Chapter 6 – Friends and Guardians

Amy and Xanxus stood watching the tropical fish swimming around the tank in the front office of the Academy nursery, keeping half an ear on the conversation Nonna was having with one of the staff. It was just over a week since they had been formally introduced to the Vongola and today was the day they would be starting school.

Nonna had spent the previous week drilling them extensively in Flame control and making sure they knew that using Flames at school unless it was an emergency was Not Allowed and would get them in a lot of trouble. Mafia children weren't taught about Flames until they started training or went Active, and very few Activated as young as Xanxus and Amy.

The two ladies finished their quiet conversation about arrangements that had been put in place – likely to do with the twins being Skies, since Skies were expected to collect Guardians and it was perfectly possible to bond Latents as Guardians even at this age – and came over to the twins.

"Amy, Xan, this is Signora Marino, your class teacher; Signora, my grandchildren Alexander and Amy Vongola," Nonna introduced them to the teacher. The twin's legal surname was Aiello – Nonna's civilian surname she had adopted them under – as the Vongola name was Interpol bait, but Vongola was the name they would be using when dealing with Mafia related things.

Vongola Law was a bit complex about who was actually allowed to be called Vongola. Basically, the ruling Don, his immediate family, and Skies of proven Vongola heritage automatically had the right to use the name. Children adopted into the main family were permitted to use the name at the Don's discretion but did not have an automatic right to it; historically, it was usually Sky adoptees who were permitted to use the name. Adoptees who were not permitted to use the Vongola name either kept their original surname or took the family's civilian surname. Don Nono had given his permission for the twins to use the Vongola name in Mafia matters (likely in an attempt to have more of a claim over them), and the twins were attending the Mafia Academy, so they would be using the Vongola name here.

"Hello Signora," the twins greeted the teacher politely. She was a friendly-looking lady, mid-to-late thirties, with olive skin, dark hair in a bun with a pencil through it, and kind brown eyes. The teacher smiled at the twins.

"It's nice to meet you both. Are you looking forward to meeting your classmates?" the teacher asked kindly.

"Yes Signora," Xanxus replied as Amy just nodded her head. They were both nervous about starting school; Xanxus had absolutely no prior experience here to fall back on and while Amy did have experience, her school life hadn't exactly been the best even before she went to that madhouse masquerading as a magic school. School – and education in general – should be more enjoyable this time around, with Nonna protecting them from the old fart and no horrible maternal relatives to deal with, but they were still nervous.

"That's good," Signora Marino smiled, "Shall we head off to class then?"

The twins looked nervously at each other and then at Nonna and her Guardians. The old lady smiled encouragingly. "Go have fun and make friends. I'll come back for you at lunchtime," Nonna promised. Feeling somewhat reassured, the twins allowed their teacher to lead them away into the school.

Amy's first impression of the classroom was bright and cheery, with colourful pictures on the walls, plenty of toys in the boxes, and a little book nook. Their new classmates were sat on the colourful rug at the front of the classroom while another teacher led them through an activity. Amy felt her nerves return full force. She knew there were only sixteen other children in the class but looking at them all sat together it seemed like a lot more.

Signora Marino showed the two of them where they could hang their bags before leading them over to the other children.

"Good morning, Signora Marino," the unknown teacher greeted. The children all turned their attention to Signora Marino and the twins.

"Good morning Signora," the children on the rug chorused.

"Good morning Signora Rocca, good morning children," Signora Marino greeted them. "We have some new friends joining us today. This is Alexander and Amy Vongola." Amy waved nervously while Xanxus scowled. It was only now that she realised they were holding hands again; that was becoming a nervous habit they were going to have to break. Not for a while yet though.

"Hello Alexander. Hello Amy," their new classmates greeted them.

"Let's make some room so they can join us," Signora Rocca suggested. The other children obediently started shuffling back.

"You can come and sit with me!" a girl with reddish-pink – almost magenta – hair called, raising her hand. The twins shared a quick glance before accepting the invitation. Amy sat down next to the girl, with Xanxus taking the seat immediately next to his sister.

"That's very nice of you, Cerva," Signora Marino quietly praised the girl. Amy wondered if Cerva was a Superbi, given what Xan had told her about their fondness for zoological names.

"How about we play a name game to help Alexander and Amy get to know everyone?" Signora Rocca suggested as the other teacher joined her. The rest of the class agreed enthusiastically. "The rules are very simple. On the first go around, everyone will tell us their name and their favourite colour. On the second go around, you will tell us your name and favourite colour and then the names and favourite colour of the person to your right. Does everyone know which hand is their right?" There were a couple of false starts, but all the children quickly raised their right hands. "Ok. Matteo, why don't you start us off?"

After a couple of rounds of the game, the teachers gave them a colouring task and sent them off to the little desks scattered around the room. Amy and Xan stood together for a moment, trying to decide who to sit with.

"You two can come and sit with us if you want," Cerva invited them, gesturing to one of the bigger tables where two other children – Arturo and Sofia, if Amy remembered right – were sat. Amy glanced over at Xan. Her brother had relaxed a lot during the name game. He nodded imperceptibly.

"Yes, please," Amy replied for both of them. As they followed Cerva over to the table, she abruptly realised she had just made her first friend in this life and was about to make two more. It felt a bit weird, having friends so young; a major change from her last life, when Dudley's bullying and Petunia's lies had meant she was completely friendless from the day she started primary school.

School was already miles better than it had been the last time around, and it was only the first day.

Daniella would never admit it out loud, but she had been worried about sending her little twins off to school. Timoteo hadn't attended the Academy – he had private tutors, since the Academy hadn't existed back then and there had been a war going on – and although her three older grandsons had attended, they had been much older than the twins. As such, Daniella had no experience of the slight apprehension she had felt sending the twins off for their first day at school. She knew they would be alright, but they hadn't been away from her and her Guardians since they arrived in Sicily and she couldn't help but worry just a teensy bit.

As it turned out, she needn't have worried. When she returned to pick the twins up for lunch, the two of them had big happy smiles on their faces.

"Hello, you two. Did you have a good time?" Daniella asked as she hugged her little ones.

"It was really fun Nonna! We played a name game to get to know everyone's names, and played Lego with Cerva, Arturo, and Sofia!" Amy babbled cheerfully.

"Then we did colouring with letters and numbers, and we did music and story time! Can we come again tomorrow Nonna?" Xan asked eagerly. Daniella felt the tiny anxious knot disappear at that question. The twins had clearly enjoyed their first day at school.

"Of course, you can come again tomorrow. You'll be coming back to school for a long time," Daniella replied with a smile. "Now, let's head home; you can tell us all about your day over lunch." The twins took her hands and the family started towards the car, the twins talking eagerly about their day. Sending them to school had been an excellent idea, no matter what her silly son thought.

It had been a month since the twins had started school and they had settled in well, making lots of friends and were ahead in their schoolwork.

Today was Saturday, and the twins were spending the afternoon at Superbi Hall, the main home of the Superbi Family, having been invited over by Cerva and her grandmother. Cerva's dad worked abroad and her mum worked long hours for Vongola Medical, so she spent a lot of time with her grandma Lince at Superbi Hall.

Nonna had stayed to chat with Lince while Cerva had led the twins to the large airy room that was currently serving as a playroom. A couple of Cerva's cousins were already in there, including a little boy with short spikey silver hair and grey eyes. A little boy Xanxus immediately recognised. Squalo.

Xanxus had to clamp down hard on his Flames as they reached out to reclaim his Rain; Squalo's primary affinity was already very clear despite him only being three years old. He had to force himself to hold back and remind himself that Squalo didn't know him yet in this life. Once Squalo knew him a bit better, then he would try and restore the bond. It was only with that bond tantalisingly within reach that Xanxus realised how much he missed and craved it.

While Xanxus had been wrestling with his Flames and his feelings, the girls had drifted over to the dress-up box. Cerva had drawn a foam cutlass and was waving it enthusiastically, while Amy was wearing a tricorn hat with a large red feather in it. Amy gave him a Look that said she had noticed something was off and would be asking about it later. That was fine; he would have his feelings and words straight by then.

"Cerva and I are playing pirates! Want to join in? You can be Captain," Amy asked as Cerva pulled out more pirate gear from the box, along with a few bits of other costumes.

"Need more people for a proper crew," Xanxus said, taking an eyepatch and two pistols that looked more cowboy than pirate.

"You're the captain, I'm the doctor, Amy's the navi- navije- map person… who else do we need?" Cerva pondered aloud.

"Umm… a fighter! Every pirate crew needs a fighter!" Amy said.

"Who should we ask then?" Cerva asked, looking around her cousins. Xanxus took his cue and went over to Squalo, who was doing a jigsaw.

"Voi, what do you want?" the shark asked curiously. It was funny, hearing Squalo's loud bluntness and verbal tic coming from a toddler shark.

"We need another person to play pirates. Want to join?" Xanxus asked, holding out a foam sword hilt first.

Squalo grinned, immediately abandoning his puzzle and grabbing the sword, "Ok. I'm Squalo."

"Alexander, but most call me Xanxus," Xanxus replied.

"Weird name," the shark said bluntly.

Xanxus shrugged, "So's yours."

The shark bristled. Cerva quickly stepped in to explain the game. "You're the crew's fighter, Squalo. Xanxus is captain, I'm the doctor, and Amy is the map person. We're going to look for the treasure of the Pirate King hidden somewhere in this fort."

"Where first?" Xanxus asked, turning to Amy. His sister looked at the toy pirate map in her hands.

"This way," she said with all the seriousness of an adult minded four-year-old playing pretend, pointing off in a random direction. The little group of pretend pirates moved off in search of the fabled treasure.

Don Leopardo Superbi was in his office doing his paperwork when he heard childish voices outside.

"Do either of you know where we are?"



"I think we're lost…"

Leopardo opened his office door to see his little cousins Squalo and Cerva stood in the hallway with two of their friends, looking very lost. That wasn't really all that surprising; neither of them had been in this part of the mansion before. "Are you four lost?"

"Uncle Leo!" Cerva greeted him happily, running around her friends for a hug.

"We're lost, voi," Squalo answered his question.

"What are you four doing up here in the first place? And who are your friends?," Leo asked, scooping up the tiny shark.

"This is Amy and Xanxus," Cerva introduced them, gesturing first to the little girl with shockingly green eyes and then the boy whose eyes were blood red. "We're playing pirates and got lost searching the fort for the Pirate King's treasure."

The two children Cerva had introduced – who, despite the huge difference in eye colour, looked so alike they could only be twins – matched the description of the twin Skies Daniella Vongola had adopted back at the start of September. News like that travelled very quickly around the Alliance. Leopardo smiled at the twins. "It's nice to meet you, Amy, Xanxus. Would you four like me to show you the way back?"

"Yes please, sir," Amy replied shyly.

Leopardo smiled and started off towards the stairs, Squalo in his arms and the other three trailing behind him like ducklings. He led them all the way back to the room where his aunt was taking tea with the former Donna Ottava.

"Hello Leo. I wasn't expecting to see you here," Aunt Lince greeted.

"I found four lost pirates wandering around outside my office and thought I'd better bring them back before they got into more mischief," Leopardo replied, moving into the room so the other three children could enter.

"I see. Did you have a fun adventure?" Madam Daniella asked, eyes twinkling.

"Yes Nonna," young Xanxus replied.

"Good. Would you like biscuits? Adventuring is hungry work," the former Donna Vongola offered the children the plate. Leopardo released the squirming Squalo to take his share.

"Biscuit, Leo?" Aunt Lince offered.

"I think I will," he replied, taking a biscuit. "I'm afraid I'll have to leave you ladies; I've got work to do. I'm sure you can handle these little rapscallions?"

"Of course, Don Superbi," Madam Daniella replied, turning to the children, "You four go and play in the other room. Perhaps something a little less adventurous? We wouldn't want you getting lost again."

"Ok Nonna. Thank you for bringing us back, Don Superbi," little Amy thanked him, quickly echoed by her playmates.

"You're very welcome," Leopardo replied, before heading off. Time, tide, and paperwork wait for no man.