"Dear numbskull,
I hope you are keeping up with your training and are well. I also must say that whoever writes your letters to us should be blessed because for once in my life I don't have to decipher your hand writing for three days straight. Myself and your sisters have missed your presence and are ecstatic to find that you actually get our letters now.
Though sometimes I feel like Clytemnestra is the only sane one out of you bunch. It seems that Hera has gone missing while your mother is out doing Gods knows what. Helen demands to know how both Morgan's has been. Which by the way, I'm still irritated you haven't brought both of them to come see us yet. Or even introduce us in the least."
I looked over at the grown up Morgan the boy taking a second to pause the boy looking down at the letter and boy encased in one of Robin's old jackets. "Aww, uncle Soren puts me in his letters? He sounds really," Morgan took another pause and thought for a moment the boy trying to think of the right word.
"Sarcastic?" I finished
He snapped and pointed my way. "Bingo, and even I'm salty that I haven't met your side of the family yet. They sound fun."
"Trust me, my uncle Soren is an old crab. He may be the family guardian, but that doesn't mean he won't personally kill you. That old man has watched over the family for around four,"
I saw baby Morgan running around the small boy giggling as he ran towards his bed room nah chasing the small boy. I watched them go as I nodded to them and finished. "Well now five, generations. Not to mention he's always lost in his books. Never even tries to watch his back in a fight."
Morgan shrugged as I saw mini Morgan enter the room again.
Baby Morgan just spouted nonsense as he ran around with the wooden sword I had made the boy a while back. He crossed in front of me the small boy always full of boundless energy.
I gently grabbed him the baby boy squealing from joy as laughter rolled through me the boy's squirmed and giggled. "Put me down papa! I have to defend the castle!"
I glanced over at the pillow fort which older Morgan was sitting in. The grown man smiling contently with a paper made crown on his head. I watched as Nah ran around the corner the girl seeing the small Morgan and stating. "I'm gonna get you!"
Little Morgan squealed in delight as I put him down while Nah continued chasing him the girl fake roaring as he shouting about defeating the enemies.
"Just keep reading." I chuckled to the young man. He shot me the same sassy expression Robin would use on me but simply rolled his eyes.
"Okay dad." He chuckled. I could hear the small manekete and the toddler causing chaos in the other rooms as grown Morgan cleared his throat and continued.
"Anyways, I hope you and your family are doing well. I might have to visit at this point though if you don't come here. Which is saying something since you know I hate traveling.
Also your fried Oberon keeps wondering how you are doing. I swear if that pesky red haired nightmare asks me one more time I might just put a curse on him for a week. No matter if he's a knight or not.
Anyways, back to the topic at hand. I know it's starting to reach the third year anniversary of losing your wife. I know that losing someone close to you is hard. Trust me I would know. Your great grandfather said grief was perfectly reasonable-"
I felt my core become cold like steel as I crossed my arms over each other. "Stop reading." I stated.
"What?" Morgan asked almost shocked.
"I said stop reading. She isn't dead." I stubbornly stated.
Morgan awkwardly shifted, his whole body fidgeting, his face melancholy slightly as he took a deep breath in to calm himself.
"…dad. It's been three years."
"I don't want to talk about it." I grunted out. I glanced outside and saw that it was about an hour from sunset.
"You and Nah should make your way home before it gets to dark out. I have to cover Kellum's shift tonight anyways."
Morgan sighed the older boy shimmying his way out of the pillow fort as he walked by me. He rested his hand on my shoulder and then leaned his head on his hand the boy whispering, "I miss her too, you know."
I glanced over at the boy who looked tired, his face reminding me of small Morgan's. I gently hugged him the boy holding tight to me as I sighed.
I felt the pressure lift as Morgan started walking towards the rucks and called. "Hey honey, it's getting late."
I sighed my whole body seeming to ache. I rubbed my temples as I could feel a headache coming on.
I took a deep breath as Nah came into the room the girl holding mini Morgan on her hip the boy seeming interested in her hair now. Baby Morgan and I said bye to the couple, as the two of them walked away Nah shooting mini Morgan a silly face as Morgan shot me a smile.
I felt a tug on my shirt I gently grabbed mini Morgan and held him as he asked. "Are brother and dragon sis not staying the night?"
"No not tonight, little warrior."
He nodded as I closed the door and started getting ready for duty.
I gently bounced the antsy toddler, glancing outside every once in a while. The boy mumbling a random string of nonsense. I chuckled at the little boy as he smiled at me.
I felt my gaze look towards the hallway as I waited patiently.
"Come on Oliva where are ya?" I asked aloud Morgan's tiny hands made their way to my headband where the boy gently tugged it over my eyes.
"No, no, Morgan come on buddy. You'll get one you're your older."
I gently caught his soft pudgy hands. His fingers wrapping around one of my own. "Papa is going to defend the castle right?" He asked honestly the boy comparing his hand to mine.
I chuckled, "Yep, that's what papa does best." The boy then looked up at me his brown eyes full of joy as he went for my face again.
I snickered as he gently rested his head against my shoulder the boy running his hand over the stumble on my cheek. "Scratchy." He observed.
"Hey Priam!" I lifted my head and smiled as I saw Oliva waving at me the girl speed walking my way her newest baby bump showing slightly. Indigo was quickly following his mom the gentle and shy boy carrying a crow plushy his starlight hair covering his downcast eyes slightly.
"Sorry I was late! Henry needed my help with a hex." She smiled at me brightly. Indigo caught up the little boy hiding behind his mother's legs as he shyly peaked at me from behind her dress.
"It's no problem at all Olivia. Thanks for doing this last second."
Morgan started reaching for the pink haired dancer the boy instantly able to recognize his favorite babysitter. She smiled at him as I set the rambunctious toddler down the boy fully running towards her as he went and hugged Olivia's opposite leg.
I knelt down to Indigo who shot me a smile. "How's our little fighter here? You being good to your mom?"
The five year old nodded enthusiastically the boy not really one for words but had gotten comfortable enough around me that he would occasionally utter something to me.
"Oh he's been a dream, I still can't understand why he won't talk to anyone but me and his father yet but we'll see with time." Oliva placed one of her hands on her stomach as she looked down at the little boy her eyes soft with love and a small smile gracing her face.
"Yes we will, also thank you so much for doing this Olivia." I sated again my feet itching to leave so I wouldn't be late.
She looked up to me and waved her hand the girl answering. "No problem, its Sully and Kellum's anniversary I get that." The boys were using Olivia to now hide behind her as they ran in circles. Oliva seemed perfectly normal with it the girl not even bothering to try and stop them.
"Yeah." I answered my voice going softer.
She instantly caught on the girl crossing her hands over herself as he both took a moment of silence.
"Speaking of which, I'd be more than happy to have this little guy all tomorrow as well. I know tomorrow will be three years…" She quietly whispered. Her eyes glancing at me tears already welling in hers.
A dull ace throbbed in my chest. I sighed and breathed out the hurt as I was tempted to take her up on the offer. I looked down at the tiny boy who looked at me a bright smile on his face. As he ran over to me and clung to my leg his expression almost the same one that Robin offten had. I feigned a smile trying to conceal the emotions drowning me as I gently patted his head the boy smiling back up at me. Each year it got better yet worse it seemed.
I sighed and felt my shoulders become heavy with guilt and loss. Olivia waited patiently for her answer as I soberly answered.
"Oliva it would mean the world to me if you could." I quietly said.
She gently smiled and nodded a pained look in her eyes as well.
"A few of us are going for drinks tomorrow, Henry volunteered to babysit along with Panne. You are more than welcome to join if you want. Chrom and the others wouldn't mind. We are going to leave flowers at her memorial as well."
I shook my head. "Thank you but, I think I'll decline."
Her face was understanding.
I gave Morgan one last hug the small boy's arms wrapping around my neck. I pulled back and smiled at my little boy as I warned. "Now be good to Olivia, trust me I trained her myself."
He nodded enthusiastically. "Got it papa!"
I watched as Oliva started walking holding both Indigo's and Morgan's hands as Morgan looked behind himself a slightly worried expression on his face. I turned to start to make my way to my post but heard quick little steps instead.
I spun and saw Morgan running to me the little boy smiling as he hugged my leg and shouted. "I love you, papa! Beat up all the bad guys okay!"
I felt my heart squeeze and warm flood through me as he just smiled up at me his dimples showing. I smiled and stated back. "I love you too Morgan." He had a bright look in his eyes as he just nodded.
He ran back to the waiting Oliva who was covering her mouth and seemed truly enamored by the little boy.
He waved again and took Oliva's hand as they walked down towards the gardens. He was so much like his mother.
I started making my way to my post once they were out of my view.
I made my way through the castle. The familiar halls being my home for years while Chrom and I searched for Robin.
I passed by the training grounds a group of young soldiers getting a lesson from Lucina while Maribelle was on standby the young healer indulged in her law books.
My path curved to a door that led outside. I sighed as the cool air washed over me the cobblestone tower leading to my post for the evening.
I lazily trudged up the stairs the sounds of boisterous laughing and friendly banter reaching my ears.
I opened the door and was met with Gregor, Sthal, Vike, and Donnel all crowded around a makeshift poker table.
"Yeah, and then Sully stuck that devil horse of her's on me. I wasn't able to sit right for three days!" The group laughed as the men were playing cards. I watched as the cards went down.
"Aww not again!" I heard Sthal groan his head dropped a look of defeat clear on his face.
Gregor laughed and Vike stated a simple. "Better luck next time."
My attention was torn from the game when I saw Kellem suddenly appear in front of me.
I instinctively reached for my blade the sudden appearance taking me by surprise.
"Thank you Priam for taking over for me today it means a lot!" the huge man smiled my way the huge man shuffling past me. I turned and blinked as he seemed to suddenly disappear into thin air. I blinked a few times unsure on if I was losing my sight or not. No matter how many times I had been with the man I would never get use to his technique.
I shook my head knowing long ago to just let it go.
"Hey Priam! You play and have Gregor line his pockets!" The seasoned warrior bellowed as he waved me over. I smirked as I walked over.
So far it seemed Gregor was clearly winning the game. While Vike was not doing too badly himself. Sthal on the other hand was looking very much defeated. Donnel just smiled as he watched the young farmer seeming content with just watching.
Smart boy.
"Gregor I know better than to play against you." I smiled as Gregor held a prideful and smug look on his seasoned face. Gregor shrugged and took a sip of alcohol that he seemed to always have on him.
"You are wise, wiser than these two." He gestured to the two men in front of him who glared back in response. Gregor smiled and winked the man seeming to take joy in destroying Sthal.
"Come on Priam, let teach show ya a thing or two!" Vike shouted. His body leaning back
"Uh, huh, and tell me where's your axe?" I smugly asked leaning against one of the walls.
He shot me a blank look the man's expression quickly turning frantic as he stuttered "u-uuhhhhh,"
Gregor bellowed, while Sthal laughed along, Donnel just snorted the boy perfectly at ease with us.
Donnel had grown into a pretty formidable fighter, the boy had taken special training with me along with Olivia and had improved vastly. He had wanted to go back and rebuild his farm but thought against it when Chrom offered him a place here. Not to mention.
"Hey Donnel, how is that girlfriend of yours doing? The shop keeper one." I asked truly curious about the simple bookshop girl who seemed to have captured his heart a while back.
He perked up the boy shyly smiling from ear to ear as he scratched the back of his neck and blush dusted his cheeks.
"Mighty fine sir! I'm meet'n 'er parents next week." He fidgeted with his curly hair the boy seeming ecstatic.
Vaike clapped the farmer on the back the poor boy nearly falling off his seat and a look of shock clearing his expression.
Gregor joked, "May Naga be with you, in-laws are a battle in themselves."
Vike had a far off look on his face as he added. "Damn straight, Tharja's folks are insane. Her mom reminds me of Sully. Only worse. And her father had it out for me for around a month. Nearly killed me three times. Not to mention the two of 'em were from different tribes or something."
Gregor looked not surprised while Donnel seemed interested. The boy asking a few questions. Vike seemed more than happy to continue talking. I tuned out the group chatter as my eyes caught the sun beginning to set over the back entrance.
Everything was so peaceful. It had been since Robin had disappeared.
Set flowers on her memorial.
A bad taste entered my mouth at the thought. Chrom and I were some of the only ones to believe that Robin was still alive.
The rest, even Morgan, saying it was just denial. Each year it felt like maybe I was just holding onto wishful thinking. Some nights even Chrom would ask if should keep looking. Every time I thought of giving up I would just have this feeling in my bones that she would be back.
I got out of my head as I realized how late it was already.
"Chrom is late. Should I go and look for him?" I looked over at Vike the man just shrugging as he held the cards in his hands the man's poker face hard to miss.
"You know what your problem is, Priam? You work too hard. Come join. The lands are at peace. Nothing to fight anymore." Gregor reminded.
My resolve stayed solid as I just shook my head and stated. "Maybe another time old friend"
I felt my back become stiff. I flexed and relaxed the muscles and raised my arm to stretch out the sinew and bones. I sighed in relief as my entire back gave a chorus of satisfying pops.
I leaned onto the brick wall and looked out over the meadow the sunset turning everything a pretty peach color.
I would have to see if it was peach season yet since Morgan has sown such and interest for them lately.
That was another thing I couldn't believe I've been raising Morgan alone for three years. Of course I have had help from everyone in the castle. Even with my busy schedule I still made sure I dedicated most of my day to my newborn and my grown son. I wanted to be the best father I possibly could. They deserved it. But I still was doing this as a single parent technically not to mention baby Morgan was starting to be able to run now which was terrifying.
Nah and Morgan had gone and made a house in a town nearby where Morgan worked as a mercenary and Nah a teacher along with getting lessons from Tiki. The two visited often and Morgan was always more than happy to spar with me. He had grown into quite the fighter as well. Though he always preferred to spend an entire day reading than sparring sometimes.
Olivia, Gaius, and Cordelia still talked to me often, the three usually expressing how much they missed robin. And more than happy to help with raising Morgan or simply to just talk to.
Though I know Cordelia and Oliva were still concerned about the disappearances of their older children since indigo, Severa and Owian seemed to up and vanish into thin air one day. The two friends were more than enough worried for their children along with Lissa. I knew that Sully's girl was the most torn up though by the disappearances. The tough girl and I had bonded during training and I had to admit I could relate to most of the pain she was feeling. She really did miss Owain. She became better after she became Lucina's retainer the woman more than happy to protect her future ruler.
But I knew that the future children where now adults and were probably fine.
Much like how Gerome and Noire decided to live away in the mountains of dragon valley and occasionally visit their parents from time to time. I think the latest update was that Norie had given birth to twins which didn't surprise me since it ran in Gaius' family. Gaius went and lived with Cherche now the man making a name for himself at dragon valley as a master blacksmith and of course a thief. Though he was too busy raising baby Gerome to think of stealing anything.
Olivia lived here at the palace with me and the shepherds and was the official royal dancer though she admitted that she wouldn't mind moving back to her homeland. The woman had grown into an exceptional mother and quickly became one of Morgan's favorite babysitters. Henry also lived here the man now famous for his spells to repel curses which he had perfected with Tharja. Though Henry would always say he missed the "good old gory days".
Libra had started a church nearby so he could stay close to Cordelia who was now one of the top generals of Chrom's army along with Fredrick. Cordelia and Libra were both more than happily raising Severa in peace. Cordelia had also recently become the leader of a new age of Pegasus knights the woman more than busy training Cynthia and other bright young women.
Maribelle and Sthal were also doing fantastic, baby Brady was around four years old now and was a constant playmate of Lucina's and Cynthia's. I knew Chrom wasn't exactly ecstatic but nothing much you can do in that situation. Brady and Luciana had been married for around two years now and both of them had a pretty strong marriage for both of them being so young. Maribelle had become a law student the girl determined to go to school. Sthal focused more on potions now since there wasn't really any need to fight anymore but he was still pretty seasoned warrior.
Vike and Tharja both lived at the palace as well Tharja helping Henry with his curses and hex's and Vike simply stating that the castle was his home. Their little girl was one of Morgan's favorite playmates though he would get confused whenever her alter ego was involved.
Gregor and Panne now had baby Yarne and two other little ones. Grown up Yarne always being more than happy to help out with his siblings. Both the old vetran and the bunny woman were both doing great as parents, though Gregor does plead every once in a while for me to get him out of the house if even for just one night.
Fredrick also had recently become a father the man seeming to be a little more than over protective of baby Lurent who spent most of his days with Miriel and the grown version of himself down in the library. The small child had become quiet adept with laces and tomes alike. It was strange talking with him since he seemed more grown up than any other child I had ever seen.
Lissa actually was visiting for a week or two from Lon'qu's home town. The girl had just discovered she was expecting Owain and had wanted to tell her older brother the news in person. She had actually gone out with him on a walk along with Fredrick.
Sumia and Chrom were happily raising their stubborn and wild girls. The two more than content. Cynthia had become part of the royal guard along with Yarne. Who, didn't mind staying close to his mother and the small version of himself along with his siblings. Lucina seemed more than happy becoming the next exalt in line.
Nowi and Ricken were also living not far from here in Rickens home village until he deemed himself worthy enough to come here. Nowi was just simply happy to come and visit her daughter and bully Gregor.
Everyone moved on and seemed happier. Though Chrom and I still persisted on trying to find Robin.
My heart hurt at the mere thought of her. Though I must admit it was bearable now unlike the first year where it hurt to even breathe. Sometimes though I felt guilty to be moving on like I didn't deserve to be even a little bit happy without her. Doesn't mean I don't miss her dearly.
I sighed and grabbed my ancient sword. "I'll go down to the gate and if he doesn't return in 30 minutes then we can go look for him."
Gregor seemed more than happy with the choice as he waved me away the man seeming to be more focused on his game than anything.
Donnel nodded in agreement and added. "I'll join you down there after this round."
I nodded in acknowledgment and made my way down to the gate. My feet speedily went down the spiral stairs as I waved to the gate keeper who opened the huge gate for me. I leaned against one of the walls and looked out at the sunset and hills.
She would have loved it. "Robin, I hope you're seeing this." I whispered to myself.
My soul felt heavy, but then again she had become a far bigger part of my life than a wandering hero, like I, was would ever expect.
My ears perked as I heard voices echoing in the distance. They sounded like Chrom and Lissa if I wasn't mistaken. I felt ease at the fact that they were finally returning.
I looked up the gate to find Donnel looking over and shouted. "You see them?"
The man seemed frozen in place a look of pure disbelief on his face. "Holly tarnation," I tilted my head. We weren't being attacked, were we?
I drew my sword and waited as I saw Chrom appear first. I looked up a Donnel. What was his deal?
And then I saw what it was.
Chrom was beaming with joy as Fredrick was shouldering a small figure.
My pulse stopped. Did Lissa get hurt?
Confusion went through me as I saw Lissa was bouncing around the girl seeming over the moon as she chattered on endlessly.
The group got closer as I saw the familiar dark jacket the strange purple designs on it.
I instantly felt my heart race.
The woman lifted her hood. I felt my whole world stop. Everything seemed sluggish and slow as light hit the figures face.
She had flowing, unruly, starlight hair the wind blowing it past her beautifully scared face. Deep brown eyes shined and sparkled with a light and passion that I had only thought would be a memory. She stopped and just placed her hand over her face as she smiled so brightly I thought I was going to go blind.
"Robin?" I whispered.
The girl started crying as she abandoned Fredrick and started running the girl limping slightly as Chrom watched the girl go with soft brotherly eyes.
I felt my whole core pulsate. She was here. She was real. This wasn't a dream, this was real. I stayed frozen only for a second more as I sheathed Rangell and took tentative steps at first but then seeing her come closer.
I began full out sprinting my heart pounding in my ears the deafening heart beat seeming more alive that I had in three years.
My breathing hitched as I full on spirited with as much will power as I could.
"Robin!" I shouted. She seemed more determined than ever to meet me the girl smiling like a fool as more tears shined on her face.
My heart was pounding as my eyes only focused on my wife.
My whole body pushed harder as I was so close to her now.
I slowed my feet as she took step after step. The girl had open arms as I braced myself, time slowed as I saw he get closer to me her final step leaping herself into my waiting arms.
The impact jarred me so much, I fell backwards. Her body pressed against mine. I breathed heavily as I felt my heart become erratic.
But I didn't care. I looked at the girl who just stared at me as I stared into her eyes. We both just took the other in as if we couldn't believe our own senses.
She gently touched my face her goddess like, scared, hands brushing tears away her eyes watering. The wind gently blew her hair into her face soft strands of hair dancing in the dying light as the purple sky filled with stars. She sobbed and laughed at the same time the girl placing her other hand on my chest the girl feeling my heart beat.
My body felt warm for the first time in years the aching in my bones disappearing and the void and chasms she had left seeming to fill anew.
I felt the years of loneliness the years of guilt and pure loss just vanish.
Because she was here in my arms. She wasn't a dream.
I felt my whole body shake. Words were useless in our presence. Air seemed unnecessary as I looked into her eyes. My whole body was shaking as she just smiled at me.
Tears came out of her eyes as she breathed, "I finally found you."
My body moved by instinct pure raw emotion guiding my actions.
I gripped the girl as tightly as I could my body towering over her's I clung to her as tightly as I could. The girl planting kisses everywhere on my face. I laughed and kissed the girl as deeply as I could. Her lips perfectly meddling to mine as her whole being radiated light. Her hands ran through my hair as I grinned. I stopped and looked into her eyes adoringly as tears streamed down her cheeks.
If there was one thing for sure she made my heart radiant with life and love.
"You found me, my star."
"Ya big old softie, of course I did." She sang, her eyes shining as she smiled brightly the girl wiping tears from her cheeks as she kissed me again deeply.
"Geez get a room you two!" Lissa teased the girl smiling wide and wiping tears from her face.
Robin broke away from me as we both just simply laughed. Chrom was grinning from ear to ear while Lissa was laughing. Even Fredrick seemed overjoyed.
I stood up my hand holding hers the entire time and helped her up.
"You ready to go home?" I asked nervously my huge body seeming to be overwhelmed by emotions.
She smiled and embraced me the girl gently stating. "Hell yeah."
The two of us walked back to the castle hand in hand as the sky was a radiant purple.
"I love you."
"I love you too."