Author has written 26 stories for Naruto, Harry Potter, One Piece, Saiyuki, and Bleach. I welcome all comments, reviews and critiques. :D I also respond to all of the reviews and private messages I receive but not the faves or alerts as some people do. Please read the summary and author's notes. They answer a great many of your questions Thank you very much for all of your faves, alerts, comments, reviews and replies and just because a fic is old doesn't mean you can't leave a comment. Frequent reviewers can testify to this. XD Please note that I reject anonymous and guest reviews because I could not respond to them. The site no longer affords me this privilege so please note that if you are not signed in I will not be able to respond in any way. GUEST REVIEWS WILL BE DELETED BECAUSE I CANNOT RESPOND TO THEM. Chaos on the High Seas: (Complete.) I participated in the OP post-574 chaos thread. (because god knows we needed something cheerful after the epic level of tragedy there.) My contributions got reposted here but don't miss out on some of the Awesome fics on the thread especially as there is an 'oh-so-thoughtful-and-convenient' index available Sailing through the unexpected: (Complete.) I participated in the OP post 588 chaos thread. (because it's fun to do so.) My contributions get reposted here but be sure to check out the other entries and the fabulous fics that don't pop up here. C: A Cruise On The Line: (Complete.) I participated in the OP 'oh-god-tide-us-over-until-Oda-gets-back-from-holidays' chaos thread. My contributions get reposted here but follow the link to see everyone else who contributed. Translations: If you choose to take up a challenge, who am I to stand in your way! XD Lovely people who have asked permission to translate my fics into other languages!! (I'm so honoured I'm pink. ) If you wish to do so, please contact me and we'll discuss it. (The answer is probably yes.) Akemichan07 is translating Those Damn Marines into Italian over here. So Inspiring: Sometimes people read my stuff and go: "Oooh, I like that idea. Can I write a fic around those ideas of yours?" Well, of course. Providing that you ask, do not use my text, are polite and reasonable. C: I'm certainly very open to negotiation. (Once again, I'll probably say yes.) These are not copies of any of my work but people who asked permission to use an idea of mine. What happens thereafter is all their work and effort. C: Please support them!! (Note, that sometimes co-incidences do happen and people really do accidentally come up with the same idea.) Refugee Ninjadude853 // The Refugees Sailing For Misadventures: From the OP fanforall I selected a lot of entertaining prompts but I did not participate. All my attempts get posted here but only some on my LJ. I'd advise a look at the source anyway as not all fics there get claimed later on and there is some epic work. This also contains various challenges and loose ends that I don't feel warrant a seperate entry. 300 Beli is Cheap by Comparison: Gintama-esque title but it does rather specify the the idea of utter randomness. All 300 words or less from the OP_300 Anything Goes challenge community. The great Multiverse Challenge!! I'm an enormous fan of Alternative Universe settings so I thought it'd be fun to try and set a challenge. Rules: 1.) Write minimum five drabbles. 2.) The setting must have an obviously AU slant in a very overt way. Example: Shanks as a marine. (I did this one for sure.) Luffy never meets Shanks. Sanji as a member of Baroque works. (Wait, I definitely wrote this in another fic.) Luffy as a member of the revolutionary army. Zoro as a demon that wandered out of hell. (kishishishishi) Nami as state treasurer. Not to be unreasonable I did a version first: Tripping the Dimensional Rift (And look how closely I stuck to the rules. XD) Wonderful, lovely, talented, inspired people have done it. (Fangirl wiggle) Go worship and be inspired!! :D The Sacred and Profane - Five Possibilities penniless1 - Sentenced to Death CH.8 KuraiArcoiris - On Another World Killslay - Five Different Worlds AnotherGestapo - Fifth Dimension Never-Ending-Donkey - Five Different Angles Poseida Lunar - Best of Both Worlds Hoseki-sama - Once Upon A Time We Were Different People Akai-neechan - Multiverse' Drabbles SilverRainFalls - What Might Have Been Rinny-Bird - The Bohemian's Rhapsody Megasaurus the Dinosaur - Insanity Times Five Sarcasticles - Life's Chapters CH. 17 // CH. 21 // CH. 22 The Crossover Challenge!! God knows I've attempted crossovers before (to varying degrees of success) and it can be equal parts frustration and hilarity. Nevertheless, let it not be a deterrent. Onwards! Rules: 1.) Minimum five entries/drabbles 2.) Each 'crossover' must have a different focus. i.e. Try to be more creative than five scenes about a bromance between Luffy and Naruto. 3.) TELL ME! XD I've done a version (Some People Should Never Really Meet) so let that give you a few ideas (or trawl my account for other exemplars) Also, please give love to those that take up the challenge. penniless1 - Sentenced to Death CH.23 Sorakage Sama - Stupid Pirate Tricks CH.18 Sarcasticles - Life's Chapters CH.34 Fan-art & Gifts: Because I am a lucky, lucky girl. XD Those Damn Marines. Tenzou Contemplates by Pingteo a.k.a Phalanx My formatting... eats it. I'm sure of it. It also eats random words, marks and phrases from my stories. |