Reviews for Kitty Takes a Turn
Guest chapter 14 . 7/23
Lovely update as always. The slow pace of Oliver an Catherine's relationship is realistic, but it is so frustrating for an impatient person such as myself. However, knowing your quality of writing and pacing, it will be well worth the wait. I'm truly hoping you will write a Bennet brother fanfic. You would, unlike other writers, do the story justice. As I am keen on seeing how a brother impacts the family dynamics and situation, I would want a new character created. He would have to be Catherine's twin, Lydia's twin or younger than Lydia, or all of the sisters would not have been born, and I truly want all of the sisters in the fanfic. My preference would be for a twin of Catherine or a son younger than Lydia. If you had to replace one sister, let it be Lydia, because, once again, the other sisters would not have been born, if he were older, and because Catherine is my favorite Bennet. In the case of replacing Lydia, I would still like the brother to be a twin of Catherine. Thank you for writing and sharing. Your stories are simply amazing. I hope to read more soon.
Guest chapter 14 . 7/22
I like that the story is focusing more on Kitty! I liked that she showed some backbone when telling Oliver that she'd share her feelings when she felt like it. I also liked that Oliver noticed something was wrong. It did feel out of the blue though, because the past chapters have been more about Oliver and the Bennett sisters than Kitty.
Guest chapter 14 . 7/22
They have been married for weeks so they really need to get more comfortable being alone together. So what's in store now, governess, music teachers? I really hope Kitty won't be overshadowed by her sisters being present after all her hard work to improve
Guest chapter 14 . 7/22
I was liking Oliver until he decided to take over the Bennet sisters, and impose on the women of his household - especially on his wife - so that he could "one up" his stupid father-in-law. Now a gaggle of stubborn, unaccomplished, demanding know-it-alls will descend on his estate and disturb life for Kitty and Granny. Did they ask for it...? No... were they consulted? No... will they be the ones carrying the burden? Yeah... No wonder Grandma run away on the very first evening, and that Kitty has been annoyed since she found out.

Just return the women to the ones responsible for them: their parents! THEY should be parenting, not Kitty.
Guest chapter 14 . 7/22
Thank you for another lovely chapter. I'm glad Oliver gave Catherine the chance to tell him what was wrong, and that he actually noticed something was wrong. That being said, I understand why she didn't confide in him, because while she may trust him, Catherine still doesn't feel comfortable sharing with him as a wife shares with her husband. In her mind, I think she still sees him as more of an authority figure, and so she still feels unequal in their relationship. I like how she answered his questions. It really shows her growth, that she can stand up for herself. As for your proposed story, I'd love you to write one, seeing as you are one of my favorite writers in any genre. I think you should create your own character, and my suggestion is that he be Catherine's twin. Lydia would still be the youngest, born about 1.5 years after the twins. This would make for some interesting household dynamics. If you did replace one Bennet sibling, it would have to be Lydia, because then the other Bennets would not have needed to be born. Thanks for writing and sharing. I always look forward to reading more of your stories.
Guest chapter 14 . 7/22
Interesting chapter. I liked that Oliver shut Lydia up, she is sooo annoying! But already things are not going Kitty's way... her sisters are back to calling her Kitty when she prefers Catherine. They glared at her for what her husband had done - as if she should take their side by default, AND in a show of dominance ("we are your older sisters, and it falls to us to decide what should be done to Lydia "). Oliver is oblivious to the discomfort of having her sisters around is causing his wife. Not good... this situation can lead to a lot of grievances...
Guest chapter 14 . 7/21
Nice. Please finish this before you take up the brother fic. Waiting for the next chapter
ClaraWeasley chapter 14 . 7/23
can i just say i love them waking up together soooo much like ugh it just tugs at my heart in all the right places
Lita of Jupiter chapter 14 . 7/23
Well, I am very interested in a Bennet Brother fic, I think a new character would be interesting, but if he is older, why having the five girls? So either a younger brother, maybe turn Lydia into one or have him be Kitty’s twin with Lydia being an accident?

I really liked the chapter and the reactions, being shut into a small carriage with Lydia would test anyone’s patience! I especially liked that Oliver knows she is upset and how he is applying the principle of boiling a frog in warm water to get closer to Kitty!
Witch-Queen-17 chapter 14 . 7/22
I am rather enjoying your story. I appreciate that Oliver and Kitty have a more nuanced, slowly developing affinity for one another than when you paired him with Jane (but I enjoyed the differences even so). Your ability to pace yourself is admirable, and I like being able to savor the little moments. You know how to build up to the bigger scenes while maintaining the engagement of your readers.

Admittedly, it is some adjustment to get used to the idea of Kitty's youth and inexperience with an older man, even if such things at the time were not atypical at the time. Don't take that the wrong way. It's just a bit of a hang up I have that often removes me from older stories or stories set in another time. Frankly, I attempted to write of a similar arrangement in one of my original stories and struggled with it. That being said, I am very impressed with your execution of the characters and your ability to imbue them with likeable traits.

As to your previous question, I would prefer to see a Bennet brother added. I've always liked the idea of how things would play out differently if the Bennets were not always seen as lacking in security. My only concern in such cases is how to balance a new, altered plot with the original storyline and character traits. I think that you do that cleanly so far, of course, so I look forward to whatever else you produce. Stories like this and your others help me relax and feel removed from daily stresses.
eatanygoodbookslately chapter 14 . 7/22
Hopefully Oliver sees the fight he's in for with Lydia. I love the small amount of marital bonding for Catherine and Oliver, hopefully we see more moments like this.

Oyi, give it a bloody rest Elizabeth! She's really stubborn in this one.

I do agree with another reviewer, Mrs B would slam her door shut to Mr Bennet after a boy, so that would severely cut back on the amount of Bennet sisters. I hope your take doesn't have a perfect Master Bennet who runs around fixing everything wrong with the other characters like he's some fairy godmother. I do think it would be hilarious for Caroline to fall head of heels for him, but not until after she's made her snobbery known to whatever Bennet sisters there are. I look forward to reading the story when you share it with us, but I do hope to see you pick up Given a Chance.
tokibebe chapter 14 . 7/22
Great chapter! I think it would be interesting if Mary or Lydia were born a boy. If the son was 3rd, would kitty and Lydia exist and would he take Mr. Bennet’s attention away from Elizabeth? Or, as the youngest, would be be spoiled like Lydia or would the elder sisters and Mr. Bennets influence outweigh Mrs. Bennets nerves. I’ve been feeling the Be net brother fics too.
LPK9 chapter 13 . 7/22
Excellent chapter!
LPK9 chapter 12 . 7/22
Wow. I totally love oliver yelling at mr. bennet!
MightierThanTheToothbrush chapter 14 . 7/22
So two points, firstly I am very much enjoying this story, great work and a great choice of lead.

Second point the natural choice for the son (for me) would be Lydia, because otherwise the Bennet's may have stopped having children after their success, when they only tolerate each other. What would also be fun is if Lydia and Kitty were turned into twin boys, one good and one wild with the wild one trying to influence the good one.
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