In the end, the issue with Nemesis and the remains of Wiseman turned out to be a non issue.
Between Mashiro and the Eclipse sisters, the monster was wiped out before it had a chance to retaliate.
Chibiusa would have to return to 'her' Crystal Tokyo long enough to retrieve Diana...and to deliver the magic circle for summoning a Servant. Considering who she was, there was little doubt Neo Queen Serenity would summon Gilgamesh again.
After all, her love for him had been the original catalyst for Mashiro's summoning, overpowering even Avalon's presence.
The Crystal Tokyo she had come from was an absolute farce, and she wasn't going to let the lie of a Utopia continue.
She had the feeling it was only a matter of time anyway, once Neo Queen Serenity either found out or remembered what her 'husband' said to their daughter. She was just giving her mom a stronger front against the 'king'.
Neo Queen Serenity greeted her daughter warmly... before glaring at her husband.
Queen Serenity's geass on her daugher had broken the instant she woke up.
Endymion had no idea that his wife had been aware the entire time she had been inside that crystal...or that the moment she saw Gilgamesh, her true feelings had come forward in a rush.
Along with some memories Endymion would kill to keep buried.
Chibiusa happily hugged her mother, the one parent that she KNEW loved her more than anything.
With the sudden removal of the Black Maleficent crystals and the awakening of the Princess, people assumed things would go back to what had passed as normal for years. They were wrong.
It had started out with what had seemed the scandal of the century.
The Queen threw out the King from the Crystal Palace, which was the seat of her power. Then she removed any of his sympathizers from the court with brutal efficiency. Men who had served the royal family for generation upon generation.
King Endymion had been barred from ever coming within a single foot inside the palace, and the Inner Court gladly insured he never came back.
Some wondered at the change, before a startling revelation came to those that reported the 'news'.
People who spoke up against the Royal family were quietly escorted into the palace...and then allowed to leave of their own volition.
The reporters expected them to vanish within weeks, if not a month. They didn't. Instead they changed their ire from the Royal family in general to the King.
Then the next big shockwave happened.
The queen publicly divorced Endymion, stating she no longer considered him her husband, or even a royal consort. He might be King, but he had no say in her kingdom.
Endymion was beyond furious, and moved to the other side of the world to consolidate his forces.
A few months after, Neo Queen Serenity publicly remarried to another King that had been in least that was what the press assumed. This king was arrogant, but that arrogance came with a sort of respect from the Royal Guard.
King Gilgamesh at least had every right to be an arrogant bastard...he had the power to back up his words. And there was this aura around him that had been missing from King Endymion.
In the two years after King Endymion was thrown out, all of Crystal Tokyo seemed to have undergone an amazing transformation that left the people stunned.
Almost like they were waiting for the other shoe to drop.
The very air in the kingdom had changed. From quietly oppressed and brainwashed to lively and thriving. It had become abundantly apparent that the King had slowly siphoned off the power of his wife without anyone noticing until it was far too late, and his roots had become entrenched.
In retrospect the only way to clean up the mess was to start with a clean break. Like kicking Endymion out of the castle and effectively banishing him from the kingdom.
Neo Queen Serenity wished she had noticed sooner.
"Momma, why didn't you throw him out before?" asked Chibiusa, who absolutely refused to go by the name Endymion had given her at birth while his wife was too out of it from painkillers.
Neo Queen, this was Usagi again, smiled sadly.
"I wish I had."
Usagi had looked back on when Endymion had started to erode her connections to outside the palace, and still shook her head on why she hadn't seen him for what he was sooner.
It had started with the disappearance of Naru and her family. She had searched for years to no avail, not even a hint of where her friend had gone. Then one by one, all her friends from before she was ever Sailor Moon slowly began to disappear without a trace. Supposedly they had moved away, but by that time she had started to sink into a deep depression.
It had all culminated to the worst thing Endymion had done. Usagi had told her mother how the 'spark' between her and her husband simply wasn't there anymore, and how she was starting to regret marrying him. Her mother had suggested couple's counseling, but honestly she felt Usagi had married 'Mamoru' far too young. The more they talked about how her marriage was going and how perhaps they should try spending time apart, the more Usagi started to change her mind about Endymion.
Then, without any warning, her parents went missing. Usagi had exerted all of her power trying to find out what happened to them and her brother, but like before there wasn't a word.
Only this time she did find out where they went.
She found her entire family murdered and torn into enough pieces that it made positively identifying them except through DNA impossible.
She was so upset she never even noticed how much work had begun to pile up. Official documents she HAD to sign, or dignitaries that she was obligated to meet.
Looking back on it all, she should have suspected her "husband" had something to do with it from the start. She had been forced to turn to Luna for motherly advice, and the Senshi had long figured out what was going on so they had been forced to keep quiet lest they disappear as well and Endymion tried to find replacements.
Had Chibiusa awakened sooner, and the new Inner and Outer courts formed, they had little doubt he would have gotten rid of them.
Usagi had spent hours crying when she realized all the damage Endymion had caused because she had been too naive and innocent to understand the truth. It didn't help that Queen Serenity had more or less forced her to marry him thanks to the geass she had placed on those she reincarnated.
Just because it had looked like a perfect kingdom didn't mean her daughter would have been happy.
Chibiusa hugged her mother, letting Usagi cry over how she had spent the last thousand years trapped in a loveless marriage to a man who had done everything in his power to isolate his wife from the outside because her mother in a past life had been terrible at planning things through and hadn't done her homework.
The cats had been too relieved to find their missing princess and everyone had been far too excited about the entire prospect to actually think the situation through. It didn't help that the sheer number of attacks on the civilians had made it impossible for Usagi to see what her boyfriend was really like when he wasn't hiding his real self, as they had had only brief glances of romance and she had been too young and inexperienced to understand the expression in his eyes.
A fourteen year old pressured into a relationship with a man who had been old enough to have had multiple girlfriends, and who hadn't hesitated to use her in an effort to regain his lost memories regardless of what happened to her.
It was painful, and it hurt.
But then everything was exposed because her daughter fell into an alternate past and gave her mother her freedom.
Not only that, but she also gave her mother the strength to break out of an abusive relationship and start fresh with someone who had loved her from the start and didn't feel threatened by the fact she was essentially a goddess.
If Queen Serenity had been alive, or if Pluto would let her travel into the past, she wouldn't hesitate when she saw her. She would have bitch-slapped the queen, regardless of their relationship.
Chibiusa's return to the past coincided with the attacks on her mother's palace.
In order to insure her daughter was never exposed to real war, and so Endymion never had the chance to use her as a hostage or brainwash her against her mother, Usagi had Pluto time-lock Crystal Tokyo against her daughter and Diana.
Chibiusa had cried, but understood why she had done it. It was better for her to leave before she was dragged into what would end up being a senseless war because a king was furious his wife had dared to rise up against him.
She had little doubt Neo Queen Serenity would win. After all, she had the King of Heroes and his entire treasury behind her.
Stella and Solaris had accepted her return with open arms. They had more or less moved into Shirou's home with Ikuku and Shungo, having taken over what had been Chibiusa's room.
Like her mother, Chibiusa usually found herself snuggling up to her older sisters in the same bed. They didn't seem to mind, and as long as the peace was kept Ikuko stayed silent.
It would take her a full week before her depression lifted long enough for her to attend normal school, since it was clear she was going to be stuck in the past permanently, or at least long enough for it to seem that way.
And really, she had been able to skate by the whole school issue by hiding in Mashiro's house with Ven catching up on all the anime she had been forbidden by her father to watch.
The prick.
She still wasn't allowed to watch ANY of the DVDs in Gilgamesh's room that had the Adult Only sticker, on the grounds that while she might be old enough to handle the information, she still didn't look old enough to find anyone who could legally do it with without them being arrested, no matter what her actual age was.
And frankly puberty hadn't actually set in anyway, so she had little interest in the subject. For now.
Mashiro had the distinct feeling Chibiusa would become a Class A pervert like Illyasviel was once she was old enough to appreciate those kind of movies. And since she was female, she'd get away with a hell of a lot more than most boys would.
"Is it just me, or are the headaches getting WORSE in that school?" complained Mashiro, her arms flat on the table with her head right on top of them.
"It's not just you," said Illya, grimacing.
"Don't you all look a joy to be around?" said Haruka, looking exhausted.
"What's wrong?"
"We've been having dreams lately. Dreams that keep repeating," explained Michiru with a pained wince.
"It can't be any worse than the nightmare I had last week," said Chibiusa, shuddering.
"What nightmare?" asked Illya, concerned.
"The one where Endymion murdered Pluto because she refused to let him use time as a weapon," said Chibiusa. She had tried contacting Sailor Pluto with Luna P, but there had been only static. And her usual method of seeing the past had been blocked, including the events long since unimportant like King Arturia's time and Robin Hood. Her eyes became haunted as she said "I can still remember the blood...there was so much of it..."
Stella and Solaris hugged their sister without hesitation. They all had that dream.
Michiru and Haruka were silent.
"So what sort of dreams have you two been having?"
"There's a woman with long dark green hair and red eyes telling us to find the Messiah who will stop the Silence. And that we need to awaken. Then roughly six days ago the dreams stopped without warning...before we both woke up as if we had a simultaneous nightmare about a man with a dawn colored cloak," said Haruka grimacing.
"The next morning after we saw him, both of us found these on our dresser table," said Michiru, putting what were clearly the transformation pens for the Outer Senshi on the table.
"So Gil was right. You two are Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune."
"We tried them out once. While we can handle the short skirts and sailor outfits, our magic was bound and we only had a single spell available," said Haruka annoyed.
"So even the Outer Court was restricted in power. I can help you transform without the pens, but you'll have to get used to being a little sloppy with your power output until you figure out how to adjust it."
"I can live with that," said Haruka.
"So can I," said Michiru.
"Coincidentally Rei wanted to know if she could double date with you two," said Mashiro with a straight face. "Apparently while she and Rin are able to handle being an on again, off again couple, she could really use some advice on how to get Rin to quit being so shy whenever someone brings up their bedroom activities."
Haruka saw the mischievous look in Mashiro's eyes and bit back a laugh. Their princess definitely knew how to embarrass her friends while at the same time setting them up.