Disclaimer: I do not own Katekyo Hitman REBORN! Or the characters.

*If the other characters seem OOC than I'm truly sorry.*

SI!Tsuna || Rated M For (possible future) dark themes.

TW; mentions suicide, depression, and blood. Nothing too gore like –mainly cause Idk how to write that out yet.

AN: This is basically a side-story while I try to figure out how to write my other stories.


"I can't believe I wasted my time with you!" A woman screeched at the younger female across from her. Hands balled up in fists, face completely red with rage.

(You'll always be no good.) Voices whispered, images of shadowed people looming over the brunet. Some sneering, other's laughing. Repeating the words over and over.

"I should have aborted you when I had the chance!" Hand raised, nostrils flared, and eyes unfocused. The woman gave Blind Rage a new definition.

(Why do I have a son that's so dame?) Slightly facing away from the child, the woman frowned, placing a delicate hand on her cheek. Her eyes glinted with something close to disappointment.

"You're nothing but a piece of shit that doesn't deserve to share my D.N.A!" Hand moved forward, too quickly for the other to move away from.

(I'm sorry. I don't like you that way.) Was a reply from another girl, hair that looked like a mixture of orange and gold.

Being shoved away and off their feet, they felt the pain flare across their body. Screams of agony snapped the woman back to reality as horror donned on her. The woman, who was filled with rage, realized what she had just done.

(Being rejected by the one he loved was the last straw. He had held on for so long, hoping that something good would come out of it. Hands swinging in the air, desperately searching for something to grab. The only thing his hand managed to grasp, was the handle of a knife.)

She could only stare with wide eyes, hands shaking –the very hands that pushed the other- as the life left the other's eyes.

(They had teared him down, piece by piece, until he could no longer handle it.)

She had just killed off her only daughter out of rage.

(They killed him with words; not even giving him a chance.)

The fleeting thought of the dead woman was that she just wanted to live.

(Knife deep in his stomach, blood poured out. The boy just wanted it to end.)

In sync, the two dived into the darkness.

Eyes opened up only to shut close once more, wincing at the bright room. Keeping their eyes closed, they tried to remember what happened prior. 'Ah, that's right. Mother Dearest pushed me into the road.' She thought, biting back the snarl. Slowly, she opened her eyes once more, prepared for the onslaught of the lights that were sure to give her a headache.

Fighting back the urge to close them, the girl looked around. White sheets, white tiles, white currents. Yeeeep. Looked like a hospital to the woman. A frown made its way onto her face. This, as crazy as it sounds, wasn't right. There was no way she should even be alive. Her mother pushed her out into the road, thus, letting the girl get hit by an oncoming car. 'Well, more like truck, but who cares about that? I should be dead!' Not that she didn't mind being alive. It just meant that she had to deal with her mother.

Fucking. Great.

'Still doesn't make any sense-' taking in a struggled breath, the girl could only grip onto the sheets, teeth grinding together as images shot through her mind. One after the other. Each viewed in a person's point of view –as if she was looking through their eyes.

Being pushed down, mocked, and ridiculed, and so on. Just what the fuck was all this? The images –(no, these are memories) said a voice, in the back of her head- kept coming to point out to her that this wasn't her life. That she was supposed to be dead, just as much as the boy in these memories were.

It couldn't have been more than just two minutes for all the memories to settle in. Drenched in sweat, the girl took in a deep breath and tried to calm herself. She was dead. She had died on the road. This wasn't her body.

She was dead but so was the boy. They both died and yet, she had wanted to live. Somehow, some way, her desire to see the next day was strong enough for her soul to bounce back into a boy who just died. How fucked up was that? It was completely and utterly fucked up, so much so that she laughed bitterly.

As much as she had wanted to do so loudly, she couldn't. The laughter came out hoarse and cracked, obviously from the lack of disuse. Once the bit of madness passed, giggles left her mouth without permission, as she pushed herself up. She wasn't stupid to not see the changes.

Chest lighter compared to before and light skin pointed it out more. Arms thin from the lack of muscles –something that she was going to change for her own benefit, and small hands. Face blank as the girl brought the hand closer, she turned it, palm facing up. They were soft; 'Probably cause the boy didn't do much.' Was her thought.

Swinging her legs over the bed, she watched her toes wiggle. The idea of standing up and moving around was much to be desired. But reason and logic rammed in as well. How long was the boy presumed dead? How long was this… body laying still on the bed? While she could wiggle, twist, and swing her new ligaments around, it didn't promise anything.

For all she knew, she could stand up and fall flat on her face in a second. Weighing the possibilities, the girl shrugged her shoulders. If she fell, then she could just crawl to the bathroom. Problem solved. Hand gripping onto the bed rail, she pushed herself up. Instantly, she knew that the body was there for a while. Just trying to stand made them ache and feel like jelly. Still, the woman was far too stubborn to stop. Determination set in as she forced the body to comply with her wishes.

Using the wall as support, she pushed forward. Sweat began to form again, making her shiver as she realized that her hospital clothes clung onto the body. It was an uncomfortable feeling, really. "Fucking damn it." Once more, she heard the hoarse voice come out of her mouth. Mentally cringing, she began to wonder what it would be like, living like a boy.

It would be something she would have to get used to, and fast, if the nagging voice in the back of her head had anything to say about it. Not that the woman cared much about it. As long as she was breathing, then she was fine. At least she wouldn't be dealing with Mother Nature anymore, which was a plus. Struggling to keep herself upright and opening the bathroom door proved to be harder task than what she had wanted.

Didn't stop her from wrenching the door open. Throwing her hands onto the sink, all the while breathing heavily, a smile formed. "Ha… can't believe I actually made it." Lifting her head, she stared at the reflection. Half lid eyes stared back as they traced over their new face. Brown hair that gravity had no control over, a crazy looking smile accompanied it, and dark circles under his gold eyes.


Turning their head to the side, she looked over his face in different angles. The woman turned boy made a hum of approval. "Huh… I don't look that bad." Was she going to have to use male pronouns now? She didn't care much for them, so switching to it wasn't hard either. "But where have I seen this face before?" S-He muttered to himself.

Brows furrowed, the brunet watched his reflection copy his movements. Mind whirling around as he continued to stare at his own face. There was no way he could forget this face. The information was there, deep inside his mind, that much he was sure of. It didn't long for his mind to finally click. His mouth forming an 'O' as he looked over his face once more. This time, with recognition.

"Well I'll be damned, I'm Tsuna."