Don't own Naruto…blah blah..
' watching me..'
The blonde's head snapped up, blue gaze raking the room, intently seeking for the source of his discomfort.
"Naruto! Are you even listening?" Sasuke's low hiss brought him out of his search. He returned his gaze to the, now fuming, brunette beside him. He smiled sheepishly, one hand drifted into golden locks to scratch lightly.
"hey Sasuke.. how long have you been there?" he asked grinning
Onyx eyes narrowed "you haven't even started typing up those schedules, have you."
His grin widened " haven't started' is such a strong phrase I prefer 'was about to eventually'"
Sasuke stared at the grinning blonde before him, trying his best to control his temper, and failing miserably. Taking a few deep breaths and stroking his aching temples he tried again.
" So tell me, what have you been doing these last 5 hours?" he asked, quite proud of how calm he sounded.
"Well there was this really interesting crack on the counter-"
"He didn't have to hit me!"
"That what you get for slacking off"
Naruto glared at the pink haired girl sitting across from him.
"whose side are you on?"
"His?.. duh?"
His scowl dissolved into a pout. Of course Sakura was on Sasuke's side. That went without saying, considering she, and 97% of the female population, was trying to get into sasuke's pants. Speaking of naughty bits,
"I thought you and Ino were together"
"Hmph don't bring up that skinny bitch's name in my presence" She growled,
"Another argument huh"
She ignored him " Anyway Naruto, you shouldn't be taking Sasuke for granted, I mean -"
"I know I no, my mind has just been not my own lately" he mumbled.
She gave him a "uh-huh" look but chose not to comment. Naruto glanced around, at the familiar dark green and white walls. It had been some time since he and Sasuke had started this health club, Konoha, 8 years in fact. They were pretty successful if he did say so himself.
Why, did he feel so..
"maybe we should open a Konoha in Paris?" he sighed letting his head drop on the table with a soft 'thunk' "I need a change."
Sakura chuckled "Parlez-vous français?"
Naruto scowled at her again. "that better have meant 'I'm taking you for ramen'"
Judging from her hysterical giggles….he guessed not.
Ok.. this is a START ama need some reviews tellin me where to head … if yall dnt mind