Author Notes:
I'm sorry for the loong delay. I had writers block and I was busy with a few other things, my life isn't hectic but .. I'm just plain lazy. -.-
Anywho. Thanks for waiting whoever is, :)
It isn't really much, but I tried since I never wrote something like this before.
Read and Review. No flames or bashing please.
I followed my brother through the metal door and down the steps. I of course made sure we were at a distance from each other, I bit my nail as I watched the back of his head, the walk to his office was pretty silent and uncomfortable.
He opened the doors and kept them open so I could walk in, I closed it and he sat at his desk. The usual smirk across his face showed, I didn't even flinch from the memory when he had kissed me.
"Brother. Why did you kiss me?" I asked him all to confidently, he sighed and signaled me to come closer so I did. I strided closer to the point my hand brushed against his wooden desk. He stood up and in an instant he grabbed my tie and I was pulled over the desk in a rough action that I winced.
Not for long fortunatly since I felt a pair of lips upon my mouth again, this time he seemed a bit more eager than the rooftop incident. He was grasping my shoulders tightly, I could already feel his nails digging into my shoulders as his tongue hungrily past through my lips and started to play with my own tongue that was also as feverish as brother was.
My hands pulled him closer, I then realized I was now sitting on his desk. His body inbetween my legs, his body was brushing hard against a certain problem I was having, I couldn't believe I was having this 'problem' when we were just making out.
"Nngg- Brother.." I moaned, trying to escape him for a few seconds to get comfortable but he wouldn't let me, he now held my waist tightly and pulled me closer to him, suddenly his mouth was on my neck and my head had tilted back to give him more space.
"You.. didn't.. Aa-nswer my q-question.." My effort on talking was almost embarrasing, until I felt the sharpness of his canine teeth scrape across my neck, and suddenly he had sunk them in and I almost screamed, fortunatly I bit my lip hard enough to contain those nauseating noises.
A slick and soft muscle went over the pain in my neck, a chuckle escaped my brother as he looked me in the eyes. "You're just too irrestible for me to contain myself." He said, honestly.
I gasped when his hand touched my leg near my 'problem' area. I scrambled a bit to try and get away, I knew then what my brother wanted and what he wanted is what he gets.
"I-I get it.. Y-your hot for me... L-Let goo." I whined in his embrace and the thing that made me stop in my tracks was the dangerous growl escaping my brother, he sounded almost like a vicious animal ready to kill his prey and I couldn't hide the shiver and fear rising in the pit of my stomach.
Next thing I knew it I was pushed off his desk and onto the hard floor with a loud thud, I looked at him almost weakly and noticed him glaring at me in disgust. I got up from the floor and in a huff turned around and was about to walk out, my hand on the doorknob to feel his eyes on me.
"You forgot your tie," I could hear the playfulness in his voice, but I wasn't about to succumb to him just like that.
I turned, gave him a nod. "Keep it." And I made my escape.
Mephisto's P.O.V.
I had no idea why I got so angry at him for just to shove my brother off my desk, everything was going so damn splendid but it was like he knew it was going to happen. I didn't like when Amaimon had the upper hand, I felt alone after he left though.
My hand clenched the striped tie in my hand, the one I tore from his neck, I thought of all the ways I could use it on him.
I left on my desk though to pick up the stuff we had thrown off my desk, the mess wasn't too big. Papers and pencils scattered on the floor, I could easily smell the distinct scent of Amaimon on my desk and the floor.
Why did I get so angry?
When did I want him so badly?
Ever since we came back or maybe when he would usually visit Rin. I had no idea, just that one moment seeing him on top of the building, his cute pout and childish demeanor is what drove me to act upon my selfish impulses.
I had to get a hold of myself, before I drive Amaimon away from me.
It's no fun when he ain't around.
The End.
Author Notes:
I decided to stop it here.
I didn't say there was going to be a lemon scene. ;)
LOL. IT just impulse and brotherly love. ;) If you get what I mean. Lmfao.
Thanks fer reading.
Last reviews are appreciative. No flames.
I might actually write a sequal with Rin and Yukio. mild-Amaimon and Mephisto.
If you think I should. Please tell me in the Reviews. xD