Greetings my loves!
Thank you all for your support on Dark Angel of Mine. I was truly amazed and flattered by all the positive responses to that story and idea that I poured lots of love and hours into. Thank you again.
This story was amazingly influenced by a piece of fan art I saw on Tumblr. If you look up Kantonliu it is the Yuri Witcher piece. Now I don't know anything about the witcher fandom but that picture did spark inspiration to create a mage Yuuri.
Please let me know what you think and if I should continue this piece.
Thank you again!
I don't owe YOI and please excuse any grammar errors.
"My liege I implore you to reconsider"
Viktor glanced over to his first in command and glared at him not pausing the stride of his horse instead he egged Afsol to go faster "This is the only choice we have left. We are outnumbered if we attack outright and they now have my brother"
He swallowed the fear that threatened to cripple him but he could not afford to show weakness. As their king and leader weakness was not an option. The capture of his little brother was a hard blow to him and the people of their kingdom. They have been at war with the Granorians for some years now. Large reptilian beings who wanted to harvest their lush planet and drain the resources.
Every time they tried to put up another driller they made sure to knock it out before it could cause damage to their eco system. The drillers were made to drain the minerals from the soil which chance have it was rich in Aurum. A strong substance that was used to make weapons, armory and buildings. His people the Numinors used it to make their own armors and weapons but those weapons were rear. They did not believe in digging up their planet. Unfortunately, the beasts they fought did not have the same qualms.
The battles were long and gruesome but Viktor and his people were bred warriors. He learned the way of the sword from the moment he learned to walk as does every Numinor. On the battlefield it was hard to kill a Numinor even against the larger reptiles. Their skin was tough to pierce, they moved with inhuman speed and their senses were far superior to the reptiles. Plus they held their own energy that they had to learn to project in battle. They have been successful so far with Viktor leading the attacks but they had all wondered how long their luck will hold out. It was rare for a king to go to battle without a mage.
Seems the enemy realized this small detail and took a different approach to the war. He had sent Yuri to the far east of the kingdom to help oversee the training of the soldiers when his party was ambushed. Something that should have been impossible.
Clutching on the reigns his jaw tighten. They were getting help from a mage, meaning he was now at the disadvantage. Not only that but The kingdom has been under the protection of a force shield that has been effective since his grandfather had it placed at the end of the last invading species over 300 years ago. Now it seems the Granorians found a mage who could breach that barrier.
The only way to keep his people safe and bring back his brother was to seek out the mages who first created the barrier.
The Elementals were a race of mages with magic so rare and powerful that they were whispered to have been born with the galaxies. His grandfather told him stories of the mage Hiro and his family and how they were the ones who put the shield up that protected their people. His grandfather had been a fierce warrior and ruler who pursued the mage to help end the war. The history books didn't say much about the Elemental. All the pages in their history books pertaining to them had been burned. His father did tell him that were secretive by nature and they magicked them away.
All maps, references and names were erased from the history books. The only bit of information his grandfather told him was the name Katsuki.
His father never called on the mages to serve under his rule. There was never a need and so the Elementals fell into history and now after 300 years he knew that he was grasping at straws but he was desperate. He could not fail his people. He clutched the blue lapis stone around his neck. According to his father the stone held the power to bond a mage when the right ritual words were spoken. He hoped he didn't have to use it but he was not above enslaving the mage if it meant getting his little brother back and protecting his kingdom.
He just hoped the Elementals did not die out.
The only reference he found was that they kept to themselves high in the misty Blue Mountains away from villages and people. The last sighting was rumored over a hundred years ago. A young man who claimed he was the son of Hiro.
When he found the path leading deep into the Blue Mountains he had to slow his horse down. The trees were too dense to ride hard.
Christophe came up next to him "Sire, the Elementals have not been heard from for many many years and the last time one of them came down from the mountain cursed the royal family name. I don't think this is wise"
Viktor grunted "Regardless of what it may think of my family I came prepared" he flipped open a sack that Afsol carried. Bags of gold jingled "If he or she will not help out because their king asks for it, then I will buy their services. Yuri must be found and the shield addressed at any cost" he did not mention the necklace. That was a last resort. He was not fond of slavery.
Chris and his guards stayed close to their king. He did not trust these mages and didn't trust magic they could not fight physically.
While they were immune to most magic but they were still at a disadvantage against beings like the Elementals. They had been lucky that they did not have notions of grandeur and tried to over throw the Nikiforov family. It was his duty to make sure that his king remained safe above all else. That was why he was here chasing after a rumor.
There was no guarantee they would find an Elemental but his lord seemed to know where he was going so he followed his lead.
When the forest started to grow quieter and denser Viktor knew they were on the right path. The tall trees reached high, the large arms crisscrossing onto each other. The thick foliage shadowed the bright sun until torches had to be lit in order to see. The horses started to stir not liking the mist that rolled on the leaf covered floor the further up they went.
No sounds of birds….no chirping of insects…..not even the rustle of the wind in the leaves could be heard. It was unnaturally still.
The fog stayed to the forest floor floating around them like a blanket. The only sound now was the pads of the horses' hooves. None of them spoke their senses were on high alert watching for any signs of danger.
Viktor closed his eyes and sent his hearing wide at once listening to the vibrations of the forest. Inhaling he looked to the right stopped his horse and dismounted.
Walking over to a large overgrown brush he peered around trying to see what lay beyond it. Inhaling deep he knew he found the right path. He could smell a clean stream lying 5 miles up north, rich overturn soil and the spicy scent of deep magic.
Reaching to his back he unsheathed his sword and started to hack away the large bush like it was butter. His men dismounted and helped clear the way that was carefully hidden. You could not go around the large bush, it was blocked by large boulders and thick massive trees if you went up you found the edge of the mountain side that winded down the other way. If you tried to climb up you fell into poison thorn bushes.
No this entrance was very carefully made to look like part of the forest.
"Whoever did this does not wish to be disturbed my lord" said Chris looking down the small path that was lined with trees and fog.
Viktor clenched his jaw "We go by foot" the turned to his men "Stay here" he ordered stepping onto the path his red cloak trailing behind him.
The fur lined cloak shield him against the growing cold of winter. The bright red a beacon displaying his birthright as king. Red was the royal color and the color that marked the house of Nikiforov. Viktor was young for a king but he gained that title from his father for his fierceness.
All Numinorians held an inner beast within them. The stronger the beast the more powerful the warrior. Viktor has proven that he had the strongest beast….even surpassing his grandfather and so was given the title of king at an early age.
When a Numiorian tapped into his animal their eyesight sharpen, their hearing could pick up the softest of footsteps miles away and they could feel the energy around them. They also held traits of predators. Fangs lengthened and claws sprang out of nails. They were fast, strong and highly tolerant of magic.
As he walked he could see scattered patches of snow and wondered how the mage survived up in the wilderness for so long while nothing grew in winter.
His blue eyes darted into the shadows of the trees, his senses alert and ready. He kept his sword in one gloved hand. His dark brown boots made little sound while he stalked forward his predator instincts listening for the mage.
When the cottage came into view he knew he was in the right place.
The cottage was covered in rich twining ivy and Jasmine sending the wonderful scent into the cool air. To the side was a healthy garden filled with vegetables and fruit. Viktor could see several trees that looked to have crisp looking apples and he marveled that all of this was available during winter.
"It's not natural" whispered Christophe looking at the tomatoes "It's winter…."
Viktor was looking at the garden then looked up towards the cottage, startled to see a dark hooded figure by the doorway.
The mage had its hood on low so he could not tell if it was male or female. The black of the cloak hid the rest of them from view. The shadowed figure moved inside the cottage seeming to blend into the darkness noiselessly.
Viktor growled low not liking the challenge of the mage or the lack of respect. He was still their king. Most would invite him into at least offer some kind of hospitality.
"I do not like this my lord" said Chris peering into the darkness of the cottage "It does not seem very inviting"
"Mages are oddities Christophe but the important thing is that we found our Elemental" he said low and stepped forward sword in hand.
The inside of the cottage was warm, clean and very tidy. He had been expecting odd items in jars. Magic items slew across a working table or even insects. The space had a very comfortable air to it. The large table that stood on in front of a large hearth was gleaming and polished with a basket of apples and peaches on it. The kitchen was far more modern than he would have envisioned with a large wood burning stove and vent above it. The wood floors were clean and well maintained that had large woven rich rugs scattered around the living space.
The dark cloaked figure sat in front of the hearth in a large chair "To what do I owe the pleasure that the king himself comes to seek my audience"
The voice was spelled so that he could not tell the age or gender of the mage. It threw his senses off and in turn made his beast irritable. He did not like what he did not control or understand.
"I am in need of your aid and come to hold your oath in binding" he said sheathing his sword.
The figure cackled "I have no binding oath to you little king. Leave me be" he said turning his head slightly towards him.
Viktor growled "Your ancestor helped our kingdom and swore an oath to my family. It is your duty to respond"
The figure scoffed "Foolishness. Yes, once upon a time we Elementals had a treaty with your family line but that ended with your grandfather" the cloaked figure stood and turned to them "Your grandfather used my family as pigs for slaughter. Yes my family swore an oath but I will never serve you"
Viktor refused to believe that "There has to be a misunderstanding. Is there no one of Hiro's line left?"
"Yes" the voice said in a clipped tone "I am his last remaining heir and I know more about this than you will ever image. There was no misunderstanding. Now leave"
Viktor clenched his jaw "I am truly sorry for your loss but you are bound to the kingdom even if you refuse to acknowledge it"
The figure sat back down and sighed "I have no ties to anyone"
Growling in anger he reached over and threw a heavy sack of gold coins on the table "Then I will buy your services. I need your help"
He watched indignantly as a small elegant hand flicked its wrist delicately turning the gold to ashes.
"I have no use for riches. Leave I said"
Viktor sighed "I didn't want to resort to this but we are in desperate need" he pulled out the blue lapis stone from under his golden chest plate armor and watched the hooded figure stand suddenly. The room grew cold despite the burning fire.
"Don't" was all it said but Viktor smirked at the mage.
"I wouldn't but you gave me no choice" He would not be defeated and he will have respect "Forged by magical blood I call on your oath to serve the one who carries the blood of kings" eyes flashing gold he bit on his finger with one sharp canine and smeared the stone with his blood "by my blood and my word I bind you to me"
The black figure growled low and doubled over as if in pain but he knew he was trying to fight to binding spell. Viktor watched fascinated when a blue aura surrounded the mage then seem to soak into the mage disappearing within.
It was then that Viktor wondered how old the mage was. He could not see what they looked like but twice he had seen their hands and they appeared delicate and fragile. He also noted how much shorter it was than himself but then again Numinors had tall and powerful bodies. The mage looked to be more than a head shorter.
"Curse you Nikiforov" the voice wavered and turned into one of a young man "I hope you burn in hell"
Viktor frowned "Come forward" he knew that when given a direct order the mage was now forced to obey him with the spell in place.
The mage walked up to him his body shaking in anger no doubt. Once in front of him he inhaled deeply and savored the fragrance of the man. Sweet orange blossoms, citrus and fresh earth. It was an intoxicating cocktail.
"Lower your hood. I wish to see the face of my mage"
Whatever he had been expecting was not what stood before him. His hair was the color of midnight, shiny and silky pulled back revealing deep garnet red eyes. His skin was smooth golden and unblemished giving him a very young youthful appearance. His face was the most beautiful thing he has ever seen in his long life. It looked to be carved by the angels.
The man looked almost as young as his brother which gave him pause. Was this mage strong enough to even help?
"How old are you?" he asked walking around the man inhaling and feeling the air around him wanting to get a feel for the mage.
The mage had his small hands in a tight fists "Stop hovering over me like a dog in heat" he bit out his soft voice laced with anger "I am old enough that is all you need to worry about"
Viktor snarled at the young man "You will do well to learn respect. You behave like a savage"
The man looked up at him his red eyes holding not an ounce of fear "You cannot harm me Nikiforov. The magical bond works both ways. I cannot harm you with my magic and you in turn can't lay a hand on me. Respect is earned and your family lost what little respect I had a long time ago"
His instincts were screaming at him to make the male in front of him submit. Those deep beautiful eyes was driving his beast wild with both rage and desire. They looked up at him challenging his dominance, they were unwavering and rebellious swirling with an old and ancient power.
Leaning down he could feel his frame vibrating in anger "You are bound to me and my word mage and bound is where you will remain. Start getting use to that"
Yuuri narrowed his eye at the arrogant king hating how easily he leashed him but most of all he hated what his family did to his own.
"We are leaving. Gather your supplies we depart immediately" said the silver hair king and walked out of his home.
Cursing the royal family name under his breath the glared at the blonde guard then turned away from him before he turned him into a frog.
Walking to his bedroom he waved his hand igniting a yellow glow around it and started to summon clothes, essentials and a pack to carry it all. Walking back to the living area again he waved his hand again and bread, cheese, dried meat, dried fruit and nuts fell into his pack. Buckling the strap he placed his hand on the pack and it disappeared for him to use when he needed of it.
He walked out with a stoic guard in tow.
"I'm done" he bit out between clenched teeth hating that he had to leave home behind.
The king looked down at his attire "You seem ready for travel"
Yuuri shrugged "This is the way I dress normally. I have no need for metal armor"
His clothing was all back. Tall riding black leather boots, black pants, back simple cotton long sleeved shirt that he wore under a black leather tight armor that tied at the sides to protect his chest and stomach. The straps around his legs held small daggers that he usually had tipped with his own poison. He preferred those than a sword. Yuuri adjusted his cloak the silver medallion with his family crest flashing bright on his right shoulder where it was gathered. Taking long black gloves he stood outside with the king who was looking around the area of his home.
"When we reach the clearing you will ride with me back to the location were my brother was taken" commanded the king irritating Yuuri.
"I'd rather eat my own arm" he muttered then huffed "You really are clueless aren't you?" he crossed his arms. He knew better than the piss off the king but his arrogance got on his nerves.
The king was the prime predator. If you looked at the food chain you will find his majesty at the very top. Lethal instincts that could trigger a deadly beast at any moment the king's blood held a magic of his own. It was very much like pulling on the dragon's tail when it came to angering the king but Yuuri never had much fear in anything ever since his family died. There was little that he was afraid of. Not even death.
"What do you speak of?" demanded the silver hair man.
Yuuri waved a glowing hand making a sturdy leather glove appear and tossed it at the king "You will need this or risk your arm being pierced" he said instead of answering him.
Viktor looked at the man then at the glove "Why did you give me this for?" he asked confused "I have gloves already"
Yuuri shook his head "You will need this one. I do not ride horses"
Not bothering to keep explaining why that was he pulled at the magic that ran deep and strong within him. The image of the animal locked in his head he allowed the warmth and tingle of the change take him and he shifted.
Viktor stared in awe as the raven haired male became a white and black falcon. It flew above head and perched itself on top of his cottage. Pulling the thick brown glove he held out his arm and watched as the bird of prey flew and landed on his extended arm gracefully. The bird was magnificent. The wing span of the mage had to be at least 3 feet length wise.
As I said…...I do not ride horses….
The voice was in his mind.
"We have a telepathic link?" he asked astonishment colored his voice and eyes. The bird looked to be giving him a very droll look.
You bonded yourself to a mage and you don't even know how this works? Unbelievable…
The bird shook its head looking down looking the picture of dejection. It looked like someone took away its prey and it was left wanting. Viktor not liking that look stroked the head of the bird gently as he spoke.
"My grandfather did not say much about your ancestor other than a bond had to be made in order for the mage to obey their king" he explained as he started walking along the path heading back to his men. The falcon pulled away from his petting and carefully made its way up his arm making sure not to dig into his skin until it lay perched on his shoulder on top of the metal armor so that its talons wouldn't hurt him.
A bond is not needed for a mage to be loyal to a king….I just refused to help your family after what your grandfather did to my family.
"What did happen then?" he asked looking sideways at the white bird.
The falcon swiveled it's raptor's eyes to his. Even in bird form the young mage was handsome.
Your grandfather forced my grandfather and his wife to form the shield knowing that when they did that it would kill them. They used up too much of their energy to form the force field and they died.
Viktor almost missed step, stopped and turned to the falcon "Lies!"
The bird extended its wings, hopped on the ground and turned into the young man once more. The man narrowed his eyes at him "Why do you think none of your history books are complete? The pages burned off?" he challenged "Your grandfather had my father who was just a boy burn them off. He did not want your people to know that their safety was bought with blood. The blood of Elementals. The blood of my family"
The black hair man all but hissed in anger then turned away pacing making the fog around them swirl away from him eerily.
"What proof do you have of that other than stories told to you as a child?" counted Viktor refusing to believe his grandfather would do that.
Yuuri scoffed "Mages live even longer than Numinorians. I am far older than what I appear to be. My father was there when it happened and recorded it very carefully and passed down what happened the last time a Numinor king came to our door" he turned to look at him "My family has honor and served to fight off the horde of aliens invading and they were betrayed by the very king they swore to protect. Why would my family lie about this? What do we get from it? What do I get from telling you this? Nothing. They are just the facts. It is not my problem if your mind refuses to tell you what your senses can detect. I do not lie"
It was true….the mage was not telling a lie "I cannot believe it is true...that my grandfather would act so coldly"
The mage scoffed "It is in your blood king. Betrayal. I suppose I will need to come to terms that I am fodder...just like my family was"
The king growled "I am not my grandfather" he spat out walking closer to the mage who refused to bow or bend to him. Instead the mage wrapped that cloak of magic closer refusing to pull away from his predatory gaze.
"The glowing lapis around your neck states otherwise" the mage shot back at him in a low tone looking away from him. His eyes grew very sad, his face looked like he was stuck in a memory. He stayed that way for a minute then closed his eyes and exhaled. When he looked up at Viktor again his face lost all expression "None of that matters anymore. I am now bonded to you for as long as you deem it necessary"
Viktor didn't want to believe that his grandfather had done what he claimed to have done. He knew his father told him that his grandfather had been a very strong warrior but would he have scarified the very mages who helped out their kingdom?
He knew that answer and it hurt. He gazed down at the smaller male and felt his heart move for him. He had to fix this "If my grandfather did what you claim then I am sorry for the loss of your family. I am not my grandfather nor do I wish to become him. I wish to mend the broken treaty between our families. I need your help, I am desperate. Will you please help?"
Yuuri gazed over at the young king debating on whether to believe that or not. He didn't seem evil or twisted but he was still a Prime Numiorian and that alone gave him caution. The king was king for a reason and he doubted he had the magic to withhold an attack from him.
He sighed and nodded "As long as you don't force me to obey a command I do to wish to comply with….. I will follow you out of my own free will and in time we shall see about mending that trust"
Chris sighed in relief. If the mage followed of his own free will it would save them from always being on alert with him around.
Viktor nodded "You have my thanks. What should we call you?"
Viktor blinked "Yuri? Like the crown prince?"
The mage shrugged his shoulders "I was born first but I spell mine with two 'u's instead of one"
Yuuri shifted back to his falcon form and landed on the King's outstretched arm and climbed to his shoulder once more.
What do I call you?
"My lord…..Sire…..which ever suites you best" he said offhandedly then growled when the bird pecked at the side of his head.
I meant what is your given name.
"Viktor" he spat out "Don't do that" he warned earning him an irritated shrill from the falcon.
You are arrogant
"And you are spoiled" he shot back turning to glare at the bird who puffed out and ruffled it's feathers a bit before he huffed and turned away from him "Hn" he muttered and kept walking.
I don't like you
Viktor almost laughed "You sound like a petulant child" he said then frowned "Is there a way I can respond to you telepathically as well?"
The bird all but rolled its eyes at him.
Don't be daft said the voice of the young mage amusement lacing his tone that would require for me to give back the bonding words and I don't feel like doing that
Viktor was getting annoyed at the attitude of the mage but held his temper for now. He needed his help so he attempt to be patient for now.
When they reached his men the falcon flew off his shoulder to perch on a nearby branch to give the king a moment to get on his horse.
I rather remain this way for the time being if you don't mind your majesty
Viktor mounted his horse and nodded to him holding out his gloved hand. The falcon flew to it and crawled up to his shoulder once more. Turning to the men he ordered them to follow.
Several of the men looked at the falcon but didn't say anything. They could all sense the deep magic within the body of the bird of prey and knew that it was the Elemental though the fact he was in the form of a bird was awe inspiring. Most common mages could not shift forms.
As they rode down the mountain Viktor began to worry. They had very little time and feared what the Granionans would do to his brother. Steeling himself he pushed the fear and doubt deep inside. He did not want his scent to give away to his men just how afraid and worried he was.
The falcon turned to fix its gaze on him. Viktor turned to look at it as well.
You are worried
The king blinked "You can tell?"
Only because I am so close. Your scent shifted for a few seconds. I caught the scent of your worry. You mentioned your brother was taken…is that who I am looking for?
"Yes" then hesitated "I will give you more details once we are at the site"
Alright….I will be close by.
Once they broke through the tree line the falcon extended its large wings and flew off a cry on wind.
"My lord should we catch it?" asked one of his guards looking up at the bird hovering above them.
"No, leave him be. He will follow" he said urging his horse to take off in a gallop.
True to his word the falcon followed close by flying slightly above the king the bird keeping up with ease. Several of the men were curious of the mage who could turn into different animals. They knew that only a powerful mage could shift its form since it required an immense amount of magic to shift one's form.
When they reached the place where his brother was taken he slowed down Afsol to a trot until he called for a halt.
The falcon landed and shifted into the raven haired man. Several of the guards growled low in their throats when the mage turned to look at the king making his face visible. Already three of the guards were snapping at each other when they scented the interest of the other.
Viktor turned and let out a low snarl "You will get your beasts under control or find yourselves removed from my legion. The mage is not a potential mate to anyone here"
Yuuri rolled his eyes "Barbarians" he muttered pulling his cloak back on his shoulders to give him better movability but also revealed a lean toned body that made even Viktor's blood stir when he caught sight of how elegant and fluid the mage walked.
If Viktor was honest the mage would make a fine consort with the ability to breed powerful young. As king it was his duty to make a powerful heir. Yuuri as his mate could give him that. He knew mages could spell themselves to have children if they wished. He shook the thought away. Dangerous that was. Never has a Numinor mated with a mage. Mages were rare and did not mate outside of their races.
Well….true mages were rare. One could be taught the art of being a mage but their powers would only go so far. A true mage drew their power from their core. As such they were very independent creatures who didn't bend to any rule and didn't conform to the restrictions of being a mate. A Numinor mate was a treasure and as such they were pampered and guarded beyond all others since they mated for life. Viktor had a feeling Yuuri would not like being kept like a pet.
He knew that his men were going to find it difficult to understand that though. Their mating instincts were luring them to Yuuri due to his immense power that flowed from him like a waterfall.
Yuuri walked around the sight trying to pinpoint the faint flow of magic that was still in the area but he couldn't get a good feel on it. The other mage had attempted to cloak it.
"Amateur" he muttered and held out his hand summoning his black staff to help act as has his anchor. Magic could not be easily erased unless one was a born mage and he doubted this other one was. True born mages were very very rare in this age. So few of them left to birth young.
With his staff in hand he placed the end on the grass covered floor and closed his eyes sending his powers into the earth asking her to help him see what he desired. Elementals were in essence children of the earth...any earth in any planet. Air, water, earth, fire, thunder and living animals were all under his control. His people were created from the solar winds, fire and lingering energy of the blast when the galaxies were formed.
But that power had a limit. They burned too hot and they could burn out their magical cores if they used their magic for too long. The amount of power that went into the machine to make the force field of this planet was too great. His grandfather and grandmother had died that day all because one paranoid king did not trust his grandfather's word that they would return if they were needed again. King Alexander was so paranoid of another impeding attack that he forced his grandfather and grandmother to obey and pour their powers into a machine that could project a barrier to keep the kingdom safe. The barrier expanded over more than half the planet leaving the barren canyons and Snow Mountains unprotected.
Shaking the memories away he focused again on what he was looking for.
The pulses coming from his staff and the earth hummed like a harp within him. He could see in his mind eye golden strings that made the fabric of all the living trees and plants around him. He could see the woven patterns that made the magic around them hum. Reaching with his powers he played the notes, seeing the different vibrations and hearing the tune within himself until he came upon a note that was different. Playing it he made a face. It was forced…..dark and twisted. Not the normal residue of just any mage.
Yuuri opened his eyes and turned to glare at the location the dark tune came from. "I found it" he called out to the king walking over to where he had dismounted "It is a dark mage" he spat out "He was only able to manipulate the force field enough to get a few troops in and out"
Viktor clenched his jaw. Dark mages were no better than parasites. They hired their services to the highest bidder not caring who they had to kill or poison. They had no honor and were not able to bond to a king or kingdom since they sold their soul for the dark power they possessed.
He mounted his horse and looked down at Yuuri "Lead the way" he said then turned to his men "We hunt a dark mage. Be on alert"
Yuuri nodded turned and started to walk staff in hand following the contorted notes of the lingering black magic. He need to stay in his human form to do that, tracing the flow took effort and skill. He had to keep connected to the earth to follow the flow. It was slow and tedious work one that he knew the other mage would not be able to do if he was the one being hunted.
And on the hunt Yuuri was. Not because the other mage turned dark but because if it wasn't for them he would have been left in peace. The king was doing a good job at defeating the Granorians. He did not need him until that stupid dark mage appeared.
Now here he was. Bound by the power of the lapis to serve and obey the king's commands.
Green power licked at his skin 'Just wait until I find you' he thought darkly 'I am going to make you wish you never stepped foot on this planet'