Hi guys... So I know it's been absolutely forever since I updated but I haven't really had much motivation. But today was different so I have a new oneshot for you guys! It might or might not get a story. Enjoy please.
"He's waking."
Sinbad nearly bulldozed his vizier over in his haste to leave the office. If Yamuraiha had sent Jafar instead of telling him herself that meant the man was so close to waking that if she left he might wake up alone. Sinbad, though, was determined to be there when he woke up.
With speed he rarely had to use anymore, he flitted outside and headed towards the guest housing. It took less than half the time it normally would to get there and he skidded to halt outside the ornately carved door; a symbol of a southern sea creature painted on it. Absently, he fixed his hair-damn the tangles that long hair caused-before quietly opening door.
Yamuraiha was leaning over the bed, her hair waving slightly from the invisible rukh as she murmured under her breath, and a couple other caretakers were wandering the edges of the spacious room setting out a few trays of exotic fruit and some pitchers of water. He stepped in and closed the door making sure not to disturb the chanting magician as her magoi flowed in and out of her sleeping patient.
And oh! How he wished the man lying there had awoken a long time ago. Seven years Sindria had played host to the ravenette on the bed. Seven years Sinbad had refused to give up hope that this person-this beautiful person who had helped him the most through one simple action during one of his darkest times- would never wake up again because of an accident that had happened.
There was a flutter of eyelashes and a flash of green. The purple haired king was immediately at the bedside waiting anxiously. Another flutter and this time the piercing green stayed open. When they blearily glanced in his direction -his heart clenched and his stomach had butterflies- Sinbad allowed a soft smile onto his face to hide the blinding grin he knew wanted out.
"Good morning."
Yamuraiha shifted from her spot and wiped a hand across her brow. Those green green eyes shifted to her and the bluenette gave a weary smile. "Glad to see your finally back amongst the living."
And then the ravenette was crying. Silent tears streaked down his pale cheeks and into the long well kept hair.
"Nanashi," Sinbad yelped leaning forward anxiously.
"M'not-" And then the man broke off into harsh cough.
A caretaker immediately rushed over with a small silver bowl crafted just for the sake of making it easier for patients drink in bed; its rims came up on all sides like a normal bowl except for an edge just a little bit smaller than the mouth that turned down almost as if it had melted from the heat. The king snatched it, being careful not to slosh any water over the sides and brought it up to the too pale lips. Nanashi barely had time in between coughs to get dribbles of water in but slowly his attack started to subside and his tears -that doubled during the coughing- finally slowed as well. It was a sight that filled the king with relief.
"Glad to see your back with us Nanashi," Sinbad exclaimed with a winning smile. He offered the bowl again but the ravenette only waved him off weakly.
"Who?" He croaked tilting his head in Yamuraiha's direction.
"This is one of my eight generals, Yamuraiha."
"It's a pleasure to finally meet you awake, Nanshi. Excuse me, my king, I have a few experiments in the lab that shouldn't be left alone too long. This was a bit sudden."
Sinbad waved her away along with the two others.
"You've missed so much! It's been years-"
Nanashi sat up in shock, shivering from the strain on his unused muscles but refusing to lie back down.
"What?" He whispered, his eyes wide and pleading. "How long," he begged grabbing the king's white sleeve. "Exactly how… long…?"
"It's been almost seven years since you fell into the coma," he said softly. Obviously this was going to be distressing. Who wouldn't freak out over losing seven years of their life to a near death sleep?
"No," the man sobbed hoarsely pulling his hands to his face and hiding. "No!"
"I'm not Nanashi," the man croaked, raking his trimmed fingers down his face. Red welts and a bit of blood quickly rose to the surface showing exactly how hard he was scratching. Sinbad immediately leaned forward to snatch those pale hands away. He didn't want Nanashi causing himself more damage, so he trapped the smaller thinner fingers between his own larger calloused palms. That action made him notice how much the smaller male was shaking. Tremors were constantly and barely visibly running through his arms and most probably his whole body.
"I'm not Nanashi," he repeated more softly, though, the pain in his voice was no less.
"What do you mean?"
He didn't really want to believe it after all. Had Nanashi truly remembered where he had come from? Was he going to leave?
No. He couldn't leave. Not in the condition he was in. His muscles were softer and probably couldn't even hold his own weight anymore no matter how often the caretakers took the unresisting body through exercises. He wasn't going to leave. Sinbad couldn't-wouldn't let him. Not after waiting this long!
"I have to go back…"
And those were just the words he did. Not. Want. To. Hear.
"Raven," Sinbad murmured carefully, leaning forward and tightening his grip on those cold pale hands. "You just woke up. I'm sure whatever it is you need to get back to can wait until you can walk on your own."
Those green eyes snapped up with a burning passion that Sinbad had only seen that once. Oh Solomon how beautiful it made the androgynous man look. His long black hair tumbling down his shoulders, pale face marred by bleeding scratches, and those burning hellfire eyes. This was what he wanted to keep.
"I can walk just fine!"
Sinbad frowned and shifted so he was standing. Then he released his grip and backed away, giving a gesture to make the other proceed. With false confidence-because he could see the hesitance in the way his shoulders were set- the man shifted himself over and let his feet fall to the lushly carpeted rug by the bedside. He pushed himself up with trembling arms and immediately collapsed into a heap on the floor.
Sinbad crouched down but didn't go near the other as the ravenette still struggled to push himself up. His tremors were very obvious now and his breath was coming out in harsh pants. With a defeated groan he allowed his upper body to smack onto the floor.
"This is why I said you need to stay. At least until you're physically able to walk a mile without getting tired."
"I'm sorry…"
Sinbad chuckled and moved forward to sweep the fallen man into his arms. With care, he laid him back into the large bed and pulled the silk sheets back up to his waist. "So who exactly are… you," the King trailed off as he glanced up. Nan-Raven was already fast asleep. This was going to take a lot of work to get him into good physical form again if this little amount of work put him to sleep.
With a sigh, the purple haired man stood and headed for the door. He glanced back briefly and made sure the possessive smile was gone from his face by the time he was out in the hallway.
"He's doing quite well," Jafar said with a small smile. He was gazing down into the courtyard where Raven-the man refused to be called Nanashi anymore and absolutely wouldn't tell anyone his name no matter how hard they tried-was jogging slowly around the the large fountain. "The progress he's made in the last year is amazing."
"He's almost finished with therapy."
Jafar glanced over with a frown. Sinbad wasn't surprised. Even to himself he didn't sound all that happy. It's not that he wasn't. He was very pleased his Raven could make such quick progress when Yamuraiha had projected at least two years. But he really didn't want the other to leave.
Raven had, throughout the last year, constantly made little reminders that he wanted to leave as soon as he was able to physically protect himself again. A mention of seeing the sights outside of Sindria, his little brother-still no names-, being worried about his other brothers… the list went on. They were, of course, little forgettable things. A passing comment or a mumble no one was supposed to hear. Thing was, Sinbad remembered all of them. Every single little piece of info he sucked up and started to piece together.
He wasn't liking the picture either. Raven was a noble of some kind. One that was loved by his family and would probably be welcomed back. He would leave Sinbad after everything he had done for the man. Something dark curled in his chest and no matter what he did, it could not be banished. Sinbad didn't know what he would do if Raven didn't stay.
"Yes," the Vizier eventually agreed. "With how persistent he has been about wanting to leave, we will all be sad to see him go."
"There is nothing we have to keep him here, Sin." And wasn't that like a Masrur kick in the gut. "I think it's best to let him go. I think… I think he will come back on his own time."
And he did, a whole two years later, in the company of Ren Kougyoku and Ren Hakuryuu and their entourage. At first Sinbad had almost missed him as he blended in very well with the other servants that were brought along but those green eyes were unmistakable. Raven was back and his heart started beating loudly in his chest, the dark beast rearing it head once again. This time the man would not be getting away so easily.
Jafar came upon them talking quietly in the hallway on the way to Sinbad's audience chambers. When he had first seen Raven again, it was disbelief that was most prominent. The eight generals had not expected the boy to ever come back after the first year and a half but there he was and as a servant no less. Who would want to leave behind a kingdom of freedom to become a servant? Jafar served his king, yes, but servants of the Kou Empire were little less than slaves. Family was important, he understood but Raven could have had his family brought to Sindria if they were servants…
But looking upon him now there was no doubt Raven was no servant. He stood proud and tall but the weight that always seemed to be upon his shoulders since waking two years ago was still prominent. He talked to the youngest Prince as an equal even though the vizier could not hear the words of the conversation. The Ren Prince bowed his head before taking the lead. No more words were exchanged and Jafar followed them all the way to Sinbad.
"My name is Ren Hakuto, Second Prince of the Kou Empire and we have come to ask for an alliance."
Sinbad's heart had to have exploded. What else could this feeling be? Raven was a prince of Kou? Looks wise it wasn't that far of a push. His long hair, Sinbad was glad it had not been cut it looked wonderful on the man long, was in a tight bun upon the back of his head but that could not hold all of it so the rest hung freely down his neck, not quite touching the shoulders. His green eyes were uncommon in the region but some of the Royal Family had been known for jewel like eyes so that fit as well. He had the pale complexion and noble facial structure and Sindria's King did not like how much of a complete picture this was painting.
"Alliance with Kou?"
Raven… Hakuto frowned, glancing at Hakuryuu briefly. "Not quite. Soon Kou will be at war with itself and that bitch and her toy will be kicked out of the Family."
The vulgar word falling from those sweet lips. It had always made a shudder run up his spine.
"You are asking for help with the rebellion."
The frown didn't change but there was a slight furrow between his brows. "Yes and no. I only ask that when either I or Hakuryuu proclaim our right to rule we have your support."
Either Raven or the last prince? What a strange way to phrase things. His support would also mean the Seas Alliance backing as well. That was a lot to ask for so what could he gain. His purple eyes raked over Raven contemplatively.
"And what would you offer in this alliance?"
Raven raised a brow as if it was obvious. "The real Kou Empire will join in your alliance… and in the meantime until this happens, I will stay here in Sindria as a diplomat."
The beast positively purred and Sinbad had to hide a wicked grin. This, he could work with. While even a third of Kou Empire joining the Seven Seas alliance would be beneficial, Raven will be exactly where he was meant to be.
"Brother, I don't think-"
"Hush Hakuryuu. We all know this is best."
Sinbad so badly wanted to make a comment about letting his betters speak but he knew well enough to curb his tongue. Instead he said carefully, "For now this will be a verbal contract but a written one should be drawn up soon."
"Of course," Raven agreed.
This was perfect.
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