If there are any readers that would like to read the "Second" series, I've published Second Blessing as a separate fic. This means my workload is going to be split a little.
Hmph, there wasn't enough Kaname in this one. I want more discourse, please.
I'm sorry I disappointed you, but I'm not writing commissions. I'm just taking in requests and suggestions. I've been generous so far but I think it's time for me to be more picky. I'm slowly burning out and I'm going to be starting my final year of uni soon.
Commissions include money, communication between writer and client and you would be in a position to ask for more or less of something.
Requets and suggestions include no money, I as the writer try and follow the brief but flex my creative streak and I'd rather not have anyone ask how to write anything.
Yes, I know I've rewritten something before but at least the reviewer was more polite. I personally found this rude. Use of language is important when you're communicating with words.
What I'm going to write next is a few more dress chapters, with Yuki, Ruka and Rima. This will take some time. I'm planning on trying all the pairings possible with the dress series. The challenge is to find a new colour for each pairing.
Thank you for your time.