— ▽o▽o▽—

In these last few days, Law has never felt more alive.

He happily walks through the hospital doors, kindly holding the door out for others passing through, hell; he even greets the security guard at his desk. Some of the staff fined it oddly weird. He's been like this since Wednesday. They wonder, just what was it that was making Trafalgar Law walk in so happy every morning?

(7:00 am: Earlier that morning)

"Hah-aaaah, right there, don't stop." The twenty year old moaned. He was at his peak. Both of them are.

Luffy's panting grows louder, filling the room with delicious moans. He grabs hold of the counter for his dear life as his boyfriend thrusts into him from behind.

Law moves faster. His legs began to tremble; he swears he's starting to see white. He changes his angle very slightly, and fucking Christ does he want to cum so badly now. He grabs hold of Luffy's leaking cock, pumping it as fast as he could.

And that just about does it for both of them.

With one last and hard push— both men cum, spilling their seeds all over the kitchen drawers and inside of Luffy.

Law wastes no time pulling up his boxers and zipping up his pants after. He reaches for his now wrinkled blouse and groans quietly to himself for not hanging it in a more suitable location. Thankfully he could just wear a coat over it while at work.

Luffy, coming back from his high, walks next to Law and picks up his clothes as well. He slides his boxers on and throws an oversize shirt over head. The fabric falls just above his knees, hiding his underwear, making it seem as if he was only wearing that and that only. Law wouldn't mind going for another round just about now. Of course that was completely out of the question.

Because once again, running late for work, Law managed to let Luffy talk him into a quick fuck.

This was getting out of hand...okay maybe not. But still, when he says he's only going to stop by for a quick hello, it should only mean that. And that only. Not ramming your dick into your boyfriend ass!

"Do you want some coffee before you go?" Luffy says, picking up the rest of the clothes from the ground and throwing it inside the hamper.

"No, I'll just buy some when I get to work." He checks the time on his phone, "I should get going anyways. Only stopped by to say hello."

"Tsk, you've been saying that since Wednesday and yet, here you are every time." Luffy returns and stands in front of Law. He has a tie in his hand and swings it around Law's neck and begins to tie it.

"Hey it's not my fault you're always seducing me." Law makes clear, "Answering the door with just that one shirt on, your messy bed hair, and noticeable morning wood to top it all off. It's like your begging me to fuck you."

"Wow. Okay, sure. Because that's really what I'm trying to do to you." Luffy responds sarcastically and rolls his eyes. He's close to finishing the knot around his lover's neck.

"Still, we really opt to be more careful when we do this. I don't think it would be appealing for Kid to walk in on us one of these days with my dick up your ass in the area that he cooks. Don't you think?"

"Kid's not here this weekend remember? He has that one DJ gig in Brooklyn."Luffy says, taking a step back to admire his piece of work. He has Sanji to thank for that.

"Still. What about the next times? He is going to come back you know. Maybe we should just stick to my place."

"What's wrong with using my room?" Luffy quickly crosses his arms and gives Law a furrowed stare.

Law gently places his hand over Luffy's shoulder and calmly says, "You're not exactly the quietest person in bed, Luffy." which was definitely not a problem for him.

"Oh, and you're not?" Luffy immediately replies back, feeling appalled that Law would even say such a thing. Not that it was a lie. It was more than true actually. But still, it was a lousy reason for an excuse.

"Okay, look." Law takes a step forward and pushed some strands of hair behind Luffy's ear. He places a chaste kiss on Luffy's forehead. "Let's just talk about this after work, yes?"

Luffy gives Law one last cold stare, "Fine" and makes his way to the front door, holding it open for Law. "But remember, you're still going with me to visit my mom after work."

"At 3 o'clock, I remember. Do you need me to bring flowers or anything?"

"Already got that covered." He says as Law steps out the door with his bag.

"Well if you say so." He turns to face Luffy, "have a good day then and try not to eat everything while I'm gone. We just went grocery shopping yesterday."

"No promises there" and both lean forward and kiss. "Love you; say hi to Shachi for me."

"Tsk," he rolls his eyes, "Love you too." And he takes off without saying another word.

Luffy shuts the door to his apartment, he smiles as walks over to the couch and slumps his sore body on top of it. He makes a tired sigh; he'll clean up the mess after his nap. It was not like he had a roommate to worry about—

"You two are so fucking loud, you know that?" his roommate says, standing at the end of the hall way with his arms crossed. His voice caught Luffy by complete surprise and shook him off the couch in a heartbeat.

"K—Kid! W—what are you, when did you get back?" Luffy stammers nervously with a tint of red forming on his cheeks.

"Last night. The show got canceled so Bonney and I came home."

"Bonney is here too!?"

"Yup" Kid makes a silent chuckle before turning back around and walks to his bedroom. "And I suggest you start cleaning up your "mess" before she makes you lick it off clean."

The door to Kids bedroom shuts and Luffy falls back onto the couch. Shit shit shit shit he curses to himself. How fucking embarrassing. Okay, so maybe they should just stick to Law's placed after all.

(9:40am: back inside the hospital)

Law walks into his patient's room; he slowly closes the door behind him as he takes a seat on the exam stool. He mentally reads over his new patients file. Sophie he reads to himself, before saying it again out loud. He extends his arm out to properly great her, but she stalls for a short second. What's gotten into her? Law wonders.

Of course it's when he eyes the location that she's looking when everything all makes clear.

He knew he should have applied some gloves before coming in. No use worrying about it now. What's done is done and Sophie is just going to have to trust him. Not her fault he decided to be a little shit back in high school and think it smart to tattoo his whole upper body. Seriously thought, how was he supposed to know he was going to be a doctor when he got older?

"Good morning Sophie, how are you this morning?" he greets her with his best professional tone. It's seemed to work, because now she is looking right back at him instead of his hands.

"I'm doing good Dr, thank you." She responds in a very quiet tone. It's better than nothing.

He begins with the examination. He starts by apply three electrode patches on Sophie's chest. Then kindly tells her to lie down on her left side so he could place the transducer at the center of her heart. They wait patiently for the images to show up on his computer screen.

"Everything is looking very good." He tells her. And they wait patiently for some more images to appear on the screen.

The room was dead silent; the sound of Law pressing his fingers against the keyboards was all that could be heard. This was good. For Law, this was exactly what he needed. A nice quiet time with just him and his patient. He enjoyed times like these in the hospital.

"Now, if you could, rest your left arm below your head for me please. Perfect, just like that. Now move your arm—"

The door behind them creeks open, then closes shut again. Law did his best to hold in an agitated sigh.

"Well damn, there you are." Shachi steps closer into the room, taking the extra chair from against the wall and rolling it closer to Law and Sophie. "Where have you been these last four days? Been looking everywhere for you."

"Avoiding you." Law says so bluntly. He doesn't hold back.

"Hey now, that's not very nice." he makes himself even more comfortable. He eyes Sophie resting on the bed and gives her a polite smile. She sends one back to him. Seriously, why is he even in here? Can't he find some other doctor to annoy?

"What is it that you want Shachi? Can't you see that I'm busy?" motioning his hands to the computer screen in front of him.

"Just wanted to check up and see how my friend was doing. Can't a guy care?" and Law swears he could hear a silent awe coming from his patient.

"We're not friends—we're not friends" he repeats a second time to Sophie, gesturing his finger between him and the other man.

"So cold. Is this how you are with Luffy?" he crosses his arms together and shakes his head in disappointment. "I take it things didn't go to well after the party? Well, just so you know, I was rooting for you the entire time." The man was teasing him, god he loved doing that. He lived for it. But Law on the other hand; he's just about had it.

"Okay that's it. Get out." He point to the door, and Shachi gets up while grinning. He lifts his arms up in surrender.

"Kidding Law, I was only kidding." He stands by the door, holding the knob. Before leaving he turns back around and quickly says, "But seriously though, let me know what happened after the party. I've been dying to know." And that was the last of him for that remaining hour.

Meanwhile, Law goes back to his computer, he tries to read out the words printed on the screen, but his mind is still distracted from Shachi's unwelcomed visit. The nerve of the bastard. Walking into his exam room and asking about his sex life. Unbelievable. It's so like him.

Law does his best to cover up his blushing face. He thinks it's working, but he's not fooling anyone. The room goes back to complete silence, Law wants this exam to be over; he wants this day to be over. God, he swears when he finds Shachi, he'll show him a thing or two about interrupting him when he's with a patient. For now thought, he just had to focus his job, then he could kick Shachi's ass after.

"Your friend is very funny" Sophie, who Law almost forgot was in the same room as him, commented.

Law had to restrain himself from rolling his eyes. Seriously, what sort of ridiculous idea led her to believe that they were friends?

"That man was not my friend. He's just an annoying coworker that I try to stay away from as much as possible. I suggest you do the same."

Sophie looks back at Law with a questioning stare; she wasn't buying his reply at all. To her, they were friends, whether he liked it or not—whether he knew it now or later, those two were friends.

"Okay doctor Trafalgar, whatever you say." She rolls back onto her side so they could get back to what they were previously doing. Law types in more keys on the computer screen and they get back to business. "By the way doctor Trafalgar, I'm very sorry to schedule my appointment for today. You probably had some important plans with your mother."

"Take to deep breaths for me please, very good." He types in some number on the screen. Still looking at the computer, he replies to Sophie with a simple, "Not really."

"I'm sorry?" Sophie responds back confused.

"My mother past away many years ago, I can't even remember the last time I celebrated mother's day." He responds back so casually, as he leans forward to remove the straps places over Sophie's chest.

"Oh. I'm so sorry to hear that. I didn't mean to—"

"Hey, don't worry about it." the doctor says, smiling courteously.

"Um, I know it's not my place to ask this, but, why don't you celebrate today? I mean she's still your mother after all." She asks, sitting back up from the bed. "When my father passed away, we would still go out and buy him some flowerers for his birthday and father's day. He's still a big part of our lives even till this day"

Law really didn't want to get into this conversation. Especially with one of his patient who knew absolutely little to nothing about his life. Seriously, he hated people like this. Who do they think they are?

He sits up from his stool with printed results in his hands; he looks over at Sophie, who was still probably waiting for an answer. Then, he turns and walks towards the exit. Stopping only to tell her, "Go ahead a change back into your regular clothes; the nurse will discuss your results." And he closes the door and leaves.

When Law steps out of the room, sure enough Shachi was outside waiting for him. Law gives him a nasty look before avoiding him completely and walking towards his office. Shachi follows.

"Law, why are you avoiding me?"

"I'm always avoiding you. You just don't know how to get the hint." Law says, stepping into his office. "Close that door; I don't need any more of you coming in here."

Shachi obeys Law's order and closes the door. He walks towards his desk, fixing his eyes on the little assortment of picture frames he had lying across. His attention lands on a small black frame, smaller than all the rest. He picks it up and it's a polaroid photo inside a frame. There's a women in the photo and she is sitting next a small boy inside a Ferris wheel. She looks happy. So does the boy. Everything in this photo gives off a happy vibe and Shachi can't help but smiles while staring at the photo. He wants to ask Law about it.

Thankfully Law gets to him first.

"That's my mother; she and my father took me to the Santa Monica Pier for my seventh birthday." He says, back turned away from Shachi as he goes over his papers.

Shachi turns to Law, then back to the photo one last time. He places it back in its rightful place and takes a seat on the empty chair behind him "She's very beautiful." He says.

"Was very beautiful" Law corrects

"Oh...uh...I'm so sorry, I didn't know." He stammers

"That's because I never told you."

Shachi taps his foot nervously. He doesn't know what to say in these types of situations, nevertheless to a person like Trafalgar Law.

"How did she—or I mean when did she...you know...?" he dares to ask

"About 10 months after that photo was taken." He simply goes out and says. He knows very well that if he ignored the questions, Shachi will only pry on it more and more. "She was pregnant with my sister Lamie. She caught anemia and became very sick very fast." Law doesn't hesitate with his response. He's told this story many times before. It's the same one every time.

"Oh...I see..." Shachi doesn't know what to say. That's the fucking first.

"So why are you really in here?" Law changes the subject, because damn, how depressed things have gotten all of a sudden. "I know you didn't follow me inside to talk about my dead mother."

"Huh?" Shachi's solemn concentration is then broken, "Oh, right." He perks up from his seat, giving Law a teasing grin. "So, did you and Luffy finally get a chance to, you know..." He begins to push his right index finger into his left balled up fist, wearing the most perverted immature face Law has ever seen. Seriously, how old was this fucking guy? And was he being fucking serious? Did he seriously just come in here to ask if he had sex with Luffy?

"That's none of your god damn business. I'm not telling you shit of what happened after the party." The doctor makes perfectly clear.

"No need to tell me; I could already see the answer on your face." Shachi says with a wide smile. He lifted off his seat as he pointed to Law's colored cheeks. "Way to go Hollywood, I knew you had it in you!" His voice goes a bit louder this time and Law has to tell him to shut the fuck up.

Seriously, how did he even get stuck with this guy? Just how? Why not Penguin? At least he was quiet and didn't pry into his personal life. Unlike this bastard over here.

"Okay, there, you happy? Now get the hell out of my office, I have some important papers that I need to complete."

"Oh lighten up Law, I was only joking."

"Well I'm not, now get out."

Shachi lifts his arms up in surrender. He makes his way to the closed door before opening it wide. It had gotten crowded outside with doctors and patients passing through the halls. Before leaving of course, Shachi turns one last time and says loudly across the room to Law, "Well I at least hope you guys used a condom. Safe sex is great sex after all." and Shachi is gone and Law is left sitting there at his desk, crimson red with his door wide open and people looking over to him. He was definitely going to murder Shachi!

— ▽o▽o▽—

That evening, Law waits for Luffy at the location he had texted him with. He waits outside the entrance of the gate, hands buried into his pocked to keep them warm—god he definitely wished he had brought his pack of cigarettes right about now.

The time was now 4:25, where the hell was that guy?

He hears hurried footsteps in the distance, he looks towards the sound and sure enough there was Luffy, running towards him as fast as he can, heavily panting, with ruffled hair and a bouquet of red and white hibiscus flowers.

Law stands from his seat and walks over to the panting boy, meeting him half way.

"I am...so...sorry..." Luffy pants through every word. He leans over next to his boyfriend, hands resting on his knees as he tries to catch his breath.

"Is everything okay? What took you long?"

Luffy stands back up straight, he brushed the dust off his jacket and gives Law a bright toothy grin as he shows him the bouquet of flowers.

"Ta-dah! What do you think? Nice huh?" Luffy hands the bouquet of hibiscus to Law. Law takes them and looks at them confusingly. They do look rather nice though; there is no disagreeing with that. "The flower shop was pretty packed today so I was stuck in line for like ever."

"So why not just go to a different shop?" he asks, handing back the bouquet to Luffy and giving him a kiss in the process. His lips where cold and dry from the long jog.

"I can't do that! That's moms favorite flower shop, she'd definitely notice if I got them someplace else." Law rolls his eyes and shakes his head. Luffy grabs hold of his boyfriends hand and together they walk towards the front gate.

Twenty minutes. Twenty long minutes of getting lost, the couple finally find what they were looking all over for.

"I knew we were supposed to go this way! I don't know why I always forget?" Luffy walks a bit faster towards their destination, with Law following at his regular speed from behind. "This place keeps getting bigger and bigger somehow." Luffy says out loud.

Luffy stops. Law comes from behind and stands next to his lover. He looks around and admires the scenery; it's been a while since he's visited these kinds of places.

"Looks like Ace and Sabo already stopped by." Luffy comments as he kneels to the ground and pulls out a small blanket from his backpack. He spreads it over the freshly mowed grass and takes a comforting seat. "Law, come and sit down next to me. I want to introduce you to my mom."

Law complies and takes a seat right next to Luffy. He crosses his legs as he watching his said lover place the bouquet of red and white hibiscus flowers carefully next to the beautifully carved gravestone.

"Hey mom! Sorry for getting here late, flower shop was a little more packed today than usual." Luffy chuckles quietly to himself. "So, anyway, there's actually someone here who I'd like for you to meet. I think you'd really like him. " He lets out two cough like sounds and turns his attention towards Law. "Mom, this is my boyfriend, Law Trafalgar. Law, this is my mother, Rouge Portgas."

Law looks at the gravestone standing in front of him. He suddenly feels very awkward being here. He doesn't like being in these kind of places, he never has. He then feels a light nudge at his sleeve and turns his attention back towards Luffy who was pointing back towards his mother gravestones with his eyes, indicating that it was his turn to say hello.

"Oh. Right." He clears his throat, "Hello Mrs. Portgas, it's very nice to meet you. Luffy has told me so much about you." Okay that last part was a lie, but not like she knew that, or did she? Do ghost know these kinds of things?

The wind picks up speed as the sound of dry crumbled leaves echo all throughout the cemetery. The air grows chillier than before so Law zips his jacket all the way and moves closer to Luffy. How this bastard is not cold is beyond him. Law looks towards all the other graves that lay around them. There has got to be more than a thousand if not more dead people underneath them right now. The thought of that makes him feel uncomfortable.

He turns his attention back towards Rouge's grave. He reads the descriptions written on the stone: Portgas D. Rouge, June 10 1974-November 17 2013, a loving mother and a loving wife. Right next to the engraved words was a beautiful picture of Rouge herself. She wore a light blue dress that brought out the freckles on her cheeks; Law could definitely see where Ace had got them from. And resting perfectly on her strawberry red hair was a red hibiscus flower, which would explain the ones Luffy had brought earlier.

She was beautiful. No—she was gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous.

"She's gorgeous" Law comments

"Yeah. She really was." Luffy replies.

Luffy had once mentioned to Law about his mother passing away. That's all he's ever told him though. Nothing more. He wanted to know more. He wanted to know about this special woman in Luffy's life.

"You know...when you told me that your mother had passed away, I was under the impression that it was when you were eight or nine years old." He says casually, leaning his body back to rest comfortably. "So why didn't you tell me that it was just two years ago?"

Law patiently waited for a response.

"I didn't think it mattered." Luffy spoke softly, not pulling his attention away from the grave. Law could see the way Luffy's hands curled into a tight fist, the way his cheek bones would ball up. Luffy was upset. But why?

"Luffy..?" Law sits back up. "Hey, is everything—"

"It's all my fault." Luffy said quietly. "It's all my fault. I'm the reason why she's no longer here."

"..What do you mean?" Law asks calmly and confused. He reaches his hand over Luffy's shoulder, but stops suddenly, thinking how much worse this would only make the situation. God, how much he would have hated it if someone did that to him.

Luffy remained silent. Law waited. And he waited and he waited some more.

"Listen Luffy," he finally says. "You don't have to tell me anything if you don't want to. Just know however, that I am always here whenever you need someone" God that was pathetic. Who the hell says those things?

Before Law could say anymore, Luffy suddenly began talking. He wasted no time; he spilled out everything to Law. He trusted Law; he wanted him to know everything. He had a right to know everything. It was only fair.

"I'm not sure if Ace or Kid has already told you this, but, before you came along there was this other guy that I was dating. His name was Wiper and we dated for about one year or so, I really can't remember at this point. Anyways, he was a stupid activist, he protested for just about anything really—and boy was I head over heels for him." Luffy rolls his eyes annoyingly. "Many times I would skip class just to go out and protest with him and his friends, Kid being one of them." that would explain how Luffy and Kid knew each other so well. "At the time, I thought what I was doing was right; I thought it was for the greater good or whatever—that's how he made it seem anyway."

"My senior year came by and my grades had dropped badly. I didn't care of course. I had no intention of going to college either way, hell; I wanted to drop out right then and there. But I didn't. I couldn't. Because..." He began fidgeting with his hands. "Because I promised my mom that I would graduate. I knew how much it meant to her. I didn't want to disappoint her any more than I already did."

Luffy pauses. He swallows hard before trying to speak again. "Then one day I skip school of course, I'm involved in this massive protest with Wiper, Kid and all his other friends. We're yelling, screaming, holding up signs—the police are across the street from us, shields up and all, and then, out of know where my phone begins to buzz in my pocket." He closes his eyes for a split second and swallows another heavy gulp. "It was my dad. He tells me that—that my mom was in hospital again. That her illness was getting worse." Luffy's eyes get glossy. His voice is cracking. "He tells me to go over right away. That she wants me there with her."

Luffy clears his throat repeatedly "So I ask Wiper to come with me. And of course he refuses, like always. He says this was more important and that if I needed to, then leave because he didn't need me here anyways. Kid gets mad at him for being a selfish asshole, I get pissed off and we start yelling and fighting. I slap him he punches me—it's a big mess. And the whole protest is getting out of hand, but we don't notice. We don't notice anything. We don't notice everyone running, or Kid yelling at us to run or the police heading towards us with pepper spray. All I can remember is waking up in a jail cell the next day with Wiper, Kid, and two other guys."

Law is left speechless; he did not expect this from Luffy. He didn't expect any of this from him. But he didn't say a single word about it. Wasn't going to. He was going to sit quietly and listen, because that's what he said he'll do.

"That same morning, Ace is at the police station picking me up. He looked different. His eyes were red and puffy; he wasn't looking at me since the moment he got there." Luffy takes in a few deep breaths "And just like that he tells me "mom's dead"—at that moment I lost all feeling in my body, I fell to the cold group crying in pain. It's all my fault."

Luffy covers his eyes; tears were now streaming down his face "It's my fault that she died Law. It's all my fault. If I had just gone to school like she wanted me too, if I had just listened, she wouldn't have been so stressed out, she would have still been here. It's my fucking fault!" he yells out.

Law took Luffy into his arms, he held him there tightly. He didn't let go. He didn't care that Luffy stained his shirt with tears and snob, that wasn't important. Luffy was. And right now Luffy needed him.

"Hey, it's not your fault. Okay? It's not your fault." Law strokes Luffys hair as he speaks calm and softly into his ear. "Blaming yourself is the last thing you wanna do."

Luffy doesn't say anything. Law continues to speak.

"It will only cause more pain. Trust me. When my mother died, I watched my father fall apart right in front of me. He blamed himself for her death, even when it was never his fault to begin with. It went on for months, almost a year—he wasn't getting any better. I was so scared because I thought I was going to lose my father as well. I didn't know what to do, I felt so helpless, Luffy. Eventually though, he pulled through and got the help he needed— he overcame my mother's death and focused all his energy into raising Lamie and me." Law kisses the top of Luffy's head and gently rests his chin there afterwards, simultaneously rubbing his lovers back caringly. "I know all this must be hard for you, but don't think for a second that you are alone in this. You have so many people by your side, Luffy. You have me; and I'm not going anywhere, okay? I'll be right here whenever you need me. I promise."

Luffy slowly embraces Law, tossing his arms over his partners shoulder and rested his head into his chest. With eyes closes he lets out a heavy breath of air and smiles.

"Thank you, Law. For everything." He squeezes him tighter "God, I love you so much."

"I love you too, Luffy." Law holds onto Luffy a little longer, letting the younger boy catch his breath. There is still so much he wants to ask him, but he knows that could all wait for another day. Right now, he just wants to get out of this cemetery and go someplace less depressing for both their sake. "Now, let's get the hell out of this depressing place and go get something to eat, what do you say?"

"Sounds good to me." Luffy happily responds back to Law.

They pack up their belonging and make their way back towards the front gate hand in hand. From the corner of Law's eye he catches his boyfriend shivering, he offers Luffy his jacket in which he gladly accepts—the entire thing was too big on him but neither of them minded whatsoever.

"Hey Law, you think maybe I could stay over at your place tonight?"

"Yeah, of course. But didn't you want me over at your place tonight since you had the place to yourself?"

"That's okay; we're closer to your apartment anyways. Plus your bed is bigger than mine." Luffy responds so suddenly.

"Okay, if that's what you want." Law was a little confused but nevertheless, they make their way toward his apartment.

Luffy's face was flush; hopefully Law thinks it's from the cold. He had almost forgotten about this morning's incident with Kid. God, how embarrassing. There was no way he could see Kids face just yet. And no way in hell was he going to tell Law about that—at least not now anyway. At that moment Luffy mentally promised himself that he would never keep anything from Law, he'll let his boyfriend know when something is wrong—he'll share all his secretes with him, good or bad. He trusted Law, and he knew that Law felt the same way.

— ▽o▽o▽—


I am alive!

So let me just say from the bottom of my heart how sorry I am for disappearing for so long. I didn't expect for that to happen really. A lot has happened to me these last 3 years and honestly with all the things happening, I grew little to no interest to continue writing, but of course many of you kept messaging me and I thank you so much doing that because it really did encourage me to come back and finish what I had started.

Now don't expect a new chapter anytime crazy soon, but just know that I will continue to update my stories and be more active now that my life is more stable. I have a lot of new story idea I want to write! Wish me luck and thank you all for reading this very late chapter!

Have a wonderful day

stay cozy xx