellow competitors, all of them with tons of broken and already defeated robots around them.

Nezu sipped his tea. "In that exam reacting as quickly as possible is very important. It's not impossible to pass without doing so, as Midoriya has proven, but it is very difficult." This left one question in everyone's mind who didn't already know, how did he pass?

Midoriya looks around frantically and sees Uraraka running to get points.

The nice person!

Uraraka blushed. Midoriya was watching her…

Uraraka taps multiple robots sending them into the air, before releasing them so the force of the fall smashes them apart. She looks really tired but keeps going. She looks behind her at all the robots she just smashed.

That's twenty-eight points…!

"All right Uraraka!" The others cheered.

Uraraka is quick to get up again to go find more robots. Midoriya looks shocked.

What? Twenty-eight?

"Don't stand around watching others, you need to go!" Kaminari yelled.

"I know, I know, I was just overwhelmed!" Midoriya responded.

Iida is suddenly shown zooming by and kicking a robot in the neck destroying it.

Forty-five points!

"Look at you go Iida!" Iida smiled at the praise.

"Thank you, I was trying to be as quick and efficient as possible given my abilities and the time provided."


Suddenly voices from all around can be heard and robot parts can be seen flying everywhere as people gather points.

That's thirty-two!

That one's mine! Don't take it!

It's first-come, first-served!

"It's like a warzone for getting points!" Yaoyorozu said. The others nodded, it really was. Todoroki was intrigued, this is what the others besides Yaoyorozu went through to get in.

Midoriya looks around franticly. The space around him suddenly goes black as he panics.

The number of enemies is decreasing fast!

Midoriya has tears in his eyes.

Oh no!

"Come on Midoriya, get in there!" Sero said.

"How did you get enough points? No offence but I don't see how you could have gotten enough points to get in at this point." Jiro said.

"What place did you come in when the exam was over?" Tokoyami asked. Midoriya smiled sheepishly.

"Seventh." This caused many of them to perk up.

"You came in seventh?!" Midoriya nodded. Uraraka pointed to the screen with a big smile on her face.

"Just watch and you'll see how."

Nezu's voice is suddenly heard.

In this practical exam,

Suddenly tons of screens are shown on one ginormous screen, each one following one person.

This grabbed the attention of all of the students. This was how they were being observed, they got to see it from the teacher's side!

The examinees have not been informed of the number of villains or their locations.

A darkened room is shown with seats in front of the screen.

They have a limited amount of time in a vast area. They have to draw the villains out from there.

A screen with Shoji is shown. He is using his arms to gather information.

Information gathering ability to understand the situation before anyone else.

Shoji's eyes widened a bit as seeing himself on screen. They were using him as an example for information gathering, he couldn't help but feel a little pride, that was his specialty after all.

Iida is shown moving really fast with his quirk.

Mobility that can be used in many different circumstances.

Uraraka nudged Iida with her shoulder.

"Great work Iida!" He smiled.


Aoyama is shown looking confidant as he uses his naval laser.

Discernment to be able to stay calm in any situation.

"Of course, I can't let myself become ruffled by becoming to frantic." Aoyama smiled.

Bakugou is shown panting and smiling. Smoke emits from his hands and the broken robot parts around him.

And pure combat ability.

The others were surprised to see him, he was at the other battle center. Midoriya sweat dropped at the sight, he looked like he was enjoying it a bit too much.

Nezu is shown with Cementoss, Ectoplasm, and many other teachers sitting next to him.

These basic abilities needed to keep the peace in the streets are turned into points in this test.

Midnight can be heard.

Doesn't this year's group look promising?

Another teacher is heard talking.

Well, we can't know for sure yet.

A hand reaches out and presses a button labeled "Yaruki Switch"

Their true test is still to come.

Everyone who had taken part in the test shivered. Yaoyorozu looked around confused, what could cause a reaction like that.

An explosion suddenly bursts through the city, everyone looks toward the source worriedly. Uraraka looks like she is about to throw up, she has a hand to her mouth. She and Iida both look shocked.

Both Todoroki and Yaoyorozu sat up a little straighter. What was going on?

Ominous music begins to play as something begins to roll through the city breaking many buildings. Midoriya looks around shocked, before finally seeing what is causing the destruction. His eyes widen and he freezes.

The camera shifts to show a humongous robot leaning over the tallest buildings to look at everyone. It crushes one of the buildings easily in it's hands.

Oh, that's what's going on. Sato shivered.

"It's even worse with the music playing in the background…" Koda nodded in agreement.

There is a flashback to Present Mics earlier speech.

An obstacle that will go crazy in narrow spaces. I recommend that you listeners try to avoid it.

"That thing really is OP." Kaminari said.

Midoriya looks up at the robot shaking, he gasps. His eyes are blown wide and his mouth is dropped open. He is shaking terribly.

Isn't it a little too big?

The robot punches the ground causing dirt and debris to fly everywhere. Screaming can be heard as everyone tries to cover themselves and not be blown away. When the dust clears away Midoriya looks up to see the robot seemingly reaching for him. Everyone begins running away as quick as they can. Midoriya falls to the ground in fear.

"Come on, you got to move Midoriya, you don't even have any points yet!" Ashido said.

The teacher from earlier's voice can be heard.

An overwhelming threat. How people act after they've seen this shows their true nature.

Iida is shown looking at Midoriya as he runs. Midoriya is on the ground with tears in his eyes, he can barely move.

Iida sighed.

"I should have stopped to try and help you!" He said. Midoriya shook his head.

"It's alright, you were scarred, everyone was. I was so scarred I couldn't even move." Iida looked down, he still should have tried to help, instead he ran, and he wanted to be a hero?

He turns over and begins to try and crawl away but is barely moving anywhere at all.

This isn't funny! I have to run away! I'll get points as I run… Shoot, shoot, shoot, I'm still at zero points!

"Well look at that, he does have a survival instinct after all." Aizawa said in a monotone voice. The teachers around him laughed.

Present Mic is shown holding up two fingers.

Less than two minutes left!

Midoriya looks up, tears still brimming in his eyes but yet to spill over.

Two minutes?!

How did he get enough points? He has two minutes and for the most part all the enemies are gone!

There is a flash back to different images of Midoriya doing different things during training.

It'll be wasted. Everything All Might gave me…

There is a closeup of Midoriya's face. He is beyond panicked.

will be wasted!

A leg is shown trapped under rubble. Uraraka's voice rings out.


Midoriya freezes in his panic and get away attempt.

Oh…Oh… That is how he got enough points. The realization clicked for a few of them. Jiro smirked.

"This is gonna be good." Those that hadn't gotten it yet looked at her confused before turning back to the screen.

He turns slowly to see Uraraka stuck under a large piece of debris. The intense music playing just seconds ago suddenly stops. Uraraka can't get up, and the robot is getting closer and closer, it will soon crush her.

"Uraraka!" Many called out worriedly.

"I guess his survival instincts disappear as soon as someone is in danger." Snipe said. The others agreed, that's about right.

You Say Run begins to play. Midoriya is shown still, everything around him including himself seems to have darkened. Everything but his eyes which seem to almost be glowing. Midoriya is frozen looking at the scene in fear and shock. There is a flashback to earlier when he met Uraraka.

It'd be bad luck if you fell, right?

Uraraka blushed a little. He used his quirk for the first time to save me.

The robot rolls closer when Midoriya suddenly gets up quickly. Only a few tears and a flash where his eyes were left on screen. All Might's voice can be heard.

There is absolutely no merit in taking on that faux villain.

Midoriya is shown running towards the villain.

"You're going to save her, that's how you get all your points!" Ashido exclaimed connecting all the dots.

"That's about right…" Midoriya said nodding.

But that creates the opportunity…

Midoriya crouches down, time seems to slow down as Midoriya prepares to use the power. His pants and shoes can be seen through to show that his feet and legs are glowing with power.

"Woah, is that how your quirk works?!" Kirishima asked.

Midoriya suddenly jumps, a loud sound is made at the speed rockets into the air. Only a flash of red lightning is left behind him.

"That's so awesome!" Sero cheered, both the music and the scene playing out were getting him very pumped up and excited.

for it to shine brightly…

Uraraka gasps. The teachers lean forward in their seats as they observe.

and rise to the surface.

I really had all eyes on me in that moment… Midoriya thought.

Midoriya clenches both his fists, they glow with power, one of the sleeves of his shirt rips off at the force of it. Midoriya fly's right past the robots hand to its face. There is a flash of All Might from earlier. Midoriya grits his teeth, looking determined as he flies toward the robot.

"That was some jump!" Asui said getting excited herself.

Squeeze your buttocks…

He and All Might begin talking in unison.

and yell this inside your heart—

Here is comes! Everyone leaned in ready to see what kind of damage Midoriya could do.

The image flashes between Midoriya and All Might multiple times before Midoriya finally makes the punch.


There is a huge smash and a very bright light as the robot gets smashed in.

The room exploded.

"Holy shit!"

"Did you see that!"

"Oh My God!"

A dent that looks like it was caused by a meteor appears in the robots face. It begins to explode.

"Look at the size of that dent!"

"This is so epic!"

Others stare open mouthed at what Midoriya just did.

All Might smirks.

That's right. It rises to the surface—

The robot is shown completely and utterly demolished.

"You totally demolished it man!"

"That was so awesome!" Midoriya was blushing like crazy at all the praise he was receiving. Everyone was cheering him on, though looking at it from this perspective he had to admit, it was pretty awesome.

The most important qualification of a hero—

All Might is shown in his true form, he is smiling and next to him Nezu is celebrating throwing his hands in the air over and over again.

The teachers were all smiling as well.

"I know I've already seen it, but it is still incredible to watch!" Midnight said.

The spirit of self-sacrifice!

"Oh, he has that in spades." Hound Dog said.

Midoriya is shown in the air, his arm still out stretched. It is now purple and bruised, completely busted. The front of his hand where he made contact with the robot is even darker, and ripped up. Midoriya's legs fly around limply behind him.

Everyone gasped at the site, the cheering quieting.

"Oh man, I completely forgot about that!" Kirishima winced.

Both the intermission cards are shown in quick succession.

That seemed to go by so fast!

The scene opens back up on a flashback of Midoriya running out to save Bakugou.

The conditions are the same as when I tried to save Kacchan.

The scene shifts to a close up of Midoriya still looking at what he did.

But it's different. This time—

"He had the power needed to save them." Nezu finished off the thought.

The angle shifts to show Midoriya high above the robot. There is a loud sound as the robot hits the ground, it is completely and utterly demolished.

The others couldn't help their smiles, but tried to reign in their cheers, they were worried about Midoriya now.

The camera shifts to Present Mic holding up one finger.

One minute left!

Midoriya gasps, finally out of his daze. The hair on his face suddenly starts to blow upwards. Midoriya is shown to be falling. He screams.

"Oh no! You are so high up now, how are you going to get down?!" Hagakure asked.

Bakugou glared at the screen. Of course shitty Deku just jumped straight in and didn't even think about the consequences.

Wait, this is All Might's power. I'm able to jump this high now.

The camera shifts to Midoriya's shattered arm and legs flapping wildly behind him with the wind.

Everyone winced at the site of his broken limbs. All Might sighed, he wished he had more time to prepare him before giving him One For All.

Landing should be a piece of cake-cake-cake-cake…

Midoriya looks back and gasps. The camera zooms out to show his whole body. The background behind him red with the words "Break" written on it.


The whole screen seems to shatter. Midoriya is shown falling, now holding his broken shoulder with his only unbroken limb, his left arm. He screams terrified as he falls.

"What are you going to do?!" Ojiro asked worriedly. Midoriya just shook his head and wrapped his arms around himself. I am never going to go skydiving… never.

Midoriya shuts his eyes, tears flowing out, only to be ripped into the sky by the air pressure. All Might can be heard talking.

You have become a proper vessel, but it was one that was made in a hurry. Prepare yourself for the physical repercussions it'll have on your body.

"He needed more time to prepare." Recovery Girl said.

Midoriya grits his teeth.

Oh yeah! I'm such an idiot!

A glass of water is shown and ringing can be heard. The glass of water is full to the brim, a mere drop away from spilling over.

A mere ten months was just barely enough time.

The cup is shown shaking, before breaking all along the glass, still none of the water leaks out.

Gran Torino nodded. "At least he has a good grasp of what's going on."

The image changes to All Might giving him the hair.

I can just barely hold this borrowed power.

"That's something you should work on All Might." Nezu said.

"He thinks of One For All as a borrowed power, it's not, it's his power, his quirk now. The way he is currently thinking could hold him back." All Might nodded, he had a point.

I was being conceited for a second!

Midoriya's tears are shown flying into the sky, before a close up Midoriya's face is shown, he is gritting his teeth.

I've only been given the right to stand at the start line!

"There's the title." Yaoyorozu whispered. Beside her Jiro nodded.

Midoriya makes a frustrated noise as he falls, before he opens his eyes.

Think! What to do? What to do?

All Might is shown doing his Detroit Smash.

Detroit Smash!

The teachers nodded.

"It's nice to know he did have a plan." Blood King said.

Midoriya is shown again approaching the ground at a terrifying rate.

"How will that help?" Mineta asked.

"I figured the wind pressure could blast me up a bit so when I finally hit the ground the impact wouldn't be so big." The others nodded, getting where he was going with it. Midoriya sighed.

"I know it wasn't the best plan, but I literally only had a few seconds to come up with it so…" Sato shook his head.

"Hey, it's better than no plan at all."

If I aim that move at the ground…!

Both his broken legs and arm are shown.

Both my legs and my right arm are broken. I only have my left arm! And the timing—If I'm too early or too late, I'll die!

The camera angle changes so Midoriya is getting closer as he falls.

Even if I succeed, I still won't have any points!

He didn't realize the double meaning behind the test at all, he just did what he thought was right! Iida thought.

Midoriya makes a fist and prepares to punch with his unbroken arm.

If I break my left arm, there's no way I'll pass!

"It's nice to know he does understand the consequences of breaking his limbs all the time." Aizawa said.

Midoriya begins screaming as the ground gets closer and closer and closer.

Everyone tensed as he approached the ground.

A hand suddenly slaps Midoriya right across the face.

Uraraka let out an involuntary snort, while the others looked at the screen surprised.

Uraraka is shown to be the one to have done it.

Everyone cheered in relief.

"Uraraka, you saved him!" Ashido yelled.

"That was one heck of a slap!" Asui said.

Midoriya suddenly stops Midair, not even a foot above the ground. Uraraka is shown floating on a metal object, she struggles to put her hands back together.


Suddenly Midoriya and the object Uraraka is floating on fall to the ground.

"Thank God for anti-gravity powers!" Hagakure said.

Uraraka gags and cups her hands over her mouth before throwing up. Rainbow sparkles emit from where she is throwing up.

Uraraka looked at the scene confused while everyone else laughed. Midoriya blushed.

"Your mind is a very interesting place." Iida said patting Midoriya on the back. On the other side of the room the teachers were laughing as well.

"You sure picked one heck of a kid, he has got one great imagination on him." Power Loader laughed. All Might laughed as well. Midoriya really could come up with some… interesting things.

Midoriya struggles to move on the floor.

I'm safe…

He looks up to where Uraraka seems to have passed out.

No, she saved me… Is she all right? She looks uninjured, at least…?

Midoriya seems to relax a little.

I'm so glad…

Hizashi laughed. "He's the one who just survived a death plunge and has two broken legs and an arm, yet here he is worrying about someone else!"

Midoriya slaps the ground with his good hand.

And… Thank you!

Midoriya begins using his fist to pull himself forward, tears streaming down his face.

If I can just get one point…

The teachers sighed.

"What does he think he can do at this point?" Cementoss asked. On the other side of the room Midoriya's friends asked him that same question. Midoriya sighed.

"I-I don't know guys… I was just frantic to get points."

Present Mic is shown looking at his watch. His glasses glint.

Time's up!

A siren is heard throughout all the battle centers. Iida is shown breathing heavily, Bakugou is smirking his hands smoking, and Uraraka is shown passed out.

"Well that sure was one heck of a test." Todoroki said in his monotone voice.

Midoriya is shown with tears and snot running down his face. Tragic music begins to play. Suddenly his eyes roll to the back of his head, and he falls to the ground passing out. The screen goes dark.

"I'm surprised he didn't pass out sooner." Recovery Girl said. "I suppose the adrenalin just finally wore off."

Buildings from within the battle center are shown smoking. Midoriya is shown laying on the ground, his arm and legs bent at all sorts of wrong angles.

They couldn't hold back their cringes.

People begin to gather around him.

What was that guy? He suddenly jumped at the obstacle.

He seemed to have a reinforcement-type Quirk, but that was unusual…

But if he had such an amazing Quirk,

There is a flashback to Midoriya being very nervous and jumpy.

What kind of life did he live that made him so jumpy?

Everyone frowned at the reminder of Midoriya's past, a few even glared at Bakugou.

Maybe he was acting to trick others?

But it doesn't look like he gained anything from doing so.

Anyway, there's no mistaking that he's an amazing guy.

Iida is shown in the crowd.

They're missing the point. Didn't they see?

"He gets it." Midnight said. "He is a smart one."

Iida looks over to Uraraka passed out on a piece of robot.

He jumped out to save that girl.

He looks back to a dead looking Midoriya.

The others cringed again.

"How do you do it Midoriya? How do you stand the pain, it hurts just to look at." Mineta asked.

"Oh ya, it hurts, a lot." Midoriya shivered. "But most of the time I have adrenalin running through me, or I am focused on completing a goal, or saving a person. I try not to think about the pain too much."

He was aware of the remaining time, his own safety, and the points he needed to pass…

An image of Midoriya jumping to save Uraraka is shown, Iida is on the ground watching him.

And even so, he did not hesitate at all!

Aizawa shook his head. "That's just how he is."

Iida makes a fist. A flashback is shown of him running past Midoriya when he was on the ground to terrified to move.

If we had not been in an exam…

There is a close up of Iida's face. He is gritting his teeth, his eyes wide and funny around the edges.

of course, I would have done the same!

Iida looked down ashamed. "I was wrong, that's what I wanted to believe, but I was wrong."

The music stops and the world around Iida suddenly goes dark, his glasses glint so his eyes can't be seen, he is more serious.

Wait. "Exam"…? "Of course"…?

He puts a finger to his chin.

Wait a minute.

"He's got a good brain on him." Power Loader comments.

The camera shifts away from Iida so more of the crowd can be seen. Clacking of a walking stick can be heard before Recovery Girl can be seen.

Okay, good work. Good work, good work.

"Were you watching the exams as well Recovery Girl?" Shoji asked. Recovery Girl nodded.

"I watched the exam and figured out which center I needed to go to for healing first. It was a pretty obvious choice."

Recovery Girl's hands a fist full of gummy bears to a random person.

Here you go. Here are some gummies. Eat some gummies.

The person rubs the back of his neck before bowing confused.


Recovery Girl walks past him.

Yes, yes, you, too.


Aoyama is shown smiling he puts out a finger.

That mademoiselle is the backbone of U.A.

"Looks like he studied up before coming to U.A.'s Exam." Snipe commented.

Recovery Girl approaches Midoriya.

Oh dear, you were hurt this much by your own Quirk?

She looks worried.

It's as if his body is not used to his Quirk yet.

"It all makes sense now." Recovery Girl said.

She puckers her lips, and they stretch down and kiss Midoriya.


Everything freezes in comic style and the words "Old Lady!" appear on screen.

This got a few laughs here and there.

A random person from the crowd speaks.

Wh-What was that?

Aoyama speaks up.

U.A. High's licensed school nurse…

Recovery girl stands up.

the Youthful Heroine, Recovery Girl!

Midoriya's arm in shown suddenly engulfed in a green light, the bruising seems to be vanishing.

"That is so cool, but so awful looking at the same time." Sero said. A few others nodded their heads in agreement.

Her Quirk is the super-activation of healing ability.

Midoriya's legs are also enveloped in the green light. His legs seem to almost make a full 360 as they heal.

"It's one thing to know it's super broken, it's another to see it." Tokoyami said.

"That was almost a full 180." Kirishima and many others cringed.

U.A. can only go through with such a reckless entrance exam because of her.

I can only use my quirk because of her. Midoriya thought.

Midoriya is completely healed by the time the glowing stops. Recovery Girl looks around at the rest of the crowd.

Let's finish this quickly. Is anyone else injured?

Iida perks up still lost in thought.

I see! If this exam is set up like that…

Iida narrows his eyes at Midoriya.

Then he's…

Passed. Iida thought.

The screen slowly fades to black.

The scene opens up on a line of apartment buildings, it is dark out the words "On week later" flash on screen. Suddenly the camera shifts to a close up of a cooked fish's head.


Midoriya's mom can be heard.


The camera shifts to show Midoriya holding the fish with chopsticks. His eyes are completely blank and he has a closed smile on his face, completely different from the normal open smile he has. He is lost in a daze as he stares at the fish.

"You didn't realize you had passed." Todoroki said quietly. Midoriya nodded.

Izuku…? Izuku? Izuku?

Midoriya suddenly breaks from his daze and looks up to see his mom looking at him very worriedly.

Hey, are you all right? Why are you smiling at the fish?

Midoriya perks up to try and not worry his mom.

Oh, sorry! I'm fine!

Midoriya begins eating his food quickly, but Mrs. Midoriya still looks at him worriedly.

He's putting on a brave face for his mother.

The scene briefly shows the dishes in the sink as it fills with water, before changing to Midoriya who is now on the couch. He is lost in a daze staring at nothing. He has his phone in one hand, and is using a grip strengthener in the other.

Uraraka frowned. "He looks so lost." She whispered. Iida agreed with her.

From self-scoring, I know that I just barely passed the written exam. But that was cancelled out by the big fat zero in the practical exam.

"You didn't get a zero though." Hagakure said.

"But I didn't know that at the time." He replied.

The camera zooms in on Midoriya's hands and the objects in them.

And ever since the entrance exam, I hadn't been able to contact All Might.

Midoriya sighs heavily and hunches over, he looks deeply depressed.

The others frown at the site. Midoriya's face wasn't meant to look so sad and broken, he was supposed to always have a smile on his face!

His mom looks over at him worriedly from behind the couch.

The results should arrive today or tomorrow, right?


Mrs. Midoriya smiles trying to make him feel better.

Jeez, I think it's amazing that you even applied to U.A.!

"Aww, your mom is so nice Midoriya, she just wants to make you feel better!" Ashido said.

Midoriya's mood doesn't change at all.


A book is shown labeled "Neighborhood Circular" Mrs. Midoriya is shown getting her shoes on and grabbing the book, as Midoriya does a voice over with sad music playing in the background.

I didn't even tell my mother about what had happened with All Might.

"Wait, really?" Kaminari asked surprised. Midoriya nodded sadly.

The camera cuts back to Midoriya on the couch in the living room.

I kept that secret so he could continue being the Symbol of Peace. There was no way I could tell anyone, not even my family.

"That's got to be hard on him, especially at times like this." Gran Torino sighed.

Bakugou frowned, then why had Deku told him, maybe not in explicate detail, but he did tell him none the less.

Midoriya sets down his phone and picks up a very heavy looking dumbbell off the floor, he begins doing curls, it's really easy for him, a mindless exercise.

"That looks so easy for you!" Kirishima said. Midoriya rubbed the back of his head.

"That's because it is…"

"Okay, but why are you exercising now?" Sato asked.

"After training for ten months straight it became habit. Now anytime I am idle I begin doing exercise on reflex."

All Might! After you saw potential in me, I'm sorry I didn't live up to it! But I did what I thought was right.

All Might had a small smile on his face as he heard this. "I couldn't ask for anything more." He said.

Midoriya frowns.

All Might, you…

The door to the living room bursts open and Midoriya looks over to see his mom panicking on the floor.

Izu-Izu-Izu…! Izu-Izu-Izu… Izuku!

She holds out a letter.

It's here! It came!

The camera zooms in on the letter, it is closed with a wax stamp with the U.A. logo. It has "U.A. High School" written on it in the bottom right corner.

It's here!

Midoriya just stares blankly at it, no emotion on his face.

"I couldn't dare hope." Midoriya said quietly.

The camera shifts to a door with an All Might name plate on it. "Izuku" is written on it. Mrs. Midoriya is shown pacing anxiously right outside the door.

Inside Midoriya sits at his desk, his desk light, the only light on in the room. He stares blankly at the letter on the desk in front of him. Then he suddenly becomes enraged. He grabs the letter with both hands and pulls it apart into two pieces.

Midoriya's friends were surprised at his sudden anger, he never acted like that.

As he does this a disk falls out of the letter and onto his desk. A projection suddenly pops up from the desk, on the screen is All Might.

I am here as a projection!

Midoriya jumps, surprised.

All Might?!

He looks back and forth between the ripped letter in his hands and the projection.

Wait, this is from U.A., right…? What?

"All Might really didn't tell you anything about working at U.A. then." Asui said. Midoriya nodded.

"I really had no idea until he appeared on the projection."

On screen All Might is shown on a stage wearing a yellow suit.

I had to do some paperwork that took some time, so I couldn't contact you.

All Might coughs and bows.

I'm sorry.

"Seeing his reaction, I wish I could have made the time to talk to him." All Might sighed. Nezu shook his head.

"No, you made the right call. You weren't supposed to tell anyone about the results, including Midoriya until those letters were sent out. It really was for the best that you didn't contact him or you would have been to tempted." All Might nodded.

"Still, I wish I could have saved him from a week of heart ache."

Midoriya just stares at the screen in shock.

Actually, I came to this town to work at U.A.

Midoriya leans into the screen.

All Might is working at U.A.?

On screen All Might gives a small nod as if he heard what Midoriya said. On the side of the screen a hand can be seen making move on motions. All Might leans in.

Hm? What is it? Wrap it up? But there is something I must talk to him about…

The hand keeps making motions.

They couldn't hold their laughter back at the silly image

It's going to push everything else back? All right. Okay.

The hand makes an okay sign before retreating. Midoriya gulps.

Even if you passed the written exam, you got zero points on the practical exam. Of course, that means you didn't pass…

"But you did pass!" Hagakure exclaimed. Midoriya just motioned for her to keep watching the screen.

Midoriya looks down.

I knew that… I knew that…

Midoriya's shoulders shake as he tries not to cry.

I knew that, but…

He grips his pants in his hands, tears well up in his eyes, his face twitching.

it's so frustrating…

Here comes the water works.

As if knowing what they were all think Midoriya shrugged.

"It's me, tears are inevitable."

All Might can suddenly be heard.

if that was all there was to it.

Midoriya freezes and looks back up at the screen sadly, not daring to hope.

"It looks like he doesn't believe he could have passed at all." Cementoss said.

"Well according to the rules he didn't get any points." Ectoplasm said. Cementoss nodded.


All Might is smiling widely, he holds out a remote and points it at another screen next to him.

I am an entertainer, as well! First, take a look at this video!

All Might presses play on the remote, and a video begins to play. On screen Uraraka is shown.

Excuse me, um…

Many were confused, what's Uraraka doing there? Uraraka was blushing, he had seen that?!

Midoriya sits a little straighter.

The nice person?

All Might is heard.

She came to negotiate directly in person after the exam!

The confusion just doubled at that.

"Uraraka, what are you doing?" Yaoyorozu asked quietly.

Midoriya's eyes widen a bit. The camera shifts back to the screen. All Might holds out a finger.

Negotiate what? Keep watching to find out!

All Might points the remote back to the screen and once again presses play.

Uraraka is shown to be talking to Present Mic. She put her hand above her head and makes curling motions with her fingers.

Um, the person with the curly hair and freckles…

She puts her hand back to her cheek.

Do you know who I'm talking about? Um… kind of plain-looking…

Midoriya perks up.

It's me!

Many laughed at this.

"Midoriya, you excepted that so easily!" Jiro laughed. Midoriya was blushing red.

On the other side of the room Gran Torino was frowning.

"That's kind of worrying." He told the others. "He doesn't really seem to have any kind of self-worth." The teachers were quick to agree.

"I think the kid would benefit from a few counseling sessions. Just enough so he realizes how much he is worth. As it is, he is far too willing to sacrifice himself." Aizawa nodded.

"I think you might be right. I can talk to him and his mother when this is finished."

Is it possible for me to give him some of my points?


"Uraraka, you tried to give him your points?" Iida asked, she nodded.

"He saved my life, I had to try and help him somehow."

Midoriya leans back surprised. Uraraka is shown back on the screen. You Can Become A Hero begins to play.

I heard him say, "If I can just get one point," so I thought maybe he was still at zero points…

There is suddenly a flash with a picture of Bakugou.

What the hell can you do?

Kirishima shook his head determined, he wasn't going to cry this time.

Uraraka is shown again, getting more and more passionate about what she is talking about.

At least the points he lost because of me…

"He honestly probably wouldn't have gotten any points if it hadn't been for her." Thirteen said.

There is a flash with a picture of Death Arms.

There was absolutely no reason for you to put yourself in danger!

Midoriya makes a fist. Uraraka closes her eyes.

He saved me!

Midoriya gasps and his eyes widen as he watches.

Please! Please! Please!

Midoriya stands as he watches.

Uraraka blushed as she watched Midoriya react to what she had done.

All Might pauses the video.

In addition to now having a Quirk, your actions spurred other to act.

Midoriya gives a small sad smile looking at the floor.

"You still didn't believe you had gotten in?" Tokoyami asked. Midoriya nodded.

"Watching that did make me feel better, but that didn't mean I had gotten in, I still didn't get any points."

All Might turns around to face the camera.

The entrance exam the other day was not graded only on villain points!

Midoriya looks up confused, All Might presses play on the video again. Present Mic starts talking.

Even if you ask to, you cannot give him your points.

"There really isn't a need anyway." Nezu said.

He pats her head.

Anyway, there's no reason to give him any, female listener!

All Might walks in front of the screen.

How can a hero course reject people who save others and do the right thing? Call that lip service?

Midoriya is staring wide eyed and open mouthed at the screen.

Bring it on! This is a job that requires risking one's life to put that lip service into practice!

Midoriya's eyes get wider, when the screen shifts to show a sign reading "Rescue"

Rescue points!

"And that right there, is how you got in!" Kirishima along with a few others cheered.

A hand holding a sign with a 10 on it is shown.

And they're given by a panel of judges.

The camera zooms out to show more signs held up by different people, reading 7, 10, 8, and 10.

It's the other basic ability we at U.A. look at!

A score board is shown zooming in on Midoriya's slot. He ranked seventh place, with 0 villain points and 60 rescue points.

Izuku Midoriya, sixty points!

Everyone cheered.

"You got 60 points, in just one punch!" Ashido exclaimed.

Midoriya stares at the screen in shock, almost unable to believe this is happening. The score board is shown again this time showing Uraraka's slot, she came in third place with 28 villain points and 45 rescue points.

And Ochaco Uraraka, forty-five points!

"Hurray Uraraka!" Everyone cheered.

All Might looks at the camera.

You both pass.

Midoriya is overwhelmed.

This is too crazy…

All Might holds out a hand to the camera.

Come, young Midoriya.

Midoriya is smiling wobblily, tears about to fall.

This is your hero academia!

This line caused quiet a few of them to perk up.

"Hey, there's the shows title!" Yaoyorozu said.

Midoriya can barely hold back his tears as he stares at the screen. He nods.

Yes, Sir!

Midoriya whips his tears away with his sleeve. Midoriya begins to narrate.

After receiving a lot of help,

The camera slowly zooms in on an All Might action figure on his desk, the same one he had as a child.

My life changed and will continue to change.

The camera zooms out of the apartment and looks up at the night sky.

And now, my dream high school life is about to begin!

"You did it Midoriya! You got into U.A.!" Midoriya blushed as everyone cheered for him.

*Ending Plays*

"So, what do you guys think the next episode is going to be then?" Kaminari asked. Midoriya thought about it for a second.

"Hmm… It will probably be our first day of school." He said. "I mean school started not long after that, and I can't think of anything super important that happened before school started, so that's the most logical place to start." The others cheered at that answer.

"Then that means we are all going to come in to play next episode!" Hagakure said excitedly.

"Congratulations on using your quirk for the first time Midoriya." Tokoyami commented. Midoriya blushed.

"Thanks, Tokoyami."

"Ya, man!" Kirishima exclaimed. "That's got to be the best first time quirk use story I've ever heard!"

"That punch was so epic!" Sero agreed. On the other side of the room, the teachers were having a bit more of a serious discussion.

"So, we know we would like to get Midoriya a few counseling sessions, I'm assuming we're all in agreement that Bakugou will need a few as well?" The other teachers nodded in agreement with Aizawa.

"Hey Embra, could you give us a notebook like you gave Midoriya? I know Midoriya is already going to be taking detailed notes of the future, but I need to take notes of things we need to address when we get back, such as the counseling, community service lesson, and other lessons that we should make a top priority." Aizawa said. Embra responded quietly so the students couldn't hear her.

"Of course you can. Here is a notebook and some pencils. Please let me know if you need anything else."

A notebook and pack of pencils appeared on Aizawa's lap. He was quick to start writing. When the opening ended, it did not fade to black like last time, it instead began to play another clip. Everyone was quick to quiet down.

The camera moves from the angle it left off at back to the apartment building. Fun music begins to play. Midoriya's All Might name plate is shown on his door again. Mrs. Midoriya is shown still pacing in front of his door.

"She is so worried about you Midoriya!" Uraraka said. Midoriya smiled, he knew his mom was great.

The door opens and Mrs. Midoriya looks at it and gasps. Midoriya is standing there with a small smile on his face. He looks up at her and smiles a real smile, with his eyes closed and his head tilted, he has a blush on his cheeks.

So cute!

I don't know what Uraraka was talking about, Midoriya isn't plain looking, he's adorable! Many thought.

Mrs. Midoriya tears up and puts a hand to her mouth, she begins to cry.


The scene changes to show the kitchen, there is a paper on the fridge. The camera then zooms in on the paper, it is labeled "Food Menu"

"That was so cute!" Ashido said as the clip ended and the screen finally went black.

"It really was!" Others were quick to agree with her. Kirishima clapped his hands together and stood up.

"Alright, well it's break time, so lets be quick so we can get to the next episode!" Everyone agreed, and so together they stood, to stretch and get ready for the next episode.