Attention Please!
No, this is not a new chapter and for that I am sorry. However, recently I have been reading the newest Manga of Magi and have become aware that some of my earlier conclusions where wrong. Now, normally I would just go on with this story anyway and write it off as an artistic license but I am a bit disappointed in how the first six to seven chapters of this story turned out along with just how Wishy Washy Wisteria is in it. I have also re-read my notes and have become a bit annoyed with how vague my storyline was so I have recently, as in the last few months, sat down with a pen and wrote out how I want this story to go. I have an endgame and even a better understanding on how I want it to go, but, and this is a big but, I do not like just rewriting the entire thing without the input of all my readers who have stuck with me, with this story. So I want to ask you all: Should I completely re-wright this? Or just fix the earlier chapters and be done with it? If I do the latter I will have to rework how I want this to go but if I do the former I will have more control over how everything is going to play out.
So here is the vote:
Complete Rewrite.
Just fix the first Chapters.
Again, I am so sorry for the long wait but I have been undecided on just how to continue or if I even should so please let me know what you would like to read. Thank you for reading this and please drop your answer in a Review.
PS: I will not abandon this, either way, Just letting you know. I really do love this story but am currently conflicted on what to do but I will never abandon it.