AN: Welcome to the first oneshot in my new collection, entitled "The Moments In Between". The votes came in, I closed the poll, and have decided it's time to start now that ATJ is finally behind me. So, this will be a collection of oneshots, based on whichever pairing, friendship, or family that I get inspired by, and it will continue as long as my muse allows for it. As most will expect, I likely will have a lot of SkyexChrom and TikixCail stuff in here, but there will be other pairings that I'll be experimenting with. The only thing I can tell you is that I don't know when said works will pop up. Below will be the little blurb you'll see in the beginning of every upload just to clarify what it is that you'll be reading, and... Well, I suppose the only thing I can ask of you is to keep on reading and reviewing while I keep on writing. I'll see you guys at the end of the fic! :3
Title: Sun-kissed Mornings.
Genre/Rating: Romance, General. (M)
Setting: One Year Into The Two-Year Timeskip.
Characters: Skye, Chrom.
Summary/Prompt: Though it had taken them longer then they would have liked after that proposal in Regna Ferox one year prior, Skye and Chrom finally are able to enjoy the peace they won, and the relationship they built together during that long and painful war with Plegia. As short a honeymoon as it would be, even newly-wedded princes and their queens will never not be needed by their people, the two are determined to enjoy the peaceful, lazy, sun-kissed mornings that will come too rarely, even in times of peace.
A gentle touch moving in a slow, rhythmic motion up and down her bare back slowly brought the dozing brunette back to wakefulness, and she stirred lazily as she felt the warm heat of sunlight falling across her skin in tandem to the slow caress. She was only half aware of feeling as if she was floating, and a small part of her conscious mind reminded her that the bed she had slept on the previous night had been rather extravagant even by a noble's standard. Even though part of her recoiled instinctively from such luxury, she couldn't deny that she was feeling absurdly comfortable, and she had no desire to move from where she lay.
The act of lazy contentment seemed odd to her as memories of fast-paced days, long marches, hectic battles and more than a handful of sleepless nights flickered in and out of her thoughts. However, the lure of that tender touch tracing the path of her spine and the sun warming the parts of her body that weren't covered by satin sheets was too much for her to resist. She snuggled deep into the comfort with a happy murmur and was completely ready to surrender once more to sleep when the sound of a familiar voice lightly chuckling from her right alerted her that she was being watched.
The source of the touch, a callused hand that knew her body better than she did, moved once more up from the small of her back and upwards. However, instead of stopping between her shoulders it continued up and along to the base of her neck, and she giggled a little when it applied the gentlest amount of pressure. Again that deep voice let out a chuckle, and the sound warmed her body more potently than the sun itself ever could before she heard the words, "Good morning... Queen of Ylisse."
"Ughn!" Skye made a noise akin to a wounded animal as the five words successfully snapped her from her dreamy mood, and in one smooth movement, the brunette tactician rolled onto her back, grabbed the nearest pillow and began trying to smother herself with it. She heard Chrom laughing at her antics, but she didn't care how petty she had to seem as she thoroughly ignored the bliss of their summer honeymoon to moan about the fact that she was now officially royalty.
Chrom couldn't stop himself from laughing as Skye twisted about underneath the sheets in obvious disgust, and though he entertained the idea of taking the pillow away from her, he was too amused, and aroused, by what he was seeing. The thin and smooth sheets had wrapped themselves rather snugly about her naked body, and her dark hair was well and truly tousled from their activity the night before. He was torn between the desire to continue the game of teasing her with the title that she hated, and to pull her back to him so they could pick up where they left off when exhaustion had finally overrode lust.
Unfortunately, before the newly wedded prince could make up his mind, Skye found another use for the pillow she had unsuccessfully tried to asphyxiate herself with. Full of down as it was, the pillow made a very satisfying smacking noise as it struck Chrom full in the face and sent him reeling backwards in surprise. Skye sat up at his side, pulling the covers up with her to preserve at least an iota of modesty so that she could be taken seriously when she growled at him, "Damn it, Chrom, I told you not to call me that! I was in a good mood!"
Blowing a feather from out of his hair, Chrom tried to suppress a snicker as he sat up with her and watched her with an amused smile. Though he knew she was honestly irritated by being reminded of what she now was, Chrom also knew that such a sour mood would never last. As much as she would bluster and snark, there was no denying the bliss that had enshrouded the newlyweds. Her glare lacked heat and her voice venom, and that was enough to tell Chrom that he could safely continue, "And you aren't in a good mood anymore? Even in a place like this?"
Skye wished she could pull a face of distaste again, but as her navy-haired husband gestured to the sprawling suite that was currently serving as their bedroom, she couldn't even attempt to lie. The sun was shining in and covering the massive bed they were sharing in a sweet warm light, and through the open windows she could hear the crash of the waves striking the sand not to far from the castle's walls. Chrom hadn't been exaggerating when he told her that the destination for their honeymoon was something that would take her breath away, and even with her former misgivings, the brunette couldn't deny that she was smitten with Ylisse's southern castle.
"I'm allowed to get grumpy no matter where I am." Skye tried halfheartedly to argue with him, but as he had expected, her lips quirked up just the tiniest bit at the corners to betray her. The effort was admirable nonetheless, and Chrom had to give her credit for not surrendering even if they both knew that she was lying through her teeth. She swatted him lightly on the arm, and she scolded him even as she sank back into the soft warmth of the bed, "And considering how many times I've begged you not to call me that, I think being in a bad mood is more than reasonable!"
"You're going to need to get used to it, considering it's what you are." Chrom reminded her with a slight smirk, and Skye rolled her eyes theatrically, but she didn't try to edge away when he sidled closer to her so he could touch her easily. Unconsciously he reached for her left hand, and he ran his thumb errantly along the golden band that had permanently found its home on her finger. She had given the ring back to him before they had returned to Ylisstol, both of them had known that more was ahead of them before they could wed, and only yesterday had she let him return it to her.
Picking up on his thoughts with little effort, Skye watched the way he caressed the ring he had presented to her months ago in Regna Ferox. The crest of Ylisse's royal house stared back at her almost challengingly, as if it was asking her if she was worthy to wear such an heirloom, but Skye no longer felt the pressure it had once exerted. Rather, her focus was drawn to the opal that had been fitted next to the crest, and as always, the sight of her birthstone and Chrom's family symbol together made her heart give a delighted squeeze. She knew that she could wear that ring with pride, and she was happy to have it back on her finger for good now that they were married.
At the thought of the word, Skye was aware of her heart skipping a beat while a red flush stole its way back into her cheeks. Despite the fact that she had spent ages preparing herself for it, that she had been quivering the entire time during the ceremony and well into the night when they had finally been left alone, Skye still had a difficult time believing that it had finally happened. She was no longer just a fellow soldier, or her captain's adviser... She was the wife of the future exalt of Ylisse. They had won the war, had set about repairing the damage done to their country, and were finally allowed to reap the rewards of their patience.
Chrom let her hand go, and Skye smiled slightly as he instead began to caress the shape of her arm through the sheets she had snuggled back underneath. His touch was soft, as if she was made of the most fragile of glass, and she shivered with pleasure as his fingertips brushed along her collarbone and towards that sensitive spot just below her ear. There was a soft warmth in his eyes as he watched her silently, with a sort of wondering delight, and Skye turned her face into his palm as she murmured, "Chrom..."
Unable to resist, the blue-eyed lord leaned over his wife and tilted her face up so she could better see him smiling at her. He could read her as well as she could read him now, and they didn't need to speak as they took a moment to absorb everything. The ceremony still seemed like a dream rather than memory, and the passionate night later was a hazy blur of wild moans, sharp cries, and fevered calls of each other's names.
Skye shivered again as she felt her husband's gaze on her body like a caress, and she didn't dare to breathe as she let him study her with new eyes. He noted every mark that had been inflicted on her, from the tiniest nips he had delivered to her wrist, to the much more visible love bites on her neck and collarbone. Then his eyes were on hers again, and the desire, the love in his expression as he stared down at her undid her all over again. Her voice was light and playful as she relaxed herself completely underneath him and raised a hand so she could errantly trace the contours of his chest with her index finger, "This position seems oddly familiar..."
"If I remember right, I was actually standing that day." Chrom replied with a chuckle, but he had no desire to draw away to accurately recreate the memory she was joking about. Instead, he propped himself up above her with one hand, and with the other he lazily brushed his thumb along the shape of her lips before he cupped her face. He watched the way she nuzzled into his palm, and he savoured the warmth of her exhale on his skin even while part of him still stood back in disbelief when he thought of the contrast between where they had begun and where they now were. "It seems so unreal... you and I, together like this... I knew from the second I saw you that I loved you, but I never dared to believe that one day this is where we would be..."
"You took the words right out of my mouth." Skye agreed with a little nod, and there was a sheepish twist to her smile as she remembered that moment in perfect clarity. It was no exaggeration to say that he and his sister were her first memory, and even now, almost a full two years after that fact, she still could feel that intense rush of heat that had surged through her skin when he took her hand and pulled her to her feet. Though quickly afterwards she had tried to kill the flame of her emotions with icy logic, she hadn't had to will to resist him for long. When he had finally confessed to being in love with her, Skye had been forced to admit defeat, and she had to also admit that she was glad for the loss. "So much has happened since then, too... When I stop and really look back, I always draw up short when I realize that only two years have passed since we first met. It feels more like a lifetime... Well, if we're splitting hairs, it sort of has been one, really."
An awkwardly amused smile spread across Skye's face as she thought of the vows she had spoken to him just yesterday, when she had admitted that he was her entire past, present, and future. The life that she could remember began with him, and she felt no shame in saying that she preferred to look at things from that perspective. The times when she wondered about the woman she had used to be, or what she had done or wanted to do were so much less than the times when she looked at Chrom and imagined their future together. She shook her head, laughing softly to herself as she added jokingly, "Granted, two and half years of experience seems like one short lifetime, but I have a feeling that the point still stands."
"Skye..." Chrom tried to admonish her for the bittersweet humour but he found himself unable to do so as she giggled quietly underneath him. He would never much understand how she could have such strength to make light of her circumstances as often as she did, and he wondered when, if ever, her blithe attitude would stop taking him by surprise. He shook his head a little as he allowed himself to share in her mirth, and he leaned down to touch noses with her before he commented with fond exasperation, "What am I going to do with you...?"
Though the words were spoken in jest, Chrom knew he had said the wrong thing as a speculative look came over his wife's face. Her dark eyes turned molten and she bit on her lower lip expectantly before she let her gaze move from his face and down to his body. He was the same as her, naked save for a sheet thrown haphazardly over his waist, and she quite was enjoying the sight he made as he loomed over her when she shot back devilishly, "I'm not sure... What would you like to do with me?"
Smirking in response to her challenge, Chrom leaned back as he gave honest thought to the question. His body stirred hungrily for her, and he knew from experience that he never would stop desiring her, no matter how many times they took to the bed. It had been that way since the very beginning, and he heavily doubted that married life would somehow manage to cool their passion for each other. They were finally able to claim each other aloud, and they never would get tired of that. It was an intoxicating feeling, the freedom of being known for what they were, and Chrom couldn't imagine anything better.
Reaching out slowly, Chrom traced the path of her hip with his index finger in a lazy, almost absentminded fashion as he continued to mull over his answers. There was much he wanted to do with her, both in bed and out of it, and he wasn't entirely sure if they would ever have time for it all. They were expected back in Ylisstol within three days, but if Chrom allowed himself to go ahead with his desires, they would never leave the bed at all. He knew that thought was painted clearly on his face, and he ran his hand along her side, savouring the way she inhaled sharply when his knuckles brushed ever so teasingly at the swell of her chest. He repeated her words thoughtfully as she squirmed underneath his pleasant torture, her legs stirring restlessly in the sheets below him, "What would I like to do with you...? Well, speaking bluntly, it's a rather long list..."
"It isn't as if we don't have time..." Skye shot back breathlessly, and she shivered all over with eagerness when Chrom pulled back to regard her with surprise, and then amused delight. She reached for him, winding her arms about his shoulders to pull him closer, and Chrom obliged her willingly until he was pressing down firmly on top of her. She murmured with pleasure as his arms wrapped around her to hold her closer, and she felt lightheaded as she inhaled that familiar scent of sandalwood and leather that always seemed to be clinging to him. "I'm sure we can at least get halfway through it..."
"You're nothing if not ambitious..." Chrom chuckled, and he tilted his head as her fingers combed lovingly through his thick navy curls. She stared up at him as she played with his hair, and he couldn't help but smile as he read her face as easily as any open book. There was a wonder in her dark-chocolate brown eyes that had yet to fade, as if she inside of a dream that she was waiting to wake up from, and he turned his face so he could kiss at her palm before he whispered, "What are you thinking about?"
Skye smiled, and her fingertips gently traced the shape of his jaw before moving across his collarbone so she could finally caress the shape of the brand on his shoulder. A hint of pink stole into her cheeks as Chrom watched her curiously, but she answered him honestly nonetheless, "You... Me... This, I suppose. All of it. I know we've waited for so long that it should feel more like a relief than anything else, but truthfully... I don't entirely know how I'm supposed to feel, if that makes any sense. I guess that the fact that we're now husband and wife hasn't exactly sunk in."
Nodding as he understood exactly what she meant, Chrom eased himself down beside her and reached to take her back firmly into his arms. She came at once into his embrace, snuggling against his side and nuzzling into his shoulder, and with a little smile, Chrom ran his hand errantly through her tousled hair. She leaned into the caress, her eyes closing as a soft little sigh escaped her lips, and she continued in a quiet, thoughtful voice as they lay together, "I never imagined that this would be what was waiting for me, you know? For the longest time, I... I was scared about what would happen when the war ended. I was certain I'd be stranded by peace. I never even dared to dream that when the war ended, I'd have a home... or a family. I woke up confused and lost, and now, suddenly, I have somewhere to return to when everything is said and done. I know I've had a little while already to digest that, but it's... it's still hard to believe sometimes."
Frowning at the catch he heard in her voice, Chrom wasn't sure how to respond to such earnest words that he hadn't expected to hear. Shaking his head at the insecurity that he knew was never far beneath the optimistic mask his wife was always wearing, Chrom brushed his knuckles along her cheek before he turned her face to his and leaned forward to kiss her. She stiffened in surprise, caught off guard by the sudden display of affection, but Chrom gave her no time to respond before he was muttering huskily against her lips, "Well, I can assure you that this is no dream... And even if it was, then at least we're dreaming together."
The words were earnest but gentle, and Skye stifled a soft laugh as she wound her arms tightly about his shoulders and pulled him close for a fierce embrace. His fervent desire to comfort her touched her deeply, and she pressed her face into his neck as she savoured the love that he was never hesitant to show her. Clumsy as he could be in his gestures of affection, Skye cherished every single one, and she squeezed him tightly to her before she murmured into his neck, "All right, all right... Enough with the somber talk. This is our honeymoon."
"That it is." Chrom agreed with a little chuckle, and he resisted the urge to point out that she had been the one to start it. He pressed a chaste kiss to her lips when she loosened her hold on him, and he settled back down and pulled her across his chest in a smooth movement. She nuzzled into his shoulder with a happy purr, and he ran his hand errantly through her hair as he watched the way she used him as a pillow in an expression of easy comfort.
He hated to think that their days like this were numbered, and he could already imagine what would be waiting for them when they returned to the castle. The struggle for peace had left their homeland scarred and ravaged in more ways than one, and even a year later, it seemed as if their efforts were barely making a dent in such damage. They would return to their lives of hectic planning and political battling once the honeymoon came to an end, and though Chrom knew they both were dreading it... He had to admit his wife had shown her mettle a thousand times over despite what any noble had said when she had been introduced formally to them as his fiancee.
The worry Skye had shown in the very beginning had been melted away into a cast-iron resolve to prove herself, and Chrom had to admit he wasn't sure who was impressed more by her spirit, himself or the court that had once scoffed at his choice for a bride. The dark-eyed tactician showed no signs of her own inferiority complex now, not after her year-long struggle to assert herself amidst the lords and ladies of Ylisse. Instead there was something akin to fierce pride in her expression whenever she took her place at his side, as if she was daring anyone to deny her right to be there, and not even the most vocal of her former opposition would raise their eyes to her now.
She had refused any and all of his offers to intervene on her behalf when the rumours and whispers had started, and though he'd thought it was pride more than anything else that made her want to fight on her own... Skye had surprised him when she had explained that she wouldn't let anyone look down their nose at him for deciding to marry a common woman rather than a fellow blue-blood. She would fight in her own way, and would gain their respect of her own doing, or else anything and everything she did would be meaningless... and when faced with such a response, Chrom hadn't been able to argue.
Smiling a little as he recalled the way she held herself even amidst the mud-slinging and the sly and poisonous glances, Chrom had to admit that even if she hated the word, she was indeed every inch the queen she now was to be called. The thought made him chuckle with mischief, and when she raised her head to look at him curiously, he propped himself up and stole a kiss before commenting cheekily, fearlessly, "I love you, Queen Skye."
The noise Skye made in answer was something between a groan of disgust and sickened gag, and it set Chrom off into a burst of laughter as she shoved at him and rolled onto her side to give him her back in a clear sign of her displeasure. Shaking with mirth because he knew he deserved her ire but still couldn't find it in himself to feel guilty, Chrom pulled her back to him, nuzzling into her neck from behind even as she tried to squirm away and grumbled halfheartedly, "That's twice now! Even you can't deny that now I have every right to be irritated!"
"Why are you irked at the truth?" Chrom asked playfully as he wrapped his arms around her middle to keep her from escaping, and she swatted at his hands but otherwise didn't try too hard to pull away. Taking confidence in that, the newly wedded prince ducked his face against her neck, peppering her sensitive flesh with little kisses and nips before his hands began to roam above the sheets to caress and tease. She gasped softly as his callused fingertips brushed through the thin satin resting across her chest, and with a growing smirk, Chrom applied a little more pressure before he asked huskily, "Is it really that bad for me to call you by your title, Skye?"
"Y-You know that I hate it." Skye managed to reply through hitched breaths, and her eyes fluttered closed of their own volition as Chrom's left hand trailed south down her front. He didn't try to slide his hands under the sheets, instead allowing the thin and silky barrier to remain between his skin and hers, and Skye wasn't entirely sure if the feeling was pleasurable or irritating. She wanted to feel the warmth of his flesh on hers, but the cool, sliding sensation of the fabric made her shiver all the same, and she couldn't suppress a soft moan when the knuckles of Chrom's right hand brushed along the straining peaks of her breasts in a tauntingly gentle manner.
Chrom felt her arch forward, desiring more of his touch, and he didn't disappoint her as he nipped lovingly at her ear and repeated the grazing motion with a fraction more strength than before. She shifted impatiently against him, her head falling back as she urged him wordlessly forward, and with a low and dark chuckle of satisfaction, Chrom's left hand dipped dangerously low across the flat of her stomach and between her restlessly stirring legs.
A little gasp escaped the dark-haired tactician at the unexpected touch, and her body stiffened in surprise as his hand found its way underneath the tangled sheets to caress her directly. He knew her body well, knew exactly how to tease and play until she was completely at his mercy, and she shuddered and bent willingly along with him as he eased away any and all ideas she had been entertaining of ignoring him for his earlier jesting. She bit down on her lower lip to stifle her sounds as his insistent fingers found the source of her pleasure and applied pressure, and she closed her eyes tightly as she reached dizzily for his wrist to ensure he didn't stop what he was doing, "A-Ah... Chrom...!"'
He left a trail of hot kisses along her throat as he continued to pleasure her, and Skye shivered as he tilted her head further back to better expose her sensitive skin to him. She couldn't deny him what he wanted, and she panted for air as he left new marks overtop of the old ones with his lips and teeth. The sheet remained between his right hand and her breasts, and she squirmed with a mixture of eagerness and discomfort as the cool satin only aggravated rather than soothed her ache for him. She knew that he was well aware of what she wanted but wasn't willing to give it to her, and her voice was small and weak when she begged him for more, "Please... Chrom, don't... tease me so much..."
"Do you not like this?" Chrom asked in a low growl, and his fingers slid inside where she wanted him the most to invoke that sweet cry of hers that he loved to hear. She reached behind her, twining her hand into his hair as she arched against his front, and all sense of speech seemed to vanish from her as he continued to torture her with deep, slow strokes. Her breathing was heavy as she squirmed helplessly in his arms, and he couldn't suppress another low laugh as her hips moved in time with his hand, eager and demanding, "If you don't, I can stop..."
The threat was hallow, something they both knew, but Skye didn't allow the challenge to go unnoticed, and she had a feeling that had been her husband's intention from the start. She pushed back against him, forcing him to withdraw, but before he could entirely let go she rolled him onto his back and straddled him in that same movement. He laughed as she took the upper hand, but the sound melted into surprised groan as her fingernails raked lovingly down his chest as she cradled his arousal with her thighs.
Then Chrom jerked as she ran her clever hands down his broad chest, his groan suddenly sharpening in pitch, and she shivered with desire as he reached to settle his hands on her waist and keep her firmly in place on top of him. Her fingers traced a path further south, caressing the hard planes of his torso and stomach, and she inhaled sharply as she came into contact with the tip of his arousal. He was eager and willing for her, and she was gentle, almost too much so, as her index finger caressed the length of him teasingly. She ducked down, nipping lovingly at his Adam's apple before she whispered breathlessly, "Don't move..."
Chrom gritted his teeth as he fought to obey her, and he couldn't contain a strained gasp of pleasure as she lowered herself onto him to take him deep inside. A pleasure so exquisite it could have been agony shredded his mind to pieces as he filled her completely, as if he had always belonged there, and when she shifted her hips experimentally, they both moaned at the sensation that followed. She moved against him, slow but hard, and her breathing hitched as he pulled fiercely at her to better the rhythm and to push himself deeper than before.
Then he was sitting up beneath her, unable to restrain himself, and his lips again roamed her throat and collarbone as she rode him. Skye's fingers tangled once more in his hair as he found her breasts and paid homage to them with that wicked tongue of his, and she moaned his name as he attacked from two fronts. Her head fell back under the pleasure, her hips surged forward, and she gasped his name as he suckled lovingly at one taut peak while the other was rolled between callused fingertips. Electricity cracked through her skin, hastening her movements, and she urged him on breathlessly as his hips bucked hard in response to her, "More... That's it... Don't stop...! Just like that...!"
His hands settled on her backside, gripping relentlessly as he forced her movements to match to his, and she mewled keenly with pleasure at his aggressiveness. He struck her over and over again deep inside, finding that sweet spot within that left her completely at his mercy, and her arms wound tightly about his neck as she called out for even more. He was driving her mad, and when he switched to attend to her other breast instead with his mouth, his voice was husky and wild with lust as he growled, "You're so... beautiful..."
The words Skye rarely believed despite hearing so often reached inside of her and snapped the coil that had been tightening in her middle. She moved without reserve now, desperate for release, and each movement of his hips against hers brought a sweet cry echoing from her parted lips. Instinct guided them both as they spiralled together, and when his teeth pressed insistently against her nipple, she was aware of screaming aloud her ecstasy as her climax burned through her body and left it as nothing more than a shell.
Chrom bucked hard beneath her, shuddering in pleasure as her orgasm triggered his own, and she heard him shout her name as he released within her. She shuddered as his warmth flooded her body, heightening her pleasure as she took a feral delight in knowing it was because of her that he was like this. She tightened her hold on him, breathing raggedly at her heart pounded wildly in her ears, and he gripped at her just as desperately, his face buried in her throat as her fingers dug into his back and held on for dear life.
Her dark eyes closed tightly as the rush began to fade, and she felt his harsh breathing on her neck as he likewise began the slow descent from madness. His body was trembling as he held her close, and she wondered how much of it was caused by her own shivering as she nuzzled weakly against his shoulder. She felt hot, hot and sated as he leaned back a little, smiling at her with a mixture of mischief, satisfaction and boyish earnestness, she scolded him with a giggle, "You do not fight fair whatsoever... and I'm still going to hate it when you call me 'queen'."
"I suppose there's still time to get you used to it." Chrom shot back with a roguish smirk, and she shook her head, but the dancing light in her dark eyes proved that she was enjoying herself too much to do a good job of pretending otherwise. He pulled her down with him back into the sheets, and she went willingly, laughing as she snuggled back against his chest to better savour their connection and the warmth of their bodies resting so intimately together. Nuzzling gently into her tousled hair, Chrom kissed at her ear before muttering quietly into it, "I love you."
"I love you, too." Skye answered softly, and she reached to rest her hand over where his heart lay inside of his chest. The golden band around her finger gleamed faintly in the sunlight pouring through the window, and she savoured the weight of the ring more then ever as she rested in Chrom's strong arms. While there was still a part of her that blinked in wonder to realize that the life she was living was reality, and while she knew that part of her would likely never leave her, Skye mused that she could accept it all without much trouble. Even if she was dreaming, she wasn't dreaming alone, and that more than anything was enough to make her happy.
Took me long enough, eh? -ducks projectiles- I'm honestly sorry I made you guys wait so long for me to get back to FE:A, but I hope what I brought makes it okay! XD (That rhymed... -shot-) Ahem, but yes... Why the first out of my oneshot collection had to be a smut, I can't honestly tell you, but I wanted to give my best friend ever a present, and that present happened to be a smut, so... I regret nothing! Plus, Skye and Chrom needed some love after all the focus I've been giving to Cail and Tiki, so maybe that's my excuse I should stick to... Ah, well. I wanted to do it, so I did it, and that's all that matters.
Also, this style of smut is quite a departure from my my norm as it is more graphic than what I've usually written, but I want to let you guys know that this is an experimental trial with my writing. I'm not entirely sure if I like how this turned out as a whole, so constructive criticism is very much appreciated for how this worked out. If this style doesn't work all that well, I will likely return to my usual way of doing my lemons, but please don't hesitate to let me know your thoughts on the style shift! Thank you very much in advance! :3
Ahem, so, I always had fun imagining how Skye had to react to realizing she was now a queen, and how much she had to hate that title being thrown at her, even if it was rightfully hers. Despite all masquerading, Skye really does have quite the inferiority complex, and being elevated from an amnesiac commoner to a queen would really do a number of her psyche. Not to mention that nobles in general are not the nicest lot to hang out with, as both Maribelle and Lissa can likely attest to, so I imagine that the experience of dealing with them was also really hard for Skye... However, and as this piece demonstrates, Skye is a stubborn woman, and the only truth she really knows is that she loves Chrom, and that is more then enough for her at this point in time. -happy humming-
Anywhosit, this is the first of my oneshot collection, there are more to come, (and I promise they aren't all smuts, XD) and they'll range over a variety of situations, couples, and worlds. At this moment, I have hopes for two Future of Despair pieces, a companion SeveraxOwain fic to "By The Springs", a Tiki and Cail date night, a Lucina/Marth and Skye mother-daughter fic, a Tiki and Morgan mother-daughter fic, a Morgan and Lucina sibling fic, and a Cordelia and Skye friendship fic. I'm not entirely sure which one will show up next, but if you guys have any requests in particular of what you'd like to see me do first, please don't hesitate to let me know! And, as always, I am always open to suggestions on oneshot ideas, though I can't promise what will show up depending on my schedule.
Also, my multichaptered is coming... slowly... oh gods, it's coming so... god... damn... slowly. I don't know what it is about multichaptered fics, but they just do not like to start well... -sigh- Still, I am going to keep working on it until it appears no matter what, and in the meantime, I shall have these oneshots in order to tide myself, and you guys, over. So, keep a weather eye on your inboxes, and I shall see you again soon with more stuff!
Mood: Pleased.
Listening To: "Conversations With My 13-Year-Old Self" - Pink
~ Sky