A/N: This is sort of transitional. I tried to make it relative and entertaining though!


"What." Hibari, (Kyouya? Kyouya-san?), bit out in a tone that fell just shy of a snarl. "Do you mean 'left on your Aunt's doorstep'?"

"I mean." Asterion said dryly, propping his elbows up on his knees and massaging his forehead tiredly. "That my parents' old Headmaster left me on her doorstep, swaddled in baby blankets with a letter tucked inside. And how do you know about Flames anyways?"

A muscle twitched along Hibari's jawline and he balled up his hands into fists so tight that Asterion feared he had break something. After a few endless, tense moments the other took a forcefully measured breath and gracefully slid down to sit with his back against the desk, yet facing Asterion. "My mother." Hibari said after another long moment. "She taught me the basics before she died."

All of it was said in a flat tone, but Asterion could feel the Bond resonate with all the emotions that Hibari was trying to keep buried and it made him wince inwardly. It seems I've bonded with someone almost as broken as I am. He thought wryly as he gave Hibari a slow nod of acknowledgement, but stayed silent.

Some of the tension bled out of Hibari's posture at that and another moment of silence passed, this one far more companionable.

However, Hibari would not be deterred for long and soon enough his grey eyes sharpened and he pressed the issue. "Do not think that you are getting out of explaining things, Vasaio. Doorstep. Talk. Now." He ordered.

Asterion sighed and ran a hand through his hair, but the order amused him more than irritated him. "You can call me Asterion." He commented wryly, enjoying the way Hibari's scowl deepened. However, Asterion was not really in any condition to fight at the moment so he hurried to explain. "I was left on her doorstep with a letter, and she had no way of contacting the Headmaster- the one who left me there- so I was basically shoved off onto them without their consent."

Hibari's eyes narrowed.

Asterion sighed. "Look, Hibari, I really don't want to do this here." Asterion gestured around the office and felt horrified and reluctant in equal measure, sure that Hibari was going to ridicule him or bit him to death for his dithering.

Sharp grey eyes held Asterion's gaze for nearly an uncomfortably long moment before the other nodded decisively and smoothly rose to his feet. "Very well then. I will escort you to your residence." The look he shot Asterion spoke volumes of what would happen should Asterion protest.

The dark-haired green-eyed teen threw his hands up in defeat and stood. "As you wish." He replied sardonically, snagging his bag off the floor and rising to his feet. Meanwhile Hibari had turned around and was jotting something down on the legal-sized yellow notepad that was on his desk before he tossed the pen down and strode determinedly towards the door.


Shamal had been supremely unhelpful during the conversation. And by that Asterion meant that the stupid perverted Doctor was quick to fill in all of the details that Asterion glossed over, (because they weren't important!), or outright forgot.

Asterion was absolutely certain that it was only Shamal's insistence that the Estraneo had suffered a major catastrophe about seven months after Asterion's escape and that there was a Plan, (with a capital 'P'), in place for the Dursleys that kept Kyouya from hopping on a flight- or hijacking one with his terrifying presence, it could go either way, really- and settling the matters himself. Of course, Asterion did not think that Kyouya could single-handedly take out his former captors- the latter ones at least- but he was thoroughly convinced that the Hibari would do his damnedest. And probably cause a great deal of property damage and bodily injury before he was overpowered.

Shamal would probably help, too! The traitor!

Asterion's summer break was far busier than he had originally expected, mostly because Shamal had provided Hibari with an itinerary of Asterion's studies and a spare house key. Hibari had no issue with barging in and dragging Asterion out of his apartment to do 'DC related' tasks when the other teen tried to hole up and avoid people.

In retaliation to his forced socialization, (well, Hibari dragged Asterion out of his apartment to do things, but was actually extremely sensitive to how much contact with people that Asterion could handle and tended to tailor Asterion's agenda accordingly), Asterion had taken to calling the other 'Kyouya' purely for petty revenge. He did tack on a '-chama' in public. The fights that spawned from doing so were entirely satisfying for Asterion. He viewed the bruises as badges of honor.

Also, petty revenge. Asterion's life was never boring, at any rate.

However, close- nearly constant, Kyouya was a persistent little jerk- contact with Kyouya had also led Asterion to formally meeting Kusakabe Tetsuya. The tall teen- who was about half a year older than Kyouya- sported a pompadour-style hairstyle that seems to defy physics and was usually chewing on a sprig of something-or-other. At first Asterion had been quietly terrified that the tall boy would resent of disapprove of him, but Kusakabe seemed to be unusually even-tempered and had barely batted an eyelash at Asterion's sudden inclusion into the Disciplinary Committee 'inner circle', though Kusakabe tended to be extremely polite and somewhat distant in their interactions.

Asterion's induction into the DC had been Kyouya chucking a gakuran at him after their daily spar the day after the 'revelations' conversations. Asterion had nearly tossed the black jacket with the red armband neatly sewn into it back at the other teen, but he hesitated as he could feel the underlying emotions that Kyouya was feeling seep through the Bond. Asterion had suddenly instinctively known that this gesture was far more than it appeared. This was not just a jacket with an armband to Kyouya, it was a symbol that Asterion was one of Kyouya's people.

Closer inspection, after he had put it on and headed to class, had him noticing that the armband was sewn slightly higher on the sleeve than the others. After the next school term started and Asterion spent more time with the other DC members, some discreet eyeballing of the other DC members' gakuran had confirmed that only his and Kyouya's gakuran had the armband in that particular spot. When he had realized that it was nearly halfway through October and suddenly Asterion was very, very glad that he had not rejected the infernal thing. Infinitesimal detail it might be, but as time passed and Asterion got to know Kyouya better, he was absolutely certain that the placement of his armband was not accidental. By placing the symbol as high up on the sleeve as he had Kyouya had been acknowledging that Asterion was his equal instead of his subordinate and that was an incredible statement for the proud Hibari to make.

He had had this epiphany while on Gate Duty with Kusakabe, and the other had seemed to know that Asterion had finally got it and had graced the younger with a rather toothy smile.

The devil is in the details, indeed. Asterion thought as an answering grin formed on his lips.


As the end of Asterion's first year in Japan drew to a close he was finally allowed to drop down to weekly sessions with Yoko-sensei, which was quite the relief as Asterion was starting to drown a bit under his workload. There were his normal classes and his after-school activities, his magic classes, and his duties with the Disciplinary Committee.

So, he was extremely busy.

There had been some moments where Yoko-sensei had ambushed him with surprise sessions, (and Kyouya-chama had enabled her, the jerk!), after the Incident that had landed him in the hospital. Over time, though, she began to allow Asterion fewer sessions as she began to believe that he was actually healing instead of just telling her what he thought she wanted to hear.

It was late in November when Asterion had discovered, (in the middle of a fight with some high schoolers who were wanna-be yakuza from the next town over; the idiots had thought that they could defeat Kyouya and absorb the Disciplinary Committee), that Tetsuya was a Lightning and that a Guardian Bond was well on its way to forming. He had steadied his breath and had focused on the fight, excusing himself as soon as he was able to that he could go home and panic properly.

Kyouya had stalked in to the apartment approximately sixteen minutes into Asterion's well-deserved panic and had whacked him over the head with his tonfa a few times before the Cloud had glared down at Asterion in frustrated anger.

"Why do you fight your nature?" He had asked Asterion pointedly. "I can understand you not wanting to be drawn back into that world- not after what they did to you. But why do you hide from us?"

Asterion had slowly wrestled his panic under control and had answered after a long, tense moment. "I remember them. All of them." He had told Kyouya quietly, his chin dipping down towards his chest as his dark hair obscured his face. Asterion's hands fisted in his pants as he gritted out the next part. "I remember my Flames mingling with theirs, how the Flames of my soul reached out and mingled with theirs, forging a bond that was unexplainable yet soul-deep." Tears dripped down Asterion's nose as his shoulders hunched and forced himself to continue. "And I remember every agonizing second of that bond being stripped away by those bastards." Asterion's shoulders heaved and he bit his lip harshly, trying to compose himself. I am so pathetic. He thought disgustedly.

Kyouya snarled and fisted his hands in the front of Asterion's shirt, yanking the other teen up so that he was forced to look Kyouya in the eye. "You think us weak?" Kyouya snarled furiously, purple fire dancing behind his blue-grey eyes. When Asterion went to protest, Kyouya's eyes narrowed to slits and he shook the other teen sharply. "You think that that Perverted Doctor of yours would allow that to happen again? That I would?"

"Or that I would?" Tetsuya interjected mildly, having come in at some point during the altercation.

Asterion slumped a little and he raised his head so that both of the other teens could see his weary eyes. "I just-" Asterion closed his eyes and his lips twisted into a snarl. "-I never want to experience that again." He said finally.

"Well, then." Kyouya said with a vicious smirk as he let go of Asterion and stepped back. "It's a good thing that I have a plan, eh?"

"What?" Asterion asked warily, scrubbing his embarrassing tears from his face, (he hated crying), and focusing on his violence-prone friend. He glared slightly at Tetsuya. "And how are you not confused?"

Tetsuya came further into the apartment and made himself comfortable on the couch while Kyouya slid gracefully into a seated position on one of the cushy floor pillows. "I found a loophole and exploited it." Kyouya explained primly. "So that Tetsuya would understand what the hell was wrong with you when you had your inevitable panic."

Asterion glared at his so-called friends.

Kyouya rolled his eyes. "Your past makes such an action reasonable and acceptable. I, however, will not allow such a weakness to control you."

"Neither will I." Tetsuya drawled as he whipped out one of his many notebooks and began scribbling.

"So what's the plan then?" Asterion asked sourly.

Kyouya and Tetsuya grinned rather toothily.


Given the amount of work Asterion had- both Kyouya-imposed and academic- and the implementation of Kyouya's 'Plan' the New Year flew by and before Asterion knew it March had come. Granted Kyouya's 'Plan' mostly revolved around keeping Asterion busy and so immersed in his new life that his old life seemed to get further and further away. The idea of Bonds forming still made Asterion somewhat queasy, but as the months passed he found himself settling and evening out.

Contrary to popular wives tales in the Mafia the Bonds, while soul-deep and able to feel things such as extreme distress and sometimes be used to locate another Bond-mate when they were under extreme duress, they were not akin to mind-reading.

Nor did they drastically change a person's personality overnight.

Kyouya was still very much an anti-social little brat when he wanted to be and Tetsuya tended to forget the time when he was making up patrol schedules and patrol route formations.

The Bonds did, however, provide a sense of steadiness and maturity that most usually had to wait for the passage of time to provide them. There was always the sense of Someone is depending on me or I have a place to go home to lurking in the backs of their minds that soothed them. It was difficult to describe to someone who had never experienced such a thing, but the Bonds were more akin to the purest essence of home and you're wanted and you're important, I need so, so be safe that fueled the actions of the Bonded on a subconscious, fundamental level that, over time, caused changes.

So while still looking for a fight and willing to beat down any who dared to stand in his way, Kyouya no longer felt the desperate need to prove himself to himself. Just as Tetsuya felt a bit more confident in his place as Kyouya's right-hand and made decisions without wondering if this was the decision that caused Hibari-san to decide that he has no need of me anymore. Asterion, too, calmed and accepted that it was alright to have others depending on him because he could depend on them as well.

As he hopped around his apartment, trying to eat his toast and put on his left sock at the same time, Asterion grinned stupidly at nothing. I love my life, he thought to himself. Of course shortly thereafter he heard his front door open and the familiar cadence of Kyouya's nearly-silent steps coming up the entry hall a few moments afterwards.

"Mmmph mmhmph mmph." He grunted as he finally managed to wrestle his left sock onto his foot and he switched feet.

"Yes, I can see that." Kyouya replied wryly as he leaned against the doorjamb. "However you are very nearly late to your morning session and Tetsuya needs you to audit the west district today. One of the shopkeepers informed his mother that people with DC uniforms have been disturbing the peace. He had do it but with school being out he's already got a patrol booked for himself. I'd do it but I need to go inform the new Momokyokai leader of the rules of operating in Hibari territory."

Asterion stopped hopping around long enough to droop slightly and give his pile of textbooks a mournful look.

"Tough luck." Kyouya told his friend with a small, amused smirk on his lips.

Asterion glared at his friend and swallowed the last of his toast. "For that." He growled irritably. "You owe me a spar, Kyouya-chama."

Kyouya scowled ferociously at Asterion. "Stop calling me by that infuriating suffix." He growled.

"Tough luck." Asterion returned with a brilliant grin.

Kyouya's tonfa made an appearance and Asterion laughed rather manically.


Asterion wove around the people with the ease of long practice, his DC gakuran having been left at home since he was auditing today. He noted a few members slacking off, but thus far h hadn't noticed any-ah. There.

His eyes narrowed in irritation as he noticed a few teens in Disciplinary committee gakuran harassing a brunette woman.

Those uniforms are tattered, definitely not up to regulation. So, they most likely were stolen from active members. Tetsu said that he had to re-issue a bunch last month. Asterion noted as he watched the confused woman blink uncomprehendingly at the two faux-DC members.

"Hey." Asterion said once he had sidled up to the woman, a vicious little smirk on his lips. "What are you idiots doing?"

Idiot Number One sneered down his nose at Asterion, but Idiot Number Two was apparently the brains of the operation because he went chalk white. "What do you want, punk? Can't you see we're on official DC business here?"

Idiot Number Two whimpered.

Definitely the brains, then. "Oh, are you?" He asked pleasantly, gently guiding the bemused woman to his other side and gesturing for her to move on, which she did with a happy hum.

"Oi!" Idiot Number One bellowed causing the woman to turn to look at them in confusion, only for Asterion to wave her off with a smile. "What are you doing?! Don't you know who we are? Who we answer to? Hibar-"

Asterion's fist planting itself into his face cut the idiot off. "I am Vasaio Asterion of the Disciplinary Committee." He informed them menacingly with a pleasant smile on his face. Idiot Number Two whimpered a little as his suspicions were confirmed. "And you two Idiots have an appointment with Hibari Kyouya." He grabbed them both by the backs of the jackets, (he had slipped behind them as he had spoken), and pulled them forward. "Pray he likes your answers."

They began to struggle and Asterion gave a low chuckle. "I have no problem delivering you to the Chairman battered and bloody, so don't push me."

Of course, knowing where they were headed the Idiots did, but Asterion still followed through on his threat. Besides, Kyouya only made them more battered and bloody.

"So, you thought you could disturb the peace in Namimori in the name of my Committee?" The Chairman had purred darkly, having met them at one of the parks once Asterion had texted him that he had located the troublemakers. "For such herbivorous actions you will be bitten to death."

Asterion felt exactly zero sympathy as he watched the rather brutal beat down.


Asterion huffed as he rang the doorbell to the Sawada home.

How did I get roped into delivering this again? He mentally complained as the same brunette woman from the day before came to answer. He was in his disciplinary Committee uniform, so he was sort of surprised that she answered the door instead of ignoring him. He'd expected to leave the apology package that he and Tetsuya had put together in the mailbox, but well- apparently not.

"Ara?" She said with a smile. "Is there something I can help you with?"

Asterion bowed and presented her with the neatly wrapped parcel. "Please accept this gift on behalf of the Namimori Disciplinary Committee. We are sorry for the conduct of our members. They have since been reprimanded and such a thing will not occur again. We apologize for the trouble." The gift was taken from him and Asterion straightened back up to his full height.

"Ara? But they weren't much trouble at all…." The woman said, setting the package down inside the house.

"Nonetheless, their actions were not acceptable by the guidelines set forth by the Chairman and we sincerely apologize for the trouble." Asterion bowed one more time, gave the woman a bright smile, and left.

Shutting the door, Sawada Nana was bemused. What a nice boy. She thought happily as she took the package and sat it on the coffee table on her way back to the kitchen. I wish Tsu-kun could make friends with a nice boy like that. She sighed to herself as her eyes landed on the end-of-the-year report sent to her by her son's school.

On the bright side, he'd passed. He'd be starting his last year of elementary school in April. On the downside, he was in last place in the class rankings.

Oh, Tsu-kun. She sighed heavily. What am I supposed to do with you?


Shamal made it back to Japan just in time to celebrate the start of Asterion's second year of Middle School. Yoko-sensei had also asked Asterion to keep an eye on her eldest, Ryōhei, who was starting middle school that year as well.

"So what have I missed, oh darling nephew of mine?" The Doctor-Assassin drawled from his sprawled position on the couch. Kyouya was cat-napping in the sunshine on the balcony and Tetsu had taken over the kitchen bar with his collection of notebooks.

Asterion tossed a handy pillow at his uncle. "As if I don't talk to you on the phone at least every other day, you perverted jerk."

Shamal affected a mock-offended look. "But it's not the same as being here to witness your milestones in person." Shamal sniffed dramatically. "They grow up so fast."

"If I'm growing up fast, you realize that makes you old, right?" Asterion pointed out, blatantly ignoring Kyouya's choked chuckled and Tetsu's amused snort.

"You are no longer my favorite nephew." Shamal sulked, burrowing down into the comfortable couch and glowering at Asterion.

Said teen rolled his eyes. "I'm your only nephew."

"And not my favorite. Work it out, brat." The man grouched.

Asterion laughed and settled back against the couch as well. He had homework he needed to do, but he was really comfortable and he wanted to ignore his responsibilities for a little while.

Kyouya stretched languidly in the sunshine before ambling over to the sitting area with his sun-warmed pillows. He tossed them down and stretched out on them before deigning to speak. "So, Sawada Tsunayoshi. What is wrong with him?" Kyouya asked out of the blue.

"Hmm?" Shamal returned in a questionably uninterested voice that got him suspicious looks from all three teens. "What?" He asked innocently.

He received three scowls of varying intensity in return.

Shamal huffed and crossed his arms sulkily. "You brats are so uncute. Why couldn't one of you be an adorable lady-in-the-making?"

The pillow Kyouya nailed Shamal with had a considerable amount of force behind it. "I ask." Kyouya drawled while watching Shamal peel the pillow off his face with undisguised glee. "Because his mother was the one who the idiots harassed. Shortly thereafter we noted that the son had a serious bullying problem, but every time I go near him he irritates me by nature of existing."

"Isn't that everyone by default?" Shamal mumbled grumpily, holding his hands up in surrender as Kyouya reached for another pillow. "Alright, alright. Jeez." Shamal grumped. "From what I understand from Reborn's ranting, his father had his Flame sealed."

There was a moment of deafening silence before all three teens exploded.


Tetsu had yet to use his Flame outside of his body, but he was damn adept at using it internally. (He had a particular fondness for allowing people to punch him and quirking an eyebrow when they broke that respective limb. Watching those people complain to an 'authority' always amused all of them.) Kyouya's penchant for using his Flame for everything from pillow hefting to tonfa wielding was also fairly old news to the three of them. As a matter of fact, the Hibari seemed nearly gleeful every time he found a new application for his inner purple fire.

"But Flames are of the soul." Asterion murmured, horrified. "To seal them off is considered a punishment of the highest order. Even the Vindice don't usually consider such a thing."

Shamal huffed irritably but he did not really look happy either. "There is no research that suggests that sealing the Flames in a child has a detrimental effect on their development." Shamal said in a voice that suggested he had heard the words nearly a million times over. "Furthermore the seal prevents the child from being classed as a Flame Active, meaning that the boy is still considered a civilian."

Asterion, Kyouya, and Tetsu all gave Shamal the look they felt that statement deserved.

Shamal held his hands up in surrender. "I'm an Independent and it is an internal matter for an established Famiglia." He said in voice absolutely devoid of any inflection. "I cannot interfere unless requested."

All the teens stopped and looked at Shamal for a long moment before they all exchanged glances among themselves. When they all grinned rather predatorily Shamal huffed. "I'm not involved." He muttered sourly. "But, hypothetically and entirely unrelatedly, if a young child's Flame is sealed it would take the Dying Will Bullets or Pills in successive use to unseal the Flame. Or for a Sky to use their Harmony factor repeatedly on the sealing site to weaken it until the child's inherent Flames could break through."

Asterion inhaled sharply but he nodded at Tetsu and Kyouya. "So." He said aloud after a few moments of plotting and Shamal grumbling about idiots. "Still think that you can win against me in video games, old man?"

"Bring it, brat!" Shamal huffed grouchily. "I was kicking ass in video games before you were a twinkle in your father's eyes."

"I call bullshit!" Asterion sang in challenge as he stepped over Kyouya to turn on the game system, the Hibari huffing in offense, but staying in his self-appointed spot.

"I will observe and declare the loser's penalty." He declared, giving them both a challenging smirk.

"Fair enough." Shamal said.

"I'm not scared of your penalties!" Asterion shot back, stepping back over his fried and shucking a controller at Shamal. "Tetsu come back me up!"


Asterion huffed to himself as he jogged around the track. I can't believe that Shamal got out of having to do his penalties by telling Kyouya about my former family's fates. I was sort of surprised to hear that my uncle had been arrested for embezzlement. Marge being arrested and sentenced for animal cruelty was a bit more expected. Apparently Aunt Petunia and Dudley had to apply for public assistance because all of the Dursley assets were seized! Even the house on Privet Drive was sold! Asterion shook his head and kept his breathing steady as he upped his pace for the next lap.

I'm still surprised that Reborn didn't just shoot them, but apparently he was so angry he decided that public humiliation was the better option. Asterion ignored Shamal's heckling as he passed the man- who was kicked back on a lounge chair sipping at his umbrella-garnished drink with a smug smirk. The smug grin that the man was wearing was entirely unnecessary, in Asterion's humble opinion.

On his next lap, Asterion reached out with his foot and knocked his so-called uncle's lounge chair over with some rather quick footwork.

Much better. He thought self-righteously as he heard Shamal's disgruntled bellyaching from behind him.


Sawada Tsunayoshi was dejectedly making his way home from school. It had been a lousy week. He'd gotten all of his vocabulary words mixed up during the quiz on Monday, he'd had his lunch stolen on Tuesday, and then on Wednesday he'd gotten a negative five on his history test because he'd forgotten to put both his class number and his name on both test papers before absolutely failing at answering all of the questions.

And then today- Thursday- he'd failed his math test! Not only had he failed but his teacher had told him that he needed to get his mother to sign it to prove that he had showed it to her!

I really am no-good. He thought miserably as he swiped at his eyes angrily.

A pair of dark clad legs suddenly entered his sight, causing him to suddenly fail and fall backwards onto his bum. Naturally his bag went flying, it's haphazardly packed contents spilling out onto the sidewalk. Great. Just great. He thought miserably as the sky finally opened up with the rain it had been threatening all day began to drip down onto him. Perfect.

"Sorry." Said the person who had caused his distress. To Tsuna's astonishment the teen knelt down and swiftly collected the scattered possessions, nimble fingers quickly repacking Tsuna's messenger bag and handing it back to him. "I should have watched where I was going." The green-eyed teen smiled kindly at Tsuna and ruffled his hair, his slender fingers sliding through the soft strands easily and gently scraping against Tsuna's scalp in an affectionate gesture that only his Mama had afforded him previously.

The teen chuckled as he rose and helped Tsuna up onto his feet. "I'll try to be more aware in the future." The teen told him wryly. Then he grinned at Tsuna and poked him in the forehead. "Later Fluffy." The teen called a disconcerting moment later, raising his hand in a lazy farewell as he walked on past.

Tsuna was left wondering about the strange tingling sensation he felt in his forehead and why the uncomfortable itching sensation felt right. As he continued homeward his brow furrowed as the tingling faded and Tsuna experienced the strangest feeling of loss as the itchy sensation faded into numbness.


As he walked past the young Sawada Asterion smirked sharply as he met Kyouya's eyes.

First contact made.


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