Chapter 1:

No Underwear

Luffy danced around in circles, a giant grin was plastered on his face. "I'm not wearing underwear today! No I'm not wearing underwear today! Not that you probably care much about my underwear! Still none the less I gotta say~ that I'm not wearing underwear today!"

One older lady walking by had yelled 'Pervert' while walking past. Some random younger girl watched the 17 year old boy sing and dance horribly and asked the next to her a question.

"Is he always like this?" Ace sighed.

"Unfortunately, yes." The girl nodded and watched the younger brother repeat the show over again. Then Ace cleared his throat and tilted his head a little. "Actually, I think he's only like this on Tuesdays."


Just a very short and random thing. So go see Luffy on Tuesdays, okay?
Song: No Underwear
Artist: Not quite sure. Anyone know?
Heads up! There will be more chapters coming up! At least three more chapters or more! R&R please! Thank you!