AN: I don't own My hero Academia or Servamp
Time apart
Izuku opened his eyes. He was in a room he did not recognise. It was old with wooden flooring and paper walls. Like a traditional Japanese house. It was dark. Most likely night. The only source of light was a flicking candle. It flicked gently within his reach. Curiously, he tried to reach out for the candle and stopped at the sight of his hands. These were not his hands. They were fair too pale. Almost snow white. They were also much larger and dainty. They were even missing the scars he received in battle. Something wasn't right. He looked down at himself. He was wearing a simple yukata. Tattered and aged. This isn't right.
Suddenly, the door slid open. Beyond it was a figure in a black rode. Their red eyes glaze in the darkness.
Izuku's heart jump in his throat. 'No no no no no."
Then a voice that was not his own escaped his mouth. "Sleepy ash. It's good to see you again. There is something I wish to tell you and your siblings."
The cloaked figure said nothing and sauntered forward with uncertain steps. His eyes although calm looked conflicted. Then black tassels formed flexible blade like claws at the tail of his cloak. In seconds, the tassel blades sliced through his chest. It was so fast he couldn't even register the pain. One of the last things he saw were tears running down the figure's eyes. His body plot down against the cold wooden flooring. Just beyond his reach was an open book. With his vision failing he couldn't make out all the details. All he could see was this body's hands reaching out to it. There was a spark of light.
Then there was darkness.
Again, Izuku open his eyes. He was in a new room. It was filled to the brim with shelves upon shelves of books and strange items. Like crystal balls, ruin tablets, odd statues, even bones of unworldly creatures. In the corner was one working desk. An uneasy emotion crept up on his back. Why? Why was he here? There was an uncomfortable familiarity about this place. He hated it. He noticed his body and just how big everything was compared to him. His hands were so tiny. Then he noticed a book on the floor. It looked like the book he saw just moments before. It had a thick leather burgundy cover with golden rims. In the front was an emblem of some sort of a flower. A Tusbaki flower he thought. Its delicate petals bloomed on the page. He seen this book before. A long time ago. Back when…
"Izuku?" a scarily familiar voice all out, "Izuku, are you in my study again?" the voice chuckled kindly.
No. His small body was stilled with an indescribable emotion. Both fear and happiness collided with each other. He shook.
The voice called out again. "There you are, my little treasure. What do you have there? A book you want me to read?"
"NO!" he screamed shattering the room and everything around him like a glass image. "I don't want to remember!"
Shooting up from his slumber, Izuku gasped. His body panted wildly along with his racing heart. He checked himself. This is indeed his current body. His scars were still there. He wasn't small or bigger than he should be. Good. He gripped his pounding head and steadied his breathing. Anything to calm his wild heart. It felt like it could jump out from his body at any moment. Then he remembered the dream. It was odd and that was that. It was only a dream it meant nothing. He tried to convince himself. Nervously, like a child he held himself. "I don't want to remember," he whispered with a broken tone. He didn't know how long he stayed like that. Holding himself tight as if he were afraid to shatter. Soon he noticed how late in the day it was and bounced out of bed. Hopefully, Gran Torino wouldn't scold him too badly.
He raced out of the common room apologising, "I'm so sorry sir I. Huh?" he stopped himself as he spotted an unusual scene.
Gran Torino was silently looking down at an unusual pair. All Might in his smaller form whose arms were wrapped around his Servamp in his human form. They were sleeping soundly together one on top of the other. The old man slid his attention to the boy, "I see you're awake."
"Yes, I am," he said blankly. He was too mesmerised by the scene in fort of him. His mentor. His idol. In gaudy coloured pyjamas with his usually aggressive Servamp sleeping peacefully on top of the hero's chest. This was strange.
All Might was the first to open his eyes. He spotted his old teacher and student across from him staring. He gave them a tired smile in greeting but then felt a weight on his chest. He glanced down to see the still sleeping Servamp breathing lightly against his chest. One of his hands gripped on to his button shirt, anchoring him in place. Then he shot a gaze at his old teacher. "Gran Torino, please don't make this weird."
The old man held his arms up in innocence. "I'm not making anything weird. You're the one that chose to sleep with a guy that looks half your age in plain sight."
"What did I say about making it weird." He whispered yelled. His bony cheeks set ablaze. "He had a rough night."
"Oh really? I didn't think you had it in you. Good on you," he sarcastically said with a massive thumbs up.
The hero went red for more reasons than one. "Stop It! There is a child present."
Still the old man shrugged it off like it was no big deal, "I'm sure he already had the 'talk'. He's a big boy."
"Nothing happened!"
Then there was Izuku's blank shocked expression changed to pure glee. He giddily clapped his hands together and skipped quietly to the two of them. All Might wearily watched the boy lean over them with a wide smile. "This is great. You two must have gotten really close for Kruama to trust you like this." There was a pause of confusion which Izuku was quick to notice. So, he explained that his Servamp tends to sleep on top of him and his mother like this. All be it was usually in his smaller fox form. It used to be exclusively Izuku, but his mother's kindness rubbed off on the little fox. He found himself resting on her from time to time. "He prefers sleeping in a position where he could hear your heartbeat. It helps him sleep."
"Is that so?" All Might had a similar conversation with the fox last night, so it wasn't much of a surprise. Having confirmation that his act means the fox trusted him made him warm inside. A tingly feeling played with his heart strings as a smile was on his face. Then he felt movement on top of him. He innocently watched the Servamp rub his face against his chest as he opened his eyes tiredly. "Morning," he greeted.
Kurama nodded a morning greeting and yawned. Then he spotted his Eve and sleepily pounced him, "Izuku," he sang cried. "Please don't do that again. You really made me have a heart attack last night."
Nervously, the boy chuckled. Last night sure was something…huh. That's strange. He couldn't really recall what happened. At least not everything. He separated from his Servamp and Gran Torino to help save his friend Iida. They were fighting against the Hero Killer. Then Todoroki came to help. then…someone else came. Who was it again? He remembered green hair and a timid person. There were two of them he was sure. Oh, wait! The movers he met earlier that week. They helped him. No that's not right. Kind of helped. Maybe? It was all such a blur. His memory of the night before was hidden in mist. It was broken. There were a lot of black patches. These pieces he could see did not fit together linearly. How did he get back to Gran Torino's place? He was missing something. A lot of things. Then one word sprang to mind. It lit up dark patches of his memory. "That's right I met your subclasses yesterday."
The room dropped 10 degrees. Kurama's eyes twitched as he heard those words. He bared his hands on his Eve's shoulder's like claws. "What do remember from yesterday?" he asked sternly. There was this threatening undertone to his voice that brought the other heroes unease.
Luckily, Izuku didn't pick up on any of it. "Well I don't really remember a lot. Somethings are little blurry. I know Iida, me and Todoroki fought the Hero Killer but then someone saved us. Can't really remember who. I felt so tired from fighting I guess I blacked out. Then at some point I met Sakuya and Lilac again. They were nice to me and introduced me as your subclasses. They made me realise something." The innocent happy smile on his Eve's face caused the Servamp to flinch. "You're a really good person, Kurama."
His heart dropped to his feet. Guilt raised in its place. "What...what makes you say that, my Eve?" he asked shakily. The boy then explained their stories on how they met their Servamp master and how he saved their lives. It hurt him in away. The guilt was piling on his shoulders with each excited word that came out of his Eve's mouth. He had to know one thing. "I see. Tell me does the name Hyde mean anything to you?"
Confused the boy racked his brain for answers. The name does sound familiar. "Like the story Jekyll and Hyde. About a mad scientist."
Kurama sighed in relief. At least that portion of his memory was gone. He might need to have a talk with Sakuya the next time he sees him. A very, very long talk. "Yes. A very interesting read. I highly recommend."
"Ok then. Now that everyone's awake let's get some breakfast going. Help me out kid. We have an extra mouth to feed." Thank god for Gran Torino cutting up the tension as if it were nothing. Izuku followed him into the open kitchen leaving Toshinori and Kurama alone.
"What was that about?" Toshinori questioned. The awkwardness of that exchange did not escape him.
"I erased Izuku's memories yesterday," the Servamp blurted out without thinking.
Toshinori jumped and gave the Servamp judgmental eyes. "You did what!"
"I panicked."
"That doesn't make it any less right."
"Can we talk about this some other time. When my Eve isn't in the same room."
"I think sooner is better than later."
"Can I be part of this secret conversation?" Gran Torino asked dumbly while holding a carton of eggs
The two of them looked down at the small old man. They didn't know how long he was there, but it was a little unsettling to think about. "Let's just have some breakfast ok," Kurama suggested smoothly dodging the old man's question. With a pouty huff the old man stomped away from the two of the and slid the eggs over to Izuku. The smell of sizzling bacon whipped over to them. Some breakfast does sound good.
"I want that talk," Toshinori whispered sternly as he walked past the Servamp.
"Later," Kurama hissed as he walked alongside him.
The four them, sat along the old crooked table. Unmatching plates filled with simple toast, bacon, and eggs of their choice. It was a silent and peaceful breakfast with the TV as background noise. The four simply wanted to enjoy their meal. However, Izuku couldn't help but notice the slight tension between All Might and Kurama. He thought the two were finally getting a long swimmingly, but the dragger glares they shot silently to each other told a different story. Wondering what happened, he munched on his food. His ears soon perked up at the name Hero Killer.
He turned his attention to the TV along with everyone else. Yesterday was all over the news. From the Nomu attacks to the Hero Killer. News sites were buzzing. The Hero Killer was apprehended by a new hero pair. Odd. He does not remember meeting them. On screen was the pair in question. A duo that looked polar opposites. A blonde gent with a cheshire cat grin and a dark-haired young man with a white stripe along his fringe. Even more surprising that dark haired man was one of Endeavour's kids. That makes him Todoroki's older brother. Amazing. This was the first time he heard of him being a hero. Apparently, this was his debut and what a debut to have. Defeating the Hero Killer. As for the other guy…
The channel was switched the second before his name was revealed. "I'm bored of this channel," Kurama yawned cheekily. "Let's look at something else."
"Kurama," Izuku whined in childish displeasure.
"Was that really necessary," All Might snapped sternly.
The Servamp huffed at both of them and slipped his morning tea. "You have no right to question me, Bunny Might."
The hero went red with confusion. "Bunny Might!" he gasped while stomping a foot. A loud squeak rang from his fluffy bunny slips. Both the old man and Servamp chuckled making the poor hero more red. He still doesn't get the joke, but he's embarrassed anyway.
Then a breaking new story caught all their attention.
"In other news during the confusion of the Nomu attacks two highly guarded prison were hacked. At large are two league of villain's members, Kurogiri and Tomura Shigaraki. If anyone has any information on these villains, please inform the police immediately.
Izuku dropped his chop sticks. His mouth hung wide. "No," he whispered out. It can't be after all his hard work trying to reform him. befriending him. It can't end like this. He quickly summoned his book and pen and hastily wrote a message.
Are you ok?
Of course, even after sending it there was no response. No matter how long he waited. Staring at the blank pages of his book his bit his bottom lip impatiently. This ability only works one way. He clenched his pen in frustration and growled at his helplessness. This time he wrote another message.
I hope you're ok.
Meanwhile in an underground bar. Hidden away from prying eyes, the newly freed villain, Shigaraki Tomura had his face plated on the of the polished wooden counter. He slammed a glass on the table and slid it towards their black mist bar tender. "Hit me."
While casually wiping down glasses, Kurogiri shook his misty head. "I don't think it's wise of you to drown yourself in soda. You could rot your teeth."
"I said hit me," the young villain yelled again. Ok maybe drinking a litre or 2 of high sugar sodas isn't a good way to spend his morning but he was pissed. Months. Literally months of randomly talking to this dumb wide eye hero. About games, likes, dislikes. Life. He was starting to think the kid wasn't half bad. Maybe when Sensei eventually boke him out, which he did, he could recruit him on the winning side. The damn liar had the gall to say heroes failed him. Made a connection with him. Relate to him. He was almost fooled too. If it wasn't for Sensei making him remember. That god damn brat. He was the one that defeated Nomu that day. He put him in jail to begin with. HE LIED TO HIM. What else did he lie about? All that carp about him wanting to help him. Was that all a lie? It had to be. It just had to be…
"It's a hero's job to help those in need no matter who they are. Like I said no one is going to die today...That includes you Shigaraki."
Shut up
"I just wanted to talk. Maybe we can be friends?"
Shut up!
"Sorry I forgot there was a glass wall there. I jumped up without thinking and you looked like you needed a hug."
A poor innocent coaster was a victim of the boy's rage. It died on the spot the second his hands clenched around it. Its ashes trickle down his hand. He wanted to hate that boy. He wanted to so badly. But even with his memory clear he couldn't fine that heart and drive to hate him completely. A part of him believes or at least want to believe the boy's words. Their equal like of classic games. His desire to genuine want to befriend him. Funny he said that, before didn't he? Before he got jailed, he wanted to talk and true to his word he did. He chased after him. What about now? Their own separate sides again. Will he still run after him?
Are you ok?
A familiar voice rang in his mind. "Idiot, it's not like I can respond to you," He flinched a bit but it's not as surprising the second time around. He's using that weird book quirk again. Just what was his quirk anyway? It's so weird and random. The furball had to be connected in some way right. He said so himself in their fight. And that the heck was a Servamp? When he told his real memories about how he was captured to Sensei he got curious. Maybe he would let him keep the brat if they ever crossed paths again. He seemed pretty interested in the about the pair. He whispered something about a book, he didn't really get it nor that he cared at the time. Too mad about realising Izuku put him in jail! And ruined his perfect plan. He could have killed All might. Win the game. Little brat.
"Hey Shigaraki ~" Sang a blonde with a crazed smile. She wore a cutesy school uniform. It clashed greatly with the dried blood stain kitchen knife she stabbed on the counter. "What's the matter? You're so glum. I just want to stab the life out of you."
Shigaraki groaned while shooting a glare of warning at the girl. "None of your god damn business."
Oh yeah, we have some new recruits. Apparently, Sensei wrangled them up after this whole Hero Killer fiasco. I hate them. I hate all of them. Especially that one guy the burn scars. I don't trust him one bit.
"Oh, come on boss man don't be like that," commented another villain recruit in a back and wide skin-tight body suit. His tone was sweet but then switched on a dime, "You're acting like a child! Why are you the boss again." He spat back in a far more aggressive and mocking tone.
Seriously, fuck all these assholes.
The usually empty bar was lively now. The schoolgirl Toga annoying him on one side. And this weirdo named Twice annoying him on the other. In addition of these two, there was one gent in a long orange coat and top hat. Mr compress was what he liked to be called. A mask covered his face as he played a round of cards with another person. They had outrageously large lips and woundedly kept red hair. Fabulously cared was what they would say. There was a type of mainline yet feminine vibe coming off them. Their name was Magne but she would insist you call her big sis. They had a third member playing with them in the form of a humanoid lizard named Spinner. If they were playing poker it looked like he was losing. Or at the very least had no idea what he was doing. Both could be true. Of course, let's not forget to Mr bad looking boy himself Dabi. The heavily scared man kept to himself in the corner. Watching the other villains go about their day.
This was not all the gang, but it was most of them. Not that Shigaraki cared. He doesn't really know what to do with them. What was he supposed to do? His big plan to kill All Might was shot thanks to the brat and furball. Now he was getting these rejects because of Stain. How did they even make that connection? He never even met the guy. Sensei must have pulled at a lot of strings or something to make this work.
Sighing from his predicament, Shigaraki tapped on his new coaster. Regrettably, the mist bartender gave him another glass of soda. The boy doesn't care if he'd get a tooth ache or something. He wanted to feel something other than this head growing headache form being suffocated by freaks. He chugged down the soda letting the fizzy liquid tickle his throat. That's when a new message popped in his head.
I hope you're ok
That single sentence gave him pause. The little hero must have realised he couldn't respond to his first message. "Stupid," he sighed gleefully. An unconscious smile formed on his lips. It was almost completely hidden thanks to the hand covering most of his face. But almost doesn't mean it will go completely unnoticed.
Both Toga and Twice had their heads on the counter while the stared-up wards at their childish leader. Form that angle this could easily see it. That faint little smile. A thought clicked into the girl's head. Afterall she was very familiar with such a smile. Her toothy grin showed off her sharpened fangs. Excitedly, she slammed her hands on the table and stood up in delight. "You have a crush!"
Through the gaps of his hand mask's fingers, Shigaraki stared at the girl as if what she said that was stupidest thing, he heard all day. Which it was. "The fuck are you taking about?"
Teasingly, the girl poked his cheek giggling manically. "You were smiling Shigaraki. All cute and stuff. That's the look someone has when they're thinking of one special." She rested her head in between her hands while excitedly swinging her legs beneath her stool. Something really interesting just happened and she wanted all the details. The attention of the other league members turned to them while Toga shot stupid question after stupid question. Like what did she look like? What's her name? Was she cute? Can she drink her blood? That last one is very important but Shigaraki did not like it one bit.
Glaring at the female villain, he looked ready to punch her. He lifted his empty glass threatening before turning it into dusk. "You lay one finger on him and I'll kill you."
There was silence
"HIM!" the league screamed in choirs of shock, glee and questioning confusion.
Magne was the first on the scene. She affectionately, wrapped an arm around the now slightly embarrassed villain. There were tears of pride in her eyes while she hopped up and down like a teenage girl. Heck the actual teenage girl joined her. Their excitement seemed to be contagious since even Twice joined in while clapping his hands. "Oh, Shigaraki dear, I didn't think you swung that way. That's so adorable. Don't worry if you have questions about anything. And I mean anything." She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively making the young villain groan in disgust. "You can come to your big sis Magne. I'll take good care of you both. So, who's the lucky guy? Is he cute?"
"I do not have a crush!" He screamed while wiggling out of their grip.
Both Toga and Twice stood on either end of Magne as the trio simultaneously shook their heads. "Isn't that cute he's in denial folks. I know it might be confusing at first, but you don't need to be afraid. There's nothing wrong with having a little crush."
"He's a hero!" silence once again hanged in the bar. The teasing excitable energy form before it dissolved. In its place was a solemn atmosphere. The looks he received were sorrowful ones as well as judgmental ones. A hero. Yes, that dose make things a little more complicated. Gritting his teeth, he turned away from the crowd of eyes. "I don't have a crush on him. He's just a…" he stopped himself from saying that word. Friend. Could you really consider themselves as such? All they did was talk yet that seemed to have been enough to make the villain drop his guard. In that's boy's presents. Seeing his goofily bright smile. He could relax. He could want. He could dream.
"We can go to the arcade…"
One of the few suggestions he was kind of hopeful for. Instead of talking about games he really…he would have liked to…there were just stupid thoughts. They meant nothing. "He's nothing. That brat is nothing to me. The next time I see him I'm going to kill him myself. So, you lot better not touch him!"
"Are you sure about that?" Kurogiri casually questioned. Out of everyone in that room he understood the boy the most. He could see it in his body language. The way he trembled so slightly. How it shrunk in on himself. How hesitation was painted on his face. For better for worst that hero boy had made a place in the young villain's heart. As Sensei predicted this could be either a blessing or a curse. "You know you can try and recruit him. Sensei has already expressed an interest on the boy. If we manage to convince him he could be a great ally."
The was a pause but Shigaraki soon shook his head. He knew better. No matter how much the thought appealed to him. "There's no way he'd do that. He's too pure for this place." Then he retreated before anyone else could annoy him. He yelled at them. Screamed to leave him alone. He wanted to play a game and he knew what he wanted to play. Again.
Undertale. A game he hasn't touched in years now revisiting it. Why? Well because there was one route, he was never able to complete. It was just too tedious and every time he got close to completing it, he ends up killing that stupid flower. Man did he hated that flower. Claimed to want to be friends at first and then tries to kill him. There was also his mocking laugher. God that made his ears bleed. The way he mocked him in general was a pain. One of the worst times was when he accidentally killed goat mom. He had to reset to make sure he didn't, and that flower mocked him! What really took the cake was nightmare fight. That thing that flower become gave him such nightmares when he was younger. Kept dusking down all the plants in the bar for a long while. After everything that damn flower put him through, he always killed him. In every run he did he killed him without hesitation. That was why he never got to a pacifist route. The one time he was close he killed that damn flower and ruined the whole run. Eventually, he just gave up entirely. Now he's going at it again under a true reset. As was requested by the guy he didn't want to think about at the moment.
"Let's get this over with." He didn't completely know why he felt compelled to complete this game after all these years. Actually, he did but he refused to admit to himself. No, his talks with Izuku did not renew his interest to get a pacifist ending. His star lit eyes of enthusiasm did not persuade him one bit. Or his nerd passionate rambles that were not at all interesting to listen to. Or the love and passion he exuded while he shared his personal experiences in the game. Or any game for that matter. That did not sway his judgements at all. And so, he went on his adventure. Re met that god forsaken flower and goat mom. She was a kind woman. Helped him through the first portion of the game. Was his mother like that? He couldn't remember anymore, but he'd like to image so. It would have been nice if they made him pie too.
Going through the world again was like a wave of nostalgia hitting him with each new main story event. Meeting the skeleton brothers, fighting that fish lady, all the shit that robot put him through. It was so much fun to go through again after all this time. The pacifist route was a challenge that he was willing to take on. It was tedious as hell, but he could see what Izu…cough. What other people meant when they say each fight is like a puzzle. The fun is figuring out how to solve them. Some random fights can have funny interactions like that that Tsunderplane. Wow the original creator of this game must like anime. It was so much fun revisiting this world. Remembering that story attached to it. He never really got the full story since he never got through the pacifist run. He was careful with spoilers to. Which was easy since this game was really old. Not a lot of people talk about now. It was a miracle he found someone that did…Are they ok?
Shigaraki shook his head and focused on screen. There he faced a defeated demonic flower Flowey. This was the moment of truth. To reach the pacifist route all he had to do was press mercy. That's all he had to do. With all his will power he pressed mercy.
The flower gave him a side look of confusion. "…what are you doing?"
"Trying to get this stupid pacifist ending you fucking flower." He pressed mercy again.
"Sparing me won't change anything. Killing me is the only way to end this."
"Oh, trust me fucker I really want to kill you, but I won't because I want that ending more. I will get that ending." He pressed mercy again.
The flowers faced him fully. Showing off his derange smile as his words become distorted. "If you let me live, I'll come back."
"Wonderful," he spat sarcastically as he pressed mercy again.
"I'll kill you."
"I've already killed you plenty of times. So, fuck you!" He creamed while holding his middle finger up to the scene and pressed mercy again.
"I'll kill everyone you love."
…he pressed mercy again. And again, and again. the flower's deranged smile become more and more confused with each press. It felt familiar. So, so, familiar.
He continued to press mercy as a trail of memories were brought forth. Him and Izuku. Back in that room. Talking. Laughing. The hero coming back for him again and again.
"Why are you being so nice to me?"
He wondered that same thing. Why was the hero so nice? It made no sense. He kept coming back again and again. Despite all his threat and transgression against him he came back. It was like each time he pushed him back the boy came rushing at him with twice the amount of will power form before. All with that stupid smile.
"I can't understand."
He pressed mercy again.
"I can't understand."
He pressed mercy again.
"I can't understand…" the flower cried and ran away.
Shigaraki stared at the blank screen for an unknow amount of time. He didn't understand either. How could be possibly understood what was going on in the young hero's mind. Him continually trying to befriend him. Why? He was so stupidly persistent. It didn't matter anymore. He was over it. They can never be friends. Not when they were on opposites sides. Casing away those unwanted thoughts and feelings he moved on and finally played through the pacifist route.
…why…why does playing this game…make me remember so much of him.
Shigaraki really shot himself in the foot. He thought playing a game would help make in forget, but it only made him remember more. These two characters. Frisk and Asriel who also happened to be the flower he really wanted to kill. It was a near perfect image of the two of them. The more he played he stopped seeing himself as the MC Frisk. Instead Izuku took his place. He imagined how he would play this game. How he would react to each of the key events. The hero's kindness shine with each kind action. As for him he saw himself as the flower he hated so much. The flower that wanted to kill and destroy everything. All because he went through some unfortunate circumstances…like him. He doesn't remember everything about his past. Only that he killed his family and because of that he can never go back. He can never be normal. No one in society will accept him. At least that what he used to think.
He stared at the scene before him. His heart was attacked with a flurry of emotions. Sadness. Happiness. Confusion. The strongest of all want. He wanted this but he knew he could never have this. Not without consequences. He was faced with two decisions. After defeating the final boss Asriel in some sort of god like from he tells his sad tale. Now he must decide.
Hug him or don't hug him.
"you look like you needed a hug"
The answer was clear…it really hurt how much he wanted that. He pressed the option to hug the goat boy. He watched the two pixelated characters embrace each other in a tight hug. He couldn't help but image the exact same scene with him and Izuku. Just like that. The credits rolled but that desire didn't fade. In fact, it only grew. He'd been apart from the hero a week or so. Now he doesn't even know if they'll ever meet again. The though irritated him. He had enough playing the game. He wanted to get rid of these emotions. This inch on his neck. He scratched and scratched and scratched till he broke skin. A nasty habit of his that he has not done in a while. The scars on his neck were prove of its severity. He wanted to scratch his problems away, but he couldn't. His desire was too strong. "I just…I just…"
He had enough. He switched off the game. Obviously, it didn't help him in the slightest. It was a fun revisit but his memories and thoughts of Izuku was becoming too much. It was late and he was tired. By no means was Undertale was a short game. He'd been playing none-stop for hours. Now he really wanted to sleep. Hopefully, he can sleep pass his memories, but nope. Even his dreams were plague with thoughts of the pure kind-hearted hero. There was no escape from him, and he didn't completely hate it.
A man looked up at his screens intrigued. There was the image of a boy his groomed successor has grown fond of. Servamp the boy said. This boy had a Servamp. A wicked grin from on his misshapen face. "So, they are real. How very interesting. Perhaps my endeavours will not be in vein." The boy to his chambers opened. He did not need to look to know who it was. "Doctor, how are the experiments?"
"Not much luck I'm afraid," the plumped doctor replied. "We still cannot achieve the results you've been hoping. We've gotten close but they are still far from perfect."
"What of the other side project?"
"As difficult as ever," the doctor sighed. "No matter how hard we attempt to decipher it the darn thing continues with its tricks. Threatening it with destruction isn't working either. It always seems to but itself back together. A remarkable piece of mystery. As I man of science myself even, I cannot explain it. Although it has been exhibiting some odd behaviour recently."
The boss hummed. "What kind of behaviour?"
"It seems to be trying to communicate in some way. Readable words appear on its pages whenever someone is close enough. It is like it's somehow scanning us before saying 'you are not the one.' It sends out these singles. The best way I can describe it. It wants something but I can't figure out what."
"Curious, continue attempting to decipher it. I want the secrets in that book." The doctor bowed to his master before leaving him be to his thoughts. What thoughts they were. He took interests on this book on a whim. Merely rumours he tracked down. If proven true he would have something amazing. He sent many of his footmen after it, but they were unsuccessful. He had to go dirty his hands to restive it. Yet to this day it decides to be difficult. He was almost ready to give up on it until recent development. "Izuku Midoriya. I'll be keeping an eye on you."
Another day another headache. The young villain decided to go wonder into town in his stained baggy hoodie he hadn't washed in weeks. Shigaraki couldn't stand staying at the bar. Not with his new recruits pestered him about the hero he definitely doesn't have a crush on. Why the hell do they even think that? It's not like he wanted the hero in that way…he just wanted to hug him. Just to know how it would feel. Beat up him in a fighting game or even co team together. Maybe even poke his cheek just once. They looked so soft despite fully knowing he was no stick like him. The kid was jacked for his age he knew that. It was funny the more he thought about it, but he didn't want to think. He just wanted some time to… "You got to be fucking kidding me."
There beyond the pavement was someone who was simultaneously last and first person he really wanted to see. Izuku Midoriya seemed to be out in town to with his fox on his shoulder. The pair seemed to be arguing about something. At least that's why he guessed with the teen furrowed expression. The fox looked more concerned than anything else with the way he kept poking his tail at the hero's face.
Instinctively, Shigaraki hid. He didn't want to be noticed by the hero. He just got recently broke out of jail and he rather not go back so soon. In the end he ended up following the boy like a stalker. Not like he was one. He was just curious that's all. It's not like he cared about what the kid was up to, now that he's out of the picture. He was just curious. Nothing more. So, he watched the boy go about his day. Although some where he stood it looked more like the fox was dragging him about. The fox pulled and turned his young Eve about leading him to places he imagine the young Eve would enjoy. A hero merch store, this good-looking food join, an arcade but the hero kept on his frown. It doesn't look like it will fade anytime soon. What's got the kid so down. Curiosity got the better of the villain and he tried to get closer. Listen in on them. He immediately aborted his mission as he saw the hero's eyes shined.
A smile was brought back to his face as he jumped in the air waving. "Mr Sakuya. Lilac. Hey!"
Close by were the two individuals. One guy with neon green hair and a panicky looking squirt next to him. They both had a pair of piercing red eyes. The pair were in regular civilian's clothes, but something felt off about them. Shigaraki couldn't really put his finger on it. The vibe the two gave off was inhuman. It felt kind of similar to the furball but not the same. Still they were able to break Izuku out of his gloom, so they had to be ok people. He watched Izuku ran up to the pair with a skip in his step. The pair however looked a little confused at the younger hero asking questions like 'you remember us?'
Confused himself, Izuku tilted his head. "Of course, I do. Why wouldn't I remember?"
A dark aura spiked around the group. Shigaraki recognised well. After all that aura was once aimed at him one time. The fox looked darkly at the pair with the fakest smile in his eyes. "Ah yes. How could he possibly forget after you told him so much." There was an obvious threatening tone in his voice that was clear to everyone but the young hero. Izuku continued to smile sweetly not noticing at thing. The Fox then jumped on to the taller one's shoulder. He wrapped his tails around their neck. Kind of looked like he was strangling him which might have been the case. The poor guy's eyes looked like he was about to pop out. "Allow me to show you my appreciation. Come here, old friend."
"It's no trouble at all boss. I did my best but having the symbol of peace crash down next to me made me panic. Sorry." He was just about able to say without making it sound like he had trouble breathing.
The fox rolled his eyes, "Of course the smiling idiot had something to do with it."
The smaller one of the pair was in a panic for what to do. Meanwhile young Izuku remained oblivious. "If you two are off duty. You mind walking around with us? I'd like to hear more about Kurama. He doesn't talk much about his past before me."
The villain watched the sketch like scene unfold as the three of them looked at each other. Giving one another telepathic messages about how to move forward. Eventually, the fox broke the silence. "If that's what will make you happy, my Eve. I'm sure they won't mind. Or say anything…unnecessary." The poor duo who were just having a peaceful day off couldn't say no to the fox. Especially, after receiving that death glare. So, the two unwillingly agreed and the newly formed group wondered the streets.
"What was that about?" Shigaraki asked himself while he continued to tail them. It was at that moment he noticed something else in the corner of his eye. Looks like he wasn't the only one tailing the group.
Setting on a bench, fair from sight but still had a clear shot view of the group was a guy in a zipped-up hoodie and wide less shades that coved half his face. The other half of his face was covered with a protective coughing mask. The villain was 100% sure this guy wasn't sick. To top off the suspicious look was a simple light blue cap with a cat face print on the front. If anyone looked like a stalker between them it was that guy. He even had a newspaper in his hands to make it look like he was reading it. But the villain can tell. He had their eyes on the group. Mainly Izuku. That left a very sour taste in his mouth. Once the group was nearly out of sight the man quickly stood up. He followed behind just enough to know where they were going but not to get caught.
Seeing that, Shigaraki clicked his tongue, "oh no you don't asshole." He's changed targets. Instead of keeping an eye on the young hero his eyes were dead on this guy. He's not going to let him lay a finger on the boy.
The suspicious figure tailed the group for an hour or so. The pair of subclasses along with their Eve and Servamp were none the wise to his presents. Good. He would hate to have to deal with the Servamp at this time…
His thoughts were caught off guard. As he left a hand grabbed the back side of his hoodie. The world twisted in his vision as his sunglasses slipped off revealing his shocked brown eyes. The sun light the sun was replaced with a building as he was thrown into the darkness off an alley. He had no time to recover. A hand grabbed his neck and stabbed him into the walls of the alley. He then meant a pair of piercing red eyes. A deep scar was marked on top of one and another scar chipped the corner of their dry lips. They smiled menacingly at him. "I don't know what your deal is, but I won't let you touch that boy. I've seen you stalking him. I don't like it." The hand over the suspicious figure's neck had one finger extended. The finger stoked their neck barely grazing it. "My quirk allows me to decay anything to ash. All it takes is my five fingers touching you at once. So, you better start making up reasons for me not to kill you."
"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Let's not get ahead of ourselves now. I'm not doing anything wrong."
"You've been stalking that green hair kid for a while now. How is that not doing anything wrong? You a pervert or something?"
"For the record I'm married."
"So, you are a Pervert!"
"NO! How did you come to that conclusion?"
Suddenly a black blade like claw grazed the young villain's neck. He gulped back with a crazed smile. In the corner of his eye he spotted another pair of red eyes which like his own. Only they were tired with heavy bags beneath them. From what he could guess it was another guy in a blue over coat. His hoodie rimmed with thick black fur. The fur on top was combed and cut in such a way that they looked like animal ears. Mostly like a cat. Their skin was paler than the ordinary man. He looked sickly but form the strong present emanating from him he was far from weak. "Funny. I don't think anyone would notice. Unless you've been stalking the kid too." The claw blades inched closer to the young villain's throat threateningly. Their owner red eyes dilated as his hissed a demand. "You better drop those hands now if you know what's good for you, kid."
"Kuro no." His partner cried. Their smile dark brown eyes stared earnestly at Shigaraki. He begged with them. "Look we don't mean any harm. We're just keeping an eye on the kid. My name is Mahiru Shirota and that's my partner Kuro. I'm the head of a branch at C3 a hero organization. Maybe you heard of us."
"Oh, that makes me feel so much better," Shigaraki hissed sarcastically. For the record he hasn't heard of this C3 group, but is they were heroes that was enough of a reason not to trust them.
It was then Mahiru recognised the young villain threatening his life. It took him awhile given how dark the alley way was as well as the fact that he was in a life and death situation. "Wait I know you. You're Shigaraki Tomura one of the recently escaped convict." He saw the young villain hunched now that he got recognised. Given that fact that he was threatening a hero with said hero's partner at his throat. Very literally. He wasn't in a very favourable position. Soon the hero thought of a solution that would benefit them both. "Look I'm sure you don't want to go back to jail so soon. I promise that we won't apprehend you if you answer some of our questions."
Sceptically, Shigaraki raised an eyebrow. Why should he believe anything that comes out of this nobody hero's mouth? He doesn't even trust heroes…most heroes.
Seeing his hesitation, Mahiru lifted his arms up proving that he means no harm. The earnest light in his eyes never faltered once. "From our sources Izuku has tried to get through to you and form how you are acting now he succeed. If you really care about that him, you'll hear us out and answer our questions," he claimed. There was silence for a little while. The villain looked like he was genuinely giving it some thought. Then Mahiru took the opportunity to explain more. "Listen we're mainly following his pet fox more than the kid. I don't know how much you know about Tsubaki but he's not exactly the best person in the world. Just help us out and answer a couple of question on him and will let you go. I promise."
Shigaraki clicked his tongue still not completely convince. "Why should I agree to help or answer and of your questions? Why would you care so much anyway?" Shigaraki hissed.
"That fox just so happens to me my younger brother." The hero's partner whispered in the young villain's ear.
"I don't believe you!"
Then Kuro dropped his claws allowing the villain to relax. He casually walked towards the light of the alley entrance. The second he passed the shadow's line poof. The clouds cleared and in their place was a small black cat. An oversized bell tied with red ribbon hanged around his neck. His tail flared on end like a flame. The black cat sat up right staring at a pair of lazy red eyes at the very confused villain. He opened his upper arms wide showing off his body. "How about now?" the cat asked in a very similar tone to his human form.
Dumbfounded the villain stared at the cat. "I believe you," he responded simply.
Shigaraki suddenly found himself on a stake out mission with this rando and his pet cat that wasn't actually a cat. He doesn't really understand it. Apparently, they had a similar quirk to what Izuku had. Something that they call a Servamp's bond. Something about contract like quirk formed by drinking the blood of their user called an Eve. He doesn't really get it and with the way the hero was talking he could tell he wasn't being completely honest. Not like it was any of his business. The black cat was tucked up in his owner's coat. His head only popping out to look every once again. The two of them didn't look that suspicious. Just two guys sitting together at outside tables in baggy hoodies that cover their faces. Creepy. Not suspicious. They even ordered a couple of drinks form their coffee place they were stationed at to completely the none suspicions image. Their eyes were kept glancing at the melancholy pair that were not too far away. The boy and his fox were simply enjoying their day out. Only other companions were the pair form earlier. They looked like they were having fun with whatever they were talking about. There was finally a smile on the young hero's face. It looked even brighter in the sunlight.
"So, what do you think Kuro?" Mahiru whispered to his cat.
The cat rested his head between his eve's open sipper. He did his best to shrug but really, he was too lazy to do it. "From the looks of things, Tsubaki changed his mind about having his Eve not meet his subclasses. They seem happy about it too. I mean look at them. They're having ice cream together."
Sure, enough they were. At ice cream van was parked nearly by. Since the day was hot it was a welcomed treat. Vanilla was Izuku's choice of flavour. So plain. In fits him. Shigaraki had to smile at the sight. it was so simple and pure. Just like the little hero.
The cat was quick to notice the smile. "You're quite found of my brother's Eve. Aren't you?"
"No," he snapped back with a pout. "He's just…"
"Special?" Mahiru cut in with a teasing smile.
"An idiot," the young villain corrected while taking a sip of ice coffee he ordered.
"Whatever you say kid," the older Eve chimed with sipping on his iced tea through a bendy straw. "You want some Kuro?" The black cat mowed in approval. So, his owner brought the drink to where his little paws could reach it. they fiddled around the tip of the strew but his paws couldn't grip it quite well. It just jostled back and forth between his paws. An irritable expression from in the cat's lazy eyes. That's when Mahiru offered his assistance and held the straw steady for his cat. Meowing in thanks the cat sipped through the straw
Shigaraki looked over him with disgust. "Isn't that unsanitary." He didn't no right to complain given that fact he's not the most hygienic person in the world. Still kind of gross sharing a drink with your pet.
The hero shrugged. "Kuro and I are married so I don't mind."
Nothing about the sentence made the whole thing any less weird. In fact, it made it that much weirder. This guy was married to his cat. What is this world coming to? Sure, the cat had a human from and technically was not a cat but still. Was the guy a furry or something? The villain inched away from the pair on his chair. It creaked as It skidded across the pavement. "You know you could just turn human and get a drink yourself."
"No can do," the cat yawned while taking another long sip of the refreshing beverage. "One we're still in sunlight. I can't transform even if I wanted to. Also, if my brother spots us, he's going to go ballistic. We don't have the best of relationships you see."
Eventually, Mahiru cut in before the villain had a chance to ask his own set of question he's bound to have. "Anyway, let's get straight to the point now. There are some things we'd like your option on regarding that pair." He said while gesturing his drink to the melancholy pair. "They're a really hot debate in our organisation. We're not sure how deal with them since it's very delicate." His brown eyes sharpened as he stared at the villain before him. "What kind of kid is Izuku Midoriya?"
"I already said he's an idiot."
Unamused, both the Eve and the Servamp started at the villain disappointed. "Can you say more please. We could still change our minds and arrest you."
Rolling his eyes, the villain huffed. "Fine whatever. If I had to give a word, it's kind. To a god damn fault. The kid was crazy enough to try a befriend me after jailing me mind you. Still pissed about that. Breaks his arm for the sake of someone else and god knows what else. He's not some evil master mind if that's what's your worried about. That's me."
Mahiru nodded along and so did Koru. They already guessed as much. Nothing on their background checks on the boy suggested that he was a bad kid or anything of the sort. It was the main reason why they believed the melancholy Servamp became so docile yet aggressively protective. Izuku Midoriya was a good kid that much is certain. Innocent to a fault. Tsubaki had every right to be afraid of that fact. "What are the chances of Tsubaki going rogue?"
"The hell does that mean?"
"Betray his Eve. Going crazy. That sort of thing," the cat expanded.
Shigaraki raised an eyebrow. He really could not imagine the furball doing any of those things. Not if Izuku was still alive and kicking. The kid was just too strong of an influence on him. It was easy to see back when they first fought. Now that his memories were back, he can remember how the Servamp was holding back by the wishes of his Eve. If it wasn't for Izuku he can imagine the fox going wild. "Zero. That fox adores that kid. No way he would do anything against him."
Mahiru hummed deeply while scratching his chin. "Maybe Izuku could be the one for him."
The Eve started at the villain and then back at his Servmap. They gave each other concerning looks of if they should tell this outsider anything. In the end they silently agreed there was no harm in telling him this much. "A Servamp and Eve bond is very special. It only grows stronger when both parties trust each other unconditionally. The opposite happens when that trust is questioned. It's been a growing worry for the rest of us pairs of the possibility of Tsubaki going rogue. He made in very clear that he doesn't want Izuku to know about his past. For good reasons." Mahiru became hesitates to give any more information. Really the exitance of Servamps should be kept on the down low but this question is important. For all their sakes. "Theoretically, If Izuku found out that Tsubaki… did some let's say villainous things how do you think he'd react."
Shigaraki paused. Now that's one random question. He thought for a bit. The same answer kept on repeating in his mind form his old conversation with him and the hero. "He wouldn't be happy about it. But if it was something in the past then…I'd think he'll move forward with it. He did so with me in away. If he does it again maybe he'll hate him, but I doubt the fox would do anything like that with the kid around."
"I see well that's good to hear. I suppose all we have to do is wait for him to come to us." The sloth pair rose form their sets. Or at least Mahiru rose. Kuro was still lounging round inside the hoodie. Then the cat climbed up his Eve and snuggled between his Eve's neck. He wrapped himself along the back of it with his tail sticking out. With his cat's head on his shoulder, Mahiru scratched it making the cat purr with delight. "We'll still keep a close eye on them but it's good to know Tsubaki won't do anything rash any time soon. Any way good day. We better leave before Tsubaki notices us," he said simply while giving a small wave.
The villain didn't believe what he was hearing. "You're really going to leave just like that. You know who I am."
"Yup, but we did make a deal. We'll catch you the next time we cross paths. Simple as that." With that the pair left true to their promise.
Alone again, Shigaraki continued to watch Izuku happily talking with whatever a subclass was. He looked so happy. He smiled like that when he was around him too. Maybe all those times weren't fake. Of course, they weren't. A kid that earnest would make for a terrible actor. Though it was funny to see him try and lie those couple of times he tried. All to try and fool him everything was ok…while his arm was broken. That brat better not do something like that again. He swears. He really did not like to see him hurt. Wow he really can't bring himself to hurt the kid him. Even just thinking about it made his stomach churn. Stupid brat and his earnest kindness. Maybe he should try and recruit him. Have sensei ease his memories or something because he sure wouldn't do it willingly.
"I really hope Tomura is ok,"
The villain paused at the sound of his name. His eyes wandered to the side. The Eve was on the move with his Servamp on shoulder. They were just about at ear shot form them. Perfect for eavesdropping.
"I'm sure he is. Don't worry too much about it."
"I will worry," Izuku snapped back at his Servamp. "He's out there and who knows what happened to him. I don't know if he's hurt or what. It's driving me mad. That and I don't want to fight him." His voice was low, but he could still hear every word. "I really wanted us to be friends."
It took all his will power not to rush up to that kid right there and then. Pounce on him. Proclaim that he wanted that too. It would have been so easy. The kid was right there. In his reach. All he had to do was get up and walk towards him. That was all but he didn't. Like a coward he remained seated letting the two of them walkway. Instant regret soon settled in. He bit his lip and scratched the table carefull not to dusk it and make a scene. "That god damn hero." Looks like they wanted the same thing still to.
He didn't notice it at the time but the chains that were place around him by the man he called sensei. They wrapped him. Trapped him into the path of villain. Slightly, ever so slightly. Their grip lacked. Their strong bonds were tested, and they cracked from the pressure. It was enough for a green smiling hero to make a permanent place in the villain's heart.
"Hold still please."
A plump green beauty found herself trapped with a furiously fiery beast. The beast was heavily wounded with a cut through his arm. A shard of glass lodged deeply in the wound. The green beauty was quick to take it out and the beast roared in pain. Flames busted on his face. Yet the beauty was determinate. Using her ripped cardigan as a makeshift bandage, she wrapped the wound tightly. The pressure she placed on it should stop the bleeding. At least that's what she hoped. "There all done. Now let me see what I can do about that leg." She attempted to lift the slab of concrete that tapped the beast's leg, but she couldn't. Her weak arms just weren't enough. She bowed apologetically. "I'm so sorry. I wasn't around you would have been in this mess."
The flaming beast sighed and shook his head. "It's quite alright miss. It's a hero's job to protect civilians. So long as you're unharmed I'm doing my job right." The flame beast just so happened to be the hero Endeavour. Trapped under a confined spot in the rubble. There was a little problem with a villain with a cannon quirk bowing up the street. The job would have ended quickly if he didn't have to jump in to save this civilian. He had to other wise she'd be crushed. It was a miracle that the rubble fell around them just good enough so they could move. There was even a decent gap above them circulating air flow. Just to be on the safe side he had most of his flames down. Only whips of it remain as a source of light for them.
The woman was a civilian that goes that the name of Inko. A sweet and timid lady compared to the fire hero. Even after saying to was alright the she continued to apologise. Thankfully, she managed to change the subject. "Oh, dear what if my son gets into a situation like this in the future. That's an unsettling thought."
Endeavour's curiosity was peeked. "Your son is studying to be a hero?"
"Oh yes. He's studying at U.A. I'm so proud but also so worried about him. He's my only child you know. I would hate to see anything happen to him." Yes, he was proud of her son's accomplishments, but she was always a worrier. After what happened to her husband and the fact her baby boy was quirkless most his life. She was always a little more protective than the average mother. Thankfully, he has a quirk now as well as Kurama by his side to help him.
"There is little to worry about miss. If he's at U.A he's in good hands. U.A makes the best hero's the country. He will learn to handle himself. What class is he in?"
"1-A I believe."
That was Shoto's class. A classmate perhaps? Curious, "What is your son's name if you don't mind me asking."
"Izuku. Izuku Midoriya."
Ah. That boy. An interesting lad. Not only was he able to beat Shoto throw sheer luck there's also that fox that follows him. Thinking about him left a bad taste in his mouth. Although he couldn't help but he curious about him. He's undoubtedly strong and will most likely be Shoto's rival when he's older. It's best to keep an eye on him.
Eventually, Endeavours sidekicks found them and safely rescued them from the rubble. Inko soon started to mother them panicking about the cuts they recopied in battle. She was quick to try and pat them all away the best she could. She even scolded Endeavour a bit for moving too much. His leg looked sprained and his arm was bleeding. It was a little embarrassing on his part, yet Endeavour took it like a champ. He was a hero after all, and it would look bad if he yelled at a civilian. Beside the woman was only trying to help which she did even if it was only little of significance. "Thank you miss Midoriya, but I can handle myself from here."
"Are you sure? That cut looked really bad and your leg is looks a little swollen."
The hero shook off her concerns. "These injuries can heal so enough. I know I few good doctors. I'll be fine."
In relief the woman smiled. "That's good to hear but do take care of yourself, dear."
The hero was taken back by the smile. It was rare for a civilian to give him such looks. All due to his intimidating presence and the fact he doesn't entertain them as much as a certain smiling fool. He nodded once. "Of course." Then he thought of something. It felt right in the moment and presented an opportunity. "Actually, I have a request of if you'll take it. A thank you for patching my wound and a sorry for ruining your cardigan." He moved his injured arm slightly. His blood was sweeping through the fabric, but it wasn't so much. She patched him up well all things considered. "I'd like to invite you and your family for dinner. Our sons are also in the same class. It would be good for them to establish friendly relations now while their young before they go pro." His lying through his teeth but anything to convince the woman to say yes. He was all too curious about the young Izuku and the Servamp connected to him.
AN: Yep…Next chapter is going to be a very weird dinner and form this point on I will not be following the main plot anymore. A little bit towards the end. Mostly from here on out I will be making my own storyline more than I already have. This is going to be interesting. Also, I made Tomura so unintentionally Tsundere. He really isn't in love with Izuku yet. Both endgame ship will be very slow burns. They both really want to be friends at this point. Now I only have one review which is fine because this one requires detail. Especially since I covers a plot line, I have given so many little details about. So here I go:
TWINS OF PRIMUS - one this not one question this is technically two or three that I will not be answering in order.
First of all, as stated in this chapter, Sakuya did not erase all of Izuku's memories. As you guess he was hesitated and didn't really want to. Combine that with the surprise visit from All Might the memories eraser process was left incomplete. Izuku only remembers him and Lilac no one else so that includes the hero killer and the greed pair.
As for when will Izuku meet any of the other pairs that's going to take a while. For reasons that Tsubaki does not trust any of them. Especially Kuro. He is a major no. Unless he is forced into a situation to trust them or something it will be awhile. Izuku will eventually meet the other pairs there's just going to be a lot of build up before that.
Now for the big one. Hisashi Midoriya. Izuku's dad. I have given enough hints for anyone to piece together what happened to him and what kind of person he was. I might have made too many, but I think people can have a really good guess to what happened. To help I will list out the clues:
1. Todoroki and Izuku conventions during the sport festival. At one-point Izuku does speak of his father and what's he like.
2. The infamous melancholy break down. Obviously, this is a big hint. Although the biggest hint during this scene was not given by Izuku but rather Bakugo. Pay attention to how he reacts after.
3. In the very same chapter, the conversation Izuku has with Tomura is a very big give away. Especially, when they start talking about heroes.
4. Surprisingly enough during his battle with the hero killer. There was another hint.
5. The end scene of 'I am here for you'. As you and many others have guessed there is a connection to Hisashi and a subclass. What that connection is I will not reveal until later but look at how the subclass reacts.
6. In this very chapter. During Izuku's dream is my final hint and I think it's quite clear.
Put these all together and you get a pretty clear understanding on the mystery what is Izuku's dad. If not, you have until next chapter because that's when it will be answered.
That's it. As I said before next time is a very awkward dinner.