Spring is here and she was going home for a break. Mary was quite put out that she was essentially being grounded. This was because her uncle found out that she was taking daily walks with John, the mystery blond man who somehow manages to appear before her at least twice a week. Naturally in the Regency era without a chaperone, men and women who are alone together are generally disapproved of. Hence her uncle shipping her off to home for some time. Luckily the dresses for the month were done. She just found it a shame not to be able so see John for some time, dare she say she grew slightly fond of him.
During their outings he was polite, always talking about anything and eveything, although she could sometimes see his subtle attempts to get information about herself, like when commenting on his favourite dessert he would then ask her what she was fond of. Naturally as a person from modern times she found his behaviour sweet in his slightly shy and subtle way of asking. Her mother would go into shock if she saw her with him all the while complaining about her nerves. This was because when she was with him, she was not the genteel Mary bennet who was shy and a bookworm. With him she could speak her opinions and thoughts in comfort because he never once disapproved, even when she sometimes cussed like a sailor.
Her mirth flew up when remembering that time. She had stubbed her toe and it hurt so much that she could not help herself, old habits die hard as they say. John though was shocked and then worried about her if his constant 'are you alrights' were any indication. She found that while he was spoiled and a bit childish he was also rather thoughtful with a hint of being shy. He is also fun to tease, insert evil grin here XD.
But anyway on their last outing her uncle happened to be awake and caught him dropping her off. Yes, she still had not managed to find out how he knew where she lived. So she was going home. Considering it is spring, Lizzy was probably at her friend's house now and starting her own plot with one Mr Darcy.
One very uncomfortable carriage ride later that includes her slight depression and guilty conscious about not telling John that she would be away for sometime, she was home. Only Jane was standing out to greet, not that she expected anything more.
"Hey sis how you doing?" she greeted Jane casually and pulled her into a hug.
"As well as can be" Jane replied, with a half smile that Mary knew was being mirrored on her own face right now, courtesy of missing a certain blond. Inwardly she was snapping at herself that she only knew the guy for a bit and she was not attached, but no her stupid brain just kept replaying their time together. That and now was not the time to be daydreaming because she had one very expressionless father to meet who was currently staring at her through his study window. He made a come here motion with his hand before disappearing behind the curtains.
"Mary, are you doing okay?" asks Jane worried when her smart sister starts going into daydream mode, she only did that when she was thinking deeply about something.
Only then does Mary realise that she left her sister hanging. "Let's get inside, it is still quite cold", Mary ushers her sister in.
As they walk in Lydia passes by and says to her "Mary, papa wants to see you in his study" and with the message delivered she walks off. Inwardly Mary groans and cursed like mad in her mind, she was planning to ignore her father but only now realised that it was quite a stupid thought. He is the head of house afterall regardless of how Mama was controlling and domineering in the household.
"Mary?" Jane asks cautiously, question in her eyes.
Mary realised that she was in her own world again and that her older sister was looking at her confused. She replied "I'll tell you later, papa is calling me for now".
Jane nods and Mary starts to make her way to her father's study. Standing before the door she knocks.
Sigh, this is going to be a long day indeed
Authors Note: Sorry for not updating in a year or so, heres a chapter that's slightly short but still a chapter. I'm not really a serious author and just put this story out on a sudden whim after watching the Pride and Prejudice series. Sorry to say that chapters will come very randomly.This story is not beta and do not own pride and prejudice