I couldn't help myself, I was rereading this and I HAD to add on to it. The fact that i read Gaara's little speech helped a bit... I own nothing.
At a crossroads, you took control for the first time, with a true desire for change. You have realized, Gaara, that life is harsh and cruel but worthwhile... to be celebrated. Something fragile yet unyielding, something wonderful and terrible.
With a sigh, you rememer the insanity that tore your mind to shreds, the everalsting hatred that shook your broken form. You remember the curses, the lies, the pain... all of the darkness that clouded your eyes.
With a smile, you remember how dreary the blue skies looked, how dim the sun had shone, and all of the other pleasant things you'd overlooked in your perpetual state of sullen misery. Sadness is still your close companion, wrought with grief for your sins and weaknesses, but happiness lays its fair hands upon you from time to time, doesn't it, love?
Ah, yes. You remember the dull ache of despair. You remember the throbbing at the base of your skull and the voice that slithered and writhed through the synapses of your mind, driving you on in agony. All of the death, the despair that you caused was to ease your pain, but it had only made it worse. The roping scar stands a firm testament to your old ways, and a budding hope for your new life.
You died. You fell into the arms of darkness, shrouded in shadows and unfeeling to the rest of the world. You died, Gaara. You died, like Shigure, like Karura, like Yashamaru, and like your father. Unlike the others, though, you Gaara still had purpose. You had something more to offer the world, so you were revived. Brought back to the rosy face of day and the smiling eyes of the world. So different, so different than what you have always known...
Gaara, you realize what you were then and what you are now. You were madness, you were sorrow, you were pain, death, a demon of few words and many impulses. Now, what are you? You are... the Kazekage... you are a brother... a friend... a leader... a hope.
Hope for the things yet to come.
Soooo, I hope you liked this little add on. I would appreciate reviews!