I Do Not Own Vampire Knight!

Sorry For The Long Wait!

Let's Go!

Chapter Twenty Two

The Soul Of Darkness

Hairi drew in a sharp hissing breath when he walked into the room they'd designated as their check up room. Before he could reach the examination table, she was before him, cool fingers running over his forehead.

"What have you done?

Startled, he tried to draw back. "What do you mean?"

That look.

The look she gifted him with was reminiscent of a look his mother would have given him were she still here, full of incredulous accusation.

"You ask that when every move is pain filled? Is this why you, missed breakfast. As well as Kaname? What have you done?" She repeated.

It wasn't lost on him that she was addressing Kaname by his first name.

He glared at her, the dull ache spreading through his body fueling his irritation. "Nothing."

Hairi's grip was strong and he didn't look away when she gripped his chin, forcing him to stare into her felt the cool rush of her power race over his body, causing the twins to vibrate in agitation. He flinched as she pulled back.

"You've torn your bond!" Her stronghold turned his wrist, her thumb pushing the diamond bracelet out of the way to reveal the red marks of Kaname's last bite.

Her eyes widened almost comically. "And he marked you a third time. It's rare that a mate would give you a third bite. What did you do?"

Zero huffed. "Why do think it was something I did? He was the one being a pushy bastard!"

She leaned forward, her eyes fire filled. "Where is your mate?"

Zero shrugged, adopting a nonchalant air. " As if I would know. I told him don't talk to me for a while."

For the first time he saw the evidence that Hairi could get angry.

"Are you trying to kill all of you?" Her dark eyes flashing with anger.

Zero drew a blank. "All of us?

"Yes! I'm guessing that your mate is in as much pain as you are. Hell, doing something so reckless and lethal to his well being. How will you feel about that?"

Abruptly, she released his wrist. "We have to find him."

"I'm here."

They both turned with sounds of surprise. Kaname stood next to the closed door, leaning against the the wall. For a long moment he was totally pain free. Kaname seemed to relax, his eyes glowing dark and lusterless. His hair was pulled back in an unkept knot. An attempt to tame it. But it still looked like he'd run his hands through repeatedly through the silky strands.

And then the moment was over and the dull ache returned. Zero breathed deep and hard. Kaname's jaw tightened and he moved to one of the chairs that sat against the wall.

His gaze turned to Hairi. "Something reckless? Yes, that is an apt description." His teeth gleamed in the bright light of the room, slightly threatening. "I'm known for it."

Hairi gulped as he looked away from her, focusing on his Husband, eyes penetrating.

"So I understand that you will perform his checkup today. My place is right here." Kaname's hands stroked the air. "Proceed."

Zero glared at him, looking as if he wanted to advance against his mate, but his husband was right. He was supposed to be here. He huffed again.


And turned away to lay on the table, pulling his shirt over his bare stomach.

Hairi's hands were remarkably steady and gentle as she probed the smooth curve os his belly. Then the measuring tape came out. Zero kept his eyes away fro his mate studiously. In fact he perfected the art.

"They've grown quite a bit, despite your folly," she murmured as she pulled the tape over the burgeoning bulge of his belly. "Their very healthy."

"And strong." Everyone in the room could feel it.

And then the stethoscope.

The strong heartbeats filled the room and Zero leaned further away from his husband, turning his face away completely. So that he wouldn't see the tears that streamed from his eyes.

He could feel the twins inside him all the time. He knew they existed deep inside him.. But to hear it. That was different. It made them real.


Long slender fingers cupped his chin, gently forcing him to meet Kaname's glowing eyes. This close contact soothed the bond, the dull ache subsiding considerably. A brief, warm caress of lips across his forehead and Kaname was addressing Hairi.

"What are the consequences of a torn bond?"

Hairi's lips pursed. "Short term, the effects can be highly detrimental to your mental health. Long term will be fatal to all of you. Meaning you die. All of you."

Zero quivered as Kaname's hand contracted around his wrist.

"And how do we repair it?"

"Every cause is different so every cure is different. In your case, extreme, emotional trauma is the issue. Your mate needs to be willing to forgive you." Her look said she didn't believe for a moment that was going to happen any time soon.

Kaname's piercing regard found him again, though he remained silent.

Hairi gave him a smug look.

He soon knew why.

He felt the mental persuasion of his husband as the loud sounds filled the room.

Real. Tangible.

It was no longer an affronted fantasy. His children were real.

His children were real.

And Kaname had given them to him in darkness, lying to him, betraying him. And yet, the look on Kaname's face was as ecstatic as he felt in his heart. He couldn't take that away from his mate.

He looked deep into his mate's eyes to acknowledged it. He was in love with him and the presence of their children could not change that.

Finally Hairi pulled the stethoscope from his belly and the room fell silent again.

"Now, " she spoke briskly. "The twins seem to be doing fine and I cannot sense anything wrong in their health right now." Her eyes were hard as diamonds as she shook her head in disgust. "Whatever the issue is, fix it. Before something happens that you will regret for the rest of your lives. As short as they may be."

She swept out of the room like a storm.

Zero immediately tried to take prone position. Kaname whirled on him, his hands falling from his face and landing on the table beside his hips. His eyes glowed a deep red and Zero saw his seething emotions through the windows to his soul.

"Little Hunter."

To Zero's surprise, his husband's head fell to his stomach. Tears soaked the bare skin of his round, taut belly.

"I can't let you go. I cannot let you leave me. How do I fix it?"

"You can't." Zero pushed him away, sitting up. "You created the problem and now you expect me solve it? I don't want you around me right now! How can I come up with a solution? That is your job. Damnit! You took this into your own hands. Solve it!"

Kaname leaned back away from him. "The pain is unbearable. Amaya take it away."

"I don't want you this close to me!" Adamantly, Zero ignored his request.

He pulled his t-shirt down in an abrupt movement. He tried his best to emulate Hairi as he swept out of the room.


Kaname sat, the darkness his seat. His hair stood around his head like static shock. Pain coursed through him and it was all he could do not to vent it verbally from his mouth.

"Show yourself."

He sat in the shadows, his head down. He'd run all night as a wolf, searching for them. He couldn't take it. That they were out there. A threat to his pregnant mate. The pain thrummed through him like his soul was a sieve. He hadn't seen his mate in weeks and his political affairs were suffering for it. There had been no activity from the dark side either. So he was out here in the night, waiting for shadows.

"I see you received out message."'

Kaname smirked. "I treasured it. It will give me a chance to kill."

A snort of laughter met his statement. "You could never."

Kaname stood slowly, eyes intent as shadows coalesced into a full human body. The tall woman was beautiful, with dark skin and long black hair that brushed the tops of her thighs. She stepped from the inky blackness like magic. Malice poured from her and Kaname snarled in instinct.

"What are you waiting for? Didn't you want me? Come get me."

Her black hair flowed behind her as she attacked suddenly. Kaname sidestepped her, prepared for her speed, his hands tangling in her hair. Inwardly he thanked his mate for insight. He yanked hard, burying her head in his chest as he whirled her around.

"Why do you want to kill me and my mate?"

"As if you would understand," She spat trying to detach his hands.

Kaname smiled slowly, "Thank you for letting me accomplish my goal."

Shadows materialized around them. He felt a moment of pure euphoria as Seiren, Cross and Toga were revealed. "Did you think I would come by myself?"

Before he could move, and elbow slammed into his chest, forcing him to release hair.

"I counted on it!" The woman pivoted, her speed astonishing as the first time they'd seen it. It was all Kaname could do to avoid her charge. Claws whipped past his throat and thin lines of blood formed over his Adam's apple. He blocked the following thrust, barely stopping a glittering black blade from entering his heart.

"Going for the same old tricks, " Kaname commented absently as his foot snapped forward, forcing her to dance away from the crushing blow.

"Yes and they will work on you again!"

She lunged forward and a hand clamped over her shoulder, bringing her to a jarring halt.

"Not this time," Cross drawled. "Though fascinating it is. I don't think a repeat performance is in order."

He turned, his steps fluid, switching her direction effortlessly. White lighting crackled from his fingertips as they came face to face with Seiren. Her entire body spasmed as the electricity flowed down her body and jumped to join Seiren's flashing hands.

Her pained grunt was observed, the solid thumps of Seiren's hits at throat, chest, and midriff audible. She was in no way incapacitated, reacting swiftly in recompense. Seiren flew back as a fist crashed into her chest. Strong arms caught her and she looked up into Cross' angry face. She scowled back, promising retribution. In her inattention was rewarded as the tall woman came abreast of Kaname, her smile filled with bloodlust.

"Finally I've got you, you despot. Exploiting innocent people to further your goal. You've killed too many."

Seiren frozen upon hearing that, stopping her efforts of getting away from one of her mates. "Killing? Kaname wouldn't kill anyone without cause. Zero wouldn't let him. Who told you that? They lied."

"How? When I saw evidence of his decadence?

Seiren laughed. What you saw was the evidence of his success! Both the Hunter and Vampire nations thrive from his peace. Whoever you are working with is misinforming you because they don't want that."

"Mayhap you are the liar."

Seiren finally dislodged Cross' hands, looking the exotic woman in the face. "I don't have to lie when the truth is looking you in the face. Do your own research."

"What of the innocents he has killed?"

Now Seiren gave her a black look. "The last lives he took were those of the old vampire council and that was because of their evilness. All he's done thus far as been for the people. Whoever is leading you is misleading you. Listen to your own common sense and you'll realize that I'm correct. "

The beauty gave her an affronted glower. "You know nothing!"

"I know that you have been lied to." Seiren's look was complacent.

"So you say! This will be proven!" The tall woman stepped back into the shadows, letting them engulf her. "I will find the truth!"

Seiren turned to Kaname.

"Well Shit."


Sorry it took so long for and update. But I have two teenagers and a full time job. And life…Sigh thank you for still reading if you are here!