Luffy stared at his brother, who just stood there with a fist of lave through his stomach. The whole battlefield grew quiet for a second, before finally yelling out in shock. "He got Ace!!" Marco and Jimbei stared with horror from the side. Garp couldn't believe his eyes. How could he let something like this happen to his grandson? Whitebeard stared at Ace, his face tense. Even Buggy stared on in horror...
Pirates tried firing their guns at Akainu, but nothing worked. Ace stood there, Luffy unable to see his face, for Ace's hair covered it. "STOP!!" Yelled Luffy as he saw Akainu draw back another fist, ready to finish off Ace.
"I will allow no more of this!" Ace stopped the fist of lava with his his own hand, not caring if he was burnt or not. As Mr. 3 was being pulled to safety, Marco picked him up; his face full of rage.
"Just get these handcuffs off! NOW!!" Mr.3 did as told. Meanwhile, Akainu watched as Jimbei grabbed his burnt hand in pain.
"I suggest you put an end to your attempts to buy time, Jimbei. As a former shichibukai, you should be all too familiar with the power I wield..."
"If by tearing this body apart, I can delay you in the slightest, then I am content! I never intended to place value on my own life from the outset!" Jimbei roared back. On the other side of the battle field, Garp started to make his way towards his grandsons, only to find his face smashed into the ground by Sengoku.
"What do you mean to do, Garp?!"
"You'd better...keep me held down here tight, Sengoku! Because if you don' can be damned sure...I'm going to murder...that Sakazuki!!"
"You fool!" Sengoku hissed.
"It would seem that a little punishment for this traitor is in order!" Yelled Akainu, ready to fight with Jimbei.
"Jimbei, get down! Someone ordered from behind him. He did what he was told. Akainu was soon met with a slice to the shoulder and a kick to the chest.
"Commander Vista!! Commander Marco!!" Akainu growled in frustration.
"Ahh, this is getting irritating! Haki users now?" Vista panted, as did Marco.
"For a moment's neglect, I feel boundless regret!
"Can you not see it is too late for Fire Fist?" Asked Akainu, still healing from the attacks.
"How could we let this happen?!" Marco asked, his eyes never leaving Akainu...
Ace stood there, it was all he could do at the moment. Finally, his legs gave out. He landed in Luffy's grasp.
"Ace!" Crew members cried his name as they could only watch the scene before them. Ace panted, his body felt tremendous pain. But he ignored it. All he could feel was Luffy's tight grip holding him.
"I'm sorry.....Luffy....." Luffy put his hand on Ace's back, feeling a warm liquid stick to his hand. As he raised his hand and saw it covered with a crimson color, he knew Ace was in serious trouble.
"Ace! We've gotta hurry and treat you-"
"I'm sorry I couldn't let you save me properly..." Ace panted, giving the smallest smile as he spoke. "Forgive me!!"
"What are you talking about?! Don't say stupid things like that!! Somebody deal with his wounds!! Somebody save Ace!!" A doctor quickly started to run over, but Ace's voice stopped him.
"It's no good!!... I can tell when my own end has come! He's burned up my insides... I'm not coming back from this..... so, Luffy. Listen up!" Luffy's mind blanked for a second.
"....W-What are you talking about? Ace...are you going to die...? No! ...You promised!! You told me, didn't you, Ace?! You said you wouldn't die!"
" know...if it weren't for the Sabo thing... and having a little brother like you to look out for...I would never have....even....wanted to live..." Luffy's eyes widened as Ace closed his eyes, his mind running memories through his head.
"If Gold Roger'd had a kid? Then oughtta be executed!"
"Nobody else wanted me to, after it's only natural...!"
"Oh, I've got a good one! How about sticking one needle in his body...for every person in the world with a grudge against Roger!"
"No, he should be burned at the stake! That way the whole world...could watch and laugh as he went to his death! They'd all be saying the same thing, you know? 'Serves you right!' Gyahahahaha!"
"I know what his last words will be as well! 'I'm sorry for being born, piece of trash that I am!'"
"Ah, well, not like he really exists..."
"Ace! You've been causing trouble in the town!"
"Shut up! If I was strong, I would've killed the lot of them!"
...Oh yeah...if you ever...happen to run across Dadan...could you tell him goodbye from me..? It's that I'm about to die... I even feel like I miss that idiot..." Ace took in several more deep breaths. "I have just... one regret... That I won't be able to see... your dream come to pass..." Luffy froze. He couldn't believe this was happening. This had to be a nightmare, right? "But I know you. You'll pull it off for sure!! You're my brother after all...! Just like we promised back then... I have no regrets...about how I lived my life!" Luffy found his voice as he was brought back to reality.
"No! You're lying!!" Ace panted more.
"No, it's true! It looks like what I really wanted in the end...wasn't fame or renown at all... It was an answer to the question of whether I should have been born... My voice is getting too quiet.. Luffy, I want you to listen to what I say now... and tell it the guys afterwards..." Luffy just nodded. It was all he could do. "Old man!! All you guys! And...Luffy..."
"Get out here! I'm here to take the head of Whitebeard!"
Whitebeard let a few drops of tears fall from his eyes.
"Even though I've been good for nothing my whole life... Even though I carry the blood of a demon within me!!
"And we're gonna save you no matter what!! Don't you dare give up!!"
You guys still lived me!! Thanks you so much!!" Tears fell Ace's eyes and onto Luffy's shoulders. Ace took in one last breath, turning his frown into a nice smile...
Then he fell from Luffy's shoulder.
He landed on the ground in front of Luffy, his body unmoving. Luffy stared down in silence, not knowing what just happened. He stared at Ace for a few seconds, not noticing the vivre card burning right beside him.
" you think..."
Ace's vivre card burnt to nothing in the thin air.
"...I should really have been born...?"
When Luffy looked down to his brothers face, he saw a beautiful smile upon his older brother. He looked so peaceful...almost as if he had just fallen asleep...
Realization hit Luffy, suddenly knowing his brother had died. Then only thing he could do was stare up at the sky in pure horror and hurt.
"What, did you think I was dead?"
"What're you crying for?! Don't act like people are dead when they're not, dummy" I'm not gonna die, no matter what! That's a promise! Like hell I could die and leave my weak little brother all on his own!"
Luffy's eyes blanked out, he was still staring at the sky; his mouth open as if he was ready to scream... Garp cried a few silent tears of his own as he watched his oldest grandson die in the arms of his younger one...
"If it's a boy...'Ace'....Gol D. Ace... the name of our child..."
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