You guys have some vicious imaginations towards Endeavor lol. I don't particularly like him but I don't hate him either, so this story probably reflected that a bit? I mean, I did say that this story will have no bashing.

Also, people seem to forget that Harry Potter is just one of Ryouka's past lives. There's 25 other person beside Harry inside Ryouka's memory okay. In this case, 'Harry' being OOC is intentional lol calm down.

((Last chapter's reviews that I haven't replied to yet, please be patient for a bit more! I promise I will try to reply soon!))

No. 12 Ibuki Ryouka's Consultation Corner

Ryouka stumbled upon All Might during her walk back to the infirmary after lunch. Even with his usual comic-book grin, she could tell that the man look disheartened as he stared at the stairs in front of him. She frowned seeing his expression and decided to approach him.

"What are you doing?" She asked, making him jump.

"Ibuki-kun, you startled me," the man stuttered as he hunched his form, looking quite a bit like a deer in headlight. Ryouka's lips couldn't help but curled up at the sight and the man quickly straighten his back when he realized that she was laughing at him.

"Want to have tea? There's still some time before the third round begins right?" All Might asked as they walked together to the infirmary.

"Sure," Ryouka nodded easily. "I have something I want to talk about with you anyway."

They walked together, chatting lightly as they headed to her infirmary. When they arrived, Ryouka locked the door after making sure no one was around and nodded at All Might who poofed back into his real form.

Just as he was about to make them some tea though Ryouka suddenly noticed something different about him.

"Wait—All Might, come here for a second," she called out to the man who curiously went to her side. She reached up and grabbed his face with her hands, humming as she turned it side to side, ignoring the man's bewilderment. Satisfied, she pulled his sleeve and guide him to the scales on the corner of the room.

"Stand there," Ryouka commanded him and observed intently when All Might stepped on the metal plate. The numbers shot to 102 kg and Ryouka smiled in satisfaction at the result.

"As I thought… you've gain almost 5 kg since the last time we measured it. Your cheeks aren't so hollow anymore too, did you notice that?" she said as she beckoned the Hero down again so she could observe his face before she took his arms and felt it with her hands. Yup, it wasn't so bony anymore.

"What…" All Might breathed in disbelieve as he rushed to the mirror cabinet where she kept the medical supplies. "It's true…"

"If you keep this up, you'll reach your ideal weight soon," Ryouka told him, hitting his chest with her knuckles lightly. "Work hard, okay?"

All Might answered her with a bright grin and a thumbs up. She smiled at his enthusiasm and went to a cabinet to boil some water and prepare their cups. When everything was ready and they were seated, All Might decided to begin their conversation as they waited for their tea to cool down a little.

"So… what is it you want to talk about?" All Might asked her and Ryouka's head snapped up.

Right. She almost forgot about it. She eyed the Hero up and down with narrowed eyes, trying to see if there were any similarities between him and Midoriya. Seeing the man squirming uncomfortably under her piercing gaze, she sighed and decided to just ask him outright.

"Is Midoriya Izuku your son?" she asked him just as the man was taking a sip from his tea. Predictably, he choked and sputtered, looking at her with disbelieve in his eyes.

"I-I'm sorry, what?" All Might asked weakly, tea dripping down his chin and staining the front of his too big shirt. Ryouka dutifully handed him a handkerchief she conjured from thin air to wipe the mess as she repeated her question.

"Midoriya Izuku. Is he your son?" she asked again and the man gaped at her before he immediately stand up, babbling denials at her.

All Might shook his head frantically, cold sweat dripping from his forehead. "N-no! Young Midoriya is a fine young man, but I'm not his father!"

Seeing him spluttering trying to find an excuse, at first she thought that he was trying to hide the truth from her, but somehow she could feel that he was telling the truth.

"You're not?" she frowned. So it wasn't like that after all… "That's somehow a bit disappointing."

Using the handkerchief she gave him, he dabbed the sweat on his forehead and sighed in relieve as she accepted his words as the truth. He eyed her warily and inched away from her as he took the cup to his lips again.

"May I ask what is it with the sudden question…?" he asked her nervously and Ryouka huffed as she drank her own tea.

"Well… earlier, I kind of accidentally overheard Todoroki and Midoriya's conversation and it got me thinking," she told him. "Did he ever tell you that I was his upperclassman in middle school?"

The Hero shook his head. "No…"

"Well, now you know," Ryouka shrugged as she observed the TV screen. "Midoriya was quite well known you know. He was the only Quirkless person in our school, so I've heard of him long before I actually met him."

"I met him again in this school—where he suddenly gained a Quirk. A really powerful Quirk… too powerful, in fact, for his own body. A Quirk that is really similar—no, identical to yours. The boy just told us that his Quirk just manifested really late, but you can't deny that everything looks suspicious."

"My initial thought is that somehow you passed down your power to him, but then I overheard Todoroki confronting Midoriya of his suspicion that he's your son," Ryouka told him as she took another sip. "Initially I thought, wow, how ridiculous that idea is, but the more I think about it the more plausible it seems since Quirk is generally passed down from parents to child."

She set down her cup and looked up, noticing that the man across of her had gone rigid and sweating a lot, looking weirdly anxious in his seat.

"Oh my, are you alright there All Might? You're a bit pale," she commented lightly. All Might look a bit faint as he nervously tried to avoid her gaze.

"I'm… just fine, thank you."

Ryouka eyed him in suspicion and he fidgeted anxiously under her gaze. He immediately averted his eyes, looking anywhere but at her. Cold sweat poured from his head and Ryouka decided she couldn't handle the silence anymore and sighed, making him jump.

"Let me guess…" Ryouka began slowly, "…I'm right aren't I?"

The awkward and painful silence that followed her statement basically confirmed her words and she rolled her eyes upwards, muttering curses under her breath. Looking at the nervous Hero, she snorted and took her cup to her lips again.

"…Please don't spread it around?" All Might hesitantly asked her.

"Do you think I'm an idiot, All Might? Do you really think I would spread that kind of information around?" Ryouka rolled her eyes again and snapped at him, a bit offended at his request.

The Hero winced at her harsh tone. "I… I apologize… I know you are not that kind of person."

Seeing the remorse in his face, Ryouka sighed.

"It's fine if you understand," she told him, accepting his apology even though she was still a bit miffed at him. "You suck at lying, by the way."

Her eyes flitted to the TV screen that was broadcasting the recreational games before the main event began as All Might sat silently in front of her, looking contemplative.

"Do you wish to know the truth? The truth behind this power?" All Might asked her quietly after some time. Ryouka glanced at him from the corner of her eyes and shrugged.

"Do you wish to tell me?"

All Might was silent for a while, but then his expression relaxed and he smiled at her.

"Yes," he said with conviction. "You're my friend, Ibuki-kun. I trust you."

Before the embarrassment of being told something like that right to her face began to set in, All Might had went on and told her of the truth behind his Quirk and the tales of how he first met Midoriya. He told her about his bravery and the hard training he endured for 10 months to achieve his dreams.

…He sounded like a proud father who was bragging about his son.

"…and then during the entrance exam he couldn't activate the Quirk at all. In the end, he didn't get a single point, you know that?"

"Oh? And how did he make it then?" Ryouka quirked her eyebrow.

"He saved Young Uraraka from a Zero-Pointer and broke almost all of the bones in his body," All Might said, chuckling lightly. "The judges all decided to grant him rescue points for his selflessness, and so he got the most rescue points out of all the other applicants."

"Hmm… fascinating… so his habit of breaking his bones is you guys' fault, huh…" Ryouka hummed before she smiled darkly at the No. 1 Hero, who gulped in fear and backed away from her vicinity.

"W-wait, Ibuki-kun…"

She didn't let him get away, of course.

"Listen here, All Might," Ryouka growled, clutching his tie on her hand tightly so he wouldn't escape. "Stop rewarding him for his reckless act of self-destruction. He's going to think that it's a noble act and keep on doing it. Either you teach that boy to control his power or pay the consequences. Do you know how many times I've had to heal him during this past month?"

The man didn't answer her and she pulled his necktie closer to her so she could bare her teeth at him menacingly.

"The answer is way too damn many and it's only been one month since I worked here. I'm sick of having to heal him every time he used his power so you better teach him how to not destroy his body quickly," she paused before she smiled sweetly at him. "Understand?"

Intimidated by her smile that promised retribution if he failed to do what she asked of him, the Hero frantically nodded his head.

"Y-yes, Ma'am."

"Good." She nodded imperiously. "Now… the recreational activities have ended. The first match is about to begin, are you not going to watch Midoriya fight?"

"Right! I'll be leaving now."

The Hero transformed back into his muscle form and quickly waved a goodbye at her before he hightailed out of her infirmary and she rolled her eyes at his act. Seriously, he had faced Villains a hundred times more menacing than she was and he still act like that around her.

Oh well.

Ryouka had been told that the third round was going to be a one-on-one match between the remaining competitors. It was bound to be brutal even if it was considered a 'friendly' match, considering their ambition to win and the destructive nature of most of their Quirks.

She sighed, knowing that she would have a lot of work after this.

Her eyes glanced towards the clock, seeing that it was already a little past 1 P.M.

Recovery Girl said that she would be back after lunch, didn't she? Did she get into trouble at work? Ryouka checked her phone, not seeing any emergency call or text from the old lady and shrugged. Whatever, the matches are going to begin soon better prepare for her next round of snacks.

There was a bit of drama when a couple of students decided to forfeit because they didn't remember winning the second round, but that matter was resolved quickly and at last the first match was going to begin.

It was Midoriya against someone called Shinsou Hitoshi.

All Might's successor huh… it would be interesting to see how he would do in this kind of situation since she was too busy inwardly berating the reckless boy to pay attention to his fighting style during the incident at the USJ.

The match began, and almost immediately the boy angrily approached his opponent and—oh, he stopped.

Ryouka leaned forward in her seat, intrigued.

Present Mic was shouting commentaries in the background, but she tuned that out in favour of paying close attention to the boys. Shinsou appeared to tell Midoriya something, and just like that, the frozen Midoriya turned around and began to walk out towards the ring.

Ryouka sighed and leaned away from the monitor. Brainwashing huh. How unfortunate for Midoriya. Well, at least this will teach him that there were problems that couldn't be solved through brute force alone.

Just as he was about to stepped outside the ring though, suddenly there was a gust of wind around the green haired boy and he stopped walking. Ryouka leaned forward again and saw that the boy had broken his own fingers to get out of the other boy's control.

Her lip twitch in annoyance.

…He solved it with brute force…

The match ended quickly after that. Midoriya seemed to have an idea of how Shinsou's Quirk act and used it to his advantage as he kept pushing the boy towards the edge of the ring. They seemed to argue about something and Shinsou punched Midoriya's face, but in the end Midoriya's strength win and he threw the other boy on his back.

"Shinsou is out of the ring!" Midnight announced loudly. "Midoriya moves on to the second round!"

Ryouka relaxed back onto her chair and sighed. That was fortunate for Midoriya, but All Might really should teach the boy better to use his power. Breaking his body in order to win was not a good plan in the long term.

Sighing, she texted Present Mic, telling him to tell the two boys to see her in the infirmary, which he announced immediately to the speakers as the crowd cheered and congratulate the two boys.

When Midoriya finally showed up, she scowled at him but didn't say much because she had entrusted the job of scolding him to All Might. Instead, she scowled twice as intensely at the man who avoided her gaze with a sweat on his forehead.

She quickly wiped the blood off Midoriya's face and gave him her Spring of Life, which made her feel lethargic afterwards. "You know broken bones took a while to mend, so take it easy during the next ten minutes or so," Ryouka told him. "Don't do anything reckless, you hear me?"

"Y-yes… thank you, Ibuki-senpai," Midoriya said, nodding his head at her with a frown between his brows.

"What's with the frown?" She asked as she cleaned up the dirty cotton balls she used to clean him. "You won didn't you? Why don't you smile a little?"

But her attempt to cheer him up clearly didn't work as the boy only looked even more dejected than before. Midoriya glanced at her briefly and looked back down again to his clenched hands.

"But how could I possibly smile when…"

"Well… it must have been a hard battle for you, given what Young Shinsou was saying," All Might said when his successor trailed off in the middle of his sentence.

"But even so… that didn't mean that I could lose. That's just what it means to aim for number one… right?" Midoriya murmured unsurely, looking at his mentor in askance, but All Might was being awkward again and shot a look that clearly screamed 'help me!' at her.

Ryouka sighed, resisting the urge to massage her temples.

These two…

"Look, I don't know what you're talking about, but try to look happier, okay? Don't pity your opponent—he fought you with all he have. If you look like that, it's like you're looking down on his efforts," Ryouka grouched at him.

When the boy only looked at her wide-eyed at her advice, she flicked her fingers at his forehead and narrowed her eyes at him. "Where's your answer?"

"Y-yes, Ma'am!" Midoriya squeaked as he frantically nodded at her.

Satisfied, she nodded back at him. She was about to tell them to get the hell out of her infirmary when suddenly the boy shot up again.

"Oh right!" He exclaimed. "All Might… um, I had a vision…"

"Oh?" All Might asked, interested.

"Well, it concerned it, you see…" Midoriya fumbled, glancing between her and All Might with a meaningful look.

All Might smiled at him reassuringly. "It's alright, Young Midoriya, you can tell her. She knows."

"Oh…!" Midoriya gasped, looking at her in surprise and she nodded, miming a lock with her fingers and her mouth. Midoriya smiled slightly at that before he went to explain his vision.

"Well, there were eight or nine people… I'm not sure exactly how many, but when it felt like my mind was filled with fog from the brainwashing, the vision appeared as if to drive the fog away," Midoriya explained, frowning a bit. "And then I was able to barely move just my fingertips for a moment and…"

The boy paused, staring at his mentor. "There was someone that have your eyes too, All Might. Was it… something like the souls of the people who had inherited One For All?"

There was a brief silence before All Might snapped out of it.

"Scary…! What the heck?!" The Hero exclaimed, looking a bit pale.

"What? I thought you'd know about it!" Midoriya exclaimed back, surprised.

All Might coughed into his hand. "Well yes, I also saw it before in my younger days. It must be a sign that you've got a better grasp on One For All."

Ryouka raised an eyebrow as Midoriya asked him, "What does that mean?"

"I think it's like a trace of something that was left behind in One For All," All Might explained. "It's not something with intent that can interfere with you, and you can't interfere with them."

"In other words, that vision isn't what got rid of the brainwashing. When you saw the vision, it was your strong emotions that allowed you to overcome Young Shinsou's Brainwashing just long enough for you to be able to move your fingertips, I think," All Might finished with a thoughtful frown.

Midoriya bit his lower lip and muttered. "Somehow that explanation doesn't satisfy me at all though…"

"Well, don't dwell on it! Anyway, shouldn't you be worrying about your next opponent?!" All Might told him loudly and Midoriya jumped.

"Oh, right! Thank you both!"

He quickly left the infirmary to go to the stage area back to see the next match. When he was gone, Ryouka turned to a contemplative All Might and exhaled softly.

"Was it a bad thing that he saw you in that vision?" she asked him, and though his face looked grim, the man turned towards her and told her;

"No… it's a good thing."

It should be a good thing, but the way he said it didn't convince her at all. She frowned, looking at his frail back and shook her head, deciding to let it go. His condition was improving and he wasn't in an immediate danger so she would let it go this time.

"I should be going too, Ibuki-kun. Thank you for treating him," All Might smiled at her and changed back to his muscle form. Ryouka kept her narrowed eyes on him as he left, unsure if he was hiding something important from her.

She sighed tiredly.

Ah… she wanted to go home already.


After Midoriya was done and All Might left, the fluffy-haired boy that was Shinsou Hitoshi entered her domain reluctantly with a heavy frown between his brows.

When he did nothing and just stand in front of her, brooding, she sighed tiredly and ushered him to take a seat.

"Well, go on. Take off your shirt," Ryouka told him after he sat down and he obediently did what she told him to do. The moment the shirt was off, she saw the beginning of a bruise littering his back. It wasn't that bad now, but in a few hours it would be nasty.

"You're lucky that you only have these bruisings on your back," Ryouka commented lightly as she examined Shinsou's back. "Midoriya's pretty strong, you know? He could have easily broke your spine and kill you if he wasn't controlling his power correctly—I know he's still crap at controlling it since he only just got his Quirk recently."

She couldn't see the boy's expression since he wasn't facing her, but from the slightest twitch of his back, she could tell that he wasn't expecting her words at all. The boy was silent for a while, before she heard him speak in a soft voice.

"…Only just got his Quirk?"

Ryouka raised an eyebrow at his question. "I thought that everyone knew that?" She thought the knowledge that the fact that Midoriya only recently 'manifested' his Quirk was common story since she knew how fast gossip usually travelled, but apparently not.

She shrugged even though he couldn't see it. "Well… it's not my story to tell if you don't already know it, but ask him if you're curious. Pretty sure he would tell you everything you want to know," she told him. "Anyway, I need you to take off your pants too."

At her words, the boy jumped slightly and turned to face her, his eyes slightly wide in alarm and a faint blush on his cheeks.

"…Is that really necessary?" he asked her and she rolled her eyes at his question. Teenagers.

"Oh, come on, don't tell me you're shy," Ryouka huffed, ushering him to stand up."The bruise is spreading quite low, you know. I have to treat it. Don't worry, you can keep your underwear. I will need to tug it down a bit though."

Obediently, the boy get up and removed his pants, leaving him only in his underwear. He looked awkward and pointedly refused to look at her, which made her roll her eyes again.

"I'm going to rub ointment on your bruises and compress it with a bandage, but I won't heal you since the injury isn't life threatening and you don't have any more matches for the day," Ryouka explained to him as she went to the medicine cabinet to get the ointment. "But if it hurts that much, you can go see Recovery Girl once she came back."

The boy nodded. "…Alright."

She came back to him and motioned him to sit back down.

"Bear with this," she said, opening the lid to the container and scooping out a generous amount of the balm before she spread them to the boy's back. The boy winced a bit, but obediently stayed put as she did her job.

"But honestly though, what were you thinking riling him up like that? That was really reckless. You knew that he has a pretty dangerous Quirk. You literally saw him using it during the cavalry battle. It's almost like you're asking for this to happen," she berated the boy with a huff.

"I didn't!" The kid exclaimed, yelling at her before he caught himself and lowered his voice. "I don't, I just… I suppose I'm just venting my frustrations on him."

Hearing his sombre tone, she knew she had made a mistake and had just unlocked his tragic backstory. Oh boy.

"I wanted to be a hero since I was a kid, but… with this Quirk of mine…" Shinsou began to talk, hunching his form a bit.

"People always said that I have a Villainous Quirk, that I could never be a Hero. After being discriminated throughout my childhood, seeing the unfairness of the entrance exam for Heroic Course just makes me so angry at those who were born with Quirks like his. They take everything for granted just because they were born with Quirks suitable for heroics."

The boy grew tense as he muttered again in disdain. "…They don't understand what ordinary people like me are feeling."

Ryouka couldn't tell what expression he was making, but seeing his defensive form and hearing his words, Ryouka couldn't help but feel a little irked at him. Sure, it was unfair, but seriously? Well, he was still a boy though, so she couldn't blame him for thinking with his emotion. Teenagers were just like that.

Sighing inwardly, she decided to give him a lecture.

"Let me tell you something interesting, Fluffy-Hair," she began as she took some compress from the cabinet, catching his attention. "Midoriya didn't destroy a single robot during the entrance exam. Not. A single. One."

"…What?" Shinsou breathed out, disbelieve etched in his face.

Ryouka nodded at him as she went back to her chair with the compress in hand. "But he still got accepted to the Hero Course, as the second highest scoring student, in fact. Why do you think that is?"

The boy was frowning at her. "What are you saying?"

Hearing his unsure question, Ryouka huffed again.

"Tell me, what do you think a Hero does? Is it just beating up Villain?" She asked him back as she slapped on the bandage on his back. "While you're thinking about that, I want to ask you too—what have you done to realize your dream? Did you train your body to be stronger? Explore what you're capable of doing with your Quirk? Or did you just stay silent and do nothing while you cursed those who were born with better privilege than you?"

The boy's eyes widened and he stood up angrily as he turned to face her.

"That's…!" he began, but he then he fell silent, no words coming out from his lips. He looked down in frustration, his hands clenching on the sides of his body. Seeing this, Ryouka felt sorry for being a little harsh on him. She sighed and tugged him down back to his chair.

"A piece of advice, before you blame others you have to look at your own self first, Fluffy," Ryouka told him.

"I admit that the exam is biased since not all Quirks, although useful, are capable of destruction. Some of the teachers here even agree with me, but maybe that was the point of that exam in the first place," she shrugged.

"Get creative, strive to do better. Help others, and maybe don't be selfish or self-depreciating and start to be grateful with what you have. You have to utilize your own potential to the fullest if you want to reach the top."

The boy clenched his teeth in frustration. "But…"

"And don't make any excuses either," Ryouka glared at him sternly and smacked the back of his head. "Own up to your mistakes, admit that you were wrong, and do better from now on."

She huffed again when he fell silent. Good. Mull her words in that fluffy head of yours, young man. She knew he wasn't stupid—he managed to get accepted to this ridiculous school, after all.

Wait, come to think of it, wasn't Aizawa's Quirk…

"You know what, I'll even tell you something good too since I'm feeling generous," Ryouka said with a devious grin, getting an idea. "Like you, there's a teacher here whose Quirk is not suitable for destruction, yet he has one of the most effective and brutal fighting style that I've ever seen and could take out groups of Villains by himself in only seconds."

Ryouka patted the last of the compress gently and the boy turned to face her again.

"Seek him out, and maybe if he sees potential in you, he'll be willing to share his knowledge with you," she finished, proud at herself for being so wise.

"Someone like me…" the boy muttered, determination lighting up in his eyes.

Ryouka nodded.

"Yes, now put your clothes back on and get out. I only have so much patience for teenage angst today," she huffed in mock impatience. "If your back got worse, get Recovery Girl to heal you."

"Senpai…" Shinsou breathed out in gratitude before he bowed at her, still in his underwear. "Thank you for your advice."

Ryouka rolled her eyes at him, but there was a smile on her face as she waved with her hand.

"Just scram out of here," she told him and he nodded again before leaving. Seeing the determined boy, she almost felt sorry for Aizawa for ushering the kid his way, but she had a feeling that the man would like him.

She wondered when the boy will realize he was still in his underwear though.

Oh well.

No. 12—End

I lied again, this Arc will end next chapter. Probably. Maybe. Hopefully. I don't know though.

By the way, I have decided where I will end this story! It'll happen in about 4 to 5 arcs I think, and I'll tell you what, it's going to be glorious. I can't wait to write it. I hope I managed to write it as well as I imagined it in my head.

ALSO KINGDOM HEARTS III IS GOING TO BE RELEASED SOON I CAN'T BREATHE. It's 2 days after my birthday too, what a wonderful birthday present from SE! I hope everything will be worth the long wait!

Edit because I forgot: Also congrats .reads and templememple, you've been blocked. If anyone send me comments like what these two assholes sent me, you will be blocked too. Remember: saying that you didn't like this story is fine, but please be polite. Using derogatory terms (sexual or not) will get you blocked immediately. If anyone send it anonymously, anonymous comment will be disabled too.