This story was originally posted on Archiveofourown, however it was taken down for copyright purposes. Due to these events I am discontinuing this fic, however I did get through 4 episodes, and I find with stories like these that it can be worth reading even without being completed. To anyone who was following this fic, I apologies, but I cannot bring myself to continue the fic with what happened.

I hope you enjoy the few chapters that were written!

The sports festival was nearing, and all the students of class 1-A were off preparing for the event. The teachers were in a staff meeting trying to figure out the best way to up security measures when suddenly a white flash engulfed the room, and when the light was gone, all the staff members had vanished. At the same time all the students of class 1-A and a man were also enveloped in a light.

When the bright flash was gone everyone found themselves standing in a theater like room. There was a large screen and in front of it were 20 chairs all of them with a card and a name written on them. Behind the seats over to the side were another 15 chairs, they also had name tags on them. Up against one of the walls was a buffet like table with food and drinks and beside was a door leading to a bathroom, there was no exit.

The first thing All Might did when the flash accrued was shift into his hero form, and when the flash dissipated and he could see again, he knew he made the right decision as the whole of class 1-A was there. Everyone began talking at once.

"What's going on?!"

"Why am I here?!"

"What happened?!"

Midoriya looked around at his surroundings tense and in a defensive pose, but when he saw All Might he seemed to relax a little bit. Then he looked down at himself.

"What! I was wearing my workout cloths a second ago but now I'm in my school uniform!"

Hearing this the others also looked down at themselves and seemed to discover the same thing.

"I was in my pajamas!"

"I was in my everyday clothes."

"Thank god for that I was showering!"

While this was going on the teachers were all prepared for battle and looking around to see if they could find and malice intent or the person that brought them there. All Might called out over the commotion.

"Students calm down at once! We must figure out what's going on, we can't panic."

Everyone went quite at his words. The teachers looked at each other concerned before Aizawa spoke in an even voice looking at the walls around the room.

"Who ever brought us here would you be so kind as to show yourself."

A girl's laughter could be heard throughout the entire room even though there were no speakers. Everyone even the teachers seemed startled.

"That's Aizawa for you, always calm and collected. Here I am."

Nezu looked at the ceiling.

"May I ask why you have brought us here, and why you won't show yourself?"

The voice laughed again.

"Of course, its only natural to want to know why you're here. As for your other question… lets just put it this way. You are currently in what my Quirk is, chamber. I can control anything within this room and it is impossible to get out, however I can not enter this room myself."

Nezu nodded to himself. Just then Bakugo seemed to get over his fear and began making explosions in his hands while glaring at the ceiling.

"Hey! What makes you think you have the right to bring us here, and you haven't answered the question why did you bring us here?!"

Suddenly the explosions in Bakugo's hands stopped and he looked down at his hands in shock.

"What did you do!"

The voiced sighed before talking.

"You must get control of that temper or you'll never be able to become a hero Bakugo, no one would trust you."


Bakugo was fuming, but everyone there silently agreed with the voice.

"Now as for your questions, I did say I can control anything in this room didn't I, though I can't control you per say, I can take away your Quirks, in fact I did that to everyone, so unless you have something physical like Hagakure you no longer have a Quirk."

Everyone was shocked, many of the students shaking. Someone who could take away their Quirks without limitation, what could this person possibly want.

"Well okay that was a lie, I let one person keep their Quirk, but it's for a reason and I'm sure they don't want others to know who they are."

All Might was in shock, this person let him keep his Quirk, and she knew about how it worked judging from the way she was talking. The others teachers and Midoriya looked at him subtly and must have reached the same conclusion.

Midoriya's mind was running laps trying to figure out what this person could possibly want.

"Well I suppose I've kept you waiting long enough, I did bring you here for a reason after all. I brought you all here with an offer."

All Might took the lead.

"And what offer is that?"

"I have the ability to show you all the future."

Just like that everyone began talking again.

"The future!"

"Thing of all the things we can do with that knowledge!"

Todoroki's voice was heard over everyone else.

"What's the catch, why would you do something like this Miss…"

"You may all call me Embra, and I'm not really getting anything out of this Todoroki, well besides getting to see your reactions and that's enough for me."

"You didn't say anything about the catch Embra." Gran Torino spoke.

Everyone looked over to him in shock.

"Who are you? Where did you come from!" Bakugo yelled.

"I've been here the whole time young man, and I must agree with Embra, you need to get that temper in check."

Bakugo began fuming again. Embra giggled.

"You caught that? Can't say I'm surprised though Gran. Your right I didn't mention it and that is because there is a catch."

Everyone in the room tensed.

"In order to show you the future, you must first see the past. I will show you the future, but in order to do this, some of your secrets will be reviled, powers exposed."

All Might and Midoriya tensed hearing this, that last part was defiantly meant for them.

"I won't force you all to watch this, however if any of you want to watch it then you ALL must agree to it."

Everyone began muttering to each other what secrets could be revealed, would it be worth it to see the future. Midoriya looked over to All Might for conformation on what to do. All Might was sweating, and gave him no sign but a worried look.

Iida raised his hand and spoke loudly.

"Miss Embra you continue to refer to us by our names, can we assume that you already have seen the future as well as the past?"

"That is a correct assumption Iida, I have already seen it and know many things, some of it is vital enough that it would be worth giving up secrets, however it is your collective call to make."

Iida put his hand down.

"Thank you, that is all."

Asui put a finger to her cheek.

"Why were we specifically brought here Embra? If you don't mind me asking. It seems that our class, all the teachers and that man were brought but no one else, why us? Ribbit."

Mutters of agreement could be heard all around the room, the teachers were thinking much along the same lines.

"You gotta get all the information first huh? That's fine, and I don't mind you asking Asui. The reason you are all here is because you all have an important role in the future. The way I am going to show you the information, if you choose to watch it, is in the form of a T.V. show. Naturally it being a T.V. show there has to be a main character. The main character is someone in Class 1-A, so you are all here along with the teachers and the man Gran Torino, who plays an important role in their future."

Mutters of excitement could be heard from the students.

"We're in a T.V. show! That's so cool!" Ashido squealed.

"I bet I shine, no one will be able to take their eyes off me!" Aoyama said flipping his hair.

"Who do you think the main character could be?" Hagakure asked Ojiro excitedly.

"Of course, the main character is me, after all I'm going to be the best!" Bakugo gloated.

Midoriya looked around frantically at his excited class mates.

"W-Wait, I think you guys are missing the point! Who ever the main character is, clearly is going to have the most secrets and things revealed about them, not to mention if its in a T.V. show format then it must be 'exciting' to the viewers." Midoriya said making quotation marks with his fingers.

"That means that they will most likely be in the most danger!"

The others quieted hearing Midoriya. All Might stepped forward.

"Young Midoriya is quite right. Being the main character might not be a good thing, besides we shouldn't be questioning who the main character is, we should be questioning if we want to go through with this or not. Embra is clearly telling us what's going to happen and giving us an opportunity to refuse, we need to figure out if we want to go through with this."

The students went silent, Nezu stepped forward.

"Well as the principle, I propose that we discuss the pros and cons and then vote if we want to do this or not. Embra you said everyone needs to agree to this correct?"

"That is correct Nezu, I will not subject anyone to this if they do not want it, and seeing as all of you here play a role in it, I can not simply skip parts with people who don't want others to see them. You all must agree to it, or I will not show you the past and future."

Nezu nodded and looked around at everyone.

"Well let's discuss this then."

Iida rose his hand.

"Might I suggest we make a pro's and con's list?"

"That seems like a good idea, then we can evenly way out our options." Tokoyami said.

Everyone nodded in agreement and suddenly a large white board appeared with some dry erase markers.

"Thank you Embra." Thirteen said walking over to it and picking up a marker. She drew a line down the middle and labeled each side one pro's and the other con's.

"Who wants to begin?" She asked. Hizashi spoke first.

"Well there is the obvious down side of secrets and things we don't want others to know being shown."

Thirteen quickly wrote that down under the con's section.

"On the other hand, we will get to see the future which could hold valuable information." Cementoss put in.

"Embra, how important would you say this information is?" Uraraka asked.

Embra hummed to herself before answering.

"I would say some of it is life or death stuff, you can save many lives with this information, not to mention be prepared for things you would have otherwise not thought to prepare for."

Everyone was silent taking this in. Thirteen wrote this on the pro's side of the board.

"Hmm… maybe we didn't need to make a list, there isn't much else to put on the board besides these two things, however these two things alone carry a lot of value." Thirteen said capping the marker.

Gran Torino stepped forward getting everyone's attention.

"I think the thing we really need to discuss here is do any of us have things worth hiding enough to sacrifice not seeing the future for?"

Everyone was muttering to themselves in deep thought. Midoriya was sweating profusely and looked over to All Might. Torino eyed them both. All Might was also sweating heavily, he made eye contact with Midoriya and sighed, he nodded, it was worth giving us their secret to get the information.

Shoji looked to the ceiling.

"Will you tell us who the main character is before we decide?"

Embra was silent for a moment most likely think about the question.

"Well just looking at you all I think your minds are mostly made up ya?"

Midoriya looked around the room, everyone was nodding their heads.

"So you are all going to watch it?"

Gran looked around the room.

"Yes, Embra I believe we have all decided to watch the future, giving up our secrets is worth getting the information."

"Very well then."

The white board and markers suddenly disappeared from the room.

"The main character, not to mention my favorite character is Izuku Midoriya."

Everyone turned to look at him, his mouth was dropped and his face was red.

"What! Deku is the main character! How come, I'm the one that's going to become the greatest hero ever, it should be about me!" Bakugo exclaimed in outrage.

Midoriya was shocked, their goes any chance he had of keeping One for All a secret.

"Sorry Bakugo, but Midoriya is indeed the main character, and you are all going to get an inside look on his life and how he thinks."

Midoriya looked up in shock.

"Wait how I think, you mean everyone is going to get to hear my thoughts!"

"Well naturally with you being the main character we as the viewers will get to hear everything."

Midoriya was beat red. Kaminari looked up.

"Okay fine Midoriya's the main character, but how come he's your favorite!"

"Yay, what about us?!" Kirishima agreed. The teachers sweat dropped.

"I don't think that's very important…" Snipe started but was interrupted by Embra.

"Snipe's right, it's not very important, but I'll bite anyway. The reason he's my favorite, well let's see, he is very determined, and smart, but I think the main reason is… have you seen him?! He is adorable!"

Everyone sweat dropped at the higher beings show of affection, but were muttering in agreement. Midoriya's face was the color of a tomato.

"Alright, now we shouldn't hold off any longer, No time will pass while you are here, but we best get started. There is food to the side of the room and a bathroom next to the table. Please only go between episodes, I will pause it anytime someone goes in there, I don't want anyone to miss anything.

"You won't get tired while you're here so you don't need to worry about that, there are thirteen episodes to watch before we get into the future with every episode being about 24 minutes long.

"Now if you will all find your seats we can begin, I'm sure you noticed by now, but each seat has a name on it, please sit in that seat. Teachers and Gran, your seats are in the back, please find your seat now."

Everyone quickly began making their way to the seats in their respective area. Midoria found his seat in the middle of the first row, Todorki, and Tokyami sat at his left, while Iida, and Uraraka sat to his right.

In the second row Asui sat in the middle with Ashio, and Aoyama to her left, and Mineta, and Shoji to her right.

In the third row Bakugo sat in the middle with Kirishima, and Sero to his left and Kaminari, and Sato to his right.

In the fourth row Koda sat in the middle with Ojiro and Toru to his left, and Yaoyorozu and Jiro to his right.

In the teacher section All Might sat in the first row in the middle with Gran Torino and Nezu to his left, and Aizawa and Hizashi to his right.

In the second row Thirteen sat in the middle with Cementoss and snipe to her left, and Midnight and Recovery Girl to her right.

In the third row, Ectoplasm sat in the middle with Lunch-Rush and Blood King to his left, and Power Loader and Hound Dog to his right.

With everyone situated Embra spoke.

"Well everyone is seated, feel free to get up and get snacks whenever, just wait to go to the bathroom. Midoriya I suggest you prepare yourself."

With that the giant screen in front of them lit up and began to play the first episode.