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![]() Author has written 143 stories for One Piece, Naruto, Final Fantasy VII, Blue Exorcist/青の祓魔師, Thor, Avengers, Hobbit, Transformers/Beast Wars, and Rise of the Guardians. Yes, that is me in the photo. Yes, I am on top of our t.v. Why, do you ask, am I on top of the t.v.? Because cats sleep on t.v.'s. And I am, in fact, a giant, morbid, psychotic cat. :D Hello random person who has actually taken the time to look at my profile and read this! It's nice to meet you! Wait, we haven't actually met… Well, it's nice to know you visited me! I mean my profile… You know what I mean. Anyway, here's some random stuff about me! !! NOTICE!! Name: I go by many names… But you can just call me roo. :D Age: A staggering 22 years?! And here I wanted to be 17 forever… Birthday/Sign: Born 11/17, and I am a Scorpio! Woo! Oh yeah, do the Scorpion Dance! Favorite number: 17. Yep, that's right. I bet you never would have guessed that, right? Right? Height: 4'11". OH YEAH. Location: I live in my mind. It is a very dark, morbid, psychotic place, and you may not want to enter it if you're faint of the heart. It's a disturbing place, so beware. BUT. It's always super funny. And random. Oh yes, random is a definite. You never know what to expect with me arou– FLYING SPAGHETTI TACO ATTACK! Dream job: Paleontologist. If not, then maybe a surgeon or zoologist. Or possibly a butler. …..or a stripper. *cough* Woah, where did THAT come from?! Dream: I…I am ashamed to say I currently have no dream… OTL Random fact: I have named my reusable shopping bag that is in the shape of a pineapple Marco, after a certain pineapple-haired blond in One Piece. I also have cats named Luffy, Ace, and Natsu, and one that passed that was named Naru (short for Naruto), and another deceased one that was named Ai (love, after the red kanji tattoo on Gaara's forehead because Ai had reddish fur.) I love to: Read, stay up late, sleep (total contradiction, I know), swim, skate, watch volleyball (hopefully play, one day!) play lots of video games, hike. Favorite Video Games: The Evil Within (Loooove it), The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask and Ocarina of Time, Crash Bandicoot: Warped 2, C.T.R. Crash Team Racing, Cel Damage, 007 Goldeneye (the N64 version), Super Smash Brothers 3 (the NES version), Transformers: Fall/War of/for Cybertron. Fandoms I am into: Haikyuu!!, One Piece, Naruto, Fairy Tail, Mushishi, Saiyuki, Grand Guignol Orchestra, Alice In the Country of Hearts, Tokyo Mew Mew, AIR, Kakurenbo, Person of Interest, Lord of the Rings, Criminal Minds, The Simpsons, Friends, Jurassic Park/World. Stories I plan to upload in the future: Games of the Mind Poker Face: What Happens Here… (Come Into My Web): Le cirque qui n'a jamais existé: (Translated: The Circus That Never Was): There is freedom waiting for you, - Erin Hanson If you ever want to talk to me – whether it be about a story idea you have and need an opinion, how your day went, or about your socks – feel free to PM me. I love random messages, so you can send me anything. From the word that's been stuck in your head for the past month to the weirdest thing that invaded your mind, do no hesitate to message me. I'm very shy so it's rare that I'll start the conversation. Also, on that note, I'm actually terrible at keeping a conversation going, and am socially awkward, so please be patient with me. Portgas D Ace: Died February 10th, chapter 574. R.I.P. You were the almighty pyro prince that we fangirls had longed for. It's a shame you spent so little time with us. We have to admit, you were indeed the hottest, sexiest, cutest, most adorable twenty-year-old we've ever known. Ace, my dear pyro prince, you left this world too soon. Please, rest in peace, our beloved pyro prince… -(roo17) Also, I want to take the time to say thank you to all the people who read/review/follow/favorite all of my stories. I realize I'm probably not the best author to follow because I have a crapload of stories to update, and that probably a lot of you want to strangle me for not updating a story for over three years. But still, I want to thank you, really, for taking the time to check out a few of my fics. You guys are awesome. I will try to finally finish the stories that I have not touched in a long time, but please be a little patient with me. My brain is weird, it'll get Writer's Block for certain stories at different times. So, again, I'm sorry, but thank you. Really. Now I hope you have a wonderful day. :) And here's a quick list of stories and authors you absolutely MUST check out: Stories: Authors: Also you can find me here on tumblr under . Come and message me and ask me questions there if you want. :) Alright folks! Guess that's it! Thanks for a taking a look at my profile! If you didn't, that's alright; no hard feelings. :D Have a great morning/day/night! Your shy ice/water elemental, |