Fate Grand Order: Queen of Magic
A/N: Erm, yes I do know I am quite busy with all my other stories but quite frankly this one would just not let me go without writing it. Sorry TT-TT. Anyway, this was brought all together by TheMarphasChappers helping me out with working all the kinks out of the story. In all actuality, I likely would not have written this without having talked to them simply because I was a little bit intimidated by writing something so serious when I am more of a lighthearted writer. So please direct all thanks to her!
Now for warnings in this story: This contains quite a bit of Sexual innuendo and foreshadowing. While I will put a lime in this story (as a matter of fact there is one in this chapter.) I will likely not put a full lemon in here, at least on this site simply because of the fact that Fanfiction has been cracking down on that for quite a while. This is a genderbent Harry who is more like a rather OC one at that. However, she is still Harry in the most basic of ways as she will try and save who she can. The name I used for her is both supposed to be funny and is related to how her father's side of the family is named after Rulers so that is where she got her name. Let's just say that the Wizards know the true gender of King Arthur and leave it at that.
Prologue: The Day The World Stood Still
It was a dark summer night when it all truly began. At eleven thirty the English night was still and dark with long shadows trailing behind the distant street lamps that lit up a rather dismal scene. Where it all started was not an opulent place though one would think it would be simply for the people involved and was in fact rather a rather run down old brick and wood cabin that had been abandoned for quite some time. The person inside it had commandeered it for her own use, even going so far as to buy the land and the little house for a truly miniscule amount of euro. The house was a small thing, looking to be only four or so rooms large with what looked like a small attic, the circular window set high into the wall the only thing to belay its existence.
Inside the rundown looking home was a surprisingly neat and clean looking room that only held a fireplace, several shelves full of books and a small table surrounded by cushions to sit on. The only other thing that the room held was a rather interesting looking young woman and a few buckets filled with red paint along with a rather large magical looking circle that lay painted but unfinished on the wooden floor.
The young woman looked to be about fifteen or sixteen with fey like features. She was short, standing at only five feet even. Despite that fact the way that she stood, straight and tall, made it look like she was twice that. Long emerald green hair was tied in a low knot that was covered up almost completely by slightly shorter strands that danced around her collarbones. Her body was slim and fit with just the right amount of curves that were shrouded from view by a slightly baggy cerulean blue sweater dress. The thing that stood out about her the most, however, was her face, it was beautiful in a way that was almost unearthly. Her skin was an even pale peach color and smooth with no blemishes while her bone structure was both delicate and strong at the same time. Her nose was dead straight, while her cheekbones road high in her heart-shaped face and a full pouty mouth dominated her lower face. Her eyes took the cake however hidden they were behind oval-shaped glasses. Large and luminous green they outshone even her hair in their intense color while the almost cat-like shape of her pupils gave her an otherworldly look.
Her name was Arturia Eridanus Potter and she was a witch and not just any witch at that but she was known around the world the Girl-Who-Lived. You see Arturia was a rather special young woman, at the tender age of one she survived a curse that no one else had ever survived from. However, despite living, she wonders sometimes if she had been better off if she had died that night with her parents. For though she lived, ending the rain of a madman that night, Arturia has never had what one would call a good life. First, she lost her parents at the age of one then she was left with her mother's sister and her husband who just so happened to despise anything abnormal, like her. Second of all the small child was then ignored for most of her existence during her time with the horrible horse like woman and her whale of a husband. (Oh, how Arturia wished that that had extended to the bullying pig known as Duddly. He made her childhood hell on earth.) Then, when she finally thinks she has found where she belongs with the wizarding world, the rug gets pulled out from under her. Not only is she famous for something she can not even remember, but everyone expects Arturia to be just like her parents - Who she doesn't even remember.
Needless to say, that when she is sorted into Ravenclaw the last Potter puts somewhat of a damper on things. Arturia knows that there is a time and place for bravery, she just likes to think before she rushes into a dangerous situation that may get her or someone she cares for killed. Thus her life in what should be her safe haven starts off on the wrong foot, and it doesn't get any better from there on. Her first year she is dragged into a dangerous situation by a classmate whose life she saved (if she regrets ever saving Hermione, Arturia never lets on), Second threw Third year she is almost killed by people trying to help her, though she is ever so thankful to find someone who genuinely dose care about her. Sirius is a blessing in the disguise of a madman and she never loved him more for it. It is Sirius who helps her through her fourth year when once again the whole school (Save for her very few friends) turn on her, It is Sirius who tells her more of her family's long history in the Wizarding world including her responsibilities to it. It is still him who tells her all about both her father and her mother (who they both agree most likely had something to do with the Dark Wankers temporary death), who despised her father until he grew up a bit.
Sirius, who died to save her from falling into the vale.
Arturia knows that this is probably what breaks the last strings of faith that she has in Dumbledore. It is that lack of faith in the elderly man that leads her here in the small home she had found when her relatives (who she swears that her mother must have been adopted by, she looks nothing like her would be Aunt and acts even less like her.) had tossed her out like so much garbage one winter night. Arturia knows that the old man is using her, though for what she has only an inkling about. Knows that he will never let her go without one hell of a fight, one that she is not equipped to give just yet. So she must even the playing field. This is why she is here now, despite the fact that one of the watchers could have seen her leave the 'safety' of her Aunt's home and find her one true safe haven.
You see the chamber of secrets held more than just the basilisk, it was after all the chamber of secrets - not just a singular secret. In the cave deep beneath the school, Arturia had found knowledge that people would kill for and may have done just that to her if she had been so dumb as to speak about it.
The things she had found there where book's, not just a few mind you, but hundreds of them. Apparently, the founders had not only just been Witches and Wizards but also Maguses. Arturia herself had been terribly confused about the difference until she had read Slytherins journal. You see the Maguses had come about first with there magic circuits and their prana. Then Gaia had taken notice and tried to make beings equal in power to them, hoping to nullify the power difference between humans and herself, and so Witches and Wizards came into being with there magical cores and magic capable of staying for an indefinite amount of time. It was only later that the two eventually crossed paths and began to interbreed with one another, though this was rare as the two held deep dislike of one another. Arturia had read further to find out that most Ancient and Noble lines, like hers, had indeed interbred and were fully capable of using their magic circuits. The then young teen had gone on to find that she had already been using hers for quite some time to help her adapt to the strict set of chores that her lazy relatives had given her.
Structural Reinforcement it was called, and she had been using it instinctively. It was after she had met Sirius that Arturia had found out more about the rivalry between the Magus clans and the Wizarding world. Both generally disliked each other but would choose to ignore one another rather than all-out fight simply because they could not be bothered too. It was also the last Black who had sat down with her and told her that if anything went wrong and she felt that she was in danger for some reason to use the ritual in one of the books to summon help.
By summoning he had meant summoning a Heroic Spirit to aid her. It was an old ritual that usually was used during what was called a grail war, though it was said to now be disbanded after the near disaster that it had caused in a small Japanese town named Fuyuki, a master and a servant having won despite all of that however. It was now the year two thousand and fourteen, ten years after the first and last Fuyuki grail war.
Usually one could not hope to summon a servant without the help of the greater grail taking the strain off of feeding prana to your servant however as both a magus and a witch Arturia was a bit different. First was the fact that as a witch she held a rather huge (Meaning impressive even when compared to those two times her age) magical core, Secondly she had over one hundred EX ranked circuits in her body (something not seen since the age of the gods though she herself did not know it at the time) capable of supplying thirty units of prana each leaving her with a good thirty thousand units, or more, of prana to use a day. The last thing that she had on her side was a little-known rule about ley lines.
In places like Great Britain and most of the UK, magic was abundant to those who knew what to look for. The very air you breathed held an almost unbelievable amount of mana in it. This is where ley lines come in. Underneath the earth there lay a veritable network of ley lines that carry Mana around the planet. For a magus, this is an interesting fact but really a hassle to actually use in any truly useful way. For a Witch or Wizard, however, well it's quite the opposite. While a Magus may be able to harness the powers of a ley line after a lengthy and quite difficult ritual a Witch is quite capable of using it without any kind of pre-fabricated ritual so long as she had the core necessary to be able to support such a large amount of power.
Arturia herself had more than a large enough core to be able to harness such a power.
Glancing at the small wind up clock on her table the young woman let out a breath and started to carefully finish the runes on the magic circle that she had been preparing for the better part of two days. It was almost midnight on July thirty-first and she had to have this done by the time the clock struck twelve on the dot or else she may get a spirit unable to be of much help. Finishing up the last touches of the ritual, wrinkling her nose as the coppery smell of blood spiked paint wafted up to her face, Arturia got ready to begin the summoning as the clock climbed ever closer to twelve.
Glancing once more at the clock the green haired young witch let out a sigh and tugged at her hair as she realized that she had finished with a good ten minutes to spare. Frowning down at the strands of hair that lay across her knuckles Arturia could not help but remember when it had changed from its former deep green-black color to this lighter shade.
It had been just after the fight in the DOM when everything about her started changing. First, it had been her hair, lightening until it was an emerald green color that she had never seen in natural hair. Then it had been her previously stick thin body filling out to its now curvy shape, along with her eyes changing shape ever so slightly. It was the last thing however that scared her. Ever since she had just brushed against the Vale of Death before her godfather had thrown her out of the way she had begun to have visions, or was it perhaps memories, of a time long forgotten and of a place that did not seem real. She also remembered two names that made her just the slightest bit uneasy.
Enkidu and Gilgamesh.
Her brow furrowed as she thought of the legend she had managed to scrounge up from an almost ancient history book. Enkidu was a lesser god who was made to befriend or else dispose of Gilgamesh because of the Kings arrogance. She had not found out much more as the book had been falling apart and much of the legend had been lost to the bookworms and time itself. Biting her lower lip Arturia shook her head and put it out of her mind. She needed her head in the game, this ritual may just save her life and she had promised Sirius that she would live no matter the price.
Glancing once more at the clock Arturia was glad to see that it was time for her to begin if she wanted the ritual to be completed by the stroke of midnight exactly. Stepping up to the circle she placed a rather beat up old ebony staff down gently in the middle of it and stepped away just a bit before beginning the chant that would either save her or damn her.
"Let silver and steel be the essence.
Let stone and the Archduke of contracts be the foundation.
Let red be the color I pay tribute to.
Let rise a wall against the wind that shall fall.
Let the four cardinal gates close.
Let the three-forked road from the crown reaching unto the Kingdom rotate."
"Let it be filled. Again. Again. Again. Again.
Let it be filled fivefold for every turn, simply breaking asunder with every filling."
Arturia gasped out the last line as an almost unreal amount of prana was sapped from her like a dry sponge to water. Only the sponge had to be the size of central Brittan and the water the sea. It was several long moments before it stopped and a large cloud of smoke obscured her vision for a moment. The green haired young woman almost fell to her knees as the prana finally stopped flowing so fast and trailed off to a trickle. She barely caught herself by placing her hands on her knees and panting as she stared off into the thick smoke with a confused expression. Biting her lip once more she wondered if she truly had summoned anything at all when finally a ruff almost animal-like, but oddly still pleasant voice came from the dense fog.
"I ask of you, Are you, my master?"
Arturia blinked and then smiled faintly as her own musical voice, the result of the Phoenix tears that had saved her during her second year, rang out.
"Yes, I am."
Then the smoke began to clear and her eyebrows snapped together as a worried look crossed her face once more. The man standing, or rather kneeling, inside the circle did not look well. His long hair was a riot of knots and snarls that trailed from the top of his head in a mass of white messy strands to trail the floor around him. His clothing, or what was left of it, was in serious disrepair and was falling off of his frame with only threads of it in some places holding it together. Even his skin and face, what she could see of it anyway, told that whoever he was he had been in either one hell of a fight or locked away somewhere for a long ass time. Bright amethyst eyes flashed up to meet her own bright green ones and a surprised expression crossed the man's face only to be chased away by an almost hungry look that made her inhale sharply.
Whoever this man was he was most certainly the prettiest one she had ever seen, Handsome did not quite fit with this one as he had an almost as delicate face as she did. Seeing the almost pained look cross his face next Arturia walked closer until she was almost touching him and knelt down in front of him.
"Are you quite alright?" She asked lamely taking in the males battered appearance, which was worse up close.
The man inhaled sharply before blanching and clenched his jaw as he turned away from her, allowing her to see for the first time his slightly pointed ears that looked to have once have been concealed by a flower hair ornament. Arturia reached out to brush a strand of hair away from his eyes when his hand shot out and grasped her wrist in a tight but overall gentle hold.
"Don't," He got out in a choked tone as he glanced at her from the corner of his eye, his irises almost hidden underneath his lashes though she could still see the slitted pupil in them. "I am a half Incubus and I have not eaten… In a long time." He finished with a furrowed brow as he glanced down to his free hand with something like wonder in his eyes.
Arturia blinked in shock then managed to stutter out:
"B-But I thought you were a spirit… How…" She trailed off when the man turned to look her in the eye once more flushing when almost unconsciously his eyes trailed down her body, lingering on her chest and then legs until he abruptly snapped them back up to her face meeting her own eyes once more. He shuffled around a bit on his knees until he had his thoughts in order.
"Somehow you managed to summon me in my real body, the one that has been locked up in Avalon for… over a… I actually don't know how long…" He stated in a slightly dazed tone. Arturia blinked once more and a strained expression slid across her face.
The young woman knew intimately what it was like to starve, it was one of her Aunt's favorite punishments for whatever the women's twisted mind came up with for her 'misdeeds.' Sometimes it was simply breathing the same air as her 'perfect' family. Nibbling on her lower lip Arturia took a long look at the disheveled man, taking in the slightly sharper than normal eye teeth and his straining muscles that he had apparently locked into place before deciding.
"Erm… How do you feed?" She questioned as she pulled her hand free of his loosened grip, the man blinking dumbly at her for a moment before a slight glare settled on his face.
"I 'Feed' as you so call it, by having sexual intercourse with someone. I usually would seduce someone specifically for this reason but as it stands now…" He once more trailed off with a slightly pained look crossing his face again as he tugged at his ragged clothing. Arturia flashed through several possibilities before coming to the one logical conclusion.
The young woman reached up once more and gently put her hands on either side of the male's face. His amethyst eyes slid to her own bright emerald ones with a questioning look in their depths. Arturia just gave him a slight smile and leaned in brushing her own full mouth against his. A low groan came from the man and he reached up grabbing the back of her head before crushing her close to himself as he slid his mouth against hers, sliding his tongue into her mouth as she moaned into the kiss.
In no time at all he had worked his hand up her short dress and brushed his long fingers along her sex through her rather thin cotton panties. He pulled back abruptly as a tiny cry of pleasure came from his young mistress. The white-haired male pulled back gasping slightly and locking his muscles up tightly as he realized exactly what was going on. The servant gently laid his forehead down on the dazed girl's shoulder and breathed out a puff of air before speaking.
"That," He stated in a stronger voice from before,"Was a terrible idea. If I had less control over myself you would be flat on your back with me inside you, disregarding the fact that you are obviously a virgin and it would have hurt you badly. I do understand what you meant, however, and it is deeply appreciated." With that he pulled away and looked up at her once more, pleased to find her looking at him with clear eyes. He frowned to himself as he noted the slit pupil and wondered if she herself had a slightly inhuman heritage. Shaking that thought off he pushed himself up on his staff and stood wobbling rather precariously on his unsteady legs until his small master got up, wrapping an arm around his waist as she moved closer. He blinked and looked down at her with a confused expression until the green haired young woman gave him a small smile.
"You obviously need to get a bath in," Arturia said as she began helping him move out of the now dried ritual circle. "Some new clothing too while we are at it. Also, Is there any other way to take the edge off of your hunger until you can get ahold of yourself enough to feed off of me without hurting me too badly?"
The man watched her with wide surprised eyes for a moment as she helped him along to another room that looked to be connected to a bedroom. He had not expected her to try and help him even after he had pushed her away while giving her a warning. A small smile curled across his mouth and he leaned closer to the young woman, enjoying her body heat for a moment before he answered her.
"Well, skin to skin contact will help quite a bit, though I don't think you would want to lay with me in a bath while I get all this dirt off."
Arturia hummed thoughtfully before setting him down on a carved wooden bench that she kept in the bathroom for when she need help to get into the large copper clawfoot monstrosity of a bathtub. Turning on the water until it was rather hot the green-eyed woman plugged the tub and turned to look over at the half Incubus that she had summoned instead of a heroic spirit. His wide amethyst eyes were searching around the room with curiosity, obviously a downside to only getting the bare minimum of information on the modern world through his contract with her. She would have to teach him or show him more about the world at large because she had summoned him without the grail to ease the information into his mind when summoned.
"I don't mind too much," She stated as the bath filled and she stood beginning to strip down to her underclothing. The male's eyes widened even more as her dress was pulled up and slipped over her head leaving her in just her thick thermal stockings and underclothes. His eyes slid down her form, taking in her curvy but small body lingering on her thin and slightly worn undergarments. His white brows furrowed as he finally noticed how worn her garments where period. Her dress was well cared for but still obviously second hand while her underclothing where thin and almost coming apart in some places. He reached out and ran a hand down her thick black cotton stockings before frowning when he realized that the fabric was a bit to thin for it to have been new.
Arturia flushed as his hand trailed down her leg to her knee and wondered just what he was thinking about so hard. However, her thought process was halted as the man's long fingers curled around the back of her knee and pulled it to him so that she was almost half straddling him with her leg braced against the wooden bench. She gasped a little bit as the white-haired man gently ran his hand back up her leg until it reached her hip where it rested for a moment before he squeezed her round hip in a firm grasp.
"Sorry, before we go on I think I may need a little more energy if you don't mind." His voice had gone slightly horse once more and the teen flushed as his head fell forward and lay against her bra covered chest. Her face went just a little bit redder as his extended eye teeth grazed the sensitive skin of the top of her right breast above the cup of her bra.
"S-Sure," Arturia stuttered out as his free hand which had long since let go of his staff slid across her bare back to come to rest against the back of her bra just where the eyelets latched together. "How? Do you just want me to kiss you again?" She managed to get out without another stutter this time.
The servant chuckled a bit before winding his hand under the latches and unhooking them with nimble fingers. The straps of her black cotton bra slid down her shoulders as the back of it came undone and she inhaled sharply as the lavender-eyed man pulled her closer to himself so that she now rested on his lap, fully straddling him now. She froze once her hips came into contact with his own, as a rather hard object rubbed into her cloth covered womanhood.
While she herself was a quite innocent, having never gotten much of a puberty talk from her Aunt besides the 'dont get knocked up or you're going to be out on your arse.' one that had been given to her, she did have a pretty good idea of what was pressed against her. A low whimper came unbidden from her throat as the male below her rocked upwards slightly, just enough to press almost sinfully against her nether regions.
"I think this time I need to have a bit of skin to skin contact." He managed to get out from in between clenched teeth as his hips once more ground against her own.
"Hmn!" A tiny moan came from the young woman's lips as her own body finally began to react as well. A flush crept across her face as her panties became damp from her excitement.
A groan came from the man as he leaned back slightly and slid her lingerie off completely leaving her top half unclothed entirely. An appreciative noise came from him as his eyes slid across the bared skin, taking in her full breasts that bounced just slightly from her movement in his lap. She was rather perfect in a way, not to top heavy but not all that small either. Moving his now once again free hand, he grabbed her own and laid it on his torn shirt letting her know exactly what he wanted.
Arturia knew what to do and quickly liberated him of both his shirt and his rather frilly looking white cloak that must have once been quite pretty looking but was now a pile of scraps. Her face reddened further as she took in for the first time his unclothed state. He was rather well built for someone who had apparently been locked away for quite some time. The plains of his chest where rather muscular without looking like a stereotypical bodybuilder, as a matter of fact, he was rather lean with somewhat of a swimmers build. It was something she found attracted her more than anything else she had ever seen in her short life.
A startled gasp came from the green haired teen as she was suddenly pulled into the half incubus's embrace and there nude chests pressed together. A sudden growl that was almost inhuman came from the man as his grip on her hip tightened and his other hand buried itself into her mussed hair pulling her into an open-mouthed kiss. Her bright green eyes closed behind her glasses as his tongue slid into her own mouth wrapping around her tongue in a way that almost had stars appearing behind her eyelids. It was about then when she realized that he had wrapped his arm around her waist and was grinding into her in an almost desperate way. A muffled sound came from the white-haired male as a slightly jerky motion with his hips drew a cry from Arturia and something broke free inside her causing her to almost black out.
It took a few moments for the young Witch to come back into consciousness but when she did she was greeted to the sight of a rather satisfied look of contentment on the man's inhumanly pretty face. Arturia flushed once more as she realized that she had just experienced her first orgasm. A surprisingly deep chuckle came from the man as he ran a hand through her hair, which she noted was lose of its tight bun and was flowing in waves down her back to her hips.
"You look so pretty when you cum darling." He rumbled making her flush even more and turn away from him. "Hey now, it's nothing to be ashamed of. It's perfectly natural to receive pleasure from that kind of thing." Glancing over to the bath he looked slightly alarmed as he took in the fact that the water was almost overflowing in the bathtub. Reaching over the amethyst eyed man quickly shut it off and then looked down to his little mistress who was still refusing to look at him.
The half-human man realized in a flash that she was likely even less experienced than he had previously thought if just that made her so flustered. A soft sigh of resignation came from him as he thought about just what the girl had offered him. For her to be so lackluster regarding losing something so precious to a veritable stranger, well it did not speak well about her upbringing.
"Hey, we can always stop now and I'll just have to find another-" He was abruptly cut off as the young woman quickly pressed her mouth against his in a soft kiss. She pulled back slightly and smiled gently at him with a kind look in her eyes.
"No, It's alright. I just, well I have never really considered sleeping with anyone before so it comes as a bit of a surprise how much I want to do this. It's just a little embarrassing is all." Arturia explained with a kind smile making him blink in shock before an equally gentle smile slid across his own face.
"Ah, I see." He stated as a slightly smug grin crossed his face and he abruptly stood helping the young woman to her feet as he did so. After steading her on her slightly numb legs he backed away and finished stripping down, sliding his long black baggy pants off as well as his boots. As he straightened Arturia turned away with a squeak trying to not stare at his rather impressive equipment that was already standing proud once more.
"I still need to bathe," He stated with a slight grin hidden in his tone and held out a hand to the young woman. "Do you wish to help me?"
The young witch flushed again for what seemed to be the hundredth time that night and nodded taking the hand held out to her in her own small one with a tiny smile on her pretty face.
"Yes," She managed to get out in an even tone. "I would not mind helping at all."
It turned out to be a rather pleasurable bath for the both of them, though there had been a tiny bit of pain on Arturia's part when she had given the man her innocence he had more than made up for it by giving her the best night she was ever likely to have. It was only later as the young woman was helping him get the knots and tangles out of his hair that they truly spoke of why she had summoned him. Oh, not that he was unappreciative of her getting him out of what had amounted to a prison that he could never escape but he was rather curious as to why she needed to do so in the first place.
"Well, it begins like this: I am known as Arturia Potter, The Girl-Who-Lived -" She began a story that she rather detested.
"-So you see, I need someone to help me. Someone I could count on to never betray me and make sure I lived thru whatever that old goat in the castle has in store for me." Arturia explained as she ran an old ivory comb thru the almost detangled mess of hair.
The man who had been patiently listening to her story (Though he had made some rather funny faces during parts of it, such as when she told him her name. She had asked why he looked so spooked but he had just waved her off saying he would explain it to her later.) made an understanding sound in his throat as he looked at her form reflected in a battered old mirror that she had been using. His eyes would occasionally drift down her still bare body and linger on certain places before once more dancing up to catch her eyes.
"I see," He stated in a soothing tone that she had absently noted he had gained when he was finally full from his 'feeding'. His amethyst eyes slid to meet hers once more and a confident smile broke across his face. "Well, I can most certainly help a young fair maiden like yourself in her endeavor to survive such a horrible tragedy forced upon her."
Arturia nearly let out a laugh at the overdone dramatics before a thought came to her and she frowned thoughtfully at him.
"You know I never asked for your name, I know that during the Grail war it was considered rude and dangerous to ask a servant for there name but would you mind terribly to give me yours?" She caught his rather massive grin as he turned just slightly to look her directly in the eye before he spoke.
"Ah yes, please forgive me! I do suppose I should give you my name. After all, I did take your virginity for myself, so I had better give you the name of the man who has now become your lover." He leaned closer to her pulling her in so that her front rested against the curve of his arm as he brushed his mouth against her ear and whispered the last part to her. "I am known as Merlin, The Magus of Flowers."
It was around then that Arturia Potter wondered just why she had such odd strokes of luck. The next coherent thought she had was something like this:
"Well, at least this one came with arguably the hottest man I had ever seen."
Little did the two know that far away in Central London a rather odd man with what one would call a magical girl complex startled from his latest prank with a puzzled expression on his aristocratic face. Frowning the man known as The Troll of The Clock Tower turned toward where he felt a disturbance in the kaleidoscope and pulled on his power. A second later a rather unsettling smile crossed the distinguished looking man's face as he found what had made the disturbance.
A rather unimportant noble snob who was walking down the hallway nearly shat himself as the Lord Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg started to laugh - Hysterically.
A/N: And that's it for now. This has reached over eleven pages and quite frankly my hand hurts from typing so much. I do hope you liked this. Please favorite and review.